Saturday, April 30, 2016


Saturday 30 April
READ: Isa. 57: 19 - 21
MORE LESSON: Isa. 32: 17 - 20

Peace means tranquility, rest, well-being, prosperity, health, healing and every good thing you can think of. The Hebrew word for peace is the word 'shalom'. Everything you are looking for in life and eternity is inside that word. However, in the world today one of the things that seems to elude men the most is peace. Many live and there is no peace at home, no peace at work, no peace in their finances, no peace in their body. There is fear, worry and unrest all over them. The question today is, “Do you have peace, can you sincerely look into your heart and say that you are full of peace?” I pray that the Lord will give you peace today and turn your life around.
Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid: Jn. 14:27 (NKJV). It is Jesus that gives peace, so any life without Christ is full of crises. Peace will always elude a man living in sin. The way to overcome every crisis in life and live in peace is to stay in righteousness. No man who lives in sin can have peace. Many people indulge in sin and they put up a façade of enjoying life but they are only faking it. It is all a lie, deep inside, there is emptiness and restlessness. Going to parties, getting drunk, sleeping around or going out with friends to 'catch fun' will never fill the void that is created by the absence of peace in a life. It is righteousness that brings peace. The Bible says, The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever: Isa 32:17 (NIV). A man that does not have Jesus in his life is categorised by God as a wicked man. The man could be rich, he could be popular, he may be a politician, a star artiste or a philanthropist. As long as he is a sinner, he is regarded as a wicked man by Heaven and the Bible says that there is no peace for the wicked ( Isa. 57: 21) .
Today as you accept the righteousness that is freely available through the blood of Jesus and you continue in it by exhibiting His righteousness in your life and deeds, there is one thing that I can assure you - that is 'Peace unto you.'

* Prophesy peace all around you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Today, decree the peace of God in every storm and trouble situation, in Jesus’ name

Satan, all your acts and plans over my life ends with this day and this month, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 29, 2016

Applying your Heart to Wisdom 2

Friday 29 April
READ: Eph 5: 15 - 16
MORE LESSON: Psa 90: 12

Psa. 90:12 talks about the need to number our days if we must apply our hearts to wisdom and we have pointed out that numbering our days involves making sure we spend each day maximally to the glory of God and the fulfilment of our purpose in destiny. The Bible also links being wise to redeeming the time in our days. Eph 5: 15 -16 says, See that thou walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, redeeming the time, because the days are evil. There are many forces that contend with your day. There are evil forces outside that have planned negative things for the day and there are also forces from within that are drawing you to do things that would not profit your day. There are things in the day that are beyond the visible eyes wanting men to do things that at the end of life he will regret all. This is the reason why you need to apply the force of God in prayer and meditation to help you to carefully organise and plan each day of your life. You also need to receive strength in the secret place to go forth each day and achieve all that is set for the day. It is the consciousness in a man that there are forces to contend with each day that makes him prayerful.
A vital key to be able to have a day full of life and profit is to be mindful from the beginning of the day how we spend it. You should labour in prayer, not just for the day but for days ahead. You need to receive grace for wisdom in making decisions each day and knowing the activities to get into and those to avoid. Redeem your day and maximise it. Never rush out any day to go and beat the wind. Receive wisdom and power from God to make the day productive, fruitful, and result-filled and then step out to prevail over the day. When you live in the wisdom of redeeming the day, at the end of life when you put days together, you will be happy. The only way to prevail over the forces of the day is by the power of God. The Word of God, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are all fortifications that make you go forth in victory each day. Do not go into the day without these.
Receive fruitful days, months and years, in the name of Jesus.

* Bind every force contending with your life’s activities.
* Receive the grace to be fruitful in every activity you do today.
* Cover yourself with God’s favour to profit today.

Father, let my flesh and blood become poison to all blood suckers and flesh eaters, in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Applying your Heart to Wisdom 1

Thursday 28 April
READ: Psa. 90:10 - 12
MORE LESSON: John 9: 4

The Bible says, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Psa. 90: 12. This scripture is a very important one in mastering the principle of impactful living. Many people use this scripture to mark birthdays and other events, which is a good thing to do. But the scripture talks about numbering our days and not just numbering our years. It is therefore important to understand the holistic meaning of this scripture so that we may get the wisdom hidden in it. The Bible directly links numbering our days with being wise. So how do we number our days?
One of the troubles of today is that many people are not good managers of their days and before they know it the days of their lives slip through their hands such that they can't account for what they have done with them. If a man allows each day to be wasted without accounting for how he spends it in a worthwhile way, he will realise that by the end of his life he has more wasted days than achievements. This is the issue that bothered the psalmist to the point of prayer in the text of today. This Psalm was written by Moses but must have been prayed also by David who was a king and noticed that so many activities and people contended for his day and if he was not wise, he would become so busy while little or nothing was achieved for God and for his purpose in life. This is the reason you also have to evaluate each day and look at all you do. Do you maximise each day? What are the achievements that you have with the resources of each day? If you are asked to pen down the activities of the day, how many of them will please the heart of God? This is the reason you have to write down a plan and schedule for your day and achieve what matters for each day. It is using your days well that results in using your years well.
One of the treasures in life is time. Whatsoever wastes your time wastes your life. If you are wasting your own time, you are wasting your own life. God has a fixed time for everybody; there is a day that it will be said 'time up' for you in life. Your life at that point will be a summary of all you have used your days to do. It is important to know that in the issue of living, it is not how long that is important as how well. Spend the days of your life glorifying God, impacting lives and fulfilling purpose. Ask God to give you wisdom not to waste your day but to spend each day doing God's will and benefiting humanity.

* I receive wisdom not to waste my day but to spend it well to God’s glory.
* I forbid the activities of any one spirit or agent of darkness sent to waste my day, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare that I shall not be wasted in destiny, in Jesus’ name.

All stubborn pursuers of my life, I command you to fall and die, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

The Power of Godly Results

Wednesday 27 April
READ: Luke 7:19-23
MORE LESSON: John 9:13-25

Getting results in life is very important. When people doubt who you are or what you say, it is only the results you have to show that can speak for you and silence the critics. When John the Baptist was persecuted and began to doubt, he sent his disciples to Jesus to enquire whether or not He was truly the Messiah they were expecting. Jesus didn't argue with John's disciples to prove to them that He was the Messiah. He just showed them the results of a Messiah: And in that same hour he cured many of their infirmities and plagues, and of evil spirits; and unto many that were blind he gave sight. Then Jesus answering said unto them, Go your way, and tell John what things ye have seen and heard; how that the blind see, the lame walk, the lepers are cleansed, the deaf hear, the dead are raised, to the poor the gospel is preached: Luke 7:21-22.
As believers you should not be interested in argument or point-proving, you should rather pray to God for the power to get results. When people criticise you or your ministry it is only the results that God gives you that silence the critics. It is a very wise man that prays and works hard to get results God's way. It is, however, important to say that you must not just seek results, you must seek results God's way. Many people want results so much that they do ungodly things to get them. Any result that is contrary to the way of the Lord will eventually waste. The people of the world merely celebrate results, not caring how the person gets such. A child of God should not be interested in any kind of result, he must make sure he gets results God's way.
When Jesus opened the eyes of a man born blind and the Pharisee told the man to stop talking about Jesus because they didn't like Him, defaming the Lord Jesus that He was a sinner, the man replied them that he didn't care. The only thing he cared about was that he was blind before but now could see. The man was not even interested in knowing whether Jesus was of God or not, he just wanted to get his sight. Jesus didn't just want the man to have result, He wanted him to have it God's way. After he had received his sight Jesus found him, and said unto him, Dost thou believe on the Son of God?'' He answered and said, 'Who is he, Lord, that I might believe on him?' And Jesus said unto him, ''Thou hast both seen him, and it is he that talketh with thee.'' And he said, Lord, 'I believe. And he worshipped him: John 9:35-38.
Both Jesus and the blind man had good results. Jesus went further to secure the blind man’s result by ensuring that the man had eternal life added to his testimony. That is what makes for good results in life.

