Sunday, April 30, 2017

Life is Fragile

Sunday 30 April
READ: Mk. 4:37-41
MORE LESSONS: Job 14:1-7

Life is fragile, handle it with prayer, so says an old Christian adage. The older I get, the more I find this word real. It is not a negative confession, it is just a reality and a good counsel. Even if things are going on smoothly for you, it is still not a proof that life is not fragile; in fact, that makes it more fragile. A smooth sail is more risky than a stormy one because the stormy one is already in crisis. It is the smooth sail that fears a risk. However with prayer, either smooth or rough, God can make a man prevail. He can prevail to keep a smooth sail sustained and can restore peace to the troubled ones.

Did you note in today's reading that Jesus began to sleep before the storm, and while the storm lasted, He was still sleeping. Both situations are the same to Him. He was so comfortable with the storm that even when the boat was filled with water, and possibly Jesus was soaked, He didn't wake up. Only Jonah could have neared such records in Scripture. Can you imagine Jesus’ comment when He woke up? … Why are ye fearful….: Matt. 8:26. Incredible! It means all that risk was not worth fearing. This is why I say to you today, trust your life only to Jesus. Whether in rough or smooth weather; He alone can give the needed shelter from the sun and rain.

Only the life that is hidden in God can prevail over life's turbulence and sustain a life of joy and peace. Is your life truly in God's hands? Are you a true child of God living in perfect communion and holiness with God? Is half of your life with the herbalist and half with God? Before you face life today, check and be sure that your life is completely in God's hands by redemption. Only a life hidden with Christ has a guarantee of safety, no alternative, no substitute, no options. No Jesus no life, no safety. The experiences of life have shown that, like Solomon confirmed, ... the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, neither yet bread to the wise, nor yet riches to men of understanding, nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them all: Ecc 9:11. That is why life is fragile and the only insurance for it is Jesus. Ask Jesus into your life today, surrender all of your life into His hands, and life will be secure to the end!

* Rededicate the steering of your life into God's hand today as you trust Him for safe landing.
* Receive an anxiety/fear-free destiny by faith in God's Word today, in Jesus’ name.

From the rising of the sun to its going down today will work for my good, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 29, 2017

Torments of Hell III

Saturday 29 April
READ: Luke 16: 26
MORE LESSON: Matt. 22: 13

Perhaps the greatest torment in hell is the separation from God that the lost soul has to experience forever. Separation is a very painful experience. The whole experience of pain associated with the death of a loved one is the pain of separation. People feel so much pain when they lose a loved one because they will never see the person again. The damage that accompanies divorce is all about the pain of separation. Married people separate from each other because things have gone wrong; children are separated from parents, sibling separated from sibling. Separation is tormenting; it is painful when you want to see or hear someone but you are restricted and you can't. This is the reason criminals are punished in a prison by being separated from the society. Even in the prison, hardened criminals are further punished by being separated from other prisoners. With no one to relate with, share with or express inner struggles to, a man starts to deteriorate.

Hell is a place of permanent separation. The soul in hell will never see God again. He is separated from all love, peace, joy, hope. If he calls on God, God doesn't hear anymore. He is separated from family and care. Every soul in hell is separated and consumed in loneliness. No two souls in hell will create a relationship and start discussing; no! Each person is alone; as if he is the only one in the whole of hell. Each sufferer in hell is not even conscious that other sufferers are there. He is alone, consumed entirely by his torments, and oblivion to every other person. When the rich man in hell asked for water, Abraham replied, and beside all this, between us and you there is a great gulf fixed: so that they which would pass from hence to you cannot; neither can they pass to us, that would come from thence: Luke 16:26. The torment of hell is the torment of eternal separation.

God is the source of all love, light and life. Every man on earth enjoys life because God reaches out to them. Even those that deny that God exists have reasons to enjoy life because He reaches out to them. The air we breathe, the water, the light, the sense of life and love all exist because they flow from God. As the Bible puts it, That ye may be the children of your Father which is in heaven: for he maketh his sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust: Matt 5:45 The sinner today may think he can still survive without God because even though he is not reaching out to God, God in His grace still reaches out to him through creation. Immediately a man goes to hell, everything that flows from God is cut off from him forever and then he realises how tormenting it is to be without God. You will not end in hell, in Jesus’ name. But you must accept Jesus today and now to escape.

* Say to Jesus, “I embrace Your love, light and life, I shall not walk in darkness and sin any more, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that the grace of God will be sufficient for you, in Jesus’ name.

I declare that my enemies shall not live to rejoice over me and my family, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 28, 2017

Torments of Hell II

Friday 28 April
READ: Luke 16: 25
MORE LESSON: Psa. 9: 17

A man had a very wonderful family. He was a good man and loved his family very well but he refused to commit his life to Christ even though his wife and children loved the Lord. It is important to note that when it comes to the issue of going to Heaven, being a good person is not enough; no matter how nice a person is, if he refuses to give his life to Christ, he will go to hell. The man was so nice that he would drive his family to church on fellowship days before going back home to watch television. However, his family continued to pray for him.

One day he had a dream where he discovered that everyone in his house was gone. He looked up and saw his youngest daughter in a glorious place while he was in torments in hell. There in intense pain, he cried to his baby girl to come help him out of the place of torments. The girl looked at him with deep feeling and said, 'Daddy we love you but there is nothing we can do to help you anymore.' He screamed and woke up still screaming and sweats breaking out of his forehead. He quickly dashed round the house looking for his family to pray for him, he found the whole house empty. So he thought that rapture had actually taken place. He slumped on the floor and started wailing. It was the wailing that the family heard from the backyard, where everyone was working while he was resting in the bedroom, and rushed into the living room. He didn't hesitate but quickly gave his life to Christ.

Anyone who has a good picture of what hell is will never refuse salvation and risk going there. Hell is a place of untold torments. One of the torments of hell is the punishment that is meted out on the people there. For every sin a man commits on earth, he will be repaid back with torment in hell. For all stealing, lying, sexual immorality and abortion committed on the earth, there is a commensurate measure of pain that will be administered to the person in hell. Worms, demons and other kinds of agents of torture are in hell to inflict pain forever. Luke 16: 25 says about the rich man, ...remember that thou in thy lifetime receivedst thy good things, and likewise Lazarus evil things: but now he is comforted, and thou art tormented. Notice that the Scripture didn't just say that the man was 'in torments' but that he was 'tormented'. That denotes a deliberate act of inflicting torment on someone. There are agents that inflict torment upon souls in hell. It’s unimaginable! My prayer for you is that hell will not be your eternal home, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that everyone in your household will come to the saving knowledge of Christ, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask God to have mercy on you and your household, in the name of Jesus.

Every Goliath that needs to die for me to be divinely announced to my greatness as it was for David, let the Goliath die now, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, April 27, 2017

Torments of Hell I

Thursday 27 April
READ: Luke 16: 23
MORE LESSON: Luke 16: 19 - 31

The devil tries to deceive people into believing that hell doesn't exist but there is a place called hell. It is not an imaginary place, it is a very real place. Jesus told a story that confirmed that hell really exists. Just like every place in existence is describable and has definite characteristics, hell also has definite characteristics. The first characteristic of hell is that it is a place of torments. It is not just a place of torment but of torments. Luke 16: 23 rightly puts it that the rich man in hell was in torments. Every imaginable kind of torment is in hell. Hell is a place of fire. This is the reason the word 'hell-fire' is commonly used. 'Hell-fire' is not synonymous to hell; it is the fire in hell. Even though the fire of hell is incomparably more tormenting than all the fires on earth put together, it is only one of the torments in hell.

