Friday, March 31, 2017

Parenting: The Father

Friday 31 March
READ: Gen.18:19
MORE LESSONS: Eph 6:1-5, Deut. 4:9-10

Fatherhood is a blessing because a lot of things culminate into maturing a man to the position of a father. A father has the oversight because he has seen what others coming after him are just seeing or about to see, … keep thy soul diligently, lest thou forget the things which thine eyes have seen…especially the day that thou stoodest before the LORD thy God: Deut. 4:9-10. A father is a bundle of experience with man and God. A father, as the one in our text, should be able to share with his children certain experiences, especially the ones where he encountered God. It is not enough to be called a father because a man is able to impregnate a woman. Experience goes with fatherhood. It is by the experience garnered over the years that a father can lead others to becoming fathers.
A person who fathers without experience will fail in his role. The experiences God has taken you through as a father are not for fun, they are proofs of God's faithfulness and should be taught to the younger generation. Fathers should tell the younger generation about the faithfulness of God and His ability to perform His counsels. The revelations of God that the fathers have received are to be taught to the children so that the children can in turn seek God and have something to teach the generation after them. That is the plan of God as we can see in our text.
A father is also a provider. The providing ability of the father comes from trusting God for supply. When a man ceases in his responsibility to provide for his own house, that moment he ceases to be a man of faith and he's worse than an infidel, for the just lives by faith. A father has the responsibility of teaching his children to trust in God for the supply of their need. Though most of the things the children need come directly from the father, he should use this to teach them that God is the Jehovah Nissi like Abraham told Isaac when he asked for the ram for the sacrifice. Our children should be taught the faithfulness of God in providing their need.
A father is the defender and protector of the family. He is the Chief Security Officer of the home. This is not only physically but spiritually. He must be sensitive to the things that happen around him. He must keep his home from intruders and make sure that every member of his home is secure. He has the spiritual oversight of the home and must do all to be on guard at all times.

* I speak glory and honour over my spiritual/biological fathers, in Jesus’ name.
* All that makes a father a father shall not be missing in them, in the name of Jesus.

I break the yoke of stagnation, I receive power to advance and I gain speed from today on, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 30, 2017

Godly Children II

Thursday 30 March
READ: Psa. 127: 3-5
MORE LESSONS: 2Tim.1:1-6

The presence of children in the home brings joy to the parents because: 1. they are gifts from God; 2. an addition to the family; 3. the joy of nursing somebody for a beautiful future; 4. assurance of continuity of the family; 5. companion for family members, particularly when a partner is away for a reason. Children have great roles to play in the home and thereby can 'infect' the home with happiness or sorrow, pain, regret or shame, depending on handling. To contribute to the happiness of the home, you must be in tune with the Lord Jesus.
The major role of a child in the home is obedience to parents (Eph 6:1-3,Prov 6:20, Exodus 20:12, Prov 15:5, Col. 3: 20) which affects every other responsibility. Obedience to parents’ instructions serves as a way of training the child in different areas of life. Participation, practice and following parents’ examples via a deliberate process of learning from them, help children fulfil their roles. For instance, Isaac must have been following Abraham for sacrifice and knew things required for sacrifice. That was the reason for Isaac's question to Abraham, ...but where is the lamb for a burnt offering...: Gen. 22:4-8; a suggestion to avert failure. Isaac believed what Abraham told him in reply.
This was a trait of Abraham's faith already in Isaac. Isaac also showed a great act of obedience in accepting to be the lamb for the sacrifice. Therefore, observe your parents’ pattern of actions at home and church; parents should set good examples in actions or reactions at home. Also, join your faith with that of your parent's in family and other matters of life.
Jesus went about doing good while living in the world. He obeyed His parents even while in discussion with doctors of law, saying, ...wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? Luk. 2:46-51. Also, at the marriage of Cana, despite inital remark that His time had not yet come, He gave instruction for the pots to be filled with water and turned the water into wine. His glory was manifested and Mary and Joseph must have been overwhelmed with joy for their 'child' and family being a blessing. Jesus also was obedient to God the Father (Heb. 5: 8, Phil. 2: 8).
The prodigal son's brother said, ...Lo, these many years do I serve thee, neither transgressed I at any time thy commandment...: Luke 15:29. His father did not refute this. Also, God said concerning Jesus, ...This is my beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased: Mat. 3:17. What are the testimonies of your father, mother, church leaders and God about you? Do you make your parents and church leaders happy by obeying them and following their examples? You have a great role to play at home and in church .Be faithful in all and God will reward you.

* We shall not lose our joy over our children, in the name of Jesus.
* Rebuke the spirit of disobedience and rebellion over our children, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive godly children for expectant mothers, in Jesus’ name.

All the promises of God for my life shall run to fulfilment this year, none shall fail, none shall lack its mate, in Jesus' name.

Wednesday, March 29, 2017

Godly Children I

Wednesday 29 March
READ: Psa. 127: 3-5
MORE LESSONS: Prov. 17:6

Children are compared to an arrow in the hands of a mighty man. Arrows are weapons of war and a potential during warfare or a device to help achieve a purpose, they are useful and effective only when they are sharp, strong and handled properly. Our text shows that children have great roles to play in homes. Therefore, parents must be strong in the Lord and diligently train (instruct, teach, correct and encourage) their children (Deut 6 : 4-9, Prov. 22:6) to be arrows that can glorify God and make their parents happy. However, a child left untrained will not amount to anything good at home and in the society but a tool in satan's hand (1Sam. 2: 12-17). Children’s potential as arrows becomes evident when they accept God's Word and necessary parental training as the lives of some children in the Bible show.
In 2 Kings 5:1-15, Naaman's wife's housemaid was bold and had faith to tell her mistress about the living God in Israel who could heal Naaman of leprosy. Naaman got his healing via the counsel of that small Israeli girl. In Genesis 37:1-11, Joseph knew and feared God at a tender age ( Gen 39:9) and did not participate in the evil acts of his brethren while in the field. Also, in Portiphar's house he refused to engage in sexual immorality with Portiphar's wife (Gen. 39: 8-12). Do not engage in evil acts or join others to do the same anywhere.
The exploits of Daniel in Babylon: refusal to eat the king’s meal, determination not to defile himself (Dan 1:4-8) and the manifestation of the excellent spirit in him in understanding and interpreting visions and dreams (Dan 2:17-19) were based on training in Israel and his company. Have godly friends that can help you to be closer to God and enjoy His help to do exploits.
James and John the sons of Zebedee were at the sea side with their father, mending their nets (Matthew 4:20-22) when Jesus met them. They were involved in their father's occupation to give him hope, help, defence and companionship not minding the risks involved. No wonder they also stayed and became special disciples of Jesus. Help and encourage your parents in their occupation.
Jeremiah 35:6-10 records the exploits of the sons of Jonadab (the son of Rechab). They did not question their father's instruction. God recognised the obedience of the Rechabites and declared that the family ...will always have descendants who serve me (a blessing): v19(NLT). God will help you to stand by the godly instructions of your parents, in Jesus’ name. May God help you to be a blessing indeed in your home and society, in Jesus’ name.