* Father, put an end to every fruitless labour in my life, in Jesus’ mighty name.
* Ask the Lord to give you results that will silence all your critics.
* Ask God for the power to get results within His principles.

I command every devouring power to jump out of my life now, in Jesus mighty name.

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

The Treasure in Your House

Tuesday 26 April
READ: Matt. 13:44-46
MORE LESSON: Psa. 1:2-3

There is the story of a man that owned a small farm on an acre of land well watered by streams. He lived on the farm and made profit which sustained him. Those days, the exploration of land for diamond just started becoming popular and many people were becoming instantaneously rich as they discovered diamond in their land. This man also wanted to make it and so he sold his little farm and took the little money he made from the sale to embark on a journey in search for diamond. He travelled to distant lands and shores in search of diamond to make him wealthy. After many years of a worn out life, travelling and looking for diamond throughout the world, he decided to return home. He had become old and since he hadn't been lucky enough to find diamond and become rich, he decided to return to his hometown so that, at least, when he died he could be buried there. When he returned home the first thing he noticed was that the whole village had become an industrial town and many things had changed. There were roads, schools, hospitals, storey buildings and other infrastructural amenities. He inquired and found out that a large deposit of diamond was discovered in the town after he left. A large industry had to be set up that was responsible for the great economic and infrastructural development. Of course, you can guess where the deposit of diamond was discovered. It was in the acre of land he sold to travel in search of diamond! Many people are searching around for treasure and solutions in life while the greatest treasure in the universe lies unused in their house.
The greatest treasure in life is the Word of God. A man has the Bible in his house and is not reading it to discover principles of life but goes around begging for help, prayer and other things. He is uninformed that if he could only extract the treasure in his Bible, all the things he goes around begging for will be produced and distributed by him. Psa. 1: 2-3 declares that a man who digs and discovers the treasure in the Word of God will be like a tree planted by the rivers of water. Productivity, provision and prosperity are in the Word of God. Your Bible is a treasure. If you read, love and obey it, all the things that people traverse land and sea to look for will naturally flow out of you. Friend, all you are looking for are in the Word of God. Explore God’s Word and become blessed and a blessing to others

* Father, open my eyes to the treasure within me, in Jesus’ name.
* Go for knowledge and be informed so that you can discover the immeasurable treasure deposit in you.

I command every yoke of slavery to be broken off me today, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, April 25, 2016

Trusting in His Promises

Monday 25 April
READ: 2 Cor. 1:20
MORE LESSON: Prov. 3:5-7

Trusting in the Lord is accepting the provision of His promise when the situations around show an apparent threat to the promise. It is seeing that things are not the way they are supposed to be, but still choosing to stand on what the Lord has said. Trusting is believing the promise above circumstantial evidence. Trust is blind to situations, it only sees the invisible promises. This is why it is God that deserves our trust because it is only He that can fit into the context of real trust. If men promise something and the circumstances are proving so difficult for them to get it done, they can easily change based on the prevalent circumstances and their limited capabilities. But when God makes a promise and the circumstances are not co-operating, He overrules the circumstances. Whatever God will not be allowed to rule, He over-rules. If it is the Lord who has made the promise and the circumstances are not aligning with the fulfilment of the promise, He forces them to. This is what the Bible means when it says there is no variableness with Him. Instead of a situation to cause God to vary, He varies the situation, with Whom [God] is no variableness, neither shadow of turning: James 1:17.
For a man to be able to trust God he must do the following things:
1. Find the promises of God: You must find what the Word of God says about your situation. After you have found it, hold onto it and never let it go. Heaven and earth will pass away, but that spoken word or that written Word of God will never go unfulfilled. Your situation that is contrary to the Word of God must bow. God must be true, let the whole world remain a lie.
2. Learn to pray over the promises you have found: Several people read the Scripture to find what God has said but they don't take it back to God in prayer. When God speaks to you by His Word you speak back to Him by your prayer.
3. Learn to confess what God has said: We should not keep God's promises under our pillow; tell men what God has said so that they will know what God has said. This will help a man to keep his confidence in God and when God sees you confessing His Word, praying His Word and believing His Word, He will surely perform His Word.
Beloved, trusting in the promises of the Lord has never failed any man. Over your situation, find God's promises and put your trust in Him. Call upon Him in prayer and give Him thanks believing He has heard you. I assure you that you are next in line for a testimony.

* Father, open my eyes to the promises You have given to me, in the mighty name of Jesus.
* Ask God to put a seal to every word you declare.

Everything done against me with evil padlocks, be nullified by the blood of Jesus today, in the mighty name of Jesus

Sunday, April 24, 2016

Trusting in the Lord 2

Sunday 24 April
READ: Prov. 3:5-7
MORE LESSON: Jer. 17:5-8

One of the best things a man can do to his destiny is to trust in the Lord. Trust in man will not help you because man can change, his position can be taken away or he can even die altogether. This is why a person who puts his trust in man is destined for heartbreaks and woes. If a man makes a promise to you, the day his life ends, the promise ends. There is however an endless God who is worthy of your trust. When the Almighty makes a promise, He personally supervises it to ensure that it comes to pass. God cannot afford to fail because He cannot be found a liar. God is too big to fail over that promise He has made to you. So you can rest assured in Him.
It is important for a man that confesses to be trusting in the Lord to know that he should not trust in any other thing except the Lord. Prov 3:5 says, Trust in the LORD with all thine heart.... All your heart means all your heart. You cannot trust God with a part of your heart while the other part is trusting in another man or something somewhere. Trust in the Lord must be total. You do not claim to be trusting the Lord and still go around lobbying, begging, bribing and seeking connections. This is why that scripture continues, ...and lean not unto thine own understanding: Prov 3:5. Let your confidence not rest in what you can think or do to generate solution to your situation but let it be in the inspiration and the direction which the Lord can give to you.
At this point it is important to note that God will use men for you without you having to do something but you must always see them as mere tools which God wants to use to do what He wants. He can dispose of the tools and methods if He desires, so your assurance and hope should not be in the people or what you want to do, it should always be in God. Surely God can use men as tools to help you, but when you begin to trust in the tool and not the Owner, then there is danger of failure.
This is why the last part of that scripture says, In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths: Prov 3:6. Acknowledge God as the One doing it. Not just in words but in heart and in truth. Know that it is God not that rich man or that politician that is the one to help you. Even if God uses a man, make sure you see God in the picture and not the man.
So trust Him, acknowledge Him and commit your ways to Him. Success awaits you, in Jesus’ name.

* Lord, I know that Your promises concerning me will never fail, so I praise You.
* Father, even if You use men to help me, I still trust You as my helper.
* Declare your unflinching trust in the Lord.