As tormenting as the fire of hell is, a greater torment in hell is the sad memory that haunts the people there. Deceivers have falsely taught that there is no life after death and once a man dies, there is nothing he remembers anymore. From Luke 16: 27 - 28, we see that man still remembers everything he did on earth after he dies. The rich man remembered his father's house and his five brothers that were not born again and started begging Father Abraham that someone should be sent from Heaven to go and preach to them. He also remembered how he lived lavishly on earth and wasted his life in sin. It is a great torment to be continually haunted by the regrets of yesterday when you can't do anything to correct it anymore. One of the great torments of hell is the sad memory and regrets of past mistakes that cannot be corrected but which consequence has to be faced forever. In hell, every sinner will remember the day he had the opportunity to accept salvation through Jesus Christ but he turned it down. That memory will bring great pain and torment.

Another torment in hell is the continual thirst that is there. The man in hell cried for just a finger-tip drop of water but he was denied. Water is so essential to human survival. Geographically, the earth surface is 75% water and the human body is also 75% water by composition. Life without water is unimaginable. Part of the torments of hell is that both internal and external water will be dried out of man. Hell is that it is a place of unquenchable thirst where there is no water forever.

The torments of hell are great indeed. You must not go there and you must do everything to keep all the people you can from going there. Consecrate yourself to Jesus today so that hell will not be your portion.

* Declare that your portion in eternity shall not be hell, in the name of Jesus.
* Ask God to take away from your life anything that will make you a candidate of hell, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I strike my name from the list of beggars and debtors, I shall walk in abundance and lend to many, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 26, 2017

The Good Seed

Wednesday 26 April
READ: Matt 13: 37 - 38
MORE LESSON: Luke 13:18 - 19

A seed is anything that has the ability to reproduce after its kind. A seed carries life and can replicate after the life it carries when it is sown. So when you sow love, you reap love. When you sow money, you reap money. Whatever a man sows he shall reap (Gal 6: 7). There are many seeds you can sow, but above them all, you must know that you are also a seed. Every believer is a seed on a good ground. Your life is a seed that when it is sown on a good ground, it brings forth a harvest of lives. God has planted you as a seed and he is expecting a harvest of fruits from your life.
When you plant a seed in the ground, unless it is watered and taken care of, it will not thrive. In the same way, as a child of God, there are things you do that are equivalent to watering the good seed that God has made you to be. These include coming to church, personal prayer, devotion, reading the Word of God, fasting, paying your tithes, pledges, vows and offerings. Staying in the presence of God, doing night vigil, having your own personal fasting days are all ways of watering the seed of God that you are so that you can bear fruit. The reason many lives are unfruitful is because they do not adequately water the seed that has been planted in them.
In John 15:8, Jesus said, Herein is my Father glorified, that ye bear much fruit; so shall ye be my disciples. Jesus' desire is that you bring forth much fruit. This means living a successful Christian life and bringing forth fruit that is worthy of all God's investments in your life. When any man sows a seed, it is always with the expectation of getting fruit one day. You are a seed sown by God and He is expecting fruit from your life. God always wants to eat from the fruit of your life.
This is why He makes sure that the conditions are favourable so that you can have good fruit. Therefore, the reason He has blessed you with whatever you have - life, health, sanity, food, certificate, money, job, marriage or children - is for you to bear fruit. You may not have all of these; but at least you have one. So why not let Him reap enough fruit from the ones He has given you and as you do, I know that He will add the rest to you so that you can bear more fruit. I pray that you will not be a barren tree in the kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus Christ. The seed of your life will produce a mighty great forest in the kingdom of God, in the name of Jesus.

* Pray that you shall be a fruitful Christian, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that everything/ability God has given you will bring fruit to profit His kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

Every negative mystery that has surrounded my life and destiny for ages, be terminated now, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Do You want to Get Well?

Tuesday 25 April
READ: John 5: 6
MORE LESSON: Mk. 10: 51

Every time Jesus wanted to heal a person, He would first ask them if they wanted the healing. In the text today, Jesus saw a man who had been suffering an infirmity for thirty-eight years and the first question Jesus asked him was, do you want to get well? Jn 5: 6 (NIV). It was obvious that the man needed healing, but Jesus was making it known that in life you don't get what you need; you get what you place a demand for. In another place in the Bible, Jesus met a blind man and asked him, “What do you want me to do for you?” Jesus didn't assume that it is every blind man that wants healing. Some people are satisfied with where they are in life and trying to help them is an effort in futility.
You must develop a godly hatred for your present situation if you mean business with moving forward. There is no man that will make progress in life without hating stagnancy. It is possible for a person to be in the same situation for several years and stay like that forever if he does revolt in the spirit against his situation and limitation. If you are satisfied with where you are, everyone will like it for you, and life will arrange for you to stay like that forever. From today, you must embrace the challenge to become more than you are presently.
It is a wrong assumption to think that it is everyone that wants more from life. There was a true life testimony of a crusade where a blind man was walking along with the boy that was leading him around to beg for alms. The power of God was mighty in that crusade and miracles were erupting spontaneously everywhere. All of a sudden, the blind man began to see and that made him really angry. He got so angry that he began to hit everyone around with the stick in his hand, starting with the boy that was leading him around. He asked the boy, 'Why did you bring me here?' Then he started swinging the stick at everyone around. The people held him and asked what was wrong. He answered that he didn't want to see, as no one would give him money again since he could see. He didn't want to start having to fend for himself; the man was satisfied with the blindness and saw it as the source of his livelihood.
There is nothing you can do to help a man who is satisfied with where he is. Even God cannot help such a man. This is why Jesus asked the man in the text, 'Do you want to be healed?' Similarly, He is asking you, 'Do you want to move ahead in life or are you satisfied with your present level?

* I terminate the appetite and tolerance for affliction, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive divine endorsement for my desires, in Jesus’ name.

Today, the Lord shall increase my greatness and comfort me on every side, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, April 24, 2017

The White Garment

Monday 24 April
READ: Isa. 52:1-3
MORE LESSONS: Eph. 5:26-27

The call of Prophet Isaiah on Israel to put on their beautiful garments is an exhortation to believers who are either naked or wearing garments that are not fitting. Both states are evidence of the need for revival. Garment in the Bible symbolises your nature and character. Rev. 19:8 says, ...for the fine linen is the righteousness of the saints; Lk. 24:4 says, ...two men in shinning garment; Ecc. 9:8 admonishes, Let thy garment be always white...; and Exo. 28:2 speaks about the holy garment for Aaron. So God wants our nature and character to be “fine”, “white”, “holy” and shining”. Therefore, the person who lacks the beautiful garment is either naked or covering with fig leaves.
Like Adam and Eve, to cover with fig leaves means a life of pretence that lacks the fruit of the Spirit. But the blood of Jesus can cleanse any garment and make it fine, white and holy. David says, Purge me with hyssop, and I shall be clean: wash me and I shall be whiter than snow: Psa. 51:7. In Isa. 1:18, God also invites: Come now, and let us reason together, ...though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow.
Restoration is needed when your garment is soiled. The Word of God plus the blood of Jesus will cleanse any sin if you can allow God to do it. You have a responsibility to your spiritual state, which is to put on the beautiful garment. God provides the garment (grace); you have to do the putting on. It is about providing all you need to be what He desires you to be but the choice is yours.
Today, rise up and put on your beautiful garment. Ask God not to hide the state of your garment from you and that He should help you keep it clean.

* Ask the Lord to purify your garment of filth and stain, in Jesus’ name.
* Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus against every form of defilement, in Jesus’ name.

This month, I reject every atmosphere and occasion for sorrow, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, April 23, 2017

A Foolish Act

Sunday 23 April
READ: Exo. 12:32-42.

