Monday, 16 September
TEXT: Lk 16:20-26, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 16:27-31
Eternity refers to not having an end, being endless or infinite. God is eternal, heaven and hell are eternal; I mean forever. Anybody who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has his name written in the book of life will live with God eternally. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (ESV) Jn. 3:16. Let us examine some things the believer will enjoy with God in eternity:
1. a new name – Rev. 2:17,
2. an immortal body – I Cor. 15:52-53,
3. eternal life – I Pet. 5:10, I Jn. 2:25,
4 . the tree of life – Rev. 2:7,
5. no second death – Rev. 2:11,
6. the morning star – Rev. 2:28,
7. his name shall not be blot out of the book of life – Rev 3:5,
8. Jesus' new name – Rev. 3:12.
On the other side of eternity is the lake of fire, where Satan, his host and those who served him on the earth shall be. This also shall be forever, eternal and unending. Let us consider the activities and characteristics of this side of eternity:
1. weeping and gnashing of teeth forever – Matt. 13:50,
2. darkness forever – Matt. 25:30,
3. unending wailing and gnashing of teeth,
4 torment of fire – Lk. 16:24, Rev. 20:10,
5. eternal separation from God – Lk.16:26,
6. regrets and guilt – Lk. 24:27-30,
7. worms that never die – Mk. 9:44.
These are the two places available to spend eternity, but each is by choice. You and I have the great honour of making our choice. The rich man and Lazarus both had a choice between eternity in hell or in Heaven (Lk. 16:25), the prodigal son had a choice between riotous and prudent living (Lk. 15:11-15); Israel under Joshua had a choice between Baal and Jehovah (Josh. 24:15). To spend eternity on the side of God you have to be reconciled to God, accept that you have been a sinner and that you now want Jesus to come into your life, forgive you, wash you with His blood and accept you as His child. It can not be delayed anymore, not even for a second. Remember, eternity is a long! long!! long!!! time. Where will you spend eternity?
* Pray that whatsoever takes men to hell will be removed from your life.
* Pray that your name shall not be blotted out of the book of life.
* Pray that the power that keep Jesus on the earth will keep you till you see Jesus face to face.
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Strength for Your Day
Tuesday, 17 September
Peace and Reconciliation
TEXT: Matt. 5:23-24, MORE LESSONS: Heb. 12:14-15
It is wonderful to note that the Bible recorded a lot of conflicts and quarrels among saints and even Jesus' disciples. The Bible does not hide from us the real true lives of the people recorded in it; the fight between Abraham's wife and her house maid (Gen. 16:5-8) between Abraham and Lot’s herdsmen (Gen. 13:7-8) between Jacob and his brother, Esau, a battle which started right from their mother's womb (Gen. 25:23) among Jesus' disciples (Lk. 22:24) and even in the First born Church of the New Testament (Acts 6:1).
However, the Bible also prescribes and commands how such issues must be handled, no matter who is involved. It is not in God's thinking that men will not have disagreement, but it must be settled, Be ye angry but sin not: Eph. 4:26. Grudges, bitterness, unforgiveness are all hindrances to making Heaven and enemies of answers to prayers. Today’s text teaches that each time you want to pray and remember someone has something against you, or vice versa, first go and settle it, then, pray and your prayers shall be answered with speed.
Whatever will waste your prayers should be removed today! Again, before you can offer an effective and acceptable service to the Lord, you must have a conscience void of offence towards God and men (Acts 24:16). The Apostle Paul admonishes us in Heb. 12:14, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Both working for God and walking with God require peace with all men. We must do everything possible to avoid offence as believers and followers of Christ Jesus, who, even while being nailed to the cross, prayed for His enemies, Father, forgive them; for they know not what…: Lk. 23:34. He had so much opposition but never took it against His persecutors. At the end of His ministry, He testified, …for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me: Jn. 14:30.
This should be our testimony no matter who did what against us. Today, clear all bitterness, hate and grudge from your heart and let God heal you through and through. Don't allow Satan to accuse you before God because of anybody's case. Like Jesus, it is healthy to live a peaceful life, free from all bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred.
* Ask God to grant you a life free from offences towards God and man.