I overthrow all king uzziahs that are making it impossible for me to see the glory of God and I declare them dead now, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 23, 2016

Trusting in the Lord 1

Saturday 23 April
READ: Prov. 3:5-7
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11:6

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding. In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths. Be not wise in your own eyes; fear the LORD, and turn away from evil: Prov. 3:5-7. If there is ever a time that we need to put our trust in the Lord, it is now. The world has become more competitive and survival and sustenance is becoming more and more demanding. We need God now more than ever. To trust is to have confidence in the promise that is made, especially when fulfilment of the promise seems to be delayed.
Psa 125: 1 says, They that trust in the Lord shall be as mount Zion, which cannot be removed, but abideth for ever. Trusting in God is very rewarding. With trust in the Lord, a man is able to keep hope alive, sustain confidence and do the impossible. God is moved and excited when you display trust in Him. As it is written in Heb 11:6, And without faith it is impossible to please him, for whoever would draw near to God must believe that he exists and that he rewards those who seek him. If faith honours God, trust brings down help from God. Trust is an advanced form of faith; it is continuing to believe even when you do not understand, knowing fully well that God knows what He is doing with your life and He will make everything work for your good. When a man trusts God, he is able to close his eyes to situations that seem contrary to the promises of God in his life. Despite apparent contradictions, he stands fast and puts his confidence in the Lord.
Trust in God gives Him the assurance that we are truly His and makes Him stand up on our behalf. Know that it doesn't matter whatever you are going through, there is a promise of God in the Scripture that you can hold on to and it is worthy of being believed and trusted. There are several promises of God concerning your situation; look for them, believe them and accept them. Know also that those that trust in the Lord shall not be put to shame no matter how long they wait. Keep your trust alive and your hope will bring forth the fruit. God bless you and have a rewarding day.

* Repent of every act that prove you do not trust God enough.
* Ask God for the grace to trust Him completely.
* Confess any two verses that affirm your trust in the Lord.

I command the potency of negative words and prophecies spoken over my life to die, in the name of Jesus

Friday, April 22, 2016

Bringing God's will to Pass

Friday 22 April
READ: 1 Kings 18: 41 - 46
MORE LESSON: Psa. 126: 1 - 3

God gave a word to Elijah that there would be rain after three and half years of drought. Elijah then gave the word to King Ahab and urged the king to go home quickly before the rain would start. That was a prophetic statement that was backed up by the Lord but Elijah did not stop at that; he went to a mountain and prayed till the clouds began to gather.
The Bible says, the Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it: Psa. 68:11. God might have spoken to you but it is also your responsibility to declare the word and pray your miracle into reality. God had spoken to Elijah and he knew that it was God's will for the rain to come but he still needed to engage the force of prayer for God's will to be down. It is God’s will that everything that has been a failure in your life be turned to success, joy and increase but you have to pray His will to fulfilment in your life.
God doesn't just perform miracles haphazardly; He does miracles in response to prayer and obedience to His Kingdom principles. God also does not do a miracle without a divine purpose. He does miracles to make His Kingdom come and His will to be done on earth. When you pray in accordance to the will of God and are devoted to the furtherance of the Kingdom on earth for His glory, you will live a life replete with miracles and answered prayers.
The testimony of the children of Israel when God answered their prayer is recorded in Ps 126:1-2, When the LORD brought back the captivity of Zion, We were like those who dream. Then our mouth was filled with laughter, And our tongue with singing. Then they said among the nations, The LORD has done great things for them. When their answer came, even the nations saw that the Lord had done great things for them. In like manner, your victory will not be a secret. The Lord is out to turn your captivity, fill your mouth and tongues with laughter and singing. He is out to give you testimonies by the victory He will give you. However, you must stay with God in unrelenting and earnest prayer till the Lord hastens to perform His Word concerning you.
Recall the projects you have abandoned out of frustration, dust them and re-present them to God. Many people like miracles but detest having any difficulty. A man who will have a testimony must necessarily pass through a stormy weather. So don't be afraid of difficulties, when they come as they must come anyway, present them to God in prayer and He will be glorified in them.

* Father, let Your Will be done in my life.
* Father, according to Your Will, turn every failure in my life to success, joy and increase.

Father, go to the foundation of my life and dislodge the seeds of wickedness working against my destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, April 21, 2016

Action Begets Action

Thursday 21 April
READ: 2 Sam. 22:26-27
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 1:1-12

It is only a doing that can give rise to another doing; in other words, it is an action that brings forth a commensurate reaction. If you want God to do great things for you, you must learn to do things that will excite Him. There are actions that provoke God into doing great things for a man; such actions are faith, righteousness, praise, prayer, sacrifice, obedience and doing His will; these actions stir God up to amazing reactions.
The text for today captures God's reaction to human action, ...with the merciful You will show Yourself merciful; with a blameless man, You will show Yourself blameless; with the pure You will show Yourself pure; and with the devious You will show Yourself shrewd: 2 Sam 22:26-27( NKJV).
We have seen in time past that there were things some men did in time past and God responded. So, it is what you do that determines what God does on your behalf. God is not a magician! He doesn't give anybody anything by chance. There is an expectation of God on you and He will respond. God has principles and it is when you do things according to His principles that a response is guaranteed from Him. For example, the Bible says, Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you: Matt 7:7 (NKJV). That is the law of action and reaction in operation. Asking is your action and giving is God's reaction, seeking is another action that elicits God's reaction. When you perform the action of knocking, God reacts by opening the door. This shows that for everything you need from God, there is a scriptural action that triggers God’s reaction of making that thing available. It is your responsibility to search, discover and perform the action that holds the key to your expectation from God.
In conclusion, 'doing begets doing' or 'action begets reaction'. In Biblical language, 'to beget' means to give birth; so it is a doing that gives birth to another doing; you have to do something before Heaven will do something in response. You can stir Heaven to do beyond what you have done. I want you to know that whatever you want to get from Heaven, if you can do your own part of the bargain, you will get what you want, And Solomon went up thither to the brasen altar before the LORD, which was at the tabernacle of the congregation, and offered a thousand burnt offerings upon it. In that night did God appear unto Solomon, and said unto him, Ask what I shall give thee: 2 Chron. 1:6-7.
Don't watch your destiny waste, get doing something about your destiny and see God pick you up from there.

* Father, inspire me to do what will provoke Your blessings upon me today.
* I shall not miss my time of visitation, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I sack every demon assigned to restrain me from help in 2016.

Wednesday, April 20, 2016

It is not Over

Wednesday 20 April
READ: Gen 3:1- 15
MORE LESSON: Job 14: 7-9

When God created Adam and Eve and placed them in the Garden of Eden, He gave them a position of dominion that was enviable to all other creatures in Heaven and earth. Out of envy, the devil, who had lost all already, deceived man to lose all that God gave him by making him to sin against God.
God who is always angry at sin declared the judgements which are the repercussions of man's actions. He cursed the earth for man's sake and declared that man would only eat after much sweat. He declared that the woman would give birth in painful labour and also that she would be dominated by the man. The devil was so happy as God was declaring the curses that resulted from the disobedience of the man and the woman. The serpent that the devil used to perpetrate his evil act was also cursed. Satan didn't mind the curses on him because he knew he was cursed already. He was elated that he had succeeded in getting man cursed. However, in the midst of God's verdict, He made a statement that caught the devil off guard, And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed; it shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise his heel: Gen 3:15.
God left a window of dominion to be restored to man. The statement He made
was like saying, 'The devil, the enemy, has won today by making man lose all that I gave to man but I will make sure that the battle doesn't end here, the woman will give birth to Someone who will conquer the devil and totally crush him.' Immediately the devil heard this, he became afraid because he now realised that the battle is not over and he has not won.
I want you to know that it is not over; the devil has not won over your life. Even if he succeeded in making you incur God's wrath and punishment, God will still leave a window of mercy for you. May be you have made a mistake in the past that you are suffering for and you think that the devil has had the final say because of your past. I want you to know according to scriptures that the ...God of peace shall bruise Satan under your feet shortly . . .: Rom 16:20.
Jesus Christ, the Seed of the woman, came to fulfil the prophecy of crushing the devil's head. It was only after Jesus won the victory that the battle ended (John 19: 30). So it ended on a note of victory for man. Whatever the enemy has done, I want you to know today that it is not over until you win and you will surely win, you have God’s word for it, For there is hope of a tree, if it be cut down, that it will sprout again, and that the tender branch thereof will not cease: Job 14:7.

