Monday 10 April
READ: Gen. 1: 16-18
MORE LESSON: John 12:46
Light and darkness do not co-habit. Darkness prevails in the absence of light. No matter the strength of darkness, at the spark of light, it submits to and distances itself from light. Some regard this as a natural phenomenon, yet it is an ordinance instituted by God the Creator of all things to teach men about His power over satanic forces. The physical submission of darkness to the slightest spark of light actually typifies what happens between satan and his kingdom which is darkness and Jesus and His kingdom which is light. Satan and his agents are never able to withstand Jesus and those in His kingdom. When you understand this truth, you will always prevail over satan.
In Genesis 1:3-4, God introduced light into the chaotic earth that was void and formless and darkness was ruling upon the deep. God also separated the light from the darkness and called the light Day and the darkness Night. Although God allowed darkness to still exist, He placed an authority over darkness so that it cannot prevail over the earth as it wills. In the Scripture reading, you will note that …God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light
upon the earth, And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness…: Gen. 1:16-18. This implies that Darkness still has a master over it known as the lesser light. It also means that darkness may exit but it cannot do as it pleases, when its master shows up, darkness will go under.
This arrangement in the cosmos is a type to teach us about the power of God over satan and his forces. Jesus is the Greater Light from whom the believers who are lesser lights derive illumination (just as the moon derives its illumination from the sun). That is why the Scripture refers to us as the light of the world (Matt.5:14). The believers are masters over darkness. You have the mandate to rule over darkness, to set darkness aside and lighten the paths of many. When we begin to operate in this consciousness, the operations of darkness in our homes, communities and nation will be curtailed. In these perilous times, the believers must not allow darkness to prevail. You must take charge of your domain to rule over it.
* I am the light of the world; therefore, I will rule my world, in the name of Jesus.
* As the moonlight was ordained to rule the night, I will prevail even in my night hour, in Jesus’ name
I speak to the womb of my destiny, reject every demonic power of glory abortion now, in the name of Jesus.
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