Sometimes when God wants to deal with your enemies, He makes them to behave foolishly. Can you imagine that when the Israelites were leaving Egypt permanently, they asked the Egyptians to lend them silver, gold and clothes? The Egyptians were foolish enough to give to the Israelites who were on their way out of Egypt, such as they required. Why did the Egyptians make that kind of foolish decision? Because God was behind it,
And the LORD gave the people favour in the sight of the Egyptians, so that they lent unto them such things as they required.... Exo. 12:36.
The Lord can cause your enemy to make a costly mistake in order to help you. When God wanted to take Esther to the throne, He made Vashti the queen to disobey the king her husband as recorded in Esther 1:12,
But the queen Vashti refused to come at the king's commandment by his chamberlains: therefore was the king very wroth, and his anger burned in him.
This was a foolish act organised by Heaven to make Vashiti lose her position for Esther to take over. As a child of God, God can do anything for you. He can give men in exchange for your life,
Since thou wast precious in my sight, thou hast been honourable, and I have loved thee: therefore will I give men for thee, and people for thy life Isa. 43:4.
God can take away the throne of your enemy for you to reign in his stead. Never be afraid of any boss that is threatening you as long as you know that your relationship with God is intact and that you discharge your duties as you should.
Believe God for divine intervention. The Lord will cause your enemies to make a costly mistake that will be the stepping stone for your uplifting, in the mighty name of Jesus. Today is a great day for you. For your enemy to act foolishly to your benefit, you must act wisely by remaining committed to pleasing God in all that you think, say or do. As the book of Proverbs says, When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him: Prov.16:7. By this scripture the easiest way to get rid of your enemy and be at peace and prosperity is by making your ways pleasing to the Lord, God will finish the rest. Receive this wisdom today, in the name of Jesus.

* Ask God to cause your enemies to make costly mistakes that lead to your uplifting, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to confuse all your adversaries so that they will start working for your favour, in Jesus’ name.

Every altar and enchantment raised against my joy in 2016, collapse, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 22, 2017

The Church: Repairing Destinies

Saturday 22 April
READ: Luke 7: 37 - 48
MORE LESSON: John11: 2

The church is a place for raising men. The house of God is a place for giving meaning to meaningless lives and repairing ruined destinies. The church is like a hospital where the sick can come and be healed and a school where the unlearned can come and become something in life. There must never be discrimination and segregation in the church. It is a place where everyone should be able to come, rest assured that he will be accepted and raised.
Some pastors are always looking for good and ready made people to bring to their church. A good shepherd is known when bad people come to him and he makes good out of their lives. It must be fully noted though that the job of making something out of people who are nothing in the church is not only for the pastor; it is for every child of God whom the Lord has raised. After all, the church is not one man or an organisation; together all of us who have been saved constitute the Church of Jesus Christ. Every child of God is raised to raise others.
The Church is the Light of the world. Light only makes impact when there is darkness. An already well lit place needs no further light. It is the dark places that actually need light. It is the person that is struggling and helpless that needs the church more than the person who already has all his acts together. This is the reason Jesus said, ...They that be whole need not a physician, but they that are sick: Matt 9:12.
God has called us individually and corporately as a church to rebuild old waste places and repair the foundation of many generations. This means repairing the foundations of people's lives. Drug addicts, harlots and sinners are not to be condemned and banned from coming close to us while we assume a holier-than-thou attitude. We should rather love them, bring them to church and repair them. People who have been spoilt by sin need the repairs that only God can give through the Church of Christ. We must love, accept people and work together with the Holy Spirit to see their destinies changed.
However, a sinner is not to be brought into the church and allowed to remain in his ways. We are not to tolerate sin, making it appear acceptable. Sinners are to be accepted and loved but sin is never to be accepted. Jesus accepted harlots in the Bible but He converted them to saints. One of them came in tears, using her hair and precious ointment to wash Jesus' feet as she pondered the greatness of what the Lord had done for her. Mary Magdalene who later became a great follower of Jesus Christ was a demon possessed woman out of whom the Lord cast out seven demons and repaired her destiny (Mark. 16: 9). The church is a place of transformation of lives.

* Pray that anyone that comes in contact with your local church will be transformed daily to the full image of God, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that God will make you an instrument in building the lives of people and His church, in the name of Jesus.

Every forest harbouring altars against me, catch fire now, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 21, 2017

Gladly Receiving the Word

Friday 21 April
READ: Acts 2:41
MORE LESSON: Heb. 4:1-7

The Bible says that the early converts gladly received the Word of God. It means they excitedly accepted all the conditions. In the Church at that time, it was only those who gladly received the Word that were counted to be born again. It is time that we started emphasising again that it is those who gladly receive the Word and not church goers that are true Christians. A man who gladly receives the Word of God has acknowledged his depravity and realised that he is the one that needs God and not God that needs him. So out of his own volition, he comes to the Lord.
These days, you see someone who just came out for altar call and then you have to start begging him for days to come to church again. Even people who have been in church for a long time still need to be cajoled to do things that God wants done. The Early Church gladly received the Word of God and whatever the Word commands, even if it was bitter and difficult, they did it joyfully. If you receive the Word gladly, you accept its supremacy and are ready to obey without anyone policing you.
When you gladly receive the Word of Christ, it means that you have accepted the terms and conditions of God and you should be excited doing them. This is shown as you are excited coming to church, gladly paying your tithes, joyfully working for God and you take pleasure in living by the dictates of the Word. It is when you have received the Word gladly that Heaven is sure for you. It is not enough that you have given your life to Christ and that you come to church. A person who has not gladly received the Word might just decide to go back one day. The question is, 'How have you received the Word? Are you excited coming to fellowship or you see it as an avoidable necessity? Do you see God's work and living for Him as a burden or as a privilege? Do you complain when you give to the Kingdom of God; are you excited at the opportunity to obey His Word?”
If you are a sinner and you have not accepted the Lord, you need to acknowledge that you are a sinner, confess your sins, ask for pardon and accept Jesus as the Saviour and Lord of your life. If you are born again but are not gladly doing the Word, you need to reconcile with God. If you are no longer excited at the things and service of God, then you also have to repent and confess your loss of love and turn back to God. It is those who serve God with gladness that are truly His.

* Father, take away the little foxes that will not allow the Word to settle in my heart, in the name of Jesus.
* Father, take away the stony heart and give me a heart that pants after Your Word, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today I withdraw power from every agent of downward trends and I decree a rising up for my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, April 20, 2017

Expressing Gratitude

Thursday 20 April
READ: Psa. 100: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Psa. 89 : 1 - 2

You can never get the best of someone by murmuring and complaining about the person. Many of the prayers that people claim to pray to God are actually complaints. A person thinks he is praying and his words are, “Father, you see the way the economy is. You can see for Yourself that things are terrible and I am suffering. You know I go to church regularly and I pay tithes but still life is not easy. What else do you want me to do, Lord?” If that is how you pray, then you don't pray, you only grumble. Be it known to you that grumblers always come back with empty hands. If a grumbler ever gets something, it will be peanuts.
When children cry and disturb so much because they want something and the mother gets tired, she gives the child something little so that the mother can rest. She just puts a tiny thing in the hands of the child and says, “Take this and let me rest; don't kill me.” However, if the child keeps disturbing then the next thing she gives the child is a good spanking. A well behaved child, on the other hand, gets to be given everything he needs even when he doesn't ask for it. In fact, a well behaved child would be begged and patted to have the same thing for which a nagging child is spanked.
The Bible says in Psa. 100: 4, Enter into His gates with thanksgiving, and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name. This shows us how to approach God in prayer. The way to get the best from God is to thank Him. Expressing gratitude is the key to getting more and more from God. You get God’s attention when you thank Him and you turn Him off when you come complaining. Therefore, the password to accessing God's presence and getting Him to incline His ears to you is to come with thanks and praise. Saying 'thank You Jesus' is a sure way of getting His attention on a daily basis. For the fact that you need God's attention even more when you are in trouble, then you have to praise and thank Him more when you have problems. There is great wisdom in thanking and praising God even when you are in trouble. When things are good or bad, thanksgiving should never cease from you. Always praise the Lord.