* Our children are for the Lord's glory, in Jesus’ name.
* Their glory shall not be covered, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare restoration for every straying child, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I am Heaven bound, my journey shall terminate at the throne of God, not hell, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 28, 2017

Located by God

Tuesday 28 March
READ: Gen 32: 24 - 30
MORE LESSON: Gen 47: 27 - 28

When Rebecca, the wife of Isaac, was pregnant, the Bible says there was a struggle in her womb. She inquired of the Lord and God told her that two nations were in her womb and the younger would be greater than the elder (Gen 25: 21 – 26). When analysed critically, one would come to the conclusion that Jacob was actually the child that should carry the blessing of Abraham as he was the one that God had chosen even before they were born. However, he did a lot of cheating and stealing to get the blessing. The more he struggled to get promoted by his own power, the more he suffered in life. Jacob was a supplanter; he also had to deprive other people to get ahead in life. He was always struggling for other people's things; fighting with other people over their things and even after he got materials he still had no peace of mind.
It was until God located Jacob that his struggles ceased. He had struggled inside the womb, struggled to get the birthright from Esau, struggled to get the blessing from his father, struggled with Laban for wives, struggled with Laban and his children for cattle and material possession. His life was full of struggles. When God located him at Peniel, the only thing he asked of God was to be blessed (Gen 32: 26). This means that even though he cheated to get the blessing from his father, he was never really blessed. It was only after he had an encounter with God that he became truly blessed and his struggles ended.
Everywhere God locates a man, He builds, connects and restores him. When God found Jacob, He changed his name to Israel; a prince with God. God located Jacob and connected him to the spiritual blessing of Abraham. It was this connection that brought ease into his life. In a similar manner, I want to let you know that you have had enough of struggles in your life. It is time for you to allow God begin to build your destiny for you, It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows: for so he giveth his beloved sleep: Psa. 127:2.
Hardwork is a great virtue but God's desire is not that you struggle through life, fighting tooth and nail for everything you get. There is a rest that God gives when He locates a destiny. May God locate you today for ease and blessing in life. You will not live a life of struggles, in Jesus’ name.

* Today is my day of divine location, in Jesus’ name.
* I will not go outside the place of my location, in Jesus’ name.
* Be careful about relocating without divine leading.

I decree that no work of sin, satan or darkness shall prosper wherever I'm located, I shall triumph in righteousness, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, March 27, 2017

Effective Witnesses

Monday 27 March
READ: Acts 1:8
MORE LESSON: John 15:1-8

One of the reasons for the infilling of the Holy Ghost is to enable the believer to access power to be an effective witness for Christ. Being a witness unto the Lord entails being strengthened, knowing God, being filled with the power of the Lord. The Holy Spirit baptism is not only for speaking in tongues, there should be tangible evidence in our lives in terms of strength and power in the Lord. The Holy Spirit in the life of a believer is not for decoration; He is for demonstration. We must consciously place a demand on His ministry in our lives so that men can see God through us in this world.
As God is in control of the heavenly places, we also should have dominion over the earth. This takes the power of the Holy Spirit so that principalities and powers will not be able to stand us. Believers should not run away from demons; demons should rather run away from us. This is the life that God wants us to live and that is the reason He has empowered us with the Holy Spirit. Strength is one thing that we can draw from the Holy Ghost in our daily lives. For a believer to succeed as a president, governor, pastor or whatever, there is a need for the power of the Holy Spirit. This is why Eph.3: 16 says, that he would grant you, according to the riches of his glory, to be strengthened with might by his Spirit in the inner man. When you are conscious of the power you carry, then you have no reason to be weak. It is when you forget what you have that you begin to run helter-skelter. The Holy Spirit is a power to us, and we need Him in order to do everything.
To access this strength and power for being a living witness, you need to constantly feed on the Word of God. God is strength and the Giver of strength and as such we need to know Him through His Word. Being full of the Word of God equips us to be effective witnesses and ambassadors of the kingdom.
Another way we can access strength to be living witnesses for Christ is through partaking of the communion. The communion is the body and blood of Jesus. Jesus says, My body is meat indeed and my blood is drink indeed: John 6: 55. When you partake of the communion, you receive strength even in the day of adversity. I pray for you that you will live as physical evidence of the strength and power of the Holy Spirit. You will not be weak in the days of trouble, in the name of Jesus. Your strength will be steadfast and in the race of life, your strength will not fail.

* Tell the Lord to endow you with all that will make you an effective voice in this endtime, in the name of Jesus.
* Decree that God's power will not cease to be at work in you and for you, in Jesus’ name.

I prophesy to my destiny, I shall be a permanent point of reference for good work everywhere I am found, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, March 26, 2017

Go for More

Sunday 26 March
READ: 2 Kings 13: 14 – 19
MORE LESSON: Deut. 1: 11

The king of Israel came to old Elisha at the prophet's death bed and reported that the enemy had risen against the nation and they needed God's help for victory. The prophet put his hand on the king's arm and gave him some prophetic instructions which included striking an arrow on the ground as a prophetic symbol of striking the Syrians. The king struck the ground three times and the prophet became angry with him. He told him that he should have struck like six times because that was the prophetic sign of his strike over Syria. Obviously, the king thought that after winning three times, he was already an accomplished man and didn't need any further victories. However, the prophet told him that he would continue to have wars with the enemies because he would defeat them only three times but those three victories were not enough to completely vanquish Syria. So Israel would continue to have wars with Syria.
One of the things that prevent men from maximising life is thinking that they have arrived after a few successes. It is popularly said that the enemy of your success is not failure but your last success. When a man thinks that he has hit the bar as a result of his accomplishments, he stops making demands on life and starts sinking into mediocrity. A man who feels satisfied with life has no motivation to desire greater things. Such a man 'has arrived'; he has no where he is going any more. In fact, the way such men pray shows that there is nothing at stake any more. They pray like 'big men'.
Imagine a young brilliant man of 23 years diagnosed with a terminal disease and an old man of 100 years in church where a prayer point for long life is raised. The passion with which each will pray will be different. The mistake the young man would make is to look at the old man praying lackadaisically and he starts to imitate him. The old man has arrived where he is going whereas the young guy has a lot at stake. So, have you arrived where you are going in destiny or you believe there is more that you need to become and do? The answer is not in words; it is in your approach to life.
There is a challenge to those who think they have arrived; there is always a higher level. If you are the governor of your state, there is a difference between being a governor and being a president. If you are a professor; are you known in your classroom only or you have international renown and impact? Even as a pastor, there is more. Today is the day that you should turn your roof to the floor for another storey and start going higher.

* Appreciate God for the 'more' you have never enjoyed.
* Pray that you will not live short of God’s provisions for your destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I am the light of the world, nothing can shut me down, I shall shine brighter and brighter unto the perfect day, in Jesus' name.

Saturday, March 25, 2017

Enough is Enough

Saturday 25 March
READ: Deut. 1: 6
MORE LESSON: Gen 27: 38 - 40

In Deut. 1:6, God spoke to the children of Israel and said to them, You have dwelt long enough in this mount. God told them that it was enough of moving in circles; they were to move forward. What is striking here is that God knows when something is enough. Now, when God, the Most Patient One looks at a situation and says that enough is enough, then man should equally get tired of that situation and respond that enough is enough. Today is the day when you should look at the areas of your life where things are not working and shout, 'Enough is enough.' Every matter of your life that you have been crying about, the Lord has said, “Enough is enough” and so must you.
In Gen 27: 38 – 40, after Esau missed the blessing as the firstborn of Isaac and got something that seemed more or less like a curse, God provided him a way of escape. Isaac had said to him, You'll live by your sword, hand-to-mouth, and you'll serve your brother. But when you can't take it anymore, you'll break loose and run free: Gen 27:40 (The Message). God told Esau that he would become free from servitude and suffering when he decided that enough is enough.
For you to break free in destiny and move forward, you must become passionate in your desire to break out of your present situation. When you decide that you have had enough of an undesirable situation in your life, you must accompany that decision with a strong desire to break free. It is only when there is desire that prayer gets answered. A man can fast and pray but until there is passionate desire, the heavens are closed. One of the reasons people don't have their desire is because they have no eyesight of a better place than where they are. You must desire a change and say that enough is enough of your present situation.

The Lord spoke to the children of Israel and told them that enough is enough of staying in one place. He further said, On your way now. Get moving...: Deut 1:7 (The Message). The Word of the Lord to you this day is that you have had enough of staying in one place; you should get moving now to the next level. Start by saying that enough is enough to the present situation, then take the matter to God in prayer, pick up God’s promises about that situation and present the promises to God in prayer. Then add faith and finally, take definite positive steps about your desire. It’s time to move forward.