* In the name of Jesus, the devil will not win over my life.
* In the name of Jesus, I refuse to give up in life and destiny.

I receive deliverance from the forces of destiny vandalizers and destiny wasters, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 19, 2016

Established by the Word

Tuesday 19 April
READ: Psa. 119: 89-93

It is important that you learn how to look at your circumstances through the Word of God. Do not judge the Word by what you are going through; the Word of God is more valid than the experience of man. If the Word of God says you are healed but you are still feeling the pain, remember that the Word is superior to your feeling.
Anytime you are faced with situations that are not in agreement with God's will for your life as revealed in the Word of God, what to do is to challenge that situation by the Word of God. That unpleasant circumstance has no option but to bow to the Word. Any circumstance that you stand on the Word of God against but refuses to bow is saying that the Lord God needs to amend - and that is not possible. The Bible says, For ever, O Lord, thy word is settled in heaven. Psa. 119:89. The Word of God is eternally established in Heaven; there is no situation on earth that can bend the Word. Keep holding on to the eternal Word of God in spite of what you can see, feel or hear in the physical. Your situation must eventually bow to the Word. The Word is established in Heaven, and when you hold on to it on the earth, it will establish you.
When you stand on what God has said, divine help is inevitable. Everything that you need in life is in the Word. If you are confronted by sickness, the healing that you need is in the Word. As it is written, He sent his word, and healed them, and delivered them from their destructions: Ps 107:20. If you want victory over trials, temptations and battles of life, then get into the Word. Jesus set us the example when satan confronted Him; He beat him hands down by the Word of God. Jesus kept replying satan with 'it is written . . .' till Jesus gave him the final Word, Away with you, Satan! For it is written, 'You shall worship the Lord your God, and Him only you shall serve: Matt 4:10 (NKJV). God’s Word holds the key to all things for all believers. It is the lamp to our feet, light to our path (Psa. 119:105), and by it we are healed-Psa. 107:20.
That is the testimony of all who love God’s Word and it can become yours today if you choose God’s Word as your life anchor.

* Challenge every situation contrary to God’s Word in your life to bow now, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare the supremacy of God’s Word over every challenge today, in Jesus’ name.
* Promise God that you will always obey His Word all the days of your life.

Father, because of the blood of Jesus, cause me to enjoy extravagant mercy this year, in the name of Jesus

Monday, April 18, 2016

Fulfilled by Help

Monday 18 April
READ: Exo. 2: 11 – 15
MORE LESSON: Exo. 12: 30 - 32

Moses must have grown up knowing that he had a divine destiny to deliver the children of Israel from captivity in Egypt. He carried a dream and vision to deliver his people; and he killed someone because he wanted to fulfil his destiny but he only succeeded in becoming a fugitive. For forty years, Moses, a prince and honourable man in the Egyptian Empire, lived in the wilderness among sheep. He carried an unfulfiled dream around in his heart as he lived in mediocrity as a shepherd in the wilderness of Midian. Many people today have unfulfilled dreams and some have even given up, having done all they could and they could not attain the fulfilment of their vision in life. Fulfilling your dreams in life and destiny is not a function of human effort. May be like Moses, you might have even done wrong in the attempt to get to your dream and you find that you still cannot attain it. There is mercy for you today if you will repent, ask for forgiveness and come to the God of all help.
It is only by the mercy and help of God that a man can fulfil his dreams and visions in life. Moses used human wisdom and ended up a fugitive but when the help of God located him, he became the deliverer that he was destined to be. This time it was not by his power or might but by the Spirit of God upon his life. Moses had an encounter with God that turned his life around and he became who he was born to be. You need an encounter with God in order to fulfil your divine destiny, and today that encounter will come your way, in Jesus’ name.
The same Moses who fled from Pharaoh became like a god to Pharaoh (Exo. 7: 1). In fact, in Exo. 12: 30 – 32, Pharoah himself called on Moses and begged him to take the people out of the land of Egypt and pleaded with Moses to bless him before leaving. When the help of God locates you, what you have been looking for and you couldn't get, people begin to beg you to take it. What Moses ended in trouble trying to do by his own effort, he was able to gallantly achieve by the help of God. Of a truth, . . . it is not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit, saith the Lord of hosts: Zech 4: 6 .
Today, I announce to you that your destiny will be fulfilled by the help of God. If you have been struggling with fulfilling your vision in life and it is getting more and more difficult, I connect you with the same God that helped Moses to fulfil his dream, in Jesus’ name.

* Repent of all the wrong steps you’ve taken in the attempt to fulfil your dreams.
* Ask that the Holy Spirit will lead you and grant you fulfilment, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that God will help you to identify His voice as He leads you.

I command every ancient gates and everlasting doors shut against my destiny to break open now, in the name of Jesus.

Divine Intervention

Sunday 17 April
READ: Psa 126: 1 - 6
MORE LESSON: Psa 40: 3

When God wants to help a man, He intervenes in his situations. As a matter of fact, divine help is God's intervention in an impossible situation thereby improving it or preventing it from getting worse. I want you to know that there is a degree to which God intervenes in your matter such that He makes a statement for you without you having to say a word. God can do something for you that will make the people around you begin to talk about it even without you saying a word. In our text, when the Lord turned again the captivity of Zion, two things happened as a result of God's intervention.
The first thing is that their mouths were filled with laughter and their tongues with songs of joy. There is a difference between smiling and laughing; there is also a difference between laughing and being filled with laughter. Consequently, there are things God does for you and you smile while there are things He does and you can't help it but laugh. Today, God's intervention in your situation will cause your mouth to be filled with laughter and your tongue with singing. You will dance as you laugh and sing because of God's visitation over your life ,in Jesus’ name.
The second thing that happened when God intervened in their situation is that the heathen began to testify about the doing of God in their life, Then said they among the heathen, The Lord hath done great things for them: Psa. 126:2. When God goes into operation for you, you don't need to tell stories, the stories tell themselves. They didn't have to tell the heathen what the Lord did, the heathen started talking about it first. I call such interventions of God 'unhideable miracles': miracles that people see and start talking about whether you announce them or not. One intervention from God speaks louder than one thousand speeches.
I was ministering in a meeting and the Lord was doing so many miracles. At the end of the meeting, a Muslim woman came before me and knelt down requesting that she wanted to be my spiritual daughter. I approved the request; a daughter of a preacher must be a preacher, so I led her to the Lord and believed she will surely become a vessel for God's glory. The point I am trying to make is that I didn't preach on salvation in that meeting; I didn't talk to her and I didn't make an altar call. I was just ministering God's power to people and Jehovah was busy intervening in people's lives.
When God intervenes in a situation; 'unhideable things' happen, and people come even if you don’t invite them. God will give you an intervention that men will see and testify of; you will not need to be the one to give your testimony. People will come to Jesus because of what God will do for you today, in Jesus’ name.