* Father, I am grateful for yesterday, today and tomorrow, in Jesus’ name.
* In the name of Jesus, my needs today shall not overshadow my seeing God's goodness in the past.

Every padlock used to shut down my destiny, break open today by fire, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jesus the Great Teacher II

Wednesday 19 April
READ: John 3:2
MORE LESSON: Matt 28: 18-20

When Jesus was on earth, one of the popular appellations for Him was 'Rabbi', meaning 'teacher'. Jesus is a teacher. If Jesus is a teacher, then God is a teacher because Jesus is God revealed; Jesus is the revelation and proof of God. No one has seen God but Jesus has revealed Him to us; He revealed Him in supernatural miracles, signs and wonders and holiness. He also revealed God as the Father through His Son. In addition, He revealed God as a teacher through His teacher-student relationship with His disciples and those around Him.
We must strive to be good teachers in our daily lives. We must not condemn people but teach them in love like Jesus did. Parents should teach children and not just shout at them. Teach your spouse and don't just keep grudges in your heart. Pastors should teach their congregation and not complain about them. When you see people not getting things right, do not ridicule, disdain or despise them; rather meekly teach. One thing Jesus always did was teach people everywhere He was found. The Bible says that He went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem (Luke 13:22). He always taught people the right things to do.
In 2 Tim. 1: 11, Paul asserted that he was a teacher. Men have always acclaimed Paul as an apostle with signs and wonders, but he added, Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. So Paul called himself a teacher. Jesus our Lord is a teacher, and the disciples were teachers. One of the greatest requirements of God upon the life of every believer is to teach. The Lord gave the Great Commission and told us to go into the world, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Matt. 28:20.
Who have you taught? Who is wiser, better or more knowledgeable because of the truths and wisdom that you gave? It is not enough to be satisfied that you know something, you must seek to pass the knowledge to someone that needs it. Your knowledge about the Lord must be taught to someone. Your knowledge of the way of salvation must be passed to someone. Your knowledge in right living and proper way of life should be taught to someone. Your knowledge in your academics, business, marriage or any area of life where God has given you success is not to be hoarded; it is to be passed to someone through mentorship. Teaching is a noble act; it is a great ministry. Even if you are not a professional teacher by the reason of your job; you can still be a great teacher after the example of the Lord Jesus. Find someone to teach and make better.

* I pledge to live an exemplary life of leadership to my (mention what you do), in Jesus’ name.
*I receive a teachable spirit today, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I fire back all satanic arrows of failure at the edge of success, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 18, 2017

Jesus the Great Teacher I

Tuesday 18 April
READ: John 3:2
MORE LESSON: John 13: 13 (NKJV)

In the text, Nicodemus called Jesus ''rabbi''; which in the Jewish language, simply means ''teacher''. Therefore Nicodemus was calling Jesus, 'teacher'. He further attested that Jesus was a God-sent teacher; ...we know that thou art a teacher come from God...: Jn 3: 2. Jesus is the greatest teacher. He was a teacher that loved what he did, Now about the midst of the feast Jesus went up into the temple, and taught: John 7: 14. Jesus taught everywhere He had the opportunity. Even in the mist of the feast, He taught. Jesus wasn't merely a teacher by title; He was a practising teacher. This is why teaching is one of the noblest professions.
Dr. Luke writing in the book of Act 1: 1 says, The former treatise have I made, O Theophilus, of all that Jesus began both to do and teach. Jesus is the greatest teacher and in His life we see the quality of a great teacher. The greatest quality of a teacher is doing what he teaches. It is the same fact that Nicodemus saw in the life of Jesus that made him come to Him and commended Him as a teacher from God. Nicodemus said, ...we know that thou art a teacher come from God; for no man can do these miracles that thou doest, except God be with him: John 3:2. Jesus was commended as the greatest teacher not just because of the things He said but the things He did. A great teacher teaches right and does right.
Whether in the church, school, home or work; if you desire to be a great teacher like Jesus, you must be a doer and not just a talker. Until you do the words that you teach, you are limited as a teacher. Many people desire great things in life and they think it is simply by knowing how to talk. Talk is cheap; you must be a doer. Many people think that ministry is all about preaching from the pulpit. So they are angry that they are not given the pulpit to preach. Jesus was not even called 'pastor'; he was called 'teacher'. Of course, Jesus is the great shepherd (John 10: 14), but the people didn't call Him that; they called Him a teacher because that was what they could see and relate to in His life. He was called a teacher because He not only spoke, He did as He taught, Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell not: for it was founded upon a rock: Matt 7:24-25.

* Help me Lord to be a doer of what I teach like You, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh Lord cause me to be a good teacher in word and deed, in Jesus’ name.

Father, I forbid satan and his agents from having any memorial in my day, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, April 17, 2017


Monday 17 April
READ: Lk 16:20-26
MORE LESSONS: Lk. 16:27-31

Eternity refers to not having an end, being endless or infinite. God is eternal, Heaven and hell are eternal; I mean forever. Anybody who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has his name written in the book of life will live with God eternally, For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life: Jn. 3:16 (ESV). Let us examine some things the believer will enjoy with God in eternity:
1. a new name – Rev. 2:17,
2. an immortal body – I Cor. 15:52-53,
3. eternal life – I Pet. 5:10, I Jn. 2:25,
4 . the tree of life – Rev. 2:7,
5. no second death – Rev. 2:11,
6. the morning star – Rev. 2:28,
7. his name shall not be blotted out of the book of life – Rev 3:5,
8. Jesus' new name – Rev. 3:12.
On the other side of eternity is the lake of fire, where satan, his host and those who serve him on the earth shall be. This also shall be forever, eternal and unending. Let us consider the activities and characteristics of this side of eternity:
1. weeping and gnashing of teeth forever – Matt. 13:50,
2. darkness forever – Matt. 25:30,
3. unending wailing and gnashing of teeth,
4 torment of fire – Lk. 16:24, Rev. 20:10,
5. eternal separation from God – Lk. 16:26,
6. regrets and guilt – Lk. 24:27-30,
7. worms that never die – Mk. 9:44.
These are the two places available for man to spend eternity, but each is by choice. You and I have the great honour of making our choice. The rich man and Lazarus both had a choice between eternity in hell and in Heaven (Lk. 16:25), the prodigal son had a choice between riotous and prudent living (Lk. 15:11-15); Israel under Joshua had a choice between Baal and Jehovah (Josh. 24:15). To spend eternity on the side of God you have to be reconciled to God, accept that you have been a sinner and that you now want Jesus to come into your life, forgive you, wash you with His blood and accept you as His child. It can not be delayed anymore, not even for a second. Remember, eternity is a long, long, long time. Where will you spend eternity?

* Today, I make my choice, eternity with Jesus, in Jesus’ name.
* I put to an end every lifestyle, character, behaviour, attitude and works that will lead me to hell, in Jesus’ name.

As the path of the just is as a shining light that shines more and more, so shall my path shine more and more unto the perfect day, in Jesus' name.