* Identify every bad situation and announce, ‘enough is enough’ to such situations of your life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* In the name of Jesus, I withdraw the power of continuity from my troubles.

I take authority over every satanic stronghold operating through ancestral line in my destiny, and I keep them in permanent chains, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, March 24, 2017

Destroy the Spirit of Perversion

Friday 24 March
READ: Rom. 1: 24 – 32
MORE LESSON: Gen. 19: 3 - 7

When men remove God from their lives and conscience, perversity sets in. Satan is in a fierce battle against marriage and the home, this is why there is so much sexual immorality and perversion threatening the family institution in the world today. Each time God wants to do a thing in a generation, he looks for a home to produce a godly seed. It is the seed of the woman from a home that could bruise the head of the devil (Gen 3: 15). One of satan's strategies in this end time is to make sure there are no godly seeds to bruise him. This is why he advocates same sex union.
Men have become reprobate through satanic manipulation because it actually takes a person to lose his/her mind to be a homosexual. The Bible refers to man to man or woman to woman sexual union as unnatural, inconvenient and wicked. For God's sake, how convenient is it for a man to have sex with a man? It is not something to be proud of, it is shameful, wicked and inhuman. The Bible puts it thus, Worse followed. Refusing to know God, they soon didn't know how to be human either — women didn't know how to be women, men didn't know how to be men. Sexually confused, they abused and defiled one another, women with women, men with men — all lust, no love….: Rom 1:26-27 (The Message).
I went to a shop in the United States with my friend who is also a bishop. I held his hand as we talked and walked. Then, he started warning me to let go of his hand. I was wondering what was wrong with him as he is my close friend and normally wouldn't mind the way I held his hand. Then he told me that in that society, when people see us holding hands, we would be announcing that we might be a gay couple. Oh my! I quickly moved away from him. That day I was so exhausted and needed his weight to lean on as a support but he warned me that if I leaned on him, it mean't that we were walking romantically together as a gay couple.
What a shame that two brethren in Christ cannot freely make physical contact again and they will be considered as sexual partners. This is because of the perversion that men have embraced from the devil. It is no longer a Western issue because it is creeping into Africa. We must not allow this disease to thrive in our land, we must pray fervently to rebuke and destroy this evil, in Jesus’ name.

* I come against the spirit of perversion in my life and home, in Jesus’ name.
* The power of God will keep me spotless in this perverse generation, in Jesus’ name.

This year, I shall be strategically connected for a significant improvement in life and destiny, my testimony shall not be small, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 23, 2017

Your Word is your Victory

Thursday 23 March
READ: Job 22: 28- 29
MORE LESSONS: Mal. 3: 16- 18

Your word is your life. Jesus says that the words that He speaks are Spirit and life. Hence if with the Spirit of Christ in us we say things that others in the world say then we would have the same results as theirs. But as for me, When men are being cast down, yet shall I arise and say.... That was what Job said, that when the casting down is going on, I will stand up, and I will say.... So the power over being cast down is in your tongue. What you say about your situation, how you say it, and what you believe and do at the hour that things appear tough and difficult are vital; they can determine what happens to you in that situation.
You ought to be careful what you say even after you have gone through a difficult time and you are waiting for result. For instance, when I was in school and we finished writing a tough paper, some students would not go home immediately after submitting their exam scripts, they would hang around waiting for others to come out so that they could discuss the paper. Their expectation was for you to tell them that the examination was not good. But if you made a mistake and said it was okay, they would say, Ah, ok? Professor! And then you became an object of ridicule for declaring positive.
But hear this friend, even examinations already written can turn around because of your spoken word. Next time the enemy roars at you, roar back at him; roar God's Word to him, roar your confidence in God and your faith to him. Don't ever go down agreeing with the enemy over your situation, testify what the Word of God says. Keep saying, I have conquered you, I am stronger than you, I am more than a conqueror. Greater is He that is in me than he that is in the world. I am more than this challenge, and with God on my side, I will overcome it. I can run through a troop, I will prevail; I can leap over a wall. Keep saying the Word, keep confessing it, even if the matters are not yielding, keep on expressing what God has said about the matter.
Don't listen to your situation, listen to God's Word, listen to the promises of God, listen to what God has said ahead of the situation, for before the start of the problem, God pronounced its end. So keep repeating what God has said in faith and confidence and it shall be to you as you say. Always bear in mind that your words go to God's hearing and He will do according to what He hears you say. Your word is your victory. Speak God's Word always, no matter what.

* I refuse to speak contrary to God's Word, in Jesus’ name.
* As I speak, may it happen with speed, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* My lips are graced, in the name of Jesus.

Father, You are a prayer answering God, You have heard my prayers, I give You praise all day long, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, March 22, 2017

David's Battle Secret

Wednesday 22 March
READ: 1 Sam 17: 43 – 47
MORE LESSON: Psa. 18: 32 - 50

David was a warrior who always won the battles that he fought. Right from his teenage years when he defeated Goliath, he started facing battles but he always won. One secret of David's continuous victory in war is that he had an understanding that it was the Lord who always fought through him in battle. David would walk into any battle with full consciousness that even though he was the one holding the sword and shield, it was actually the Lord of Host Himself that was doing the fighting. With such a consciousness, it was impossible for anyone to defeat him. It is only the man that could defeat the Lord of Host that would defeat David. David simply believed that whenever he stepped into battle, even though he was the one that was physically seen, Jehovah was the Unseen One that was fighting through him. Such a mindset makes any child of God more dangerous than a nuclear weapon to the enemy.
When David confronted Goliath, we see an example of how spiritually David approached battles. He looked at the giant and said, 'You are holding sword, spear and shield and you see me approaching you with a sling but don't you know that it is the Lord of Hosts, the God of Israel that is coming against you? (1 Sam 17: 45 paraphrased). Sure enough the teenage boy brought down the giant and removed his head from his neck. That could only be the Lord; the small David couldn't have done that. How does a teenager kill a giant that has been fighting for decades? How does a stone kill a whole general? When you realise that it is the Lord of Host inside of you that is doing the fighting, you can dare any foe and win every battle that comes your way.
You must learn to fight the battles of life with an understanding that the battle is not yours but the Lord's. This doesn't mean that you will do nothing as many have believed for many years. It only means that whatever little steps of faith that you take, the Lord will take them up and use them to defeat the enemy. He has used stones (1 Sam 17: 49 – 50), sound (2 Kings 7: 6 – 7), wind (Ex 14: 21), water (Ex 14: 27 -28), fire (2 Kings 1: 10) and all manners of things to fight before. So He can use words in your mouth as a weapon to destroy your sworn enemies. All you have to do is declare those words, and just as the Lord took the stones from David's sling, He will take those words from your mouth to destroy every Goliath in your life. The God of David will smite your enemies before you (Psa. 18: 37 – 45). Just put your trust in God and use the weapon of God's Word and promises in any battle, and victory is sure.

* Father, like David and the men of Issacher, make me a man/woman of understanding of times, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive divine revelation of battles that I fight, in Jesus’ name.

