Wednesday, April 19, 2017

Jesus the Great Teacher II

Wednesday 19 April
READ: John 3:2
MORE LESSON: Matt 28: 18-20

When Jesus was on earth, one of the popular appellations for Him was 'Rabbi', meaning 'teacher'. Jesus is a teacher. If Jesus is a teacher, then God is a teacher because Jesus is God revealed; Jesus is the revelation and proof of God. No one has seen God but Jesus has revealed Him to us; He revealed Him in supernatural miracles, signs and wonders and holiness. He also revealed God as the Father through His Son. In addition, He revealed God as a teacher through His teacher-student relationship with His disciples and those around Him.
We must strive to be good teachers in our daily lives. We must not condemn people but teach them in love like Jesus did. Parents should teach children and not just shout at them. Teach your spouse and don't just keep grudges in your heart. Pastors should teach their congregation and not complain about them. When you see people not getting things right, do not ridicule, disdain or despise them; rather meekly teach. One thing Jesus always did was teach people everywhere He was found. The Bible says that He went through the cities and villages, teaching, and journeying toward Jerusalem (Luke 13:22). He always taught people the right things to do.
In 2 Tim. 1: 11, Paul asserted that he was a teacher. Men have always acclaimed Paul as an apostle with signs and wonders, but he added, Whereunto I am appointed a preacher, and an apostle, and a teacher of the Gentiles. So Paul called himself a teacher. Jesus our Lord is a teacher, and the disciples were teachers. One of the greatest requirements of God upon the life of every believer is to teach. The Lord gave the Great Commission and told us to go into the world, teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you alway, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Matt. 28:20.
Who have you taught? Who is wiser, better or more knowledgeable because of the truths and wisdom that you gave? It is not enough to be satisfied that you know something, you must seek to pass the knowledge to someone that needs it. Your knowledge about the Lord must be taught to someone. Your knowledge of the way of salvation must be passed to someone. Your knowledge in right living and proper way of life should be taught to someone. Your knowledge in your academics, business, marriage or any area of life where God has given you success is not to be hoarded; it is to be passed to someone through mentorship. Teaching is a noble act; it is a great ministry. Even if you are not a professional teacher by the reason of your job; you can still be a great teacher after the example of the Lord Jesus. Find someone to teach and make better.

* I pledge to live an exemplary life of leadership to my (mention what you do), in Jesus’ name.
*I receive a teachable spirit today, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I fire back all satanic arrows of failure at the edge of success, in the name of Jesus.


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