Sunday, April 16, 2017

Heaven is Real

Sunday 16 April
READ: Rev. 21:1-2

Heaven is real, as real as this present earth. Jesus spoke about it several times in the Scripture; the apostles referred to it, and even the prophets of old had clear messages about it. There is hardly any religion that denies the existence of Heaven. The only usual dispute is on the subject of how to get there. Both in the times of old and in contemporary times, several people have also had a rare privilege of being taken to Heaven. A few of such men like me are still alive today, testifying of their experiences.
Heaven is the abode of God, from where He answers prayers (I Kg. 8:31-32). It is the headquarters of the Godhead, where God's throne is positioned, and from there He oversees the affairs of the universe (Isa. 66:1, Matt. 23.22, Acts 7:49). It is the place where the will of God is joyfully done and where there is no sin, or rebellion to His will (Matt. 6:9-10. Lk. 11:2). It is the place Jesus Christ ascended to after His death and glorious resurrection (Acts 1:9-11). It was from there God sent the Holy Spirit upon His Church after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:1-4). and from where He will return to rule the earth. It was from Heaven that Lucifer fell and was cast down to the earth (Isa. 14:12, Lk. 10:18, Rev. 12:7-12).
It is the abode of innumerable company of angels (Rev. 4:11) and of the redeemed after death (II Cor. 5:1-4). It is the place where Jesus is preparing for all who believe in Him (Jn. 14:1-3); the land of joy unspeakable, a land of light, (no darkness at all) and of indescribable beauty and glory. It is a land of absolute purity, where no sin of any shape or form can enter; the home of the saints of God (Rev. 21). That is where Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Isaiah, David, Paul, Peter, Mary, etc are right now.
The qualification for entering is believing in Christ who died and shed His blood for you (Jn. 3:1-7). However, to qualify for a special position, thrones, mansions and treasures there, you have to serve the Lord faithfully here on earth and give sacrificially for His work, ...But lay up for yourself treasures in heaven: Matt. 6:20. Nobody makes Heaven by accident, you have to prepare for it and meet the qualification of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You must not procrastinate; start the preparation now!

* Today, I have decided to follow Jesus, Heaven is my destiny. I reject distractions, in Jesus’ name.
* My focus today and the rest of my life is to do the work of God, I am walking to make Heaven, in Jesus’ name.

I overthrow every appointment with death this month, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Soldier of the Cross II

Saturday 15 April
READ: II Sam. 11:8-17

Another strong lesson from the story of David and Uriah is Uriah’s loyalty and commitment. That is the mark of a true soldier, physical or spiritual. As a committed soldier, when Uriah was shortlisted for battle, he did not argue, decline or escape. Again, when King David invited Uriah home from the battlefield, loaded him with a mess of meat v8, the Bible says, But Uriah slept at the door of the king's house with all the servants of his lord, and went not down to his house v9. When confronted by the king and the commander - in - chief of the army, ...Uriah said unto David, The ark, and Israel, and Judah, abide in tents; and my lord Joab, and the servants of my lord, are encamped in the open fields; shall I then go into mine house, to eat and to drink, and to lie with my wife? as thou livest, and as thy soul liveth, I will not do this thing: v11. That is a true and committed soldier who regarded God's assignment above his person and comfort. Do we still have such soldiers today? As if that was not enough, the king made Uriah drunk but Uriah ...went not down to his house v13. Can a man be intoxicated and still keep character? Uriah did!
Let us examine Uriah as a loyal soldier, And it came to pass in the morning, that David wrote a letter to Joab, and sent it by the hand of Uriah. ...Set ye Uriah in the forefront of the hottest battle, and retire ye from him, that he may be smitten, and die: vs 14-15. Uriah carried his death sentence(letter) in his hand and it did not bother him to open and read the content especially in the light of all the strange things his boss had done earlier. Uriah chose not to suspect his leader, nor was he disobedient for any reason; he chose to live as a soldier, always obedient and ready to die at his post.
Uriah seemed to have died a foolish man's death but not so; he was just being a true soldier. Jesus also was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, He opened not his mouth. That is the true mark of a soldier indeed, obedience and loyalty at all costs. I pray for you as I pray for myself today, May we be true soldiers of the cross, ready at all times to say ‘YES’ to the cross (pain) of our faith. A song writers says, ... I will do as he bids me, no matter the cost, I live as a soldier, I die at my post. That is the testimony I want to die with. A soldier of the cross.

* Father, make me a true soldier of the cross, in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that character of truth, loyalty and commitment will not be lacking in your life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

I shall walk in the light of God's Word and nothing shall by any means offend my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 14, 2017

Soldier of the Cross I

Friday 14 April
READ: II Sam. 11:1-4, 13-15
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 51:1-5

There are many lessons to learn from the pathetic story of King David and Uriah the Hittite, that true and exemplary soldier of David's (Israel) army. That was the soldier whose wife Bathsheba David the king impregnated while the man was on the battlefield to defend the territorial integrity of the kingdom. In fact, verse 1 ends by saying, …But David tarried still at Jerusalem. For me, there is a serious lesson here. May be, if David had been at the battle front as expected at that time, he would have been spared this shameful story. May be grace to help him at that hour of temptation could have been available if only he had been at the right place. Obviously, one sin will always lead to another until there is courage (grace) to say no.
There are lessons to learn from this story. First, David didn't go to war and then he fell to adultery, then to cover the first sin, he attempted to make Uriah go back home in time of war (v 8) and when that didn't work, he went for the worst. He arranged for Uriah a faithful soldier to die at the battle front, so David committed murder. Our first lesson today among many is that every attempt to conceal a sin will lead to a greater sin. Only mercy can cover iniquity, nothing else! Truth, when spoken, can cause an initial pain, shame and embarrassment, but in the long run truth is a healer, deliverer and it brings honour.
Lying does not offer permanent joy but a false hope because every secret will eventually be revealed. King David eventually faced the truth, terminated the guilty conscience, went through the punishment and is today in Heaven with Jesus.
No matter what we say or write about this story, David is with Jesus and the temporary setback eventually became a glory, because he settled with the Lord of his life. Stop the secret act, brace up for the truth; it is the only mark of a soldier of the cross! Jesus' blood has paid for and covered the past. Enlist in the army of the truthful soldiers now! A truthful soldier does not seek to cover the evil he has done, rather he will seek to be forgiven. He does not call black, white or vice versa, he can say it as it is, no diplomacy by lying. A true soldier is more interested in pleasing his commander in chief - Jesus, and truth is his greatest pleasure, so let us fear the Master, not the men around Him and stand in the truth. Man may never forgive or forget when we tell the truth, but God will, so be a true soldier of the cross; stand in the truth always.

* Ask for mercy and cleansing by the blood of Jesus wherever any sin exists, in Jesus’ name.
* Declare that sin shall not have its grip over you, in the name of Jesus.

The sound of unending joy and jubilation shall characterise the rest of my year beginning from today, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, April 13, 2017

Separating Light from Darkness II

Thursday 13 April
READ: Gen. 1: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Isa. 60:1-2

God created light in the beginning and saw that light was good, so He separated light from darkness. God doesn't want good and bad mixed together; He wants your life filled with good. God didn't stop at separating light from darkness, He pronounced a verdict on both light and darkness. The Bible says, And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day: Gen. 1: 5. Thousands of years have passed since creation and night is still associated with fear, danger and evil while day is associated with lively activities, sunshine and good. According to the psalmist, ...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning: Psa. 30: 5.
God separated light from darkness, He called light day and called darkness night. This is a form of declaring judgment on light and darkness. He sentenced light to a life of day and darkness to a life of night. This shows that we should not only separate light from darkness in our life, but also sentence the light and the darkness to where we want them to be as far as we are concerned. You can sentence light to come to your life and darkness to stay away from you. This is what the Bible calls executing the judgment that is written (Psa. 149: 9). A written judgment is a publicly acclaimed statement that cannot be changed for as long as it stands. If a judgment is merely verbal, it can be misconstrued and someone can later claim that it is not exactly like it is.
The written judgment cannot be misconstrued; there is evidence in writing to back it up. It is time for you to declare judgment on every form of darkness in your life. Separate darkness from your life and sentence it as far as you want it to be from you forever. It is your duty to execute judgment on darkness in your life; you need to enforce what God has said about you. Refuse to accept negative things. Separate your destiny from darkness and pronounce judgment on it. The fact that you have not overcome a sin, sickness or poverty in your life doesn't mean you should settle down with it. Never accept darkness as normal. Execute judgment on it.
God executed judgment by proclamation, God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night: v5. One of the strongest ways to keep darkness away from your life is by your confession. Job 22: 28 (NKJV) says, You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. Child of God, do not allow darkness in your life. Separate light from darkness and declare judgment on every form of darkness in your life. You are the light of the world, so ascertain that no shade or form of darkness manifests in your life.

