Sunday, November 11, 2018

Buried Glory

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

*Buried Glory*
Sunday 11 November
READ: Mark 5:1-20
MORE LESSON: Psalm 126:1-4

The passage in Mark is the story of a man who was possessed by demons. They tormented him so much that he could no longer dwell with humans but lived in the cemetery. As if that was not enough, they also made him to cut himself with sharp stones. He was perpetually in pain and it looked as if his situation was hopeless. People even tried the best they could to help him but whenever he was bound, he broke the chains and fetters. Because of the evil spirits in him, he became too wild to be tamed. Everyone had given up on him. But there is hope for a man in whom God is interested.
One day Jesus showed up on the scene and that was the end of the agony of many years. Whatever sorrow the enemy has put you through, today I declare deliverance, in the name of Jesus. Jesus cast out the evil spirits and the man was in his right mind again. Everyone who saw him was amazed. There is no situation that God cannot turnaround, all we need to do is to believe Him and ask for a divine visitation because no situation can stand His visit.
The most thrilling thing about the man in our text today is that he was an evangelist who was languishing among the dead. He had the call of God on his life but his glory was buried. What was an evangelist of the living doing among the dead? When the glory of a man is buried, he experiences the opposite of glory shame, reproach, pain and lots more. A man with a buried glory is like one who carries around a candle that is not lit; he has the potential but no results. When Jesus came across the mad man, all He did for him was to deliver his glory from the power of the grave and restored him to the original plan of God for his life. This is why when he requested to go with Jesus, He asked him to go and tell all his friends what great things the Lord had done for him. He was an evangelist of the living and not the dead. By the power of the resurrection, I call forth your glory, in the name of Jesus. Every grave is broken and your glory begins to spring forth again. In place of shame, receive double honour. Desperately cry to Heaven for a visitation today and your glory will experience the resurrection power in the name of Jesus.

* Command every hidden/buried glory of your life to come to manifestation.
* Ask God to deliver your glory from the powers of the grave.
* Ask God for double honour for all forms of shame you have experienced.

*TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: By the superior fire power of Jehovah, I invade every enemy's territory this month and recover all that belongs to me, in the mighty name of Jesus.*

Saturday, November 10, 2018

Divine Speed

Saturday 10 November
READ: I Kings 18:41-46
MORE LESSON: Jeremiah 32:26-27

Sometime ago I sat in my office in Nigeria and the Holy Spirit told me about someone who was sick in Chicago in United States. He said, “Call that lady right now”. Then I called her and she said, “I was just looking for a way to call you and now you called me. I am disturbed”. I said, “Calm down, you didn't call me, I called you and I already know something is happening to you”. She exclaimed that it meant that God had answered her prayer and I said yes. Then I asked her what the matter was. She said her son was afflicted by an ailment that had defied medications. She said doctors did not know what it was. The boy would lie down and behave abnormal and that there was nothing they could do. She shouted, “Daddy I am finished” and I said God forbid. I said to her, if that thing is air borne, then it makes it easy because there is a force of Heaven that operates in the air, which carries anything on its pathway.
She said that the doctors told her that the boy would not be discharged in the next six months and I said not so. I prayed for her, the next two days I couldn't pray for her because they were very busy days for me. I called her Sunday night and she started shouting, “Hallelujah! my child has been discharged from the hospital, he is alive and well. They said they could not explain how an illness that was scheduled to be treated in six months was done away within six days”. This can only be by divine speed. God is time Himself and He can adjust time to fit His purpose. It doesn't matter what the report is in the natural, by divine speed, God can bypass protocol and make things work out for your good. But you must believe the report of the Lord.
Most times the report of man is contrary to the report of God. God's report says you are healed, free, victorious, joyful, wealthy, prosperous etc. while man's report says you are sick, bound, victimised, sad, poor etc. I dare to ask you, “Whose report will you believe?” You must choose to believe the report of the Lord, irrespective of what man's opinion is. Make only God's opinion about a matter the final say. Any man can say what he wants, but choose to believe what God has said.
How can you explain the gap, six months to six days? This can only be by divine speed. This is the speed that made Elijah to run ahead of Ahab's chariot, which comes by the hand of the Lord. Ask for the hand of the Lord in your life and you will enjoy divine speed.

* Ask God to answer you speedily.
* Declare that no contrary report will stand, only the counsel of God will stand in your life.
* Pray for divine speed in your endeavour today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I excuse this month from being a deficit to my life in any area. I will increase and advance in it, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Team Work

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

Team Work
Wednesday 7 November
READ: II Kings 6:1-7
MORE LESSON: John 6:5-12

There is something prominent in the text of today which we must draw from if we want to move forward in life. There was a problem, yet it was not discovered by the leader but by the subordinates, who also suggested how to overcome the challenge. You may never grow out of smallness if you are the only one who does everything in your organisation; you dream, plan, take decision and execute everything all by yourself. Such an organisation does not grow beyond one man’s ability. When you have a river you should be able to assess whether you require a hook, a boat, or a ship to bring the desired quantity of fishes. Every successful organisation should have every hand on deck. If your business will be successful, your staff should be part of the people that make it work. If you must grow, you must be able to take other people's ideas.
A successful family is one where everyone contributes his/her quota for the efficient running of the home. So also the staff and everybody in an organisation should consider and handle issues concerning the business as though it were their personal problem, but not so in Nigeria. An average Nigerian sees himself as a Yoruba man; in fact, he sees himself as an individual first, then as a Yoruba and then as a Nigerian; Nigeria is never number one with Nigerians. Everyone is contented with whatever happens to Nigeria as long as it is alright for them. But how can it be alright for you when it is not well with the land where you dwell?
In the Bible passage, it was one of the men who identified the problem of insufficient accommodation, not the leader. Another man suggested that they go and cut trees to enlarge the place and another one requested that the master go with them. Every stage of the advancement and enlargement was a collective responsibility; it was a united front, everyone was doing something.
The problem with most organisations is that only the leaders own them. They are the ones responsible for decision making, planning and execution without the contribution of members of staff. Any man who lives this way will wear himself out and will remain perpetually under productive. No man is an island for God has purposely created man to be an interdependent being. Therefore, any attempt to be independent leads to a life of struggle and under productivity. Could it be that the current challenge you have been struggling with is because you have refused godly counsel? Why not open up to the people that God has sent to help you? Receive godly counsel and be delivered from that trouble forever.

* Pray for grace to contribute your quota in advancing the place where you are.
* Pray for team spirit in the organisation where you work/serve.
* Pray that God will surround you with people that will help you in fulfilling what God has sent you to do.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Today I decree by the blood of Jesus that no one will go to hell in my family, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, November 6, 2018

Remember me II

_A Daily Devotional by Bishop David Bakare_

*Remember Me II*
Tuesday 6 November
READ: Genesis 40:1-23
MORE LESSON: II Chronicles 32:1-8

We have been looking at what happens when God remembers a man; chains are broken, pains are healed and the man receives compensation for every affliction. Today, we will look at one more person that was remembered in the Scripture. Joseph was in the prison when he met two servants of the king who were sent to jail. They had dreams which they related to Joseph and he interpreted their dreams. When he was done interpreting their dreams, he made only one request to one of them which was that when he got back to the palace, he should remember him and show him kindness. The Bible says the dreams happened exactly the way Joseph had interpreted them. One of them had his head removed. The second one had his position restored but he forgot about Joseph in prison.
Until God remembers a man, people will always forget about him no matter how helpful he has been to them. Still speaking about Joseph, the Bible says he remained in prison until his word came (Psa. 105:19). Until Heaven remembered him and sent a word of release, the king's servant forgot about him. No wonder the Bible says, ...Cursed be the man that trusteth in man.... Jer. 17:5. Anyone who puts his confidence in man has signed up to fail because the Scripture tells us that the arm of flesh will fail. So why put so much confidence in what you have already been told will fail?
I believe that Joseph learnt it the hard way not to trust in man. It was also possible that Joseph must have thought that meeting the king's servants was God's ordained way of bringing him out of prison. He was probably not wrong but this shifted his attention away from the deliverance of God. It is true that God uses men to give us help, but we must never get to the point where we allow such people to take the place of God in our lives. Everyone that God has used to meet our needs must be honoured as a channel and not the source because only God is the source of help. Just imagine that you were offered a tank of water and a river flowing through your house; which will you go for? The river of course. This is because the river can feed the tank with water but no matter how full the tank is, it cannot contribute meaningfully to the content of a river. In fact, if there is drought, the water in the tank will be exhausted whereas that in the river may still flow.
I admonish you to take your eyes off everyone that is taking the place of God in your life and that situation will receive a supernatural intervention. The end that you expect is only found in God and He can send it through which ever channel He chooses. Therefore, trust in the Lord.