Jehovah is my captain, He leads me into battle, therefore, I shall not lose any battle this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 21, 2017

It's not yet Party Time

Tuesday 21 March
READ: 1 Cor. 9:24-27
MORE LESSON: Heb. 12:1-4

If someone gets born again today, the devil immediately goes to work to strategise how to ensnare him. However, many times the church celebrates so much that we forget that getting born again is just the beginning of a very long journey to entering Heaven. The Bible likens the race of faith to athletics. Have you ever seen a sports person on the track celebrating before he wins the medal? If you start celebrating before you cross the finish line, someone might just push forward to breast the tape. There is simply no room for celebration till you cross the finish line.
The Christian life is a walk that continues until we meet God and you don't rest until you finish your course. Athletes don't stop or relax on track while running. The track is not a place to throw a party. You can do all the partying when the medal has been handed over to you. The focus and discipline must continue till the finish line. God's expectation is that you finish your race well. You have a responsibility to keep working on, no matter how much you think you have done and also to keep helping other people on the track to run their race to the finish.
This also applies in ministry; a man works for God and probably he has a congregation of one thousand people in a year and then believers start applauding so loud that if he is not careful he gets into pride and dies before his day. Believers celebrate starting like there is no finishing. However, be informed that only the end counts with the Lord, it is he who endures to the end that will be saved (Matt. 24: 13). When you are doing well and people start commending you, don't let that make you relent and everyone you have left behind now overtakes you.
Wherefore seeing we also are compassed about with so great a cloud of witnesses, let us lay aside every weight, and the sin which doth so easily beset us, and let us run with patience the race that is set before us, Looking unto Jesus the author and finisher of our faith; who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God: Heb 12:1-2. Keep looking at Jesus and keep pressing on till you reach the finish line. At the end of the race, God will throw a big party (marriage supper of the Lamb) for us. However, while you are here on earth, it is not yet party time.

* Lord, help me to run and finish well and strong like Paul, in Jesus’ name.
* I rebuke every obstacle on my way in the race of eternity, in Jesus’ name.

The Lord is my light and salvation, I shall not be afraid of any man, I shall triumph over every evil in the year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, March 20, 2017

Mighty Men of David

Monday 20 March
READ: 1 Sam 22: 1 -2
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam 23: 8 - 24

The Bible talks about some men who gathered themselves to David in the cave of Adullam when he was running from Saul. David needed great men that would help him fulfil God's prophecy of kingship over his life. Instead of noble men and army generals coming to him, the Bible says every one that was in distress, or discontented, gathered themselves unto him; and he became a captain over them: and there were with him about four hundred men (1 Sam 22:2). David needed great men to help him fulfil his destiny but rascals and street boys gathered to him for help. Some of them were in debt and they needed him to help them pay their debts. Some were hungry and needed him to feed them; yet others were frustrated and needed David to encourage them. David himself needed help as God's anointed king who was nowhere near the throne but was being pursued by his enemy.
However, instead of looking around for the help which he needed, he decided to give help to those who came to him for help. David was a man who was very conversant with trouble. Instead of focusing on his troubles, he started solving these people's problems. Of course, everywhere problems are solved, a crowd soon gathers. So it wasn't long before many people started coming to David. In this life, people have lots of problems. If you are a solution provider, you will always have people flock to you. When they come to you, you can bring them to God because He is the solution provider. Don't be afraid, thinking, What if they come and overwhelm me and I can't solve their problems? You are not the problem solver, let them come and God will solve the problem through you.
It was the problematic people that David raised that became the mighty men of David (2 Sam 23: 8). When David grew old and his strength was gone, these men stood by him and fought for him (2 Sam. 21: 15 – 22). They became so loyal that they could lay their lives down for David. It was these men that fought with all their heart till the kingdom was given to David.
The easiest way to find help is to help people; the easiest way to be raised in life is by raising others. Your future is in the people you are impacting today. There is no lasting greatness outside of raising someone today. If you have not raised men in the place where you are, you can't be counted to be great. True greatness is yours as you learn to raise people and help them to become great.

* Father, make me a solution to the problem of many around me, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to lead you to such act that will bring forth the mighty man in you, in the name of Jesus.

Father, I shall obey and serve You, therefore I shall spend my days in prosperity and my years in pleasure, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, March 19, 2017

Constant Addition

Sunday 19 March
READ: 2 Pet. 1: 5 – 10
MORE LESSON: Isa. 28: 10

There is no adult who was born as big as he/she is now. We got to the physical stature that we are now by adding. If a child is born and there is no addition to his height and weight, then the parents start running up and down. Even nature counts it abnormal to stay in one state; life is about addition. A successful life must be a life of constant addition.
Similarly, in our spiritual life, we must keep adding. Today's text admonishes us to add and add more. If you are born again, this means that you had faith in the name of Jesus to receive salvation. That is wonderful but that is not all; you need to add. The Bible says you should add virtue to the faith that you have. Virtue means good character; so add good character to your salvation. Don't live in a way that makes mockery of the salvation that you profess.
After adding character, the Lord wants you to add knowledge. You need to know more of God; so read the Word, come to fellowship and learn as the Word is taught. You also need knowledge in other areas of life that will make you successful, so take more courses, training and certificates that will give you more opportunities. Go to school and add to your knowledge.
The Bible says you also must add self-control to your knowledge. You can't just give your body everything it wants, you need self control. So add fasting and prayer, add discipline and hard-work. Add patience, godliness, kindness, and love. Just keep adding. Add success to your spirituality. It is good that you love God but don't be a failure in your finance and academics. So don't be lazy; work hard and pay the price for success. Add skills to your character, add practice to your skills, and excellence to your work.
A man who doesn't stop adding will realise one day that he has grown beyond where he was before. You may not be able to achieve everything you want in one day, but if you do not stop adding, you will get there one day. So today, you need to ask yourself, What have I added today?
Remember no addition, no continuing, no progress, no advancement! Adding more should be a life time exercise, you must never stop. There is life and power in adding.

* Father, help me daily to pursue perfection, in Jesus’ name
* Father, give me grace to constantly add virtue to my life, in Jesus’ name.

Father, let Your amazing grace give me amazing results and testimonies this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, March 18, 2017

Be Patient

Saturday 18 March
READ: Heb. 10: 36-39
MORE LESSON: Luke 8: 15

Patience is a fruit of the Spirit (Gal 5: 22). It is one powerful virtue that is often overlooked. We talk so much about faith, love, peace and so on but we forget the power of patience. Heb 6: 12 says, followers of them who through faith and patience inherit the promises. This shows that the celebrated heroes of faith were patient people. God is love (1 John 4: 8) and love is patient (1 Cor. 13: 4 NIV); so God is a God of patience. As God's children we must be people of patience.
We need to exalt the virtue of patience now than ever in this age, where everyone is on the fast track. People want everything and they want it now. We want fast food, fast money, fast mail, fast banking, fast lane; the faster the better. Even in the Church of God, people don't believe in waiting anymore. They feel if it does not come 'sharp-sharp' then it means you don't have faith. If the pastor prays for them and the thing doesn't happen instantly, they say that the pastor is not anointed; they start looking around for a more anointed man so that the miracle can happen right away. This is what makes many to become victims of false prophets. Why not wait on God? Waiting is the proof of faith. Patience is the real test of faith. Those that believe do not make haste (Isa. 28: 16).
1 Cor. 13:13 talks about three things you must have to be a successful Christian. They are faith, hope and love (charity). All these three work out in patience. Faith is having patience with God. Faith is when you are trusting God for something and the thing is not forthcoming but you stay patiently, knowing that God will do it. Faith is patience.
Hope is patience with people and situations; it is not giving up on people because you know that good can still come out of them. Hope is not throwing in the towel because you know good can still come out of that situation. Hope entails patiently waiting for your change to come.
Love is patience with yourself. Many people are not patient with themselves; they put so much pressure on themselves. They penalise themselves and are mean to themselves. Why not relax and love yourself. It is only when you love yourself that the love can flow to others. Don't give yourself ulcer out of starvation because you say you are too fat and you are not beautiful. Love yourself.
In Luke 8: 15, the good seed fell on the good soil but it still needed patience to be fruitful. But the ones that fell on the good ground are those who, having heard the Word with a noble and good heart, keep it and bear fruit with patience. You will get there; be patient.

* Father, help me to add to my faith the virtue of patience, in Jesus’ name.
* In the name of Jesus, I receive grace to patiently wait for God's promises for my life.

Wherever I need help today, in the name of Jesus, I shall not be turned back.