* Father, intervene in every impossible situation of my destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* Let God arise and let my enemies scatter, in Jesus’ name.

I command every resistance to my breakthrough to give way, and every power hiding my key to elevation; lose your force now, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 16, 2016

This Know Also

Saturday 16 April
READ: 2 Tim 3:1
MORE LESSON: Hosea 4: 6

In 2 Tim 3: 1 the Bible says, This know also . . . and it's like saying that there is what you need to know in addition to what you have already known. It is necessary to keep adding to your knowledge by learning more and more every day. God always wants us to be on the side of knowledge. No one in life is all made in one day; you become made by an accumulation of added value. So you need to increase your knowledge more and more everyday of your life till you attain mastery in whatever God has placed in your hands. This know also . . . means there is something about God that you don't know yet, it means you should start knowing more about God. Don't keep bragging about what you now know about God; there is something you still don't know. Everybody under God is a student; the day you graduate you die. In addition to what you have known, God wants you to keep adding more knowledge.
There is always something you need to know. That is why you need to do quiet time everyday and apart from reading your devotional, you need to be able to pick up a book of the Bible and study. You need to get anointed literature and study. Spend your spare time reading instead of going to gossip around and endanger the covenant over your life. Be a reader; readers are leaders. However, knowing more is not limited to spiritual things, even in your profession you need to know more. There is no room for idleness in the Kingdom; if you are done with reading your Bible, there is a computer programme to learn. There is a contract to follow up or a paper to write or a seminar to attend. I don't believe in idleness because there is always something to do. When you are on a journey, you can use that time to listen to sermons, tapes and other materials that will add value to you. The way to learn is to keep learning by listening, reading and observing. Some Christians have stopped attending church services because they are offended at the pastor, so they are not able to learn more.
Maturity is attained by learning more and more. Even as a preacher, there is a need to know more. All you know as a preacher might be the message of holiness which you have been preaching but you might be raising people that are holy but poor. So you need to learn God's way of attaining success and prosperity and start teaching that as well. There is something you need to know also. So it doesn't matter who or what you are at the moment, learn to always go for more. Study to show yourself approved before God, Study to show thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth: II Tim. 2:15.

Prayer/ Action
* Father, give me a teachable spirit, in Jesus’ name.
* I refuse to be idle today, in Jesus’ name.
* Holy Spirit, guide my heart to learn something new in life and destiny today, in Jesus’ name.

My father, let every organised evil against my life be disappointed and paralyzed today, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 15, 2016

Harvest of Righteousness

Friday 15 April
READ: Heb. 12:5-11
MORE LESSON: Prov.29:15

As a young man in secondary school, I never liked to hear the word “discipline” because usually it was used when you were to undergo punishment for an offence. You were disciplined with six or twelve strokes of the cane on your buttocks. You could also be asked to kneel down and raise your hands in the air for one hour, or to cut grass. At home, discipline was also not different. It was either you were deprived of your dinner or made to kneel down facing the wall, or forced to sit down inside the house while your mates played outside.
When I first read today’s Scripture passage some years ago, I was not comfortable that such a word is written in the Bible because of my concept of discipline. How can it be that the one whom God loves He chastises (disciplines)? Those who discipline us are never our friends, and we run away from them because we think they don't love us. If God will also punish me, why should I endure it and see Him as my Father? But with maturity and better understanding, I have come to appreciate this scripture and to understand that discipline is actually meant to make you conform to an order that will make your life meaningful. The rod was to drive away the “foolishness” that is bound in the heart of a child (Prov.22:15) so that wisdom can have room to thrive in the child. Discipline is meant to inculcate a behavioural pattern that will make you a better person to society and humanity in general. I have also come to know that those who disciplined us when we were young actually wanted the best of us to come to limelight. They did so because they believed in us and truly loved us. When you refuse discipline, you deny yourself of a training process. I believe that those who are robbers, vandals and perpetuators of violence on our streets today were either not disciplined (corrected, chastised) when they were young, tender and malleable, or that they did not take to discipline. Hence, they are what they are today.
God's chastisement is much more encompassing. The passage we read says: Our fathers disciplined us for a little while as they thought best; but God disciplines us for our good, that we may share in his holiness. No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it : Heb 12:10 -11 (NIV). Note the following benefits of discipline from the passage and keep them in memory for life: 1) God's chastisement makes you share in His holiness. 2) It is a training that produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for you. Will you still resist discipline today?

* Lord, please forgive me of the sin of hatred towards those who disciplined me in time past and bless them.
* Lord, do not hold back Your discipline from me; help me to respond appropriately to Your discipline.

Father, in Your mercy today, deliver me from indebtedness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, April 10, 2016

Covenant Advantage II

Sunday 10 April
READ: I Peter 1: 3 - 4
MORE LESSON: Eph 1:2-3

For every covenant, there is an advantage. Men in the Old Testament walked in covenant with God and they enjoyed the advantages. In the New Testament, we have a higher covenant of redemption where God has given up His only begotten Son to establish the plan of salvation for mankind. This covenant brings us into a more favourable position. It brings gain and benefits for man and brings man into God's own class. So the New Covenant is bringing God’s plan for man into eternal inheritance with Him, if man will accept the offer of His Son. Jesus said, You must be born again: Jn. 3:3. For man to access the eternal covenant, he must accept Jesus as his Lord and Saviour; and to such is given the right to become children of God, to those who believe in His name (Jn. 1:12).
The covenant inheritance that God promised man can only be accessed through Christ Jesus. You need to become a child of God to enjoy the benefits of the covenants God has made with mankind. The Scripture says, Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, which according to his abundant mercy hath begotten us again unto a lively hope by the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you: I Pet. 1:3-4. Beloved, the hope of living again after this world is by the resurrection of the Lord Jesus. And we who believe Jesus will be woken up into a special type of inheritance in Christ Jesus, which is quite different from every earthly possession and inheritance.
Apostle Peter described the inheritance we have in God through the Lord Jesus as “incorruptible” . This means that the advantage we have through the covenant of grace and redemption is uncontaminated, contains no error and can never be corrupted because it is reserved where moth and rust do not exist. It is also “undefiled”. This means that what we get in return for surrendering our life to Christ and by abiding by the terms of the covenant cannot be made filthy or dirty or polluted; it maintains its value and quality. It is also described as that which does not fade away. Our inheritance by the covenant does not lose colour or brilliance, freshness or strength and does not disappear or die slowly or vanish. Dearly beloved, you can see that the heavenly inheritance is far superior to the earthly one. So, nothing on earth is worth going to hell for. Remain in the covenant and enjoy its benefits eternally. The covenant puts a man in a vantage position in every of God's allocation. Remember, God is a covenant keeping God; He will never break His covenant with you.

* Father, thank You for bringing me into a covenant relationship with You.
* I receive the grace to fulfil the terms of the covenant and enjoy its benefits forever, in Jesus' name.
* There is an eternal inheritance reserved in Heaven for me.