* Ask God to forgive you where you have fixed your hope on men.
* Pray that you will find grace to always fix your eyes on God for sure help.
* Declare that Heaven shall remember you today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, I decree the sound of abundance of rain over me, my family and my destiny this month, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, November 5, 2018

The Kingdom of God I

Thursday 1 November
READ: Romans 14:17-19
MORE LESSON: Revelation 11:15

A kingdom is the territory within which a king exercises authority and rule. The king is supreme in his kingdom and his words are considered law. We have different kingdoms: the kingdoms of this world and the kingdom of God. The kingdom of God is any territory or domain where the authority and rule of God finds expression. This means that if a man makes his life God's territory, that is, God lives in Him and has full authority over him, he becomes the kingdom of God and every characteristic of the Kingdom begins to find expression in his life. Unlike the kingdoms of this world, it is a rare privilege to be part of the kingdom of God, with its very interesting features. The greatest thing that can happen to anyone is for them to become a part of this kingdom.
The Bible says in Rom. 14:17, For the kingdom of God is not meat and drink; but righteousness, and peace, and joy in the Holy Ghost. From this verse, three characteristics of the kingdom of God are obvious:
1. Righteousness: to be righteous means to be in right standing with God, to be reconciled back to God, be at peace with Him and have access to Him. This happens by accepting Jesus Christ as Lord and personal Saviour. Therefore, making your life to become the kingdom of God where He rules, gives you access and makes you well pleasing to Him.
2. Peace: this is one vital feature that is missing in many kingdoms of the world. Citizens of God's kingdom enjoy peace that passes human understanding. This doesn't mean that problems will not arise, but they remain peaceful in the midst of the storm. Can you imagine someone sleeping in a capsizing boat? Jesus did. This can only be the result of the peace of the kingdom of God. In fact, Jesus is the Prince of peace and so He understood better.
3. Joy in the Holy Ghost: joy is a state of being happy irrespective of the prevailing situation. Unlike happiness, joy is inwardly controlled and is not affected by the obvious prevailing circumstance; it is produced by the Holy Spirit in the life of a believer. Everyone desires to be joyful but not everyone is able to attain true joy. The mistake people make most of the time is that they keep looking for the right thing in the wrong place as some think they will find joy when they have married the man or woman of their dream, others think they will find joy when they have attained the peak of their career. True joy is given by the Holy Spirit regardless of the prevailent situation.
Becoming a citizen of God's kingdom makes these things your right. Why don't you become a citizen of this Kingdom today? Invite Jesus to be the Lord and Saviour of your life.

* Declare the sovereignty of God over your life and family.
* Ask that the joy, peace and righteousness that characterise God's kingdom will find full expression in your life and family.
* Declare that no sin, sickness or darkness will reign over you because God reigns in you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, You gave me ten months that I couldn't pay for and now You have added the eleventh month. Thank You Lord forever, in the name of Jesus.

The Kingdom of God II

Friday 2 November
READ: Matthew 28:18-20
MORE LESSON: Luke 19:11-27

Jesus came to the earth to reconcile man back to God and to grant us access to the kingdom of God. When He was done with His assignment, He returned to Heaven and left us with a promise, ...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: Jn. 14: 2-3. One may ask, “Why did Jesus not take His disciples along immediately? Or why is it that we are not taken to Heaven the moment we give our lives to Christ?” The answer is quite simple.
Just as we have duties and responsibilities in other kingdoms, citizens of the kingdom of God have duties and obligations that they must perform. Every citizen of the Kingdom is an ambassador anywhere he/she is found. We have a mandate that we must carry out as stated in our text, And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Verses 18-20.
We have been given the authority that we need to fulfil the mandate. Jesus expects that just as we have been saved, we should in turn direct others to Him who is the way, the truth and the life so that He can save and translate them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. In whatever sphere of life you find yourself, be it in education, politics, media, entertainment etc. you have the responsibility of making disciples there. This is why we must not shy away from any sector that God is instructing us to join. God needs representatives in all spheres because, …The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever: Rev. 11:15. The kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ and we are the agents that will make this happen. God is counting on you; will you disappoint Him?

* Give God thanks for the privilege of being a member of His kingdom.
* Ask for grace to perform your role in bringing others to His kingdom.
* Pray for the reign of God's kingdom in our nation.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Hallelujah, there shall be an eleventh-hour miracle this eleventh month and the difficult situations of 2018 shall crash, in the name of Jesus.

The Kingdom of God II

Friday 2 November
READ: Matthew 28:18-20
MORE LESSON: Luke 19:11-27

Jesus came to the earth to reconcile man back to God and to grant us access to the kingdom of God. When He was done with His assignment, He returned to Heaven and left us with a promise, ...I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: Jn. 14: 2-3. One may ask, “Why did Jesus not take His disciples along immediately? Or why is it that we are not taken to Heaven the moment we give our lives to Christ?” The answer is quite simple.
Just as we have duties and responsibilities in other kingdoms, citizens of the kingdom of God have duties and obligations that they must perform. Every citizen of the Kingdom is an ambassador anywhere he/she is found. We have a mandate that we must carry out as stated in our text, And Jesus came and spake unto them, saying, All power is given unto me in heaven and in earth. Go ye therefore, and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen: Verses 18-20.
We have been given the authority that we need to fulfil the mandate. Jesus expects that just as we have been saved, we should in turn direct others to Him who is the way, the truth and the life so that He can save and translate them from the kingdom of darkness into the kingdom of light. In whatever sphere of life you find yourself, be it in education, politics, media, entertainment etc. you have the responsibility of making disciples there. This is why we must not shy away from any sector that God is instructing us to join. God needs representatives in all spheres because, …The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign forever and ever: Rev. 11:15. The kingdoms of this world must become the kingdoms of our Lord Jesus Christ and we are the agents that will make this happen. God is counting on you; will you disappoint Him?

* Give God thanks for the privilege of being a member of His kingdom.
* Ask for grace to perform your role in bringing others to His kingdom.
* Pray for the reign of God's kingdom in our nation.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Hallelujah, there shall be an eleventh-hour miracle this eleventh month and the difficult situations of 2018 shall crash, in the name of Jesus.

Power of Process

Saturday 3 November
READ: II Kings 6:1-7
MORE LESSON: Hebrews 10:35-39

Between a problem and solution lies the period known as process. In other words, a process is the period of time between a prophecy or problem and its fulfilment or solution. The process in any situation is very important because whatever happens during this period determines the eventual outcome of that situation. What you do while you wait for the manifestation of what God has said concerning you is very important because it determines what you get at the end. In the passage of today, the sons of the prophets were confronted by the problem of inadequate space and they voiced it to their master, ...As you can see, this place where we meet with you is too small: Verse 1 (NLT). It is obvious they needed an enlargement, but between the problem of limited space and the enlargement they desired was a period called process and it was pivotal to determining whether they would reach their target or not. Let's see what they did.
1. The first step they took was that they realised there was a problem. It is only when you recognise the challenge you have that you can begin to seek solution. Therefore, identify what your problem is and set out to get it solved. There is a common saying that the first step to recovery is discovery. So until you discover, you cannot recover. What the devil does often is to make problems appear natural and so we believe they are part of life; so we see nothing wrong with the situation. But the day God opens your eyes to what has been happening, your deliverance begins. Therefore, you must always pray for the light of God to shine on the darkness in your life.
2. Everyone contributed his quota to ensure the problem was solved. Whoever desires to move from small to big must be ready to learn from others. Don't conclude you don't need anyone's idea. Don't despise anyone because you may be amazed to discover that the solution lies with someone you least expect.
3. In an attempt to expand, they encountered a problem; the axe head fell into water and as long as it was in the water the dream could not be realised. Sometimes, in an attempt to find solution to a problem, you encounter other problems but you must never give up because those other problems are only distractions to hinder you from achieving your aim. You deal with a problem by finding an idea and implementing it. However, the process of implementation may bring developmental problems but you must not shut down because you encounter a problem.
As you set out to find solution to your problem, remember to keep an open mind to learn and do not give up in your pursuit. Victory is sure if you faint not. Receive the grace not to faint, in the name of Jesus.

* Pray that whatever you go through in life will make you better.
* Ask God for strength to pursue your goals and not give up in the face of challenges.
* Pray that the divine purpose for your life will come true in every process you go through.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: November shall be greater than January to October for the zeal of the Lord of hosts will perform this, in the mighty name of Jesus.

One Body in Christ

Sunday 4 November
READ: I Corinthians 12:12-31
MORE LESSON: Ephesians 4:13-16

God arranged for the church to run smoothly and orderly. Everybody knows when to do what. For example, God has kept different offices in the church and specific officers to man these offices and ensure the smooth running of them. He has put some people in the ministry of help. Their job is that God has given them the grace to assist people in times of need, and encourage the Body. Most times they have the responsibility of rehabilitating those who have been imprisoned and engraft them back into the society, encouraging those facing persecution, binding up the broken hearted and ensuring their total healing etc. Those in the ministry of intercession stand in the gap for the Body. There are also ministerial offices like the apostle, prophet, pastor, evangelist and teacher.
God ensures that there is order and hierarchy in the Body so that all things will run smoothly. This means that every member of the Body is important because it is the corporate operation of these parts that ensures the total health and efficiency of the Body. At the same time, the Body cannot be made of one part, because it may not be able to supply the services of the missing parts.
Therefore, every member of the Body must be proud of his/her position, be effective and consistent in their assignment. However, the problem with the church today is that most people are not proud of what God has called them to do. They feel they deserve the position of the pastor or deacon etc., whereas God called them to be a children teacher. The truth is that everyone is at his or her best in their assignment where God has placed them. For instance, the natural habitat of fish is water. If for any reason the fish begins to feel it deserves to live on land like the lion, it will live all its life struggling. Some people are struggling today not because they are not intelligent but because they have left their calling or purpose and are trying to be like others. The easiest thing in life is to be you. Don't spend your precious life trying to be like someone. Be who God wants you to be.
In addition, God will reward everyone according to their obedience to what He asks them to do. It is only those who are faithful to what God has called them to do that will receive reward. Don't live your life doing another man's work. Find out what God will have you do and be committed to it.