Friday, March 17, 2017

A Friend of God

Friday 17 March
READ: Isa. 41: 8 - 13
MORE LESSON: Gen. 18: 17 - 33

In every generation, God seeks men that will break away from the things that preoccupy the hearts of other men and make Him their one devotion. There are always many things calling for the attention of men but a special few always decide to step out of the rat race and pursue God with all their heart.
Abraham lived in Ur of the Chaldeans; a land of great merchandise where people were busy pursuing things of the world and worshipping idols. God called Abraham out to walk with Him and he obeyed. Abraham walked closely with God in faith and became a friend of God. There is a place of relationship where you become so close to God that you are like lovers and friends. It is possible to enter into the exalted relationship with God as His friend. When you are God's friend, He begins to discuss things that are dear to His heart with you. He tells you secrets about people and places, He reveals things in the future that have not yet happened to you. He even asks for your opinion on what He wants to do.
There are great rewards of being God's friend. In Gen. 18, God was on a silent mission to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah, He didn't tell anybody and wanted to get there and destroy everyone. But then His friend met Him on the way and they started talking. The Lord thought within Himself, ...Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do?: Gen. 18: 17. God had to disclose His intentions to Abraham and thus, Abraham was able to plead with God to save Lot and his family. If not for Abraham's relationship with God, Lot would have been destroyed. Being a friend of God grants special benefits to everyone associated with you. Even your children are given a special place in God's heart and He does exceptional things for them that they don't deserve because of His relationship with you. The reason God favours Israel exceptionally and destroyed nations to save them is because they are His friend's children (Isa. 41: 8).
John 15: 14 – 15 says, Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Henceforth I call you not servants; for the servant knoweth not what his lord doeth: but I have called you friends; for all things that I have heard of my Father I have made known unto you. Jesus wants to be your friend; He wants to tell you things that are dear to His heart. However, the price of friendship is love and time. You have to love Him more than any other person or thing in your life. You have to give Him more time than you give other things in your life. This entails studying His Word, spending time with Him in worship, enjoying His presence with other believers, giving sacrificially to Him and obeying His Word.
Oh the blessing of being a friend of God!

* Father, bring me into an exalted and intimate relationship with You, in Jesus’ name.
* Father, grant to me today access into the deep things of God, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I am moving up, no going down, no turning back, my place is in the highest of all, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 16, 2017

Abiding in God

Thursday 16 March
READ: John 15: 4 - 8
MORE LESSON: Luke 13: 6 - 8

God expects fruits from your life. The Bible therefore shows us the secret of fruitfulness; which is, abiding in God. A man will never be fruitful if he is the kind of Christian that is in today and out tomorrow. A little church and a little party will not take a man anywhere. A little holiness and then a little sin will lead to a life of frustration. You must abide entirely in God.
The Bible draws an analogy between a tree and being rooted in God. As long as the branches of a tree are vitally connected to the stem which is connected to the root, every supply reaches the branches. A connected branch doesn't need supplication to the root before nutrient and water flow into it through the stem. In the same way, connectivity to God makes blessings to naturally flow to you. A well connected child of God may not even have prayed for certain blessings but they just flow to him as a natural consequence of his abiding in God.
Abiding in God means abiding in His Word. Abiding in God means a vibrant prayer life. When you pray in the spirit abundantly and enjoy communion with the Holy Spirit daily, some blessings will flow naturally to you that you might not even remember asking for. It is when you pray in tongues, enjoying God and abiding in Him, that you access those blessings. Abiding in God involves serving God with your time by being a worker in His vineyard. When you stay with God and work for Him, you may not even fast and pray for a life partner but as you abide serving diligently, God just locates you and connects you with the person He has for you. Giving tithes and offerings is part of abiding in God. You might love God and continue to give to Him, spend your resources for the expansion of His Kingdom and help others, and you notice that you keep experiencing blessings that you cannot account for by your fasting. God blesses you naturally as you abide in Him.
You must stay in God, with God and for God. John 15:7 says, If ye abide in me, and my words abide in you, ye shall ask what ye will, and it shall be done unto you. Abiding in God is the secret of answered prayers. The reason many people's prayers are not answered is because they are not abiding. They just dash in when they have a need and try to con God's hand by much tears and prayers. If God peradventure answers them, you won't see them again until there is another problem. How do you explain a Sunday-to-Sunday Christian? He is not abiding; he is only visiting. It is time for you to abide in God so that all-round fruitfulness can be yours.

* I receive grace to abide in Jesus Christ all the days of my life, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, because I am connected to You, let there be a flow of Your blessings into my life, in Jesus’ name.

Every spirit of loneliness, discouragement and abandonment, flee from me, in the name of Jesus.

Destroying Jezebel

Wednesday 15 March
READ: 1 Kings 21: 1 - 15
MORE LESSON: Rev. 2: 20 – 23

1 Kings 16: 30 – 33 talks about Ahab, a king in Israel who did more evil than all other kings before him. This was because he married Jezebel the daughter of Ethbaal of the Zidonians. Jezebel influenced and encouraged Ahab to become an enemy of God and to build altars for Baal in Israel. Nine hundred and fifty demonic priests ate at Jezebel's table every day. She killed God's prophets and was set to eliminate the memorial of God from Israel and enthrone the gods of her fatherland. She was a principality and actually the one ruling her husband. Any where a woman assumes authority over the man in the home and is the one that determines what happens and what does not, there is a curse. It is not love for a man to be controlled by the woman in the home, or for the woman to become a dictator. Each has a place in the home and each listens to the other; takes counsel from each other, submits to God and submits to each other in love as the Bible commands. However, the man is the head of the home.
Jezebel promoted immorality anywhere she operated. She had demonic powers and witchcraft and she determined what King Ahab would do or not do. She controlled the land and did what even her husband the king would not dare to do. There was a man called Naboth who owned a vineyard that King Ahab coveted. Ahab asked Naboth to sell to him his vineyard and Naboth said that he couldn't give out the heritage of his fathers. It is right for children to decide that they will not sell the spiritual inheritance that their fathers hand over to them but rather build on it. King Ahab was sad because Naboth would not sell his vineyard to him and his countenance showed it when he got home. Jezebel asked him what the matter was and when he explained. Jezebel said, “Is that all; don't worry, go and eat. I will give you the vineyard of Naboth.” That was the kind of woman that Jezebel was. She sent orders to the rulers of the city where Naboth was and commanded them to stage a plot and murder Naboth. Immediately the rulers received her letter, they gathered the whole land and killed Naboth. She finished Naboth and told her husband to go and take the vineyard for free as the owner that didn't want to sell it is dead.
God raised Jehu the Son of Nimshi to destroy Jezebel according to the written judgment. God used the sword of judgment in the hand of Jehu to destroy Jezebel. Every spirit of Jezebel must be destroyed in our home, church and nation. We must pray against every operation of Jezebel in our midst.

* In the name of Jesus, I raise a judgment against every Jezebel that has risen against my life.
* I cut off the influence of Jezebel from my life and home, in Jesus’ name.

