Thursday 13 April
READ: Gen. 1: 1 - 5
MORE LESSON: Isa. 60:1-2
God created light in the beginning and saw that light was good, so He separated light from darkness. God doesn't want good and bad mixed together; He wants your life filled with good. God didn't stop at separating light from darkness, He pronounced a verdict on both light and darkness. The Bible says, And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day: Gen. 1: 5. Thousands of years have passed since creation and night is still associated with fear, danger and evil while day is associated with lively activities, sunshine and good. According to the psalmist, ...weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning: Psa. 30: 5.
God separated light from darkness, He called light day and called darkness night. This is a form of declaring judgment on light and darkness. He sentenced light to a life of day and darkness to a life of night. This shows that we should not only separate light from darkness in our life, but also sentence the light and the darkness to where we want them to be as far as we are concerned. You can sentence light to come to your life and darkness to stay away from you. This is what the Bible calls executing the judgment that is written (Psa. 149: 9). A written judgment is a publicly acclaimed statement that cannot be changed for as long as it stands. If a judgment is merely verbal, it can be misconstrued and someone can later claim that it is not exactly like it is.
The written judgment cannot be misconstrued; there is evidence in writing to back it up. It is time for you to declare judgment on every form of darkness in your life. Separate darkness from your life and sentence it as far as you want it to be from you forever. It is your duty to execute judgment on darkness in your life; you need to enforce what God has said about you. Refuse to accept negative things. Separate your destiny from darkness and pronounce judgment on it. The fact that you have not overcome a sin, sickness or poverty in your life doesn't mean you should settle down with it. Never accept darkness as normal. Execute judgment on it.
God executed judgment by proclamation, God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night: v5. One of the strongest ways to keep darkness away from your life is by your confession. Job 22: 28 (NKJV) says, You will also declare a thing, And it will be established for you; So light will shine on your ways. Child of God, do not allow darkness in your life. Separate light from darkness and declare judgment on every form of darkness in your life. You are the light of the world, so ascertain that no shade or form of darkness manifests in your life.
* Announce that the light of God will chase out every darkness in your life, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell God that darkness will have no representative in your life, in the mighty name of Jesus.
Whatever operates against me this month by flying shall lose their wings, the ones that walk shall be crippled and the ones in the waters shall be dried up, in the name of Jesus.
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