* Ask God to help you discover your role in the body of Christ.
* Pray that you will find grace to perform your role.
* Pray that God will find you faithful in what He called you to do.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Mighty God, thank You for going ahead of us into 2018. The remaining journey of the year shall be more glorious than the beginning, in the name of Jesus

Remember Me I

Monday 5 November
READ: Luke 23:39-43
MORE LESSON: Genesis 8:1-4

The man that we read about in our text today was an armed robber. He probably started by stealing gradually in school, then he graduated to stealing without anyone knowing. He probably could not stop anymore and so got a gun and began to rob in the night. One day, he was caught and was sentenced to death by hanging; they were to nail him to the cross, side by side with the Saviour of the whole world. They got to the cross and everyone was dying gradually in pain. While the armed robber on the left side mocked the Saviour, this criminal rebuked him, saying they were guilty and deserved to die but Jesus was not guilty. He then looked at Jesus and said, …Lord, remember me when thou comest into thy kingdom: Verse 42. That touched the heart of Jesus and He replied, Verily I say unto thee, Today shalt thou be with me in paradise: Verse 43.
It excites me to know that the first person to make Heaven after Jesus was an armed robber and it tells me that you too can obtain mercy. You cannot be too much a sinner than that criminal; since he made it, then anyone else can make it. All that is to be done is call on God and say, “Remember me”. When God remembered Hannah, her barrenness disappeared; when God remembered Abraham, Sarah gave birth to Isaac. In Exodus chapter two, the Bible says that God remembered the children of Israel and their affliction and He sent a deliverer to take them out of bondage. When God remembers a man, his chains are broken, pains are over and afflictions of many years are ended. All you need today is to say, “Oh God, remember me”.
When Jesus was celebrated by Heaven, the armed robber was also celebrated. When Jesus got to the presence of the Father, He told Him that the job He gave Him had been properly done and that the armed robber was the first beneficiary of the redemption package. Jesus delivered that man because he made just one request, “Remember me”. The kingdom of God cannot open for you except God remembers you. When God remembered the armed robber, He forgave him his sin. If sinners will call upon God today to remember them and forgive them, their sins will be forgiven. If sick people will ask God to remember them today, all ailments will go. It was in pain that the man asked God to remember him and God heard him. I don't know the pain that you suffer, now is your time, your deliverance is in your mouth. Why not cry out to the Lord to remember you?

* Ask God for His mercy and that He will take away judgement.
* Ask God to remember you for good today.
* Pray that God will perform His promises for you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, let mercy speak for me this month and let the spirit of iniquity be banned over me today, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 30, 2018

The Word of the Lord

Friday 29 June
READ: Psalm 105:16-20
MORE LESSON: Jeremiah 23:29

The Word of God is very powerful. It is as powerful as God Himself because God's Word is God. Whether the written or the spoken Word of God, God's Word is stronger than anything in all of creation. By it the earth was created, (Gen. 1:1-3) and by the Word also, the earth and everything in it is being held together (Heb. 1:3).
King David the psalmist testifies to the power of the Word,
The voice of the LORD breaketh the cedars; yea, the LORD breaketh the cedars of Lebanon…. The voice of the LORD divideth the flames of fire. The voice of the LORD shaketh the wilderness...The voice of the LORD maketh the hinds to calve, and discovereth the forests… Psa. 29:5 & 79.
God can break the cedars of Lebanon; He can divide the flames of fire, shake away any wilderness and discover any forest.
He does it by His voice/Word. May the Lord give you the revelation of the power of His Word because that is the power by which God rules the earth and commands the heavens. That was why Jeremiah declared,
O earth, earth, earth, hear the word of the LORD: Jer. 22:29.
From today begin to address all your situations by the Word of the Lord. Find the suitable scriptures for your situation and begin to address that matter by what God's Word has said. Do it day and night. Do it persistently without being bothered about what the situation appears to be until by the power of the Word the situation changes.
The raw material for the whole of creation is God's Word and the only spare part that can fix any damaged part is that same Word of God. Speak the Word in private and public confession. Speak it in the company of friends, in the place of prayer and in the face of every challenge. Believe in it and never doubt it. Today, your earth must hear the Word of the Lord and obey. This therefore, is a wake up call on all believers to do more concerning knowing the Word. Knowledge of the Word precedes the application and confession of the Word. If we don't know the Word, we cannot use it. The Word must be in our mouth.
But what saith it? The word is nigh thee, even in thy mouth, and in thy heart: that is, the word of faith, which we preach: Rom. 10:8.

* Ask the voice of the Lord to prevail over all situations in your life.
* Pray that the power of the Word will manifest in your life.
* Pray that the Word of God will be like hammer in your mouth to break into pieces every negative matter that has persisted over time in your life.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I shall live to my old age like Abraham and the Lord shall bless me in all things. I shall be satisfied with long life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Taking God by His Word

Saturday 30 June
READ: Genesis 21:1-7
MORE LESSON: Isaiah 34:16

Sometimes, when you look at the promises of God, you wonder whether they are not too big to be real! Let us consider a few examples.
To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you: I Pet. 1:4.
In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: Jn. 14:2-3.
The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright: Prov. 21:18.
I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins: Isa. 43:25.
These are indeed no small promises and there are truly a thousand and one others like these. But we can take God by His Word because, God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Num. 23:19.
Friend, men are known for lying, but not God. Again, we have enough precedents that assure us that God will not fail, no matter how incredible the promise seems. One of such is the prophecy of the virgin birth in Isa. 7:14, … Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. In the days of Isaiah, many must have doubted it, yet today it is a reality. Moreover, Heb, 6:18 says, That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie. It is just impossible for God to lie so you can take God for whatever He says.
Finally, one of the reasons why men’s promises cannot be trusted is because they make promises that are bigger than them but this is not so with God. He can therefore not fail. What a faithful God He is. He visited Sarah as He had said and did to Sarah as He had spoken (Gen. 21:1). He promised to take Israel out of Egypt; although the promise lasted for 430 years, He did not forget to do it (Exo. 12:41). Isaiah said concerning the Word, ...thy counsels of old are faithfulness and truth: Isa. 25:1.
In the same way, you will not be forgotten. God's faithfulness will extend to you today. Just keep holding on to whatever God has said concerning you. Don't lose focus; don't give up. The Lord will not fail you.

* Pray that God's Word will prove true in your life.
* Command all that oppose God’s promises in your life to give way in Jesus name.
* Take God’s promise to you back to Him in prayer and ask for its performance.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Jehovah You are faithful, I am a witness, You have rescued, delivered, strengthened, empowered, kept, sustained and helped me in these six months of 2018. Thank You Jesus forever.

Thursday, June 28, 2018

God's Standard

Thursday 28 June
READ: 2 Timothy 2: 19 – 20
MORE LESSON: Acts 20:16-24

I met a woman in Accra, Ghana, who told me that she had lived in Kaduna, Nigeria, before. I became interested, being a resident of Kaduna state myself. So I asked her, 'What is your name?' She gave me a Christian name and then added, “But I didn’t go by that name in Kaduna”. I was intrigued and asked more questions. Then she told me that when she was in Kaduna, she assumed a Muslim name so that she could get job, appointment, government loans and other benefits. So everyone in Kaduna knew her with the assumed name but her real name was a Christian name. I asked her why she did that and she answered, 'Sir, you know we need to make ends meet and be able to put spirit and soul together'. She smiled as if what she was about to say was really funny and said, 'You know sir, it is only when one is alive that one can think about keeping the gospel running'.
The standards of God remain unchanged. If people compromise on righteousness, God never does and never will. A man that does wrong because he wants the body and the soul to stay alive, has just rendered the spirit dead. Sin kills the spirit and if the spirit is dead, what is the use of the body and the soul than for them to burn in hell? Survival or making ends meet is never a reason for anyone to go against righteousness. We are in perilous times when people throw away salvation to get job, scholarship, appointment and spouse.
God's standard and purpose are more important than success. It is better to stick to God and be denied than to compromise the standards of God and make headway in life. What is the use of making progress if the way leads to hell? God's purpose and assignment are more important than our life. So even if a man dies maintaining God's purpose and standard for his life, it is worth it. 2 Tim. 2:19 says that the foundation of God stands sure. This means that God's standard remains unchanged. God's standard is that anyone who will be His must stand for Him and depart from iniquity. God doesn't condone compromise of any kind, so let us know what we have believed and hold on to it lest we trade eternal life for the mundane things of this world. The Lord will help you to stay true to Him come what may, in Jesus’ name.