* Announce that the light of God will chase out every darkness in your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell God that darkness will have no representative in your life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Whatever operates against me this month by flying shall lose their wings, the ones that walk shall be crippled and the ones in the waters shall be dried up, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 12, 2017

Separating Light from Darkness I

Wednesday 12 April
READ: Gen. 1: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Gen. 1: 17 - 18

The first thing that God created in the beginning was light. Darkness was reigning until God commanded light to be. However, after God created light, the darkness didn't disappear, it was only swallowed up. This means that after creation, light was present and darkness was also present. God had to divide the light from darkness. Sometimes, light and darkness are all mixed together in a man's life. Good things are symbols of light and bad things are darkness. Many believers are suffering from a lot of darkness; it is only that the light present does not make the darkness to be obvious. There are silent tears, hidden pains and other problems covered by the good house and nice clothes that many wear. Sickness and poverty may still be punishing a man while the only consolation he has is the joy of salvation and the fact that he will make Heaven when he dies. God doesn't want partial light and darkness mixed up in your life. He desires that there should be a total separation of light from darkness.
According to 1 John 1: 5, This then is the message which we have heard of him, and declare unto you, that God is light, and in him is no darkness at all. God is all light and no iota of darkness. In the same manner, there must be no room for darkness, no matter how small, in your life. Sickness, demonic oppression, nightmares, sinful habits and poverty are darkness. You must separate between light and darkness and send the darkness away.The very first step in separating from darkness in your life is to know what is light and what is darkness. I have realised that some of the things people celebrate as light are actually darkness. Some people celebrate some problems in their lives and say that it is the cross that God has given them to carry. Some believers actually feel spiritual bearing problems. It is not God that heaps problems on you, it is darkness that makes you celebrate problems. Separate light from darkness and condemn darkness. No matter how many scriptures men try to use to justify lack, what is bad is bad; poverty is darkness.
And God saw the light, that it was good: and God divided the light from the darkness: Gen 1:4. God saw that light was good and that darkness was bad, so He separated light from darkness and chose light for Himself. Today you must step out of any theology that makes you celebrate darkness. Even if religion wants to make you see something that is darkness as acceptable, refuse to be taught into accepting it. Don't accept sickness, failure, poverty, smallness or obscurity; you must shine as light. Don't accommodate and pamper your problems and limitations, you are light and darkness has to be separated from you.

* Speak condemnation upon every agent of darkness around you, in Jesus’ name.
* No activity of darkness will survive my presence, in Jesus’ name.

I banish the hands of the enemy from this day and I release God's mighty hand upon it, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 11, 2017

Light versus Darkness II

Tuesday 11 April
READ: Luke 10:17-22
MORE LESSON: Psa. 27:1-3

Has it ever occurred to you that darkness travels in reverse order of the speed of light when ever light shows up? No matter the strength of darkness, it rolls back at the spark of light. The speed at which darkness will roll back is as fast as the strength of the light that confronts it. As fickle as light might be, darkness must submit to its authority. This phenomenon is a typology of the prevailing power of the kingdom of God over the kingdom of darkness. When you know this truth and operate in it, you will always be on top of situations and satan cannot harass you at will.
When Jesus sent out His disciples to propagate His kingdom, He gave them authority over the powers of satan, to heal the sick, deliver the oppressed and even raise the dead. It seems the disciples did not comprehend the magnitude of what they carried. They might have gone in simple obedience. They came back full of excitement as they reported to Jesus, …Lord, even the devils are subject unto us through thy name: v17. Jesus also responded: And he said unto them, I beheld Satan as lightning fall from heaven: v18. Can you imagine the speed of lightning? Thundering is as a result of clash of windstorms. When the windstorms collide, we see the flash of light before hearing the sound. Jesus said, the speed at which satan falls from any position he occupies and reigns when a light carrier appears is like that of lightning. Even before you hear satan tumbling and crashing out, he has fallen.
Why then do some believers tremble in fear of satan and what satanic agents can do to them? The answer is one: they do not know the power they carry as believers. The psalmist said, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? The LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell: Psa. 27:1-2. You are light. Satan and his agents will fall back when you arise to take your place; the Scripture cannot be broken. As it is impossible for darkness to overthrow light, so it is with those in Christ Jesus. You must be conversant with this truth and walk in victory.

* Lord Jesus, teach me the truth that sets free and let me walk therein, in Jesus’ name.
* I command satan and his agents around my life to fall back and disappear at the speed of light now, in Jesus’ name.

I decree that as the month advances so shall my greatness increase this month, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, April 10, 2017

Light versus Darkness I

Monday 10 April
READ: Gen. 1: 16-18
MORE LESSON: John 12:46

Light and darkness do not co-habit. Darkness prevails in the absence of light. No matter the strength of darkness, at the spark of light, it submits to and distances itself from light. Some regard this as a natural phenomenon, yet it is an ordinance instituted by God the Creator of all things to teach men about His power over satanic forces. The physical submission of darkness to the slightest spark of light actually typifies what happens between satan and his kingdom which is darkness and Jesus and His kingdom which is light. Satan and his agents are never able to withstand Jesus and those in His kingdom. When you understand this truth, you will always prevail over satan.
In Genesis 1:3-4, God introduced light into the chaotic earth that was void and formless and darkness was ruling upon the deep. God also separated the light from the darkness and called the light Day and the darkness Night. Although God allowed darkness to still exist, He placed an authority over darkness so that it cannot prevail over the earth as it wills. In the Scripture reading, you will note that …God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light
upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness…: Gen. 1:16-18. This implies that Darkness still has a master over it known as the lesser light. It also means that darkness may exit but it cannot do as it pleases, when its master shows up, darkness will go under.
This arrangement in the cosmos is a type to teach us about the power of God over satan and his forces. Jesus is the Greater Light from whom the believers who are lesser lights derive illumination (just as the moon derives its illumination from the sun). That is why the Scripture refers to us as the light of the world (Matt.5:14). The believers are masters over darkness. You have the mandate to rule over darkness, to set darkness aside and lighten the paths of many. When we begin to operate in this consciousness, the operations of darkness in our homes, communities and nation will be curtailed. In these perilous times, the believers must not allow darkness to prevail. You must take charge of your domain to rule over it.