Where others are spending sweat, toil, and needless hard labour, I shall spend grace, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 14, 2017

Athaliah must Die II

Tuesday 14 March
READ: 2 Chron 23: 1 - 14
MORE LESSON: 2 Kings 11: 1 - 18

Yesterday we considered the story of Athaliah; a woman that held the land of Judah under her control and didn't want to let go. She killed in order to hold unto the throne. It is important to point out, however, that beyond the person of the woman called Athaliah, there is a wicked spirit that works through such people that makes them operate the way they do. The spirit at work in Athaliah is the force of wickedness that makes people to do wrong. Such a spirit makes a ruler do what is evil in the sight of God and makes them force the people to go against God. The spirit thrives in ignorance and darkness; it doesn't want the people under its rule to be enlightened so that they will not see the truth and be set free. The spirit loves to create fear so the people are always afraid to break out of its yoke. This spirit propagates wickedness in the land and brings people under the yoke of wickedness. It was this spirit that was at work in Ahab and Jezebel's family as they led Israel astray. It was this same spirit that Athaliah their daughter introduced into the ruling house in Judah and she corrupted the house of David.
It is necessary to see how Athaliah was dealt with. In 2 Chron. 23, the priests of God arose and decided that they had had enough of her rule. They strategised, prayed and invoked the Covenant of the God of Israel which He made with the house of David. These priests stationed themselves at strategic places and they made the Lord's choice to be king in Jerusalem.
According to scriptures, when Athaliah killed all the seed of the House of David, there was a one year old boy that was hidden and nurtured by the priests for six years. The priest prepared Joash, a rightful son of David, to reign in the land according to the Lord's way. At the right time; they took him and put a crown on his head and declared him king. When Athaliah heard this, she rushed into the temple of God to confront them. Meanwhile, these priests had strategically occupied positions and when she got in, they confronted her, grabbed her and killed her. The Bible says that they carried the sword in God's presence and used it to slaughter the rebellious woman. The sword to kill Athaliah can only be found in God's presence. Until the priests of God physically and spiritually confronted the reign of wickedness, nothing happened.
It is time to end the reign of Athaliah in your life, family and in our nation. The sword of God's presence must be used and as kings and priests, we must arise. Every ruler and ruling spirit that the Lord has not planted over your life, family and nation, is destroyed, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that every force of darkness operating in the seat of power over your nation be broken now, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that the covenant by the blood of Jesus speak against all evil rule and enemy's activities in your life and family, in Jesus’ name.

I receive easy and un-obstructable access to God and helpers of my destiny today, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, March 13, 2017

Athaliah must Die I

Monday 13 March
READ: 2 Chron. 23: 11 - 1
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 22: 1 - 12

The kings of Judah were descendants of David but some of them followed the path of the idolatrous kings of the ten-tribes of Israel. One of such kings that led Judah astray was Jehoram, the son of King Jehoshaphat. Jehoram had married Athaliah, the daughter of Ahab and Jezebel. Athaliah was the princess of the wicked duo of Ahab and Jezebel who ruled Israel, led them into idolatry and killed the priests of God. Athaliah was born into a power-drunk family and was used to exercising control in Israel. Afterwards, she got married to Jehoram the king of Judah and became queen in Judah. She started to exercise power more wickedly and influenced her husband to do evil.
After the death of her husband, Arabian raiders invaded the royal family in Judah and killed the king's children, leaving only Ahaziah the son of Athaliah. Ahaziah became king in Judah and so Athaliah was the Queen Mother. The wicked woman continued to control the land as she influenced her son to rule in wickedness. After a while, Ahaziah, Athaliah's son, died and the throne was by right to go to another person born within the royal family of the lineage of David. Athaliah decided that even though her husband and son through whom she ruled the land were dead, she would not let go of the throne. So, she killed everyone that had a right to the throne. She killed all the heirs and royal family members and sat on the throne as the sole ruler of Judah, a land she came to through marriage.
There are wicked men who have this kind of controlling spirit, who always want to rule and control people. This is evidenced in the trend in their lives; they are always looking for power and never want to let go of the place of power. There are men and women in Nigeria who have this spirit of Athaliah. They hate being anywhere else than the place of power. They can do anything; kill, throw the land into confusion or destroy, just to be in the place of power. People with this kind of controlling spirit always seek to hold the whole land and nation captive to themselves or their family.
Athaliah took over the land of Judah and turned it into a den of idolatry. She turned the land over to Baal, the idol of her father's house. There are Athaliahs in homes, families and nations and they have to be dealt with. These are people that push every other person down so that everyone worships and cringes as they reign with terror. Such people will not be corrected and no one can speak contrary to what they say. The way to deal with such spirits and people is to invoke the judgement of God. Death is the only way to stop them.

* Every wicked personality exerting control over my life and family, I command you to die by fire, in Jesus’ name.
* I command all forces of wickedness working against my life and destiny to lose their hold, in Jesus’ name.

With God on my side, I shall outrun all my enemies to glory this month, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, March 12, 2017

The Error of David's Lineage

Sunday 12 March
READ: 1 Kings 9: 4 - 9
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 21: 1 - 18

And if thou wilt walk before me, as David thy father walked, in integrity of heart, and in uprightness, to do according to all that I have commanded thee, and wilt keep my statutes and my judgments: Then I will establish the throne of thy kingdom upon Israel for ever, as I promised to David thy father, saying, There shall not fail thee a man upon the throne of Israel: I Kgs. 9:4-5. God had promised David that his descendants will always sit on the throne of Israel. However many of his descendants didn't follow the way of God, thus it wasn't long after he died that the 12 tribes of Israel were divided into two. God took ten tribes of Israel from under Rehoboam, David's grandson and gave them to another man. Only two tribes continued to be under the dynasty of David. This two-tribe-nation under the dynasty of David was called the land of Judah while the remaining ten-tribe nation retained the name 'the Land of Israel'. The descendants of David only ruled two tribes and lost kingship over the nation of Israel.
Children of godly parents must make it a duty to follow in the way of God wherein their parents walk. Children must follow the way of the Lord after their parents so that they don't lose the things that God has built through their parents. It is vital that parents who have walked with the Lord and established a covenant with Him, train and pray for their children to continue the walk so that these children will not reduce to nothing the covenant that their parents have made with the Lord after the parents are gone.
After David was gone, his descendants lost the bulk of the nation of Israel that God had covenanted to David and his descendants. In fact, there were some kings of Judah, descendants of David, who were so bad that God wanted to entirely wipe out the lineage of David from kingship. One would wonder what would have happened to God's covenant with David if his dynasty was completely eradicated because his descendants didn't follow the way of the Lord. This has taught me that God is not a respecter of persons but covenants and principles. God will honour those who honour Him and dishonour those who dishonour Him!

* Father, my children shall have a legacy of consistent walk with God, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that none of your children will be a son of Belial, in Jesus’ name.

The sun of glory shall not withdraw itself from my destiny in the day and the light of my night shall be brighter than the day, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, March 11, 2017

Dealing with Enemies within

Saturday 11 March
READ: Psa. 18:16-19
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 27:1-8

How do you deal with an enemy from within? The following are what you need in order to deal with enemies within.
1. Wisdom – wisdom is the knowledge of how to do a thing. It is wisdom that people emphasise when they say if your yam grows big, you should use your hands to cover it. What they are trying to say is apply wisdom. If you don't have money to buy fuel and you are planning to buy a motorcycle, buy a bicycle, which does not need fuel; you only need to pump air.
2. Discipline – an enemy from within can be dealt with by discipline. What type of discipline? Restraint. Learn to be restrained, look before you leap, before you announce the next car that you want to buy be sure that it is safe.
3. Prayer – pray some dangerous prayers, for instance use Psalm 18, verse17 says, He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me. That's what to do with an enemy either within or without. Hand them over to God, the God that Hannah spoke about. Don't go about arguing, or asking someone to beg them because they want to kill you. No, deliver them to Him who can kill without using a knife or gun. With prayers you will win, The LORD killeth, and maketh alive: he bringeth down to the grave, and bringeth up.The LORD maketh poor, and maketh rich: he bringeth low, and lifteth up: 1 Sam. 2: 6-7. Hand them over to the Lord that kills.
Sometimes you should take your Bible and pick a scripture like the one above, at 12 midnight, stand up and say, Father, the Bible says “the Lord killeth”, I hand over so and so to you, do with him as you are known for doing. The Lord maketh poor: Lord this man has used his wealth to afflict me, let him become poor, let him put his hand in his pocket and find nothing anymore until he acknowledges that there is a God in Heaven. One man sank a million copies of the Bible in the sea because he was wealthy. For several years, God did not act. The day God would act, the man ascended to the throne, God allowed him but he never sat upon the throne; at the peak of his popularity, he was a dead man. One arrow from hell and he was gone. The Lord killeth, the Lord maketh alive. Instead of crying around, pray.