* Confess that you will not trade Jesus for silver or gold.
* Declare that you will not bow to any idol, money, position, or wealth but to Jesus only.
* Declare that you will rather live without a blessing that is not from God.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, standing on Job 22:27-28, any blessing meant for me since January 2018 that is being held down by any prince of Persia till now, I command them vomited now, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 27, 2018

Cleansing Leprosy

Tuesday 26 June
READ: Mark 1: 39 – 45
MORE LESSON: 2 Kings 5: 1 - 15

One of the repeated miracles in the ministry of Jesus is the cleansing of lepers. As a matter of fact, when Jesus sent His disciples out in Matt. 10:8, He commissioned them, Heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely ye have received, freely give. Cleansing lepers is a very important issue to God. Naaman was an example of a leper cleansed by Jehovah in the Old Testament. The striking thing is that Naaman was a Gentile from Syria. There were many lepers in Israel but it was the Syrian that found healing; this was because he was the one that recognised and responded to the grace of God.
Naaman's maidservant preached the good news about the God of Israel to him and he travelled all the way from Syria. When he got to Israel, Elisha didn't come out to see him but rather sent word to him to go and bathe seven times in the muddy River Jordan. A few days before then Naaman was on the throne in Syria, then he was in the territory of an enemy nation begging for help. It seemed like an abomination to the Syrians who had conquered Israel to see their general go to Israel for help. Every abomination that causes shame in your life is over, in the name of Jesus Christ.
Anything that causes shame and makes a man beg his enemy for help is a form of leprosy. Sin, bad habit, sickness and poverty are forms of leprosy. God's desire is that leprosy doesn't stay on any man, Jew or Gentile, believer or unbeliever. However, there is a condition from the Lord for any man who wants to be cleansed of leprosy: he must, of his own volition, come to the Lord. As the Scripture says, ...and him that cometh to me I will in no wise cast out: John 6:37.
A leper came to Jesus and besought Him, ...If You are willing, You can make me clean. He knew Jesus had the power to heal him but he wasn't sure Jesus was willing to. Jesus was moved with compassion, put forth His hand, and touched him, and said to him, ...I am willing; be cleansed: Mark 1:41 (NKJV). The Lord is always willing to remove anything that causes shame in your destiny. He is ever willing to cleanse sin, heal sickness and cleanse all forms of leprosy if you will come to Him. Naaman bathed seven times in the river as he was told. Seven is the number of perfection. So he needed complete obedience to have perfect restoration. If any man will come to take a bath in the river of the blood of Jesus, all forms of leprosy in his destiny will be washed away. There is power in the Blood.

* Ask for grace to obey God’s instructions even when they don't make sense to you.
* Ask the Lord to help you to be humble enough to accept God’s counsel.
* Ask the Lord to help you recognise your destiny helpers.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Oh earth, hear the word of the Lord, I am the face and model of God, God's latest mighty act, in the name of Jesus.

Breasting the Tape

Monday 25 June
READ: 1 Corinthians 9: 24 – 27
MORE LESSON: Hebrews 12: 1 – 4

In a race, it is not the first person to start that is awarded the prize but the first to finish well. This means that no matter how well a man starts, it is only when he finishes well that he gets a reward. There is usually a tape at the end of the race to spot the first to cross the finish line, who is then declared a winner. No sport puts the tape at the beginning of the race because success is not as much of starting strong as it is of finishing strong.
The Christian journey is an earthly race to the heavenly tape. Like all races, it is not those who start the race well that gets the heavenly reward but those who finish well. As recorded in Matt. 24: 13, it is the one who runs the race to the end that gets saved. In a race, if a person takes off well and is leading the race, but just a moment before the finish line he suffers an injury or allows a distraction and falls down while others cross the line, he will not be reckoned to come first. An athlete who has been leading all along till just one step before the finish line will not be awarded the medal based on his previous performance. It is the one who crosses the line that is rewarded. Thus, all the labour from the beginning of the race can be lost at the verge of the finish line if you allow someone to suddenly overtake you. The first can become the last in a race and the last can become the first. It is not over until the tape is breasted and the finish line crossed.
There is a prize for running a race but the prize is not for everyone who runs. It is reserved for those that breast the tape. Jesus also ran a race when He lived on the earth. The tape for Him was the Cross. When He offered His life on the Cross and rose up again, He received the reward of a name that is above all names and He sat at the highest position in all universe. In the Christian journey, you are running for a prize, therefore, run till you finish well. Do not allow any distraction or stumbling block to knock you off before you breast the tape. The tape is breasted when Jesus comes or when a man is translated from the earth into eternity by death.
Be devoted to the Lord to the very end. The Bible says, Eye hath not seen, nor ear heard, neither have entered into the heart of man, the things which God hath prepared for them that love him: 1 Cor. 2: 9. However, these things are not for starters but for finishers. So, don't give up on the race until you breast the tape.

* Declare that in the race of life, you will start strong and finish strong.
* Prophesy that you will not be distracted, you will finish well.
* Declare that as the Lord lives, you will not quit, you will breast the tape.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Every creation shall hear and testify of “the manifestation of the sons of God” in my life this year, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Reigning by Grace

Sunday 24 June
READ: 1 Kings 1: 5 – 39
MORE LESSON: Romans 5: 15 - 17

It is only through grace that a man can reign in life because by strength shall no man prevail (1 Sam. 2: 9). The opposite of grace is merit. It is either a man merits the throne of life through his works or he receives it through God's unmerited favour. It is only those who have decided to receive the throne through the grace that is in Jesus Christ that will reign in life. If you must qualify through works for everything you get in life, you will never get by in life and eternity. We must put our faith in the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ and reign through Him.
Even in the Old Testament, the throne was by grace and not by works. This is perfectly portrayed by the story of Solomon. He was born by Bathsheba, the woman about who there was a lot of wrong doing and controversy surrounding her becoming David's wife. There were many other 'more legitimate' sons of David who deserved the throne more than Solomon did. Solomon was young, inexperienced and born through the back door' into the family of David. Absalom, the handsome and charismatic son of David, had rebelled against his father and fought to reign as king but he didn't get it, rather, he lost his life. Adonijah was another of David's sons who tried to set himself as king. He connived with some bigwigs in the kingdom to be made king but he also didn't get it. Solomon didn't deserve the throne but King David set him as king to reign because of a covenant he had made that Solomon would reign after him.
Solomon was not qualified for the throne but he ended up on the throne; what is more, his reign surpassed all reigns before and after him in glory. Grace is the way to the throne. This is the reason Rom. 5: 17 says that those who have received the abundance of grace and the gift of righteousness will reign in life through Jesus Christ. Through the finished work of Christ on the cross, we have access to all that pertain to life and godliness. Salvation is by grace, healing and prosperity are obtained by favour. Dominion and reigning in life are accessed by grace. It is only through the work of grace that we can be sure of making Heaven. According to Heb. 4:16, Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need.

* Ask the Lord to break protocol and place you where your merit cannot.
* Ask the Lord to confound the devices of your enemy and cause you to reign by grace.
* Declare that by the grace of Jesus, you have access to all that pertain to life.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Good news angels, visit me this sixth month as you visited Elizabeth and Mary in the sixth month and end every delay and shame in my life as You did for them, in Jesus’ name.

The Man-Child

Wednesday 27 June
READ: Isaiah 66:7
MORE LESSON: Isaiah 66: 7 - 11

The Bible talks about the man-child in several places. There are a lot of meanings attached to a male child. First, it represents continuity of a family name. It also denotes strength and joy. The man-child is therefore anything you birth that brings joy, celebration and excitement. It is what gives you courage and strength and creates an assurance of a secure tomorrow. The man-child represents glory, fame and a worthy achievement. These meanings are not to affirm the superiority of the male child over the female. All children are from God, and can be used mightily in the hand of God and worthy of celebration, irrespective of gender. If God has blessed you with female children, then celebrate. They will fulfill destiny and make you proud. However, in the spiritual context, we use the man-child to represent a major achievement which is worthy of celebration. It is not limited to childbearing but includes feats of all kinds in all areas of life. In the name of Jesus, it is time for your man-child to be born.
Isaiah 66:7 says, Before she travailed, she brought forth; before her pain came, she was delivered of a man child. Travail stands for the labour pangs a woman experiences when she is about to deliver a child. The intense pain and sorrow of the labour is always swallowed up by the joy of the child that is born. This shows that no matter how hard and painful the labour process is, there is always joy that something substantial came out of it. For every effort and labour you put in to any project, the Lord expects a joyful result to come out of it. You shall no longer labour in vain, in Jesus’ name. Something tangible and worthy of celebration shall come out of every effort you exert, in Jesus’ name.
In the text, God said that even though there is sorrow in labour, when the man-child is born, the joy swallows up the memory of the pain. This shows that there is something that the Lord can do in your life that will make you forget all the pain and hardship of yesterday. Your joy will be born today, in Jesus’ name. The Lord says in Isa. 66: 9, Shall I bring to the birth, and not cause to bring forth? saith the LORD: shall I cause to bring forth, and shut the womb? saith thy God. This shows that barrenness, miscarriage and abortion of all kinds are not from the Lord. In the name of Jesus, every area where you have suffered barrenness and miscarriage, whether in your vision and dreams, in productivity and finance, in your spiritual life or in giving birth to a biological child, the power of the Word of God break that siege. Go and bring forth your man-child, spiritual and physical.