* Rebuke the spirit of bitterness, hate and hurt out of your life.
* Ask God for grace, courage and the burden to settle with all people with whom you might be in dispute.
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Strength for Your Day
Wednesday, 18 September
Strengthened by the Lord
TEXT: Psa. 89:20-29, MORE LESSONS: Psa. 89:33-37
Today's Scripture reading was written about King David and gives us a set of amazing truths and promises which hardly no other person in Scripture received. They include the following:
1. The holy oil of God was upon David and he was God-appointed (v20).
2. The hand of the Lord shall establish him, therefore he could not be moved (v21).
3. The Lord’s arm also shall strengthen him, so he could not be weak no matter the weight he had to carry (v21b).
4. No enemy could afflict him, no matter how wicked the enemy may be (v22).
5. If an enemy attacked him, God Himself would attack that enemy, beat him down and send plagues against him (v23).
6. God's faithfulness and mercy shall be upon him (v24).
7. He would be exalted through the name of the Lord (v24b).
8. He shall have a global impact (v25).
9. God would be for him a Father, God and Rock of salvation (v26).
10. He shall be higher than the kings of the earth (v27b).
11. He would be a firstborn of God (v27a).
12. His seeds shall be kings forever (v29).
How many of these promises could David as a human have achieved by himself alone? And how many of them can God not do? That is what is called strength from the Lord. Only by the strength of the Lord can all these types of promises happen. As God decided to strengthen David, He can strengthen you also. He can build a throne for you and sustain you on it forever. He can exalt you above your equals. After all, He is the God that raises up the poor from the dust and makes them become princes among His people. He can do this irrespective of your status, background or past experiences. Just see to it that you do your part, which include:
1. Love the Lord with all your heart.
2. Fear the Lord and turn from evil.
3. Be hardworking, diligent, innovative and productive in all you do.
4. Be a Kingdom financier. Don't let there be anything you cannot give for God’s work and His servant.
May you become great, mighty and blessed, indeed. I connect you with all those blessings of David and more today, in Jesus’ name.
* Take those 12 covenant blessings of David and prophesy each on your destiny.
* Ask for the help of God in every area of your life.
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Strength for Your Day
The Blessing of Building God’s House
Thursday, 19 September
TEXT: I Chro. 28:1-6, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 7:1-6
Living in Northern Nigeria where Islam is widespread, I have often been challenged by the zeal and commitment Muslims display in building their place of worship. Often, they start with just a few stones to mark the location and gradually a gigantic structure is standing. The way the funds are raised often without any fund raising ceremony is amazing; everybody participates joyfully. I wish the Church could emulate this spirit as it was with King David. He wanted to build for God by all means, but could not because, God said unto me, Thou shalt not build an house for my name… v3. However, he ensured that he provided all the materials needed for the project before he died (I Chro. 29:3-5).
Beloved, when, therefore, you have an opportunity to build a sanctuary for God or you are called upon to be a part of those who will make it happen, you should not hesitate; rather, jump at it with great joy. One of the several ways by which you can do this is to contribute to the building materials, like, king David did, …The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver…: I Chro. 29:5. He in verse 4. also provided money, Even three thousand talents of gold…seven thousand talents of refined silver….
You also can contribute as much as you can financially, in local and foreign currencies; or provide service, skilled and unskilled. Whatever skill is available in Church, in form of professional capabilities related with building should ordinarily not be brought from outside. All the building engineers, architects, plumbers, masons, carpenters, painters, electricians etc in church can make their services available. And if you cannot do these, you can make yourself available for physical work or contribute in any of the several other ways. Whichever way, ensure that you don't let any opportunity to build the house of the Lord pass you by. It is a great honour and privilege to do so.
In our further reading above the Centurion was building the synagogue single handedly, little did he know that it was going to be a point of reference for the healing of his dear servant. Your contribution to the development of God's house will never be in vain. Go find something doing for God today!
* Ask God to help you do a thing of good memorial in His house.
* Ask God for a giving spirit.
* Ask God to put resources in your hands for His Kingdom's sake.