* Receive the wisdom of the Lord to deal with all enemies within, in Jesus’ name.
* Break the strength of any enemy around your life, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I command the doors of mercy, favour and divine help to open wide for me and my family, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, March 10, 2017

Solid Foundation

Friday 10 March
READ: Matt. 7: 24-27
MORE LESSONS: : Mark 1: 2-8

Anybody can build a house, but houses are in grades and categories. When you look at some houses, you can tell how long they will last. There is a mud house I know of that has been standing for over ninety years. There is another structure in Zaria, Nigeria; the first church built by the Europeans in the entire Northern Nigeria, with mud many years ago and it is still standing. What makes a house last and stand when others are crumbling? The answer is in the foundation. How good the foundation of a house is determines how long it will last.
Though good foundations are very expensive to build, the wise always pays the price to put a solid foundation in place. The unwise person thinks that since the foundation will be hidden, he can do a shabby work of it and continue with the part of the building that is open to all to see. He forgets that no matter what is built on top; if the foundation is faulty, the whole structure will collapse.
The secret of advancement in destiny is the foundation. Whether your life is going to become a bungalow, a storied-building or a skyscraper is determined by the foundation. By foundation we mean the preparations you are putting in place and the silent prices that you are paying for where you are going in destiny. Your Christian foundation includes things as quiet time; studying the Bible and other Christian literature, learning memory verses, fellowship with other believers, fasting and prayer. These are foundations for tomorrow. Giving, paying tithes and offerings and contributing to kingdom projects are financial foundations for your tomorrow.
Everything in destiny needs adequate preparation. Your preparation determines your strength which in turn determines your speed; which then determines your advancement. So in destiny, preparation determines strength; strength determines speed and speed determines advancement. In Mark 1:2-8, the Bible tells us how John the Baptist was sent in preparation for the birth of Jesus. Even God makes preparations before He does things. It is easy to confess and claim wealth; marital, academic or career success but until we see your preparations before we can tell whether your confession is valid.
Everything in life answers to preparation and laying the right foundation. May God give you the grace to start paying the price for building a solid foundation for your destiny, in Jesus’ name.

* I receive grace to mend any crack in my foundation, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit, strengthen my foundation and help me to stand strong, in Jesus’ name.

Father, empower my dreams and desires to become reality and testimonies in 2017, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, March 9, 2017

You can Conquer that Mountain

Thursday 9 March
READ: Zech. 4: 7 (GNB)
MORE LESSONS: Isa. 45:1-2

Do you know what a mountain is? I am sure you know mountains have spiritual connotations. Mountains are issues of life that are high and difficult, far above what men can handle. They are also things that stand as obstacles on the pathway of glory. And looking at it from the physical point of view, mountains are high, huge things, and only very few of them have been conquered by man. Some years ago, we were told that a young American at the age of 13 became the youngest person ever to climb a mountain, and the first thing he did when he got to the top of the mountain was to call his mother. Guess what he said to the mother, he said, “I made it, I conquered this mountain”. I also heard CNN (Cable Network News) saying he conquered, so I started wondering, What does it mean to conquer a mountain for a 13 year old boy?
Did he break it to pieces? Did he bore hole it? Did he fight against it? For me, I have always known that to conquer is to go to war, fight a battle and win. So I asked myself, "What fight did the young man do?" Then it dawned on me that he actually did conquer because the mountain stood like something that nobody could ever climb. So when you do what is unexpected, you have conquered your mountain. Hence, in life and destiny when you deal with your situation with evidence that you have defeated what it stands for, you have conquered. You conquer a mountain when you stand right on top of it, and tell it, “I conquered you”. If the boy said he conquered that mountain because he stood on top of it, conquering a mountain then has to mean standing on top of it, that is, standing on top of what is taller and bigger than you in destiny. Remember Jesus said that the kingdom of God suffers violence, and only men of force can take it.
You must understand, He was not saying that the road to the kingdom is impossible, rather He meant that there will be challenges and difficulties on the path of the kingdom, challenges will come and give us an impression that the kingdom of God is impossible for man but He said, of good cheer; I have overcome...: Jn. 16:33, which means he has become a testifier against an impossibility. It then means that since Jesus has done it ahead of us, a precedence of victory has been created. I want to let you know today that there is no mountain on the face of the earth that has not got a precedence of defeat. Cancer has been defeated by prayer; HIV-AIDS has been healed before. I do not know a sickness on earth that has defied the name of Jesus. It could defy medical science, but it cannot defy the God that made the heavens and the earth. I have not seen a problem that is bigger than God. None! Indeed obstacles as great as mountains will disappear before you today, in Jesus’ name.

* I handover my great challenges to the greatest God, in Jesus’ name.
* Head or tail, I will win, in Jesus’ name.
# Stop telling God how big your problem is, start telling your problems how big your God is.

I connect with God's grace, like Apostle Paul, to catch up with and overtake all who have gone ahead of me, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, March 8, 2017

Good Relationship II

Wednesday 8 March
READ: Acts 4:23-34

Continuing yesterday’s study about developing good company, we note today the positive results of company. First, note that the disciples went to was a praying company, … And when they heard that, they lifted up their voice to God with one accord… Acts 4:24. This is indeed a great company that knew how to sharpen, strengthen and encourage one another in difficult times. It reveals to us what to look for in a relationship or friendship. Don’t company with weaklings who will rather aggravate your challenges than remove them.
My counsel is threefold:
1. Relate with all people but choose your friends
2. Relate with people who can caution you and enrich your wisdom and knowledge.
3. Don’t give your life to people you cannot trust or listen too.
Friends are to give advice; if you have one whose advice you cannot take, then drop him. Verse 23 says, …they went to their own company, and REPORTED all that the chief priests and elders had said unto them. This was a company that had something to do in times of difficulty (v24), one that knew and could use God’s Word (vs 25-28) and it was a company that could lift up their voice and pray (vs 24-31).
Now note the results of their prayer:
1. The place shook by the reason of God’s presence (v31). Do you have a company that brings God’s presence down in time of trouble?
2. The place was filled with the Holy Ghost.
3. As a result of the presence of the Holy Ghost, courage came upon the disciples and they began to speak with boldness (vs 29, 31).
4. Then the spirit of unity came upon them … were of one heart and of one soul … v32.
5. They also began to express power (v33).
6. And finally lack disappeared from among them (v34). How much of such result can the company you keep offer you? I pray God will lead you today to a friend indeed.

* Lord, surround me with people ordained for the advancement of my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that God will lead you to a friend indeed, in Jesus’ name.

Father, by Your mercy make 2017 as a season of testimonies in my home, destiny and at work, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, March 7, 2017

Good Relationship I

Tuesday 7 March
READ: Acts 4:1-20
MORE LESSONS: Dan. 2:16-19

The Scripture reading today reveals the wonderful power of good company. It tells us that when the disciples had challenges they went back to their company. They had a company to fall back to in the days of difficulties. A company is described as a people of like mind with whom you have close working relationship. That the disciples went to their own company meant they had a people with whom they shared things in common before the day of trouble. It was not an accidental/circumstantial (fire brigade) group who came around because of an incident that just happened.
The lesson here is that when the disciples had a problem, they knew where to go- their company. It is therefore good to sacrificially build a relationship today that can be useful tomorrow. No matter the cost, start building a good company now. Let me ask you, do you have a company good enough for the day of pain? Don't wait until a challenge arises or else you will end up running to people you have not tested before for advice and decision over crucial matters of life.
How do you build a good company?
(I) By knowing and testing the kind of people around to know whether they are dependable and trust worthy. Abraham was tested by God (Gen. 22:1-2).
(ii) By developing a personal principle of distinguishing between friends and confidants.
(iii) By being someone else's trusted confidant because life is a seed; if you are trust worthy you will find trustworthy friends.
(iv) By developing quality relationships and not sentimental/emotional ones. For example, don't relate based on tribe, language, gender or for what you can benefit as a priority, but for what you can contribute and the value you can add.
(v) By relating with people of same faith, understanding and purpose.
In today's reading, it is disciple to disciple; because it is only iron that can sharpen iron (Prov. 27:17). If you have a challenge and need someone to talk to, who would you go to? Learn to build a good and godly relationship, patiently allow it to grow and mature. but make sure it is a tested and proven one.