* Declare that the due season to birth your man-child is now.
* Ask for strength to bring forth your man-child.
* Declare that you will not labour/travail in vain, you will bring forth.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I am not a dumping ground for demonic activities; Holy Ghost fire burn them to ashes in my life, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 23, 2018

A New Name in Glory

Saturday 23 June
READ: Rev. 2:17
MORE LESSON: Rev. 20:10-15

It is obvious that in many cultures, names are not ordinary. Some do not like the names they bear, but like Jabez, you can ask God to change your name. Why do we desire a new name? It is amazing how in newspapers some people change all their names without any explanation. For some, you can guess that the change is due to marriage/divorce, conversion from one faith to another, or just mere conviction that the name no longer suits them. While these changes may be sincere and true, they do not free one from the liabilities or encumbrances of previous names.
In the Bible, some people changed their names. Examples include: Abram to
Abraham (Gen. 17:5-10), Sarai to Sarah (Gen. 17:15-16), Jacob to Israel (Gen. 32:28-32) and Saul to Paul (Acts. 13:9- 12). Each of these instances signified a turning point and an establishment of a new covenant relationship between God and the bearers of the names. No wonder when a person gets born again, he becomes a new creature (II Cor. 5:17; Rev. 3:20, 21:17), old things are passed away (Psa. 103:12). God becomes your Father by a relationship with Christ who paid the price for our redemption by His sacrificial death on the cross. He is our repudiation for adoption into sonship and a relationship with His Holy Spirit; God seals us as His property. We become God's stewards for every good work. He writes our new names in the Lamb's Book of life,
He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone a new name written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it Rev. 2:17.
Do you have a new name in glory before the Father? Whatever name you bear on the earth (negative or positive, good or bad) must end here one day. There is only one place where the enlisting of your name is most important, and that is in the Lamb's Book of life. The qualification for this new name is cleansing and forgiveness by the Blood of Jesus. This is made possible by personally acknowledging your sins, asking God for forgiveness and accepting Jesus as the Lord and Saviour of your life. Let me remind you that no matter who you are and what you have done, God loves you and wants to give you a new name written in the Lamb's Book of life.

* Pray that you will not miss a new name in glory.
* Pray that everyone in your family, whose name may not be in the Lamb's Book of Life, will find mercy and grace before it is be late.
* Pray that God will change your old name to a new name in glory.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I refuse to labour in vain or bring forth for trouble, in the glorious name of Jesus.

Friday, June 22, 2018

Who is Hurt?

Friday 22 June
READ: Exodus 9:22-35
MORE LESSON: 2 Kings 5:20-27

There is a saying that a man's deceptive practice reaches its peak the day he succeeds in deceiving himself. In our text, Pharaoh played hide and seek with Jehovah. When he hardened his heart against releasing the Israelites and a plague stroke, he quickly soft-pedalled and invited Moses for a talk. As soon as the plague ceased, he went tough again. Who was hurt in the long run? It is sad that some people play with their life as Pharaoh did, thinking they are smart. They don’t pray or go to church, or do what is right and holy until they have a problem. Then, they suddenly remember God; and run to men of God for prayer and observe other religious rites. But as soon a solution to their problem comes, their spiritual commitment stops. They will give a thousand and one excuses why they are not able to meet up with their spiritual commitment. When they have a problem, they put those excuses aside and seek for help from God, and the cycle continues. Such people seek to use God to meet their needs but never allow God to use them to meet His needs.
Pharaoh did not prosper in his hide and seek game with Moses. Although he knew very well the powers of the gods, he chose to play on the God of Moses. At first, he was seemingly successful in playing on the intelligence of Moses' God to the admiration of his people. But Pharaoh lost everything at the end, including his firstborn. If he were straight in his dealings with Moses and God, he would have spared himself the unwarranted losses.
I counsel you to love and serve the Lord with all your heart, might, soul and all your strength. Those who do so are always honoured by God. He will deliver them from their enemies, and in the days of famine He will keep them from destruction. Stop the deception now and seek after God with all your heart. Learn from Cain who offered an unacceptable offering, became jealous of his brother, and even when God warned him about falling into sin, he didn’t listen. He bluffed God even after killing his brother; and when God pronounced judgement on him, he protested that the judgment was too harsh. Why wait for your house to be on fire before calling for help when you have the opportunity to stop someone from putting the fire on your roof? Even if men come to your aid to put off the fire, you would have lost your roof top. Be diligent in business, fervent in spirit, serving the Lord (Rom.12:11).

* Receive grace to follow the Lord in all seasons, in Jesus name.
* Ask the Holy Spirit to pour upon your heart the love of God to do His will.
* Pray that God will not use judgment or enemies voice to communicate His mind to you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I connect with the grace and favour upon Daniel and I receive the Spirit of excellence to excel above my equals, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 21, 2018

Perfect Love

Thursday 21 June
READ: Romans 5:5-8
MORE LESSON: John. 3:16

I am looking forward to the day and time when Christians, including me will love others with Jesus' type of love. This is the cry of my heart that I will love all people exactly the way Jesus loves me. I believe that therein lies the solution the world is looking for. The Bible says, ...while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: Rom. 5:8. That is the difference between the love of man and that of God. God loves us even with our flaws. He does not wait for us to be perfect before loving us; rather, He invites us just as we are and perfects us on arrival.
It is very difficult to find someone who can see your flaws and your immaturity and still love you in spite of all. Someone once said, If the only way you can love me is after I have perfected my imperfections, then you really don't love me. Indeed, it is good to ask ourselves, How many of us really love people for who they are and not for what we can have from them? Love is perfect when it is expressed without conditions. Paul gives us the characteristics of perfect love in I Cor. 13:4-7;
…Charity suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, is not puffed up, Doth not behave itself unseemly, seeketh not her own, is not easily provoked, thinketh no evil; Rejoiceth not in iniquity, but rejoiceth in the truth; Beareth all things, believeth all things, hopeth all things, endureth all things.
Each of these traits of love will solve any problem anywhere in the world. Anything in the name of love less than this is fake and will only create more problems than solve them.
Let me say it again, God loved you while you were unlovable so you would never have to hide in the bushes again like Adam. He has loved you with an everlasting love and you must also love someone the way you have been loved. In marriage, we must love our spouses whatever they are. Once you have said, “I do”, you must always “do” without reservation. Among the brethren, we must endeavour to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace (Eph. 4:3).
As a way of life, we must love strong enough to warn friends, family members and neighbours about the danger of hell and tell them of the unconditional love of God for all mankind. Above all, perfect love must be honest and transparent enough to say, This is who I am, and it is all that I am; love me and be patient with me. There is no telling what I will become, but today this is who I am. I love you!

* Ask for the mind of Christ in order to walk in perfect love for others.
* Pray that in our homes and assemblies, the love of Christ will reign supreme.
* Break the force of offence, bitterness and hatred over your life, and receive the right heart to walk in love.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: My Father, as You have promised in Your Word, increase my strength, my capacity and ability, end every limitation and weakness in my destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 20, 2018

The Holy Oil

Wednesday 20 June
READ: Psalm 89:20
MORE LESSON: 1 John 4:1-4

I have found David my servant; with my holy oil have I anointed him: Psa. 89:20. This was God Almighty Himself speaking concerning David. It implies that there are oils that are not holy; if there is a genuine one, there is also a counterfeit. Everywhere you see a counterfeit there is a genuine somewhere and if God is talking about holy oil it means then that there is fake oil. If you use a fake thing, you get a fake result and if you use fake oil, you get fake anointing. If you are anointed with holy oil, you get holy result. When men exhibit fake anointing it is very clear; you will see the struggle and limitations; they don't go far. There are people who ‘wash their face’ today to be able to give the Word of knowledge and Word of wisdom. This means they go to herbalists to collect charms to ‘wash face’. When they consult for people, they tell them what will happen tomorrow, that is, in future and this makes people think they are true but they are fake.
The reason why fake prophets are taking over the cities and going to media houses to give prophecies, while political leaders also run after them to ask about their tomorrow, is because genuine people have refused to take their place. This has given room to the counterfeit and they are taking the centre stage. The handwriting of the enemy will be erased if the children of the Most High God will take their rightful place. The fake will continue to thrive until the original appears.
A good knowledge of the original helps you to easily identify the fake. Someone once said that you do not discover fake naira or dollar notes by studying so many counterfeits. All you need is to know what the original looks like and you can identify the counterfeits. This is why Peter admonishes us to test all spirits. But how can you test spirits without a good knowledge of the Word of God? You must therefore,
Study to shew thyself approved unto God, a workman that needeth not to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth: 2 Tim. 2:15.
A good knowledge and application of the original will eliminate the fake. You are the light of the world; therefore, arise and shine so as to deliver the world from darkness.

* Lord, pour Your Holy oil afresh upon me, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that you will not fall victim of counterfeit anointing.
* Pray for your pastors that the oil of God upon their lives will not run dry.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I terminate the season of ashes on my prayer altar and I renew strength for battle, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Wasted Destiny

Tuesday 19 June
READ: Daniel 1:1-2
MORE LESSON: Malachi 1:1-2, 6-8

Nebuchadnezzar was one of the kings of Babylon, he was such a powerful king in those days. When the children of God sinned against Him, He allowed them to be captured by Nebuchadnezzar, who was favoured of God. He was a man that was full of abundance; and he was put on the throne by God even though he was a terrible man. The Almighty endowed him without limit; he was a man of power and influence. Though he hated God, God still kept His children under him. He was a man that broke all the laws and privileges of God. He contradicted all the laws of the Almighty yet, the heaven still gave him a long rope. In fact, he was a man so privileged by the Almighty that saints could be put under him. He enjoyed the cover of saints and thought he was under his own cover. He was flattered to think all was well when everything was wrong and had no knowledge or respect for God. Despite all the shortcomings of Nebuchadnezzar, God still endowed him with all the wealth, influence and affluence you can imagine.
One day, Nebuchadnezzar rose up to create a parallel kingdom with the Almighty. He was a man who had an opportunity but abused it. He experienced what an ordinary man should not see because he disrespected the opportunity given him; and God sent him off into the wilderness. When you examine the life of Nebuchadnezzar, you realise that he was a man endowed with the privilege to prevail but he failed. That was not because God didn't like him but because he did not appreciate the place of opportunity. His life became an epitome of a wasted destiny because he allowed pride to enter him. He built an image and made a proclamation that whoever would not bow down to it would die. He exalted himself above God.
A lot of times today men tend to exalt themself above God. Wastage is the end of the proud; no matter how small, destruction is the end of the proud. Run from pride, and give God glory for all He has given you; never forget that all we are and all we have belong to the Almighty God. No man can become anything without God, the Creator and it is in returning the glory to Him that we are kept, sustained and established. If we abuse and misuse our God-given opportunity like Nebuchadnezzar, to think that our own hands have given us all we have, we would lose it to the waster.