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Strength for Your Day
Friday, 20 September
Sin of Prayerlessness
TEXT: Luke 11:2-4, MORE LESSONS: Acts 6:4
Prayer is a mighty instrument; one of the greatest privileges a man can ever enjoy is to be able to commune with the Most High God. But the enemy of our souls does not want us to pray, so he keeps us busy and distracted. He knows that every victory comes only when we pray, so he weakens us in the place of prayer in order to keep us defeated. One of the least attended church services today is prayer meeting. In fact, some assemblies have cancelled it from regular schedules because of poor attendance. Yet we cannot run from the Christian race without praying. The apostles, prophets of old, judges of Israel, even our Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, were all praying people.
God is the greatest force of the universe and we contact Him by prayer. Without prayers, nothing works and prayerlessness is a sin (I Sam. 12:23). It was prayer that delivered Peter from the sword of Herod, who had earlier killed James, the brother of John. When Herod took Peter, the church woke up from her prayerlessness and prayed all night until Peter was released (Acts 12:5). Each time we slumber in prayer, the enemy takes advantage to do us much damage. This was what prophet Samuel wanted to avoid when he prayed against sinning by ceasing to pray for the people. He avoided the mistakes which the first church later made and James had to die before the people gathered for prayer. Israel had wronged God in asking for a king and before they stepped into the next error, Samuel began to intercede for them. Parents should be an example to their children at home, just as pastors should also be an example of an active prayer life to their congregation.
If our congregations will be effective in praying at church, then it must begin with individuals and families home. Families can organize night vigils to compliment the short prayers at morning family altars and then graduate that to congregational prayer in church. Church can only train the individuals and families to pray by teaching and organizing prayer meetings, but the actual praying must happen at the individual levels. The disciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and Jesus did, both through the Lord’s Prayer and by praying in their presence. Unfortunately, in the day of battle, when Jesus was sweating blood, they were sleeping. The final consequence of this prayerlessness was very disastrous for them. Such regrets could have been avoided if only they prayed like Jesus prayed ahead of Calvary.
Ask God to forgive you the sin of prayerlessness
Put your hands on your head and command the release of the spirit of prayer upon your destiny
Ask God to help you take practical steps to revive your prayer altar
Strength for Your Day
Saturday, 21 September
Power of the Tongue
TEXT: Prov. 18:21, MORE LESSONS: Prov. 13:3
The human tongue is very powerful. In fact, in today’s text, the tongue is said to have the power of “death and life”. In South West Nigeria, it is said that a mad man who runs into the market will never be cured. When I asked why, I was told that it is because the moment human beings call anyone mad, it sticks. That is the power of the tongue. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof: Gen. 2:19. If Adam had called an ant a lion, that is what it would have still been today. Also, Jm. 3:8 describes the power of the tongue: Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. So the tongue has the power of death and life, blessing and curse. Moreover, The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little wort: Pro. 10:20). There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health: Pro. 12:18. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit: Pro. 15:4; …and a soft tongue breaketh the bone: Prov. 25:15.
However, the question I have always asked is, “How come the tongue is so powerful though it is one little member of the body? God gave me an explanation, For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned: Matt. 12:37. From here I understand that the tongue is very powerful because by it words are spoken and the strength of the tongue is the word and the word is the strength of God (Psa. 138:2). The secret behind the power of the tongue therefore is the word that the tongue speaks. Words are powerful; by words the heavens and the earth were created (Jn. 1:3-4). Since the tongue is the tool for the Word of God, the tongue is vital and delicate. By it a man can be justified and condemned! Everyone who has this understanding holds the key to justify or condemn, to bless or curse, to raise or to kill, to make great or small. What is your choice? What will you use your tongue to pronounce on yourself and people around you?
Come to think of it, that you have a tongue and you can speak is a key to greatness, especially for believers in Christ who, in addition to having a tongue have been empowered to decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28). Take advantage of your blessed tongue and bless yourself, turn your enemy to flight and reverse whatever curse or word has been spoken against your destiny.
Today, set a glorious destiny for yourself with your tongue!
* Thank God for giving you a tool with which you can bless yourself.
* Speak God’s blessings to your life and decree over one issue in your life.
* At the dot of 12.00 noon today, decree a blessing upon your destiny.
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