I decree every satanic baggage that has made my journey in life tough to be consumed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 9, 2016

Covenant Advantage 1

Saturday 9 April
READ: Gen. 17:1-9
MORE LESSON: Gal. 3:18

Every agreement made is for a purpose, whether it is between man and man or between man and God. Whenever the greater enters into an agreement with the lesser, it is for a particular advantage. It could be for protection, increment or blessing. Whenever the lesser goes into a covenant agreement with the greater, the lesser is lifted. A covenant puts you on the same platform with the person you have made the covenant with. This is the reason why when God wants to bless men, He cuts covenant with them. Looking through the Bible, both in the Old Testament and New Testament, we see time and again God entering into agreements with His children. We see God giving a blessing with a condition, and there are several of such covenants in the Old Testament.
The first is the covenant of Eden where God asked man for one thing-obedience. The Edenic Covenant is a pre-fall agreement between God and man, where Adam was promised blessings if he would comply with the terms of the covenant. This is expressed in Gen 2:15, Then the Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to tend and keep it. And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, "Of every tree of the garden you may freely eat; but of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil you shall not eat, for in the day that you eat of it you shall surely die. God gave Adam the blessing of everything on the earth but Adam broke the terms of the covenant. God had to look for another means of entering into another covenant with another generation. Remember that for every man that God enters into a covenant with, there is an advantage he enjoys.
God located Abraham and made a covenant with him, And I will make My covenant between Me and you, and will multiply you exceedingly: Gen 17:2. Abraham kept the covenant of circumcision and was willing to sacrifice his only beloved son as an expression of his loyalty to God's covenant. This is the reason he became so great and exalted today among all peoples. I call on you to walk in a covenant relationship with God and partake of the advantage in it. The highest covenant you can partake in is the New Covenant in Jesus Christ. The New Covenant is the basis for all biblical covenants that God made with individuals like Noah, Abraham, David and so it is superior to them all . The New Covenant is designed to bring man into a restored relationship with God through the death of Christ and obedience to God's Word. It is time for you to stick with the New Covenant in Jesus Christ and begin to enjoy all the advantages in it.

* Pray that the covenant of God will speak for you in every area of life.
* Pray for the grace to be faithful to the terms of God's covenant.
* Ask for the covenant advantage to distinguish you in destiny.

Father, today, turn every wilderness in my life to a stream of waters and my dry land into springs of water.

Friday, April 8, 2016

Pleasant Places

Friday 8 April
READ: Psa. 16:1-6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 78:53-55

Today's reading is a psalm of great encouragement to the saints of God. The saint of God is the one who has believed and received the Son of God and is following Him (Jn.1:12). To such people the Lord gives them the experience of pleasant places in all vocations and endeavours of life. Another version puts Psa.16:6 this way: Fair places are marked out for me, I have a noble heritage. God marks out specific places for His children. These are ordained, appointed, set out places and in such places His children thrive and flourish. Even if it is in the desert, when God is the one who marked the place for you, prosperity will locate you there. If you want to be successful, happy, joyful and fulfilled, locate God's marked place for your life.
There are several reasons why men fail and do not have the experience of pleasant places.
1.) When you are not in God's marked place for you; labouring in another man's field brings no harvest. Locate your field.
2.) Laziness can make a man miss pleasant places experience, Yet a little sleep, a little slumber, a little folding of the hands to sleep: so shall thy poverty come as one that travelled, and thy want as an armed man: Prov.6:10-11. Sometimes laziness has a spiritual root. The force of the evil one must be broken in order to come out of apathy, drowsiness and laziness.
3.) Pleasant places can also be missed because of ignorance of what is yours, what to do and how to do it. You must know what is marked for you as your portion and go for it, The Lord shall open unto you His good treasure, the heaven to give the rain unto thy land in his season, and to bless all the work of thine hand; and thou shalt lend unto many nations, and thou shalt not borrow: Deut.28:12. God has a good treasure for you; pray that your eyes will be opened to it. Take your place by knowledge; no man is greater than what he knows. Add value to your life by self- development, train up and increase your capacity.
4.) Pleasant places can be missed because of wrong company (I Cor. 15:33).
5.) Pleasant places can be missed by refusing to seek the Lord. Seeking the Lord brings a man into the experience of pleasant places, And he sought God in the days of Zechariah, who had understanding in the visions of God; and as long as he sought the Lord, God made him to prosper: II Chron.26:5. Here is a king who was just sixteen years of age but entered into the experience of pleasant places because he sought the LORD. Seeking the Lord gets God to work for you in this world and you enter into pleasantness effortlessly.

* Lord, let the lines fall unto me in pleasant places and give me a good portion.
* I reject the attitude of laziness, drowsiness, etc that makes me miss my pleasant places.

Agents of spiritual slumber and compromise, get out of my life now, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, April 7, 2016

We are Brethren

Thursday 7 April
READ: Gen. 13:1-8
MORE LESSON: Phil. 2:1-5

And Abraham said unto Lot, let there be no strife, I pray thee, between my herdmen and thy herdmen; for we be brethren: Gen.13:8. Other versions write that phrase “we are brethren” as “we are close relatives” or “we are family”. Everyone born into this world is born into a family; everyone belongs to one family or the other. In a family, offences will happen but God does not want us to dwell on offences. This is one major lesson we all are to learn from today's reading. We all must carry the consciousness of brotherhood like Abraham did with Lot, whether it is biological family or the household of God. Many people have lost the consciousness of belonging to a family and have isolated themselves, leading to satanic attacks and major losses to them personally and to the family at large.
Abraham was blessed and made rich by God (Gen.13:2) but he did not keep it to himself alone; he allowed the blessings he enjoyed to flow to his brother Lot, And Lot also, which went with Abram, had flocks, and herds, and tents: Gen.13:5. This pattern of Abraham is true brotherhood. Many among our brethren have no food but we don't know nor see it because we don't care. Such attitude is anti-family and definitely anti-God. As God blessed and increased Abraham, Lot also increased and was blessed. Whether in church or at home, we all need to rise up to the demands of brotherhood, even in the face of offence. As we increase in substance individually, it must not lead to jealousy and envy; it must produce appreciation and complementing one another. It must lead to spreading the wealth to one another, helping others to also acquire land, businesses and factories where we are located and across in the land and the nation (Gen.13:9).
We must consciously deal with satanic plots to make us fight, strive or quarrel. Wherever there are men with diverse opinions and views, there will likely be disagreement. But we must allow the cord of being part of a family to weld us stronger than our disagreements.
Abraham was the older man who brought Lot out of Ur, and he had the right to choose first and Lot after, but because of the family bond he allowed the younger man to choose first. He took the initiative to allow peace to reign and satan lost the battle over his family. Be the one to settle that quarrel and reconcile. Do not allow satan to succeed in sowing evil seeds of un-forgiveness, malice and strife in the family. Abraham so much valued brotherhood and family ties that he rescued Lot from captivity (Gen.14:14-16), interceded for Lot before God that Lot and his family might not partake in destruction (Gen.18:22-33). Play your part in your family and in the household of faith. We are brethren!

*Lord, I renounce and cast the spirit of strife and quarrel out of my home and family.
*I declare today that I will play my part to keep my family (physical/spiritual) united and progressive.
Take a step of obedience, reconcile with that brother/sister in forgiveness and love. Call or send a text of reconciliation today.