* Pray that you will not abuse your God-given privileges.
* Pray that you will not live a wasted life due to abuse of opportunity.
* Make a commitment to God that you will not live your life without Him.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Every altar competing with my altar of prayer be swallowed up now, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, June 18, 2018

I Will Make You II

Monday 18 June
READ: Matthew 4:18-20
MORE LESSON: Genesis 17:12-37

Yesterday, we looked at the fact that God uses difficult situations to make us better people. However, this is not to say that God purposely afflicts us so as to teach us a lesson, but he can permit it, like in the case of Job. Nonetheless, because the devil is always going about like a roaring lion seeking whom to devour, when he fires any of his fiery darts at us or afflicts us, God takes advantage of the situation to teach us certain things. This is why the Bible says,
And we know that all things work together for good to them that love God, to them who are the called according to his purpose: Rom 8:28.
The devil intends it for evil, but God turns the situation to our good and uses it to promote us.
Joseph faced a similar situation. When he told his brother his dreams, they hated him for it and sold him into slavery. It looked like his dreams would never come to pass. The future looked bleak and probably, Joseph also would have thought that was the end. But in all these, God was just using all the situations he was passing through to build and groom him for what He would have him do. If Joseph was not faithful in managing Portipha's house, how could he have managed the economy of an entire nation. If he hadn't learnt how to manage people under pressure in the prison, how could he have been able to manage the crowd that kept coming to buy food in Egypt? If he had not purposed to resist sleeping with Potiphar's wife, how would he have resisted other temptations he faced later in life as a prime minister. This is why Joseph told his brothers; But as for you, ye thought evil against me; but God meant it unto good, to bring to pass, as it is this day, to save much people alive. Gen 50:20.
So you must see God turning that situation around for your good and learn all the lessons you need to learn because tough times don't last but tough people do. Today's test is tomorrow's testimony, so keep hope alive, keep trusting God's Word; pray and give thanks. If you do, soon like the test of Abraham in the sacrifice of Isaac, you will hear God say, …for now I know that thou fearest God…: Gen. 22:12; That in blessing I will bless thee…: v17. Therefore, my beloved brethren, be ye steadfast, unmoveable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, forasmuch as ye know that your labour is not in vain in the Lord: 1 Cor. 15:58.

* Declare that all things will work out for your good in life and destiny.
* Receive grace to overcome every temptation and trial that comes your way.
* Declare that your dream of greatness will see the light of fulfillment.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, today, I receive a multiplication of my fire power, no enemy will dare me anymore, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, June 17, 2018

I Will Make You I

Sunday 17 June
READ: Malachi 3:2-4
MORE LESSON: Romans 5:3-5

Sometimes ago, one of my daughters in church was misbehaving and the mother came to report her to me. I prayed and even placed her on days of fasting but all efforts to stop her proved abortive as she still continued in the act. So one day I called her, and I told her that the Bible says that foolishness abounds in the heart of a child; but the rod of correction shall drive it far from him (Prov. 22:15). Then I gave her a few strokes of the cane and from that day she never again repeated that thing (but looking back maybe I would have done the correction differently). She's now married to a pastor and recently she brought her child to me. I looked at both of them and I asked the child; “How will you assess this woman?” He said, “She is the best woman on earth”. Something made her the best woman on the earth; fasting, prayer, and cane. She said; ”Daddy this is my child”. I told her that was what we were disciplining her for, and that good day would not have become a reality if we didn't correct her. What we did yesterday has made her a better person today.
The point is this; the making process is never a palatable one. It involves pain, hardship and many other unpleasant experiences. But all these happen so as to reveal the excellence of what is being made. Everyone likes gold and wants to own golden articles. In fact, some people will do unimaginable things only to ensure that they own it. Gold is however refined by very hot fire; the fire needs to be hot enough to burn off the dross and reveal the beauty of the gold. Assuming the gold has a choice and it decides not to go through the flames, would it still portray the same radiance? Of course not. In the same way, God makes us go through very difficult and unpleasant situations. I tell God all the time; “Whatsoever You want to do with me to make me what You want me to be, Father, go ahead. Don't look at my complaints, God; just help me reach the prize”.
As we pray this type of prayer, accepting whatever God will want to do, we must also remember that we also still have a role to play in God making us. Certain things God wants to do for us include helping us to live a disciplined life, watch over our relationships, walk in a spiritual positive environment and being willing to accept God's orders and ordinance. He who helped others ahead of us will help to make us.

* Ask God for grace to go through the process to your greatness, in Jesus’ name.
* Pray that as clay in the potter’s hand, God will mould you for His glory and beauty.
* Ask God to make you an instrument of blessing to the lives of others around you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Faithful God of my fathers, I shall be faithful to You to the end. Strengthen my hands, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 16, 2018

You are Different

Friday 15 June
READ: I Peter 2:9-10
MORE LESSON: Exodus 8:20-24

There is a popular story about an eaglet that was hatched and grew up in the midst of some chicks. As long as the eaglet did not know the difference between itself and the chicks, it kept walking, hopping, and flying low and over a short distance. But the day the eaglet looked up and saw an eagle just like it flying and soaring high, it took off from the ground and went up high in the sky.
Many Christians do not know that they are unique, peculiar, and special people. I Pet. 2:9 says: But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a peculiar people; that ye should shew forth the praises of him who hath called you out of darkness into his marvellous light. Once you give your life to Jesus, you are different from the common man walking on the street. God re-created you in Christ Jesus so that even when men around you are falling, you should stand tall and be a shining light to them. Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee. For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people: but the LORD shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee... Isaiah 60:1-3.
Exodus 1:15-19 unveils how unique God's people are. The midwives testified before Pharaoh: that the Hebrew women unlike the Egyptian women are lively, and delivered before the midwives come in unto them. Beloved, you are different from unbelievers. Allow this truth to sink into you and rule your day. The diseases and afflictions that overtake unbelievers cannot prevail over you because God has promised to keep such diseases away from you and to place them on your enemies (Deut.7:14-15). God has promised to preserve you when you go out and when you come in (Ps.121:8). Angels are all over you (Ps.34:7) and they have instructions to watch over you (Ps.91:12). So you cannot be involved in an accident.
A thousand devils cannot touch your life, you need not fear to travel anywhere, any time. God said, because you have set your love upon Him, He will deliver you: He will set you on high because you have known His name. You shall call upon Him, and He will answer you. He will be with you in trouble. He will deliver you, and honour you. With long life will He satisfy you, and show you His salvation. (Psalm 91:14-16). You must be so special to God for Him to make such sweet promises to you. As you begin your day, walk in the consciousness that you are different from everyone you meet on the street. This is because of Jesus in you; you are very special, and belong to the royal family of the great King.

* Pray that God's grace in your life will make the difference in your endeavours.
* Declare that you will be exempted from evil.
* Pray that Jesus in your life will make a difference among your peers.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: I shut the door of affliction permanently in my life, I decree a new season, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Forgive and Rise Again

Saturday 16 June
READ: Matthew 26:31-35, 69-75
MORE LESSON: Acts 1:15-23

Peter was an influential figure in Jesus' team. When Jesus predicted His suffering and death, Peter boasted and vowed that he was going to die with Jesus. However, all it took was a little damsel to question him; he swore and denied ever knowing Jesus. He fulfilled what Jesus had prophesied: Before the cock crows thou shalt deny me thrice . . .and he went out and wept bitterly: Matt 26: 75. However, he did what needed to be done: he wept bitterly in repentance. After crying, Peter forgave himself and continued with God; and later in the book of Acts we saw the same Peter become a great preacher.
Peter was not the only one who missed it during the trial and suffering of Jesus. Another person was Judas Iscariot who led soldiers to arrest Jesus. He sold Jesus for thirty shekels of silver; he allowed Satan to rule him from within. A theologian suggested that maybe Judas thought that after betraying Jesus into the hands of His enemies, Jesus would be too powerful to be arrested, and thereafter, he would have made away with the money without any guilty conscience. This still shows that Judas was ruled by the love of money. However, he must have been disappointed when Jesus allowed Himself to be taken. Destiny had already determined for the Son of man to go as it is written concerning Him but woe to that man by whom the Son of man is betrayed (Matt 26: 24). After Jesus was crucified, Judas also repented: “I have sinned, I have betrayed the innocent blood” (Matt 27: 4). He refused to spend the money and went to buy a plot of land: …and falling headlong, he burst asunder in the midst, and all his bowels gushed out: Acts 1: 18. He committed suicide.
It was Peter who stood up and selected a replacement for Judas: read Acts 1:15-20. Was Peter not also guilty? Yes, he was, but he accepted forgiveness; and rose again. What about Judas; would God have forgiven him? Yes, but he didn't accept the forgiveness; he killed himself. The difference between the two of them is that one forgave himself while the other one refused to forgive himself. When a man refuses to forgive himself in destiny, he is digging a grave for himself. Learn to forgive yourself so that you will not go the way of Judas. It's time to forgive and rise again. If you can just forgive the mistakes of yesterday and face tomorrow, there is hope for you. If your destiny is cut down, don't just sit down weeping; don't commit suicide. Begin the process of healing by first forgiving yourself like Peter did. That's what the Word of the Lord says-Forgive.

