Saturday 30 April
READ: Isa. 57: 19 - 21
MORE LESSON: Isa. 32: 17 - 20
Peace means tranquility, rest, well-being, prosperity, health, healing and every good thing you can think of. The Hebrew word for peace is the word 'shalom'. Everything you are looking for in life and eternity is inside that word. However, in the world today one of the things that seems to elude men the most is peace. Many live and there is no peace at home, no peace at work, no peace in their finances, no peace in their body. There is fear, worry and unrest all over them. The question today is, “Do you have peace, can you sincerely look into your heart and say that you are full of peace?” I pray that the Lord will give you peace today and turn your life around.
Jesus said, Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid: Jn. 14:27 (NKJV). It is Jesus that gives peace, so any life without Christ is full of crises. Peace will always elude a man living in sin. The way to overcome every crisis in life and live in peace is to stay in righteousness. No man who lives in sin can have peace. Many people indulge in sin and they put up a façade of enjoying life but they are only faking it. It is all a lie, deep inside, there is emptiness and restlessness. Going to parties, getting drunk, sleeping around or going out with friends to 'catch fun' will never fill the void that is created by the absence of peace in a life. It is righteousness that brings peace. The Bible says, The fruit of righteousness will be peace; the effect of righteousness will be quietness and confidence forever: Isa 32:17 (NIV). A man that does not have Jesus in his life is categorised by God as a wicked man. The man could be rich, he could be popular, he may be a politician, a star artiste or a philanthropist. As long as he is a sinner, he is regarded as a wicked man by Heaven and the Bible says that there is no peace for the wicked ( Isa. 57: 21) .
Today as you accept the righteousness that is freely available through the blood of Jesus and you continue in it by exhibiting His righteousness in your life and deeds, there is one thing that I can assure you - that is 'Peace unto you.'
* Prophesy peace all around you today, in Jesus’ name.
* Today, decree the peace of God in every storm and trouble situation, in Jesus’ name
Satan, all your acts and plans over my life ends with this day and this month, in the name of Jesus.