* I am the light of the world; therefore, I will rule my world, in the name of Jesus.
* As the moonlight was ordained to rule the night, I will prevail even in my night hour, in Jesus’ name
I speak to the womb of my destiny, reject every demonic power of glory abortion now, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, April 9, 2017

Watch and Pray

Sunday 9 April
READ: Mk.13:32-35
MORE LESSON: Lk.21:29-36

There is a great day coming about which Jesus talked to His followers several times before He left the earth for Heaven. The day of the Lord is the day when all events on earth will come to an end and God will usher in the era of eternity; it is a day that will come unannounced (Lk. 21:35), like a thief in the night (I Thess.5:2-4). It is a day when men will be asked to account for what they used their time on earth to do, according to the instruction of God, the maker of all men (Matt.24:46-48).
God expects us to be ready for that day whenever it will be, morning; afternoon or night. Postponing the readiness for that day is very dangerous. To be ready, one must watch and pray always. What is one supposed to watch?
1) Watch to ensure one's faith in God stays unwavering till the end, But without faith it is impossible to please him: for he that cometh to God must believe that he is, and that he is a rewarder of them that diligently seek him: Heb.11:6.
2) Watch to ensure that one is stedfast to the end, Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye stedfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord: I Cor.15:58. Always remember that no labour in God is in vain, a day of rewards and crowning is coming.
3) Watch one's holiness and ensure purity to the end, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: Heb. 12:14. Jesus is coming back for a Church without wrinkle or spot, one must be watchful to ensure that state of holiness and righteousness continually; that is the reason why He paid the greatest price of all, shedding His blood for our cleansing. Even when you err, be quick to confess it to the Lord and apply the blood for cleansing under the advocacy of Jesus. Learn not to excuse sin away.
4) Watch to ensure a sustained service to God, Behold, I come quickly: hold that fast which thou hast, that no man take thy crown: Rev.3:11. One must watch and ensure that no satanic deception makes one to lose one’s crown through negative attitudes or emotions.
Watching must be done with the breath and plea of prayer, Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: Psa. 127:1. Praying consistently gives one access to grace to be ready for the day of the Lord and mercy to be fit for Heaven at the coming of the Lord. May you be ready for that day.

* Keep me ready O lord, anytime You may come, keep me ready O Lord, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the help of God to watch and pray to the end, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Jesus, on the authority of Your accomplished work on the cross of calvary, I declare my destiny a barrier breaker and a line crosser, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, April 8, 2017

Deeper with God

Saturday 8 April
READ: Ezek. 1:1-10
MORE LESSON: Psa. 27:4-12

Everyone desires open heaven in life; no one wants dryness, dullness or fruitlessness, yet there is no open heaven without taking steps to go further with God. Consider the testimonies that David recorded in Psa. 27: 1-3, The LORD is my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the LORD is the strength of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? When the wicked, even mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though an host should encamp against me, my heart shall not fear: though war should rise against me, in this will I be confident.
All these testimonies are anchored on verse 4 of Psa. 27, One thing have I desired of the Lord, that will I seek after; that I may dwell in the house of the LORD all the days of my life…. The blessings and experiences that are got in God are proportional to your consistent walk with the Lord. Several people see others enjoy open heaven, clear vision and progressive accomplishments and wonder why they do not have similar progress, they question the faithfulness of God. What God gives one, He is willing to give the others but there is a path to it. A person, who spends endless hours watching telly without control, does not restrain his eating habits to allow deliberate times to fellowship and commune with God in prayer, cannot enjoy open heaven.
So how can one have open heaven that leads to great visions of God and subsequently to great fulfilment? The principles of God are ever the same, do the following:
1) Create time to cultivate your relationship with God by personal fellowship and communion. Quiet time before the Lord must never become a tradition or be perfunctory. Some people's quiet time is one way, only speaking and no listening. As you worship God and speak to Him, allow Him also to speak back to you.
2)Take time with the Word of God to read it often, meditate upon it, fellowship with the Word, confess and believe it. Do not relegate the Bible only to the times you take it to church.
3) Cultivate listening to your spirit taking the instructions of the Holy Spirit by acknowledging His presence daily and allowing His guidance in your daily walk and work.
4) Love the house of the Lord as the psalmist said above, both for service and worship.
5) Choose to obey God rather than men even when you are said to be foolish. All these patterns, when conscientiously cultivated, will open the heaven upon you and like the prophet in today's reading you will see visions of God and enter the supernatural.

* I receive fresh grace for sweet times of fellowship with the Lord, in Jesus’ name.
* My heaven will not be shut, in Jesus’ name.
**Deliberately write your day of special appointment with God that no one will make you shift, alter or break, consciously observe it.

Today I release the power of life and good living into my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, April 7, 2017

You are Special

Friday 7 April
READ: Gen.1:27-31

God's works daily declare God’s glory, The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament sheweth his handywork: Psa. 19:1. Among all of God's creation none shares the image of God except man, I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High: Psa. 82:6. God in His infinite wisdom chose to make you and I the high point of His creation, the only one made just like Him; that is why you must be careful what you say about yourself.
Some abuse parts of their body and say negative things about themselves. Repent of all such today, you are special to God and He made you in His image. You have nose because God has one, eyes because He has eyes. What a glory to be made in the image of God. Rather take the stance of David the psalmist, I will praise thee; for I am fearfully and wonderfully made: marvellous are thy works; and that my soul knoweth right well: Psa.139:14. Does your soul recognise this fact? Start praising God for how you are made, your physical features, temperament and talents. You are uniquely packaged as you. Accept your unique colour, height, voice, gifts and calling. Cease to compare yourself to others. Learn good attributes and attitude from others but accept who you are. It's being echoed to you this glorious day that you are special.
The biblical value of how special you are does not just end with being made in God's image. You are of great worth and value to God. The simplest way to know the worth of something to someone is by how much that person is willing to pay for that thing. God was willing to pay the greatest price with His Son's life to redeem mankind from the penalty of sin. Would God have paid that great price for a nobody? No; you are special.
Know this today that even if you are not sure of the love of any other, God loves you. Jer.31:3 says, ...Yea, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with lovingkindness have I drawn thee. He loves you so much and paid the price for you to become a member of His family. Accept His love today by receiving the Lord Jesus into your heart and surrender all that you are to Him. If you are already a member of His family, appreciate God for all He did and is still doing to ensure your special place in His kingdom is kept. Walk tall today because you are the son of the Most High. Do not let anyone nor any situation put you down; even when you fail, rise again because God your Father is at hand to help you.

* Lord, thank You for making me special and unique in Your own image and likeness, in Jesus’ name.
* Hence forth I will walk as the child of the Most High, never bowing my head in shame because I know that I am special.

There is a breaking forth into new grounds for me this new month and satan cannot stop it, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, April 6, 2017

Temple of God

Thursday 6 April
READ: I Cor.6:13-20
MORE LESSON: I Cor.3:16-17

Man makes great presumptions about the issues of possession. Many times man does not think deeply about the issue of divine ownership. This attitude is common with the issue of man’s body. Several say, “ It is my body, I can do what I want to it, put what I want on it, go where I like with it and use whatever I want on it; after all it is my body”. This is a great contrast to what today's texts tell us about the body, Now the body is not for fornication, but for the Lord; and the Lord for the body. Know ye not that your bodies are the members of Christ? shall I then take the members of Christ, and make them the members of an harlot?.... know ye not that your body is the temple of the Holy Ghost which is in you, which ye have of God, and ye are not your own? For ye are bought with a price: therefore glorify God in your body, and in your spirit, which are God's: I Cor.6:13b,15,19-20.
This is the declaration of God concerning our body, which calls for carefulness, especially as God warned, If any man defile the temple of God, him shall God destroy; for the temple of God is holy, which temple you are: I Cor. 3:17. An attempt to destroy the body leads to judgment and destruction by God. This also implies an automatic curse upon evil spirits sent to destroy your body by demonic illness and affliction. This morning I decree the judgment of God by fire on anything that attempts to destroy your body, in Jesus’ name.
What do I do to keep this body holy for God?: (1.) I must glorify God with my body, that is, use the body to do things that please God, that bring glory to God whether by sight, hearing, perceiving, eating or acting. Things that please God that I must use my body for include singing to Him, praises, prayers, testifying of His works, evangelism, godly visits, working in God's house and doing good (Acts 10:38).Check yourself daily, do you glorify God with the things you do with your body? (2.) I must not allow the body to break down through carelessness or presumptuousness in what I eat, wear, touch or handle. I must play my part in the preservation of the temple of God by eating correctly, avoiding things that destroy the body such as alcohol, tobacco, excess sugar or salt and unhealthy foods; exercise, rest and disallow negative emotions that open doors for physical breakdown, especially through worry and anxiety.
Because the Lord is for your body, He is under self-imposed obligation to preserve His temple and He is able to keep whatever is committed into His hand with accurate precision. Commit your body to Him this morning and He will preserve it blameless to His second coming (I Thess. 5:23).