* Rebuke the forces of guilt and condemnation over your life.
* Receive the forgiveness that Christ has given you and declare your rising.
* Receive by faith courage and power to rise above your past, in Jesus name.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Today, I renew my commitment to the God who answers prayer; I shall never have to see another god, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Thursday, June 14, 2018

Fool for Christ

Thursday 14 June
READ: Genesis 12: 1 – 4
MORE LESSON: 1 Corinthians 3: 18- 20

Abraham was seventy-five years when the Lord called him to leave his father's house. One may not easily understand the depth of sacrifice it took for a 75 year-old man to leave home and start a journey when his mates were enjoying retirement. The most astonishing thing about Abraham's journey is that people asked him where he was going as he set out of the house and the only answer he had was that he didn't know where. What Abraham did looked very foolish in the natural but he became great for it. Abraham was the seventy-five year old man who decided to be a ‘fool’ if that is what it takes to obey Jehovah. It is bad enough to be the 'fool at forty' as in the popular adage, but a fool at seventy-five is something else altogether. However, when we remember that God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, we will gladly choose to be fools for Christ at any age.
When Abraham left home at seventy-five with Sarah, his wife, they had no child. They waited on the Lord for twenty-five years before they had the promised son. Then the Lord demanded for the son to be laid down on the altar of sacrifice, and he acted the ‘fool’ again as he obediently followed God even to the point of laying down ‘his only son’. It is difficult to imagine what he would have told his wife, son and servants as he packed and headed to the Mountain of Moriah to make the ultimate sacrifice. Abraham was 'foolish' enough to take Isaac to the mountain, and lay him down to be sacrificed. The Lord had to quickly call him to stop at the verge of making the sacrifice; it was a test of faith.
There are realms of power and grace that a man can never attain in God until he is willing to be a seen as a fool in order to please God. Obedience to God is never convenient and the instructions of God are not always sensible to the natural mind. We must choose to walk with God and obey Him whatever the cost so that He can showcase our lives as the masterpiece of His grace. If you choose to be a fool for the course of the Lord to flow freely, the Lord will come forth for you; your 'foolishness' will eventually come out as wisdom. Thereafter, you will have results beyond your human thinking, in Jesus name.

* Ask God to make His wisdom and power known in your life as you act in obedience to divine instructions.
* Pray that you will be sensitive to divine instruction as it comes to you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: This year, this month, even this week, I turn every bitter experience to testimony, in the name of Jesus.

Fool for Christ

Thursday 14 June
READ: Genesis 12: 1 – 4
MORE LESSON: 1 Corinthians 3: 18- 20

Abraham was seventy-five years when the Lord called him to leave his father's house. One may not easily understand the depth of sacrifice it took for a 75 year-old man to leave home and start a journey when his mates were enjoying retirement. The most astonishing thing about Abraham's journey is that people asked him where he was going as he set out of the house and the only answer he had was that he didn't know where. What Abraham did looked very foolish in the natural but he became great for it. Abraham was the seventy-five year old man who decided to be a ‘fool’ if that is what it takes to obey Jehovah. It is bad enough to be the 'fool at forty' as in the popular adage, but a fool at seventy-five is something else altogether. However, when we remember that God has chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise, we will gladly choose to be fools for Christ at any age.
When Abraham left home at seventy-five with Sarah, his wife, they had no child. They waited on the Lord for twenty-five years before they had the promised son. Then the Lord demanded for the son to be laid down on the altar of sacrifice, and he acted the ‘fool’ again as he obediently followed God even to the point of laying down ‘his only son’. It is difficult to imagine what he would have told his wife, son and servants as he packed and headed to the Mountain of Moriah to make the ultimate sacrifice. Abraham was 'foolish' enough to take Isaac to the mountain, and lay him down to be sacrificed. The Lord had to quickly call him to stop at the verge of making the sacrifice; it was a test of faith.
There are realms of power and grace that a man can never attain in God until he is willing to be a seen as a fool in order to please God. Obedience to God is never convenient and the instructions of God are not always sensible to the natural mind. We must choose to walk with God and obey Him whatever the cost so that He can showcase our lives as the masterpiece of His grace. If you choose to be a fool for the course of the Lord to flow freely, the Lord will come forth for you; your 'foolishness' will eventually come out as wisdom. Thereafter, you will have results beyond your human thinking, in Jesus name.

* Ask God to make His wisdom and power known in your life as you act in obedience to divine instructions.
* Pray that you will be sensitive to divine instruction as it comes to you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: This year, this month, even this week, I turn every bitter experience to testimony, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, June 13, 2018

There Shall Be No Loss

Wednesday 13 June
READ: Acts 17: 13 – 22
MORE LESSON: Psalm 121: 1 - 8

Paul was with some people who had taken him prisoner and were leading him to Rome. Then arose a real pandemonium of a storm on the Great Sea that overwhelmed the ship and almost sank it. It got so bad that the sailors threw their belongings into the sea so as to lighten up the ship and keep it afloat. The storm lasted for 14 days and no one ate any food nor saw the sun for days. It was in the midst of this apparent hopelessness that the Word of the Lord came forth, …Fear not…God hath given thee all them that sail with thee: Acts 27: 24. This means that there would be no loss or harm to Paul and, because of him God had also decided to secure the soul of everyone in that ship. Be it known to you as well that however gloomy the situation around you looks, there shall be no loss. Peradventure, the ship of your destiny is threatened and you are faced with a raging storm, there is good news for you: there shall be no loss.
It was the presence of Paul in the ship that provided a covenant of security for everyone else in the ship. Even though they had only a temporary association with Paul just for the duration of the journey, that association gave a cover over every one in that ship. This means that whenever you travel by road, air or sea, everyone in that vehicle automatically becomes preserved because of you. It also means that everyone living in the same environment with you begins to enjoy peace and safety because you are there. The cover of God's grace on your life through the Blood of Jesus is over you, everyone and everything around your vicinity. Indeed, you will not suffer any loss and there shall be no loss to anyone around you.
The word, ‘there shall be no loss’ is also applicable in your relationship to the Church. The cover of God over His Church extends to you as you wholeheartedly associate with the house of God. There shall be no loss of any one who sails in the ship which is the Church. This is why one of the strategies of the enemy when he wants to destroy people is to isolate and estrange them from the Church. Please, do not trade the cover of grace over your life for anything. Come with us for the Lord has written good concerning us. And Moses said unto Hobab, the son of Raguel the Midianite, Moses' father in law, We are journeying unto the place of which the LORD said, I will give it you: come thou with us, and we will do thee good: for the LORD hath spoken good concerning Israel: Num. 10:29. As you stay glued to God and to His grace, you will never know loss, in Jesus’ name.

* Declare that the cover of the Lord shall be upon you and your household.
* Declare that there shall be no loss in your year.
* Declare that God’s covenant of preservation shall be upon you.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: Father, I decree an opening for me in the palace of my fulfillment this month and it shall not be shut, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, June 12, 2018

Overruling a Season

Tuesday 12 June
READ: Daniel 2:21
MORE LESSON: Job 22: 27-29

As a child of God, you must know how to get events, times and seasons to align with God's will and purpose for your life. A part of the prayer that Jesus taught His disciples is Thy kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven: Matt 6:10. So when God's will is not being done in a season of your life, what to do is to overrule that season. I want to let you know that there is no season that you cannot overrule. If hard times, difficulties and bad seasons come your way, you can overrule them. Don't allow seasons to rule you, rather you overrule them. Every man, even the righteous, may go through an unfavourable season one time; so it is not the fact that you are in a challenging time that is the problem. The problem comes when you allow that difficult time to prevail over you. You are to prevail over bad season by overruling it.
Let us look at some principles of overruling a season from the Bible, Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities' be overpast: Psa. 57:1. David was a man who experienced many adverse seasons that needed to be overruled. From this scripture, we see a secret that he knew, . . . until these calamities be over past. David said this calamity would pass, and it did. Even in the midst of calamity, David had the hope and expectation that the situation would change. The first thing to do to overrule your bad season is to be convinced of the possibility of change. You have to believe that a bad season is not a permanent state. Unfavourable seasons are not to be accepted.
. . . For my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge. This is the expression of faith and trust in God. Many are not able to overrule their negative season because they do not stand in faith but rather panic in fear. Only the still can still the storm. Faith and fear don't work together. Unfavourable seasons are not to be feared and panicked over. Faith is the victory that you need.
Finally, For verily I say unto you, That whosoever shall say unto this mountain, Be thou removed, and be thou cast into the sea; and shall not doubt in his heart, but shall believe that those things which he saith shall come to pass; he shall have whatsoever he saith: Mark 11:23. You overrule by the words of your mouth. Seasons change as you declare words that are empowered by the Holy Ghost.

