Monday, September 30, 2013

Are You Ready?

TEXT: I Thes.4:13-18, MORE LESSONS: Titus 2:13

The coming of the Lord is at hand and much more closer than before. The rapture; the taking away of the believers from the earth before the tribulation is the next event the world will experience whether we are ready for it or not.
After hearing a message about the rapture, a teenager said, “I know the Lord is coming someday but I hope it isn't right away. I have got a lot of things I want to do”. Most Bible scholars and preachers agree that the signs of the times are pointing to the coming of Jesus in air and with the sound of the trumpet to rescue believers from the earth for the Marriage Super of the Lamb in the sky for 3½ years. But unfortunately, many Christians are no longer waiting or eager about the taking away of the believers from the earth (Rapture). Rather, believers are becoming so much involved with the things of the world; they don't behave as if they are looking for Christ's return. Instead of becoming indifferent about the coming of Jesus, we should be living in constant expectation of that glorious event, since no one really knows for sure when Christ is coming to take away His own.
Jesus gave us the key and made us to understand how we should live while awaiting the coming of the Lord. And he called his servants and delivered them ten pounds, and said unto them, occupy till I come: Luke 19:13. That is to say while we are waiting for Christ’s return, we should be involved in active service for God in His vineyard. I Cor.15:52 makes us to understand how it will happen, In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye,…. Beloved, it will be a very sharp event, there will be no time to pray sinners prayer then, so why not pray, restitute and preach Christ to all you have to today. The rapture will not be a secret silent event, and will not be done twice. It is the very one and only last trumpet blow for the exodus of the believers from the earth. The dead shall be raised incorruptible and we shall be changed. That is to say we shall not stand before God in this mortal body; there shall be a change. Are you ready to put on another body? Are you ready to walk on the streets of gold? It wouldn't be long again!

* Ask God to put your spirit in a permanent state of expectation for the rapture.
* Pray that you will not be like the foolish virgins who narrowly missed the master.
* Pray that by God’s grace you will live and do all things with eternity in view.
* Plead for forgiveness and mercy over any past or present acts capable of making you miss the rapture.

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Sunday, September 29, 2013

Honouring the Lord

TEXT: Dan. 10:18,    MORE LESSONS: 2Tim.1:7

Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were three Hebrew men who honoured God in a strange land. They were captives to Babylon but stood as ambassadors of Jehovah in the land of captivity. Although they were set up for the purpose of being discredited and destroyed out of jealousy, their faith in God, turned the setup to a turn-up. I imagine how God and the angels in Heaven felt when these Jews dared the king's fire. Their action can be summarized in the following ways.
1. They feared God more than man (v18).
2. Although, far from home, they kept the commandment they had been taught from home, never to bow to any image/idol (Exo. 20:3).
3. They made God proud in heaven, so God also made them proud on the earth.
4. They took a risk for the Kingdom's sake and were not disappointed.
5. They chose not to be cowards or to deny God in a foreign land like the other captives in Babylon. Obviously, God is honoured in these characters. In contrast to these however, when is God dishonoured? He is dishonoured when;
1. we fall flat to simple temptations,
2. we deny Christ because of little earthly, temporary things,
3. we fear man more than God (I Sam. 2:19),
4. we break God's laws with impunity,
5. we toy with sin as if we have no conscience,
6. it doesn't matter becomes our excuse for sin,
7. we begin to classify sin as major or minor. Sin is sin,
8. we disrespect God's appointed leaders for whatsoever reason,
9. we misrepresent God in dressing, speech, and public office.
Friend, God is honoured when like Jesus we have a testimony that we fulfilled all righteousness (Matt. 3:11-15). When we dare the devil and the world to obey God rather than men, then the Fourth Man in the fire will show up for us like He did for the three Hebrews in the fire. My prayers for you today is that as you dare to honour God and take risks for God's Kingdom. Then, God will show up for you.

* Pray that your life will bring honour to God and His people.
* Pray that as many as are being persecuted for the sake of heaven will not lose focus nor fail God.
* Pray that you will be a practical and an exceptional example of God's people in your generation.
* Repent of everything you ever did that brought shame to God's name.