* Father in the name of Jesus, bring me out of every negative relationship I am in by your mercy, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, make me a trustworthy confidant and a blessing to people around me, in the name of Jesus.

Father, I receive divine triumph over every force and power of delay and denial, in the name of Jesus.


Monday 6 March
READ: Job 42: 10 - 17
MORE LESSON: Joel 2: 25

There is nothing more devastating than to become impotent in a place where one has been potent before. When man begins to fail in the place where he succeeded before, the shame becomes unbearable. When a student that was on top in his class begins to fail and struggle academically, the pain becomes great and people start saying all kinds of things. When a man that was rich becomes so poor that he begins to walk around begging, the pain of his present situation becomes amplified by the shame of remembering his previous position. In fact, people have opined that it is better not to have tasted wealth at all than to taste wealth and become poor after that. God's will is for you to be successful and to continue in it till the end.
God delights to restore all men that are languishing in the shame of loss. Job lost all he had and was covered with dust in shame but God still restored him. God gave job more than twice all he had before the enemy attacked him with losses. I pray that all you have lost will be restored, in Jesus’ name.
There was a young man that I met when I was in the university during one of the evangelistic outreaches. He was the only child of his parents who went into fornication and contacted a sexually transmitted disease that rendered him impotent for life. He couldn't tell his old parents because he knew they might just commit suicide. He was the only hope of the continuity of the family and he had lost his potency as a man. After we met, he gave his life to Christ and received the baptism of the Holy Ghost. We prayed for him and the Lord restored him; today he is married with children.
A man was also rushed to me one day who after shaking hands with somebody lost his manhood. He was in panic and even ran to the police station but the police could not help him. The police told him that even if they caught the offender, there was no evidence to use against him. It was then that he knew he needed God and came to me. We prayed and told him to go back home. He ran back to me the next morning to testify that Lord had restored back to him that which was lost.
There are many areas of life where men lose potency. It could be in the spiritual; may be you were vibrant and operated in the grace of God but now you have lost it. It could be in your finances, career, academics or family. Today, I announce to you that wherever you have lost potency, there is restoration for you, in Jesus’ name. If Job could be restored despite all that he went through, you too can be restored. Keep alive, stand in righteousness, remind God of His promises and your tree will blossom and bear fruits again. God is on your side.

* In the mighty name Jesus, I will not end as a loser.
* By the mercy of God, I command a restoration of all that has ever brought me joy, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I disconnect my destiny and endeavors from the foundation of gracelessness, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, March 5, 2017

The Good of the Land

Sunday 5 March
READ: Isa. 1: 19
MORE LESSON: Gen 41: 54 - 57

Isa. 1: 19 says, If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land. This means that there is good in every land. There is no land in which good doesn't exist. The extent of goodness or prosperity may differ from land to land. There is, however, no land where there is no good. Don't ever believe the lie of the devil that tells you the land where you are is dry. There is no land where there are no rich people and poor people. There are successful and unsuccessful people in every land.
Egypt has been associated with many terrible things in history. The plagues happened in Egypt, the death of all the firstborn and many other negative events have made Egypt go into history as a spiritual example that is unpleasant to people. So I pray that you will not go to Egypt; to those in Egypt, you will leave Egypt. However, it was in this same Egypt that Joseph fulfilled his destiny and became great and prosperous. Evil existed in Egypt but Joseph had the good of the land. There was the good of the land even in Egypt. In fact, there was a time when there was no food everywhere except in the land of Egypt. When famine plagued the entire world, Egypt had food and Joseph had the sole control over all the storehouses of Egypt. Joseph would have missed this great good if he had run from Egypt because he was carried there as a slave or complained about the hostility he faced, being a stranger.
No matter what anybody has said concerning where you are, I want you to know that there is good where you dwell. God wants to open the veil to you and reveal where the good of the land is located. Your prayer is that God should locate the good of the land where you dwell and make you partake of it in the name of Jesus. The evil of the land shall not locate you, in the mighty name of Jesus.
One thing is essential in locating a good land, and that is to ask God, the universal Landlord of all creation. Joseph, Jacob and Israel prospered in Egypt because God led them there. Isaac was even specifically instructed concerning Gerar, a Philistine territory where he was a stranger, … Do not go down to Egypt, but do as I tell you. Live here as a foreigner in this land, and I will be with you and bless you…: Gen 26:2-3 (NLT). The key here is as I tell you... I tell people, that the safest land is where God sends you. A good land is that land/place where you are sure God is; He who sent you there. Don't change it because of circumstances or the gossip/suggestion of men. Stay there and prosper until God says otherwise.

* I will not be barren of the good that my land of sojourn carries, in Jesus’ name.
* This land shall be rich towards me, in the name of Jesus.

Every bloodthirsty Herod seeking to kill my glory, die, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, March 4, 2017

Put God in Remembrance II

Saturday 4 March
READ: Isa 38: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Psa. 20: 1 - 9

Prophet Isaiah came to King Hezekiah to tell him that the Lord had decided that he shall die. Now, to get the scenario in proper perspective, one has to remember that Isaiah is a very major prophet in the Bible. He was the national prophet of Israel who wrote great prophesies including that of the coming of the Messiah. Isaiah never missed any prophecy; he was so reputable that it was him that God used to prophesy that a virgin would give birth to the Messiah. This is probably because he had such a reputation that, as incredulous as that particular prophecy was, people could not out-rightly call him a liar. If some other minor prophet had been the one who gave the prophecy, probably, no one would have taken him serious. Isaiah was a prophet of high caliber; when such a prophet tells you that you will die, then you just need to start writing your will.
But King Hezekiah knew one secret in relating to the Almighty. He knew you can bring your cause to God and put Him to remembrance. So He went to the Lord and said, Remember me now oh Lord how I have worked perfectly before you in truth and done that which is good in thy sight. And Hezekiah wept sore: Isa 38: 3. Putting God to remembrance of His Word and covenant is so powerful that it can change prophecy. Even if someone had prophesied to you that you will not give birth, take the Word of God to Him and remind Him that He said that none shall be barren (Ex 23: 26).
Hezekiah did it and it worked for him; it will work for you as well. You can bring God's promise before Him in remembrance. You can bring your sacrifices and tithes before the Lord in remembrance. This is why the place of sacrifice is very important: when it is difficult to give and you give, when you don't have the means of transportation and you trek the long distance to church; when you empty your wallet to help a child of God or expand the work of God. All these are acts of sacrifice that you can put God in remembrance of. According to Psa. 20: 3, May the Lord remember all thy offerings, and accept thy burnt sacrifice.
However there is something that the Lord will not remember even when you or anyone tries to bring to His remembrance. In Isa. 43: 25 He says, I even I am He who blot out your transgressions for my own sake , I remember your sins no more. Isn't that good news? God will remember His promises and all the good you have done but He has chosen that He will never remember your sins even when any one tries to bring them up before Him. He is worthy of your praise.

* Identify God's promise(s) to you and remind Him of them in prayer.
* Ask the Lord to hasten His promises to performance, in Jesus’ name.
* I refuse to meditate on my pains but on God's Word, in Jesus’ name.

In the month of March, I prophesy against every enemy of my advancement and I destroy their works by fire, in the name of Jesus.