* Declare that times and seasons will work together for your good.
* Command that every evil cloud over your life to clear.
* Command your wonderful season to come to pass.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, I decree a seven-fold restoration of whatever I have lost this year, in the name of Jesus.

Uproot It

Monday 11 June
READ: Matthew 13:24-30
MORE LESSON: I Samuel 17:40-50

Jesus said that there are things which are done by the enemy and there are those done by God. There is nothing on the face of the earth that happens by accident; somebody or something is responsible. Even trees don't grow on their own; someone dropped the seed that eventually grew into the mature tree. Somehow, something is still responsible; no plant is responsible for planting itself. This is the reason why when things go wrong, we must not keep quiet about them or think they happened because they were bound to happen. You must understand that as God's thoughts for you are of good, the devil also has evil plans against your life. It is now left for you to discern who is responsible for what is happening to you and address it accordingly.
Jesus said, ...Every plant, which my heavenly Father hath not planted, shall be rooted up: Matt 15:13. There are trees in your life which the Father did not plant, whether you are a believer or not; and Jesus said they should be uprooted. Enough of theology to find out why they were planted; uproot them instead of just sitting down and talking. In those days when we conducted deliverance, we would sit and talk to demons; asking, ‘What is your name? Where do you come from?’ You don't need all that, just cast out the demon.
You've had a lot of analysis this year already. Only two questions need your analysis now: Is this situation planted by God? What does God say concerning this situation? Then when you find out the answers, take action. When you are confronted with a situation, ask yourself, “Is this barrenness from the Lord? Is this failure from the Lord? Is this financial crisis from the Lord?” Of course the Lord cannot allow it, so find out what the Lord has said concerning it. For instance, you could be a man who has no respect for giving to the Lord; you don't pay tithe, and you don't pay first fruit. You can argue about first fruit on monthly salary, but you sure can't argue with the devourer. Concerning your finance, God says; Give, and it shall be given unto you...: Luke 6:38. Also, Malachi 3:10 says, Bring ye all the tithes into the storehouse, that there may be meat in mine house....
When you have found out what God has said concerning your situation then you must take action; uproot the wrong plantings. Some can be uprooted by speaking the authoritative Word of God, some by joining hands in cooperate prayers, and others by correcting wrong mentality and unrighteous living. Whatever the case is, uproot the trees that my Father has not planted using the name of Jesus.

* Uproot every tree that God has not planted in your life.
* Pray that by mercy every evil thing planted in your life because of sin and carelessness, be uprooted and burnt by fire.
* Declare that your land will begin to yield great harvest in place of the enemy’s planting.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, I refuse the spirit of the tail, servitude, slavery and spiritual darkness.

Harden not your Heart

Sunday 10 June
READ: John 3:1-8
MORE LESSON: Ezekiel 18:20-28

I used to have a teacher who walked up to me one day; he knelt down and asked me to pray for him. When I saw his humility, I thought he had finally accepted Christ, so I started praying for him. Then the Holy Ghost asked me to stop so I ended up the prayer. Later God asked me, ‘Who were you praying for? Has he given his life to me?’ I told God I saw his humility and God told me to ask him if he was born again. The next day I did, and he said he had been going to and fro since the beginning of the year. I was dazed! He asked me to continue the prayer but I could not because the condition is that except a man be born again. He could be rich or poor; God is no respecter of persons when it comes to redemption. The soul that sins must die.
Israel committed sin, and God was not happy with them so he sent them to Babylon. When God's children go into error, He is good at correcting them. Wherever God finds His children doing wrong things He calls them to order, gives a warning, time for correction and a change of heart. I can say to you without fear of contradiction that He will not send any man to the lake of fire because he committed sin. God will rather allow men to go to the lake of fire because they rejected His persistent love and call for mercy. You will neither find nor hear a report that men cried in the lake of fire for lack of opportunity to repent; no such thing exists. No man will lack an opportunity to return to the Almighty; God will always give people the time to make amends.
Today could be an opportunity for you to make amends, but men always look forward to another opportunity which may never come. That is the foolishness of men and the deceit of the devil. You find a man who cannot predict what will happen to him in the next second busy procrastinating his decision for eternity. Where is the wisdom? It is one of the greatest evils that Satan can do to you. But men are always procrastinating and yet they have no ability to hold tomorrow in their hands. Right now is the moment. Today is the day to make it right with the Master of the universe; the one who has the power to destroy both body and soul in hell. O that today you will listen to His voice, and harden not your heart. When it comes to sin, God will never lower the standard; the final is, The soul that sinneth, it shall die…: Ezek 18:20. But then, the next verse says, But if the wicked will turn from all his sins … he shall surely live,…: v 21. The promise of God is still waiting for all men who will act before it is too late. Now is the time to turn to God in all humility.

* Pray that you and your household will not miss the time of God’s mercy.
* Pray that the saving grace of God will be revealed to you and your household.
* Ask God to break every hardened heart so that they can submit to the salvation call.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: As Samson killed a thousand Philistines with the jaw bone of an ass, I receive might to destroy every enemy of my destiny, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, June 9, 2018

Redeemed by the Blood

Saturday 9 June
READ: Revelation 5:1-10
MORE LESSON: Hebrew 9:11-18

Today we enjoy the benefit of mercy, the cleansing of our sins and we receive the benefit of our names written in the Book of Life. This is all because someone paid the price. As a matter of fact it was not cheap; somebody took the pain, and the punishment that was meant for us and paid the price in full. That was why there was silence in Heaven when it was announced, “Who is worthy to break the seal and to open the seal thereof?” Everyone was scared to open the seal because an acceptance to open the seal was accepting to pay the price of whatsoever was written therein.
It was stated in the seal that Jesus was going to pay the price of His Blood; He opened the seal to redeem man by His Blood. All that we enjoy on the earth today was purchased when Jesus paid the price. If He did not pay that price, the earth would have been an unbearable place to live in but thank God for the precious Blood of Jesus that cleanses and delivers us. It is by the reason of that blood that we can walk in the presence of our enemies and not be afraid of anything. David said,
Yea, though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil: for thou art with me; thy rod and thy staff they comfort me: Psa. 23:4.
The reason we can walk tall in the presence of our enemies is because Jesus has redeemed us. The Blood has been shed for us, and our life is hidden in the Blood of the Lamb. So what the enemy sees is no longer us but the Blood of the Lamb in which we are enveloped. Paul said, “The life that I live now is not my own life; my life is hidden in Christ and Christ in God. I do not live for myself anymore; I do not live my own life anymore. I only live in Christ Jesus. So when you see me it's not me you see but Christ Jesus. You see the Master Himself because His Blood has cleansed me”. That was why Paul also said,
...let no man trouble me: for I bear in my body the marks of the Lord Jesus: Gal. 6:17.
When you bear the mark of the Son of God nothing troubles you anymore. The troubles, the pains, the afflictions, things that are ordinarily associated with men and are called struggles of life are over because you bear the mark of the Blood of the Son of God.

* Give God thanks for the price paid for your redemption.
* Pray that no one in your household will miss out of the finished work of redemption.
* Plead the Blood of Jesus over your life as you go out today.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: In the name of Jesus, my glory shall not be aborted; I shall bring forth my dream “child” in safety, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, June 8, 2018

The Voice of the Lord

Friday 8 June
READ: Genesis 3:1-19
MORE LESSON: Hebrews 3:12-15

As soon as man sinned, God came into the garden and He called him but there was no response. The way man used to run to welcome God into the garden was not the case anymore. Rather, he hid somewhere; he couldn't face God anymore. He was scared because he knew he had done something God told him not to do. So while still hiding, he answered and God asked why the man was hiding. Adam told God that he was hiding because he was naked. God knew immediately that man had eaten the fruit he asked him not to. When He inquired, the man told God that he was deceived by the woman, and the woman said she was deceived by the serpent. Thereafter, God released His punishment;
And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake…: Gen. 3: 17-19.
It was the man that sinned but when God began to announce the punishment upon man, he started with the earth. The pain of the sin that man committed did not start on the man; it started upon the ground. God cursed the ground. Before then, man didn't have to do anything to get food; the ground was naturally blessed. All that he needed in order to survive on the face of the earth was provided. However, after man fell, God pronounced judgement in verse 18, Thorns also and thistles shall it bring forth to thee; and thou shalt eat the herb of the field. That meant the fertility of the earth was lost, and productivity of the good things that were supposed to come out of the ground was completely turned around. God said the earth would bring forth thorns and thistles; the earth was cursed for man's sake.
Anytime man stops obeying the voice of the Lord and begins to obey his voice or that of another man, he is creating problem for himself. Everything was working in perfect harmony until man declared his independence by choosing to listen to the voice of another creation. Then the whole of creation began to rebel against him. It is the voice of the Lord leading a man that makes all creation to be subject to him. Anytime you find yourself struggling concerning any situation, check it. It could be that you are no longer following the voice of the Lord but your voice or some other person's.

* Ask God to have mercy on you where you have disobeyed to His voice.
* Ask for grace to always walk in obedience to the voice of the Lord.
* Declare that the voice of Lord shall rule over any other rebellious voice.

TODAY’S PROPHETIC PRAYER: He who kept me from January to June will keep me alive and well till the end and beyond, in the mighty name of Jesus.