* Lord, I dedicate my body to You afresh as Your holy habitation, preserve it for me all the days of my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
** Take a little moment to reflect on how you handle your body, discard habits that are destructive and make resolutions for health-preserving habits for your body.

Defeat or loss shall not be found in my life anymore, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, April 5, 2017

He gives Strength

Wednesday 5 April
READ: Acts 9:18
MORE LESSON: Isa. 40:29-31

Saul, who later became Paul the apostle, had an encounter with God. He was directed to God's servant, Ananias, so that he could be filled with the Holy Spirit, and that his eyes be opened. He had become blind as a result of the Light from above that appeared to him and was very weak because he had not eaten for three days. Acts 9: 19 says, ...when he had received food, he was strengthened. Then Saul spent some days with the disciples at Damascus (NKJV). Just as food strengthens a man in the natural, what brings strength in a man's spirit is the Word of God. The Word of God is the meat of the spirit; it is the nourishment of the spirit. When a man constantly takes in the Word of God, he becomes strong. Similarly, it is the Word of God that opens your eyes and makes all blindness to give way. You need to eat the Word so that you may receive strength for each day of your life. According to Jer. 15: 16, Thy words were found, and I did eat them; and thy word was unto me the joy and rejoicing of mine heart: for I am called by thy name, O Lord God of hosts.
Psalm 29:11 says the Lord will give strength to His people. This is just as a parent wakes up in the morning and naturally thinks of what to put on the table for the children. Just as the mother wakes up early to get ready lunch packs for her children as they go to school each morning, so also the Lord daily serves His children with strength. The Bible says, the Lord will give strength unto his people, the Lord will bless his people with peace. The Lord blesses His people with peace. He serves them with strength on a daily basis, The Lord daily loads His people with benefits: Psa. 68: 19.
The Lord does not leave His people weak; one of the benefits He gives to His people is strength. This is the reason why whenever you notice weakness in your life, you must reject it because it is not the will of God. God desires that you will be strengthened daily. Whatever strength you desire, be it spiritual strength, physical strength, strength of wisdom, strength of the mind, strength of direction, the Lord will abundantly make it available to you, in Jesus’ name. He will replace every weakness of your life with His own strength, in the name of Jesus.

* Ask the Lord to make your point of weakness your point of strength.
* Ask that the power of God will swallow up your areas of weakness, in the mighty name of Jesus.

As the sun does not struggle to shine and the day does not struggle to break, so is my destiny this year, it shall not struggle to advance, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, April 4, 2017

Money is not Enough

Tuesday 4 April
READ: Eccl. 7: 12 - 14
MORE LESSON: Luke 12: 20 - 21

Eccl 10: 19 says that money answers all things. In the natural, when a man is strong financially, he can do almost everything. Money equips one to buy everything he needs and to solve a lot of problems. It is because money is essential that some men have made the pursuit of money the essence of their lives. Even some believers have imbibed this mindset and they run after money at the expense of God and His Word. The people of the world say that money makes the world go round, but we all know that there are many people that have money and their world still stops going round. As important as money is, there are things that are more important than money in life.
There are some spiritual things that require more than money. There are things in life, at the face of which money is helpless. In the face of death and eternity, only your relationship with God can speak and intervene; money does not have the answer. Even in the face of some life situations, only the spiritual can answer for a man. You must therefore place your spiritual life far above money. Relationship is more important than money; do not lose your family and loved ones to unbridled quest for money. Your relationship with God is far weightier than money. Do not lose eternity because of money.
In this Information Age, people seem to have access to information on virtually everything. This is the age of internet doctors, counselors, churches and pastors. Many people are therefore trying to do away with all spiritual accountability. They sit in the comfort of their houses and pay for data, online consultation and materials. They ask themselves: “What is the use of a church?' 'Why do I need a pastor?' Why do I need to labour, reading the Word of God, when I can quickly search up a sermon from the internet anytime I need one?” However, be informed that you can pay for a message online but you cannot pay for a vibrant relationship with God. Money cannot buy that one.
There are spiritual matters, questions of life and destiny battles that can only be addressed by the Word of God, the Spirit of God, the servant of God over your life and the family of faith to which you seriously belong. If a man does not have spiritual connections to God and to the people placed over him in the Body of Christ, when tough questions of life come, there will be no answers no matter how much money he has. This is the reason my prayer for you is that you will prosper financially and you will be blessed with money. However, beyond that, you will have all spiritual blessings in heavenly places in Christ (Eph. 1: 3) and not lose connection with God.

* Ask the Lord to provide you all spiritual and physical resources for your prosperity.
* Tell the Lord that you will not lack what money can buy and what it cannot buy, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Today, every bow of steel is broken by my hands, my warfare is ended, I declare peace in all my territory, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, April 3, 2017

Giving to the Lord

Monday 3 April
READ: Psa. 50: 10 – 12
MORE LESSON: Mal. 3: 10

In several portions of the Scripture, God calls His children to give to Him. He asks men to give offerings, tithes, vows, sacrificial gifts and seeds. In all these givings, we must never forget that God has not called us to the place of giving because He is in need but because He wants to bless us. God created and owns everything in all universe and all resources are at His disposal. In Psa. 50: 10 – 12, God says, For every beast of the forest is mine, and the cattle upon a thousand hills. I know all the fowls of the mountains: and the wild beasts of the field are mine. If I were hungry, I would not tell thee: for the world is mine, and the fulness thereof.
God is never stranded because of needs; rather, He invites men to give to Him so that it can be an opportunity for them to be blessed. The Kingdom principle is that you can only receive after you have given. You do not qualify for a harvest from God until you have first given to Him. So God always creates opportunities for people to give and in fact, makes demands on them to give to Him so that He can have a platform on which to bless them. We must never forget that even that which we give is given to us by the Lord. So God provides for us so that we can give to Him in order to receive more from Him. This is captured by the scripture that says God gives seed to the sower and bread to the eater (Isa 55: 10). God knows that you can't have a harvest until you sow a seed, so He gives you seed. He then calls on you to give the seed to Him, so that He can multiply it and bring it as bread for you to eat and also have more seed to sow. Therefore, actually it is what God gives that you are giving back.
The only way to receive from God is by giving to Him. Your giving is the rail line on which the train of your provision runs. Any man who refuses to give to God shuts the door of provision to himself. Giving is a bridge to cross to the land of your provision. When you give, a bridge is built to connect you to where the provision is. The work of God is fully provided for by the Lord Himself who is the Possessor of Heaven and Earth. The reason why God invites people to give in church is because He wants them to get access to His blessings.

* Appreciate God for the privilege of giving.
* Ask the Lord never to let your giving go unnoticed, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask for the heart that gives the best to God, in the name of Jesus.

My glory shall shine globally like the sun in 2017, prevail over darkness like the stars and burn my enemies like fire, in Jesus' mighty name.