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Saturday, September 28, 2013

What to do with Jesus

TEXT: Matt. 27:15-24, MORE LESSONS: 2 Cor. 5:14-15

When Pilate, at the trial of Jesus asked, …what shall I do then with Jesus, which is called Christ? (v22), he was expecting an answer like, “Release Jesus, crucify the armed robber, Barabbas”. Unfortunately, to Pilate's surprise, the people had been sufficiently briefed and mobilized enough to answer in the negative, …they are all saying to him, let him be crucified. One day, all who ever lived will be asked that same question.
Jesus was born to a Jewish family but with a global eternal mission. Anyone who avoids Him on the earth will meet Him in Heaven (II Cor. 5:10). Those who shouted “Crucify Him”, preferring the armed robber to the Saviour, will be there that day, including those who flogged and nailed Him, shared His dress, gave Him vinegar, etc. Those who called Him a homosexual and those who an inferred that He had immoral affairs with Mary and Martha will also be there to give their own account to explain why they said what they said. Even Pilate will be there to answer the question he posed to the crowd. On that day, what will you say you did with Jesus? Today, some are playing religion with Jesus, they keep all the religious files- such as going on pi lgrimage wi thout any personal relationship with Jesus the object of the religion. Some are building kingdoms around Jesus, founding churches and ministries in His name, whether they are called or not, studying and propounding stories, yet they have never met Him. In fact, some are related with Jesus only to the intent of using His name for money making; they produce religious materials, CDs DVDs, books etc to sell in His name but they don't know Him.
All of us will answer for what we did with Him. Jesus said, concerning Himself, … I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly: Jn. 10:10. Angel Gabriel said concerning Him, ...for he shall save his people from their sins. Matt. 1:21. Whatever we do with or for Jesus that does not include receiving forgiveness of our sins, and accepting Him as the only source of life is not correct. Do you have the life of Jesus in you or you are locked up in religious activities. Accepting Jesus to clean you of all sins and live in you as your Lord and Master is the only right thing to do with Jesus; all other things are secondary.

* Pray that you will not be empty of God's Word that you have been hearing.
* Ask God for a daily renewed relationship with Jesus.
* Pray that nothing will be more important to you in life than your relationship with Jesus.
* Take a deep thought about your relationship with Jesus.

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Friday, September 27, 2013


TEXT: I Cor. 9:27, MORE LESSONS: Gal. 5:9-25.

Self-control is the ability to control one's behaviour, especially in terms of reactions and impulses. It's self restraint in the face of temptation or sinful desires.
What does the Bible say about self control? It is the ability to prove what is the will of God in every situation (Rom. 12:2-3); ability to avoid offence in words, thereby controlling the whole body. (Jam. 3:2); ability to embrace God's total divine counsel, even when it hurts (Matt. 5:29-30); being able to control our anger (Prov. 16:32); ability to put to death any form of worldliness in us (Col. 3:5) and ability to have rule/control over one's spirit (Prov. 25:28).
Biblical examples of self-control
1. Joseph (Gen. 39:9): he refused to fornicate with Portifer's wife thereby excising control over sexual provocation.
2. The Rechabites (Jer. 35:1-6): they refused to drink wine at the instance/persuasion of prophet Jeremiah, because it was contrary to their father's commandment.
3. Job (Job. 31:1, 30): he refused to lust with his eyes nor curse with his mouth.
4. Daniel (Dan. 1:8): he purposed in his heart not to defile himself with the idolatrous delicacy of the Babylonian king.
While we celebrate these ones and set them as heroes and models of true Christian living, we have others who could not exercise self-control and consequently became bad example of how not to live. Some of them recognized their wrongs and weaknesses, cried to God for mercy and made their ways right while some like Judas died by committing suicide (Acts 1:l7-19). Esau could not control his appetite and hunger, he lost his birth-right forever (Gen. 25:32-38). Most painful of all is Moses who after labouring so much could not enter Canaan because he lacked self-control over his anger (Num. 20:7-12). But thank God he made Heaven.
How far will you allow lack of control over your flesh take you? If you desire to win over this monster, begin to spend more time reading and living by the Word of God, give yourself to fasting and prayer, avoid evil company and bring you flesh under subjection to God's will. The power of the Holy Spirit is available to help you if you will ask Him for help. I know you will win!

* Pray that no sin will have dominion over you.
* Ask God for a fresh release of the grace of God for daily living.
* Rebuke the spirit of falling and rising, and receive grace for a consistent life.
* Pray all the fruit of the spirit in Gal. 5:22-23 into your life.

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Thursday, September 26, 2013

Destiny Safety II

TEXT: Psa. 23:1-6, MORE LESSONS: Ecc. 4:9-12

There is no self made man on the earth; God did not create one. Every man needs someone else in life. No matter how great