Father, this day, remove every disobedient Jonah from the ship of my life, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Speak into the Atmosphere

Wednesday 6 April
READ: Mark 4:35-39
MORE LESSON: Eze. 29:1-3

In today's reading, it had already been concluded by Jesus that He and His disciples were going over to the other side but the enemy said it would not be. So also it is for every one born with a great destiny; your other side is that greatness, that promotion, that impact full ministerial calling, that relevant business the enemy will always say no to. The devil sent a storm to hinder them from crossing over to the other side; the boat became full of water though Jesus was there with the disciples. Jesus was with them but nothing was done until the disciples spoke. The major lesson of life here is that keeping quiet when you should speak endangers your life. It leads to defeat and makes you a casualty in the battles of life.
The disciples probably assumed that because Jesus was there with them, storms would not come. This can be a costly assumption. Having Kingdom power and authority does not mean challenges will not come; rather, they will come to try that power. You have to unlock the power by speaking. Do not assume, but act, speak, For verily I say unto you, that whosoever shall say unto this mountain, be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith: Mark 11:23. Jesus Himself spoke this profound truth in this verse of the Scripture and it cannot be broken; so you have to speak into the atmosphere even in the face of contradictions. Desires without prayers and speaking them out are wishful thinking. Speak in the days of trouble and God will hear you and give you answer. The only major condition is that you must speak without doubt or unbelief in your heart. Believe that what God says He will, He will do and He can do what He says. Doubt your doubts and believe God to the end.
What do you speak?
I) Speak what God says: situations must respond to what God says. Find out what God says about your situation and speak that out.
ii) Make a decree (Job 22:28). A decree is an authoritative word backed by law. Tell satan his boundary in your life; let him know what he must not do.
iii) Speak a command (Isa.45:11). A command is backed up by the authority of a superior; God is the most superior.
Whatever you refuse to say ‘No’ to will become normal in your life. Disapproval is expressed by speaking. Rise up now and refute all satanic troubles your boat is filled with and there will be a great calm. Speak now!

* Satan, your destructions in my life come to an end today, in Jesus’ name.
* I speak to every storm of life, “Peace, be still”.
* I command a great calm in my situation right now, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, I break the power of evil relationships and defiling associations off me!

Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Altar of Help

Tuesday 5 April
READ: Gen.12:6-9
MORE LESSON: Luke 1:5-11

God relates with men through altars. Altars are high places of spiritual exchange. They are places where memorials are created for generations. Noah was the first man to build an altar to God (Gen. 8:20) and Abraham was the next. Abraham built an altar to God in Gen.12 and he continued to build altars to God throughout his years of sojourn. Abraham had a strong consciousness of the altar that made him to enjoy help all through his years on earth. A wise Christian that will make it in this world must know the place of the altar. Abraham watched over the altar to the point that in Gen.15 he stayed awake to drive vultures away from eating the sacrifice he offered to the Lord.
Men who build altars to God have unique testimonies. In Gen 20 Abraham’s wife was taken by the king of the land, and Jehovah the God of Abraham's altar rose on his behalf to fight his battle and plead his cause before the king. Anyone who has altars raised to Jehovah will be defended by Him. Abraham did not have to go to Abimelech to fight physically; his altar spoke for him. You do not need to fight physically and howl abuses to fight your enemies. Expend your strength in building solid altars of prayer, fellowship and sacrifice to God and He will arise on your behalf. Restoration came to Abraham with riches added; when you service your altar of help properly, God gives restoration with benefits. In Gen 21:33-34, Abraham erected an altar in Beersheba and God caused Him to sojourn successfully in a strange land. It is a lie that you cannot prosper in the land because you are not an indigene. God who caused Joseph and Daniel to prosper in their land of sojourn is alive to make you prosper in yours. God also did it for Isaac in the land of his sojourn (Gen.26): he obeyed God and sowed where God planted him and prospered in the land. He enjoyed help because he also built an altar of help in Gerar, And he builded an altar there, and called upon the name of the LORD, and pitched his tent there: and there Isaac's servants digged a well: Gen.26:25.
What can hinder the altar of help from bringing help for a man?

 i) Refusal to service the altar due to delayed answer to prayers (Luke 1:5-11). Zacharias and Elizabeth serviced their altar even while childless and their testimony changed; God blessed them. 

ii) Doubts at the altar. Keep the faith. Zacharias almost lost the help from the altar due to doubt but thank God that the altar of God also speaks mercy. Through mercy he still got his blessing though he had to be dumb for a season. This couple serviced the altar and got a unique son worth ten sons; the forerunner of the Lord Jesus came through them. 

Receive grace to service your altar and great help will be your portion.

* I receive grace and diligence to service my altar.
* I receive a new consciousness of the altar that I might truly benefit thereof, in Jesus’ name.
* The altar of God will bless me and lift me on high this year, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that my enemies will not capture me the way they captured Samson, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, April 4, 2016

Success Principles 4

Monday 4 April
READ: Psa. 27:13-14
MORE LESSON: Psa. 37:23,24

In the past few days, we have been studying basic principles for success in life. We have established that you were created to succeed; the seed of success was planted in you at creation. To get going, you need the Creator to direct your path. While it is necessary to work hard, the labour of man is exercise in futility except God orders his footsteps by bringing him opportunities. The psalmist says, Unless the LORD builds a house, they labour in vain who build it; Unless the LORD guards the city, the Watchman stays awake in vain. It is vain for you to rise up early, to sit up late, to eat the bread of sorrows, For so HE gives His beloved sleep: Psa.127:1-2 (NKJV). I pray that you will learn to put your trust in the LORD concerning your pursuit in life.
Let us now conclude the study with some other fundamental principles which success usually rides upon.
1. Be bold and courageous (Josh.1:6,9) to step into whatever God instructs you to do. If you want to succeed, don't be fearful; fear kills. Fear is a weapon of the devil to intimidate you, and to stop you from making outstanding breakthroughs. You can do it; you can make it. Take the step by faith and don't be afraid. Meditate on these scriptures during the day (Isa.41:10-13; 31:2-4; Deut.20: 4).
2. Believe this beloved, there is always a way forward. Don't ever give it up when you are stuck; don't throw in the towel. God makes ways even in the wilderness and rivers in the desert (Isa.41:17-20; 43:16-19). Let it be deep seated in your heart that you were created to succeed, so you can't fail. You were programmed by God to be a victor. Search out the way forward. Wait on the Lord and He will show you what to do next.
3. Never be dismayed. Setbacks, oppositions and confrontations are common with only those who are moving forward; they are part of advancement. You must make setbacks temporal and your dream in life permanent. Keep your eyes on your goals.
4. Success that will endure does not come cheap. If you ever get it cheap, it is not the original but fake. There is always the cheap way (Prov.20:17, 21), but remember that every fake product does not last.
5. There is always a higher price for any genuine product; pay the price (Prov.13: 11) and you will have it. Part of the price you pay is hard work, patience, commitment to one course, the determination to succeed. However, always remember the following scriptures even as you work hard to succeed (Psa.36:7-9, Isa.48:17-18).
If you do these things, you will surely and truly succeed in life.

* Lord, help me to understand and walk in these principles, in Jesus’ name
* Lord Jesus, deliver me from toiling; take my hand and lead me all the way.
* I insist that I will not run in vain in life; I will have good success, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today, send the fourth man in this fourth month to neutralise every satanic fire set against my life, home and ministry, in Jesus’ name.

