Sunday 30 April
READ: Mk. 4:37-41
MORE LESSONS: Job 14:1-7
Life is fragile, handle it with prayer, so says an old Christian adage. The older I get, the more I find this word real. It is not a negative confession, it is just a reality and a good counsel. Even if things are going on smoothly for you, it is still not a proof that life is not fragile; in fact, that makes it more fragile. A smooth sail is more risky than a stormy one because the stormy one is already in crisis. It is the smooth sail that fears a risk. However with prayer, either smooth or rough, God can make a man prevail. He can prevail to keep a smooth sail sustained and can restore peace to the troubled ones.
Did you note in today's reading that Jesus began to sleep before the storm, and while the storm lasted, He was still sleeping. Both situations are the same to Him. He was so comfortable with the storm that even when the boat was filled with water, and possibly Jesus was soaked, He didn't wake up. Only Jonah could have neared such records in Scripture. Can you imagine Jesus’ comment when He woke up? … Why are ye fearful….: Matt. 8:26. Incredible! It means all that risk was not worth fearing. This is why I say to you today, trust your life only to Jesus. Whether in rough or smooth weather; He alone can give the needed shelter from the sun and rain.
Only the life that is hidden in God can prevail over life's turbulence and sustain a life of joy and peace. Is your life truly in God's hands? Are you a true child of God living in perfect communion and holiness with God? Is half of your life with the herbalist and half with God? Before you face life today, check and be sure that your life is completely in God's hands by redemption. Only a life hidden with Christ has a guarantee of safety, no alternative, no substitute, no options. No Jesus no life, no safety. The experiences of life have shown that, like Solomon confirmed, ... the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all: Ecc 9:11. That is why life is fragile and the only insurance for it is Jesus. Ask Jesus into your life today, surrender all of your life into His hands, and life will be secure to the end!
* Rededicate the steering of your life into God's hand today as you trust Him for safe landing.
* Receive an anxiety/fear-free destiny by faith in God's Word today, in Jesus’ name.
From the rising of the sun to its going down today will work for my good, in the name of Jesus.