Success Principles 3

Sunday 3 April
READ: I Cor.2:9-14
MORE LESSON: Rom.8:14-16

There are at least five success principles from the Scripture passage you have just read.
1) God has prepared things for those who love Him.
2) The natural eyes, the human ears and the undiscerning heart cannot comprehend them.
3) Although the human sense organs cannot identify them, God who prepared them reveals them.
4) God reveals them through His Spirit who has the capability to search those things out.
5) We also have received that Spirit who can search out those things God has in stock for us and reveal them to us.
If you must succeed in life, relate with these truths. Your destiny is not void; there are things prepared by God for you. You are so precious to God that He sat in Heaven and devoted time to prepare THINGS for your life and destiny. These things He has prepared are beyond human comprehension. This is one of the reasons I believe that satan may try as much as he can, but he will not be able to steal my allocation from God, because he cannot comprehend my lot. No wonder the psalmist says: The lines have fallen to me in pleasant places, Yes I have a good heritage: Psa.16:6.
The reason why men look down on you now is because their eyes, ears and hearts cannot fathom the things that God has created for you. Unfortunately, many people look down on themselves because they cannot see anything unique about their lives. Some even contemplate suicide because they see only a bleak future. The issue is that you are what you see of yourself. If you want to succeed in life, begin to see yourself in the light of the Spirit of God. If you can see it, there will be comprehensive strength to pursue. This is what is called VISION: men who have vision are those who see what God has prepared for them. The degree or level of anyone’s success is ruled by the vision he sees. Begin to see the things God has prepared for you today, and like one with a wild fire burning in their bones, you will do exploits.
You will never be able to develop a sound vision except you engage the Holy Spirit who knows the mind of God and can search out what He has allocated for your destiny. Many people believe so much in themselves and the capacity of their brain. Unfortunately, where the human capacity ends is where the wisdom of the Holy Spirit starts, Where is the wise? Where is the scribe? Where is the disputer of this age? Has not God made foolish the wisdom of this world? 1Cor. 1:20 (NKJV). If you really want to succeed, seek after the true fellowship with the Holy Spirit. Then you will ride on the eagle’s wings to greater height in life.

* Lord, open my eyes of understanding to comprehend what You have in stock for me in life.
* Father, cause me to catch a vision for my life and grant me power to run with it.

This month, every power assigned to mess up my consecration and destiny shall be utterly destroyed by fire, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 2, 2016

Success Principles 2

Saturday 2 April
READ: Eccl. 9:10-11
MORE LESSON: Gen. 26:1-4

Although all men are created with the seed of success vested in them, not all men succeed. Success in life is governed by principles and ordinances. No one succeeds overnight without following these principles though some people believe in working hard to succeed. While it is true that lazy people do not succeed, you must also know that success is not all about hard work. You don't succeed because you are wise, clever, strong or brave. The scriptural passage (Eccl. 9:11) says men succeed by reason of “time and chance”; you succeed because you are at the right place and the right time.
This brings us to a very crucial issue. How can a man be at the right place and at the right time? There is a power that orders the footsteps of men to be at the right place and the right time to harvest opportunities. That force is the voice of God.
1. Listen and hear the voice of the Lord before taking life decisions, before taking steps into any venture or before you launch into the deep. Carefully study the following scriptures in your spare time, and you will be amazed how the fathers of faith succeeded because they listened to and heard the voice of God (Gen.26:1-4; Josh.1:1-3, Exo. 3:3-8, Lk.5:1-11, 1Sam.30:7-8, Eph.5:17, Psa. 32:8-9). You may note from these scriptures that the persons mentioned therein sought God and heard Him before taking steps. This was one of the greatest secrets of their success. Isaac was on his way to Egypt that he might take advantage of the Nile River to water his livestock and probably practise irrigated agriculture. What he embarked upon was the natural tendency of a fast thinking person. But God said to stay in Gerar, and God blessed him and the man waxed great. The voice of God will deliver you from personal labour and toiling all night.
2. Allow God to lead you, and remain under His leadership (Psa. 16:7-8; John 15:10-14). When the branch of a tree breaks off from its main stem, it dries up in a matter of days. A stream that is severed from its source flows away and dries up. Jesus said that without Him you can do nothing. You can choose to end your countless failures today if Jesus can be all in all in your life.
3. Develop a personal and functional altar with the Lord. Learn to go back to God again and again. Report back and learn the next way forward. You must maintain continuous link with the One who knows and understands all in order to succeed in a progressive manner.
You succeed in life because God causes you to succeed. You can only enter into great opportunities if God remembers you and grants you favour before Him and men. If you continue to stay in Jesus, seeking Him first in all you do, you will surely succeed in your ventures.

* LORD, let me hear Your voice every day of my life, in Jesus’ name
* I denounce every voice that is not of God that is speaking loud over my destiny.
* Father, draw me nearer, nearer to Thee (make this your song for the day).

This month and all through the year, I shut down the mouth of everything that swallows up destiny, in the name mighty of Jesus.

Friday, April 1, 2016

Success Principles 1

Friday 1 April
READ: Gen. 1:26-28
MORE LESSON: Psa. 1:1-6

Every human being is created to succeed in life; nobody has been created to fail. You may have seen a thousand and one people struggle to succeed without positive results, or you may have personal experiences of struggling and failing several times. Your knowledge and experience notwithstanding, you were created and fashioned to experience true success in life.
The reason why I am so sure of this is because the first statement God uttered to man when He created him reads thus, Then God blessed them, and God said to them, "Be fruitful and multiply; fill the earth and subdue it; have dominion over the fish of the sea, over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that moves on the earth: Gen. 1:28. The first voice man ever heard was the voice of God and the words he heard were those of blessing. You may note from this passage that the man was blessed by God and empowered by a proclamation to go and succeed in life. The man was ordained to be fruitful, multiply, rule the earth, utilise and manage the resources of the earth (the elements of the air, land and water) to his profit, have dominion over these elements, replenish the earth, make it a vibrant, viable and a worthy place to live in. If you accept the doctrine that all humans (including you) proceed from Adam; that you were created after his image and likeness, then believe also that you share in the blessing that God proclaimed upon him at creation. If you also accept the doctrine that all men became sinners because of Adam's sin (Rom. 5:19a) and that Christ Jesus is the second (spiritual) Adam by which all who believe in His name are reconciled to God, then it should not be difficult to accept that what Adam was and the blessings he carried before he fell have been restored to all who now confess Jesus as LORD and Saviour.
Believe that you are a carrier of blessing. You have the capability to be fruitful; you carry the potential to multiply anything in your hand. The earth and the fullness thereof are at your disposal to explore. Every element of the earth can respond to you. Believe what is written: whatsoever you do shall prosper (Psalm1:3).
The only thing you need to do to guarantee this is to be a true Christian. True Christians don't walk in the counsel of the ungodly, nor do they stand in the path of sinners. They don't sit in the seat of the scornful. Anyone who does these things opens doors for an enemy to eat up his destiny. Do you want to succeed now and always? Delight yourself in the law of the LORD. Meditate on His Word always, and you will see the seed of success planted in you, from creation, germinate, bud, blossom and bear fruit effortlessly.

* Lord, I believe that I carry the gene of the blessed Adam.
* I denounce unbelief and the voice of doubt; I confess that I am destined to succeed in life.
* LORD, help me to live the true Christian life, in Jesus’ name.

Father in heaven, the giver of all good gifts; thank You for the good gift of the month of April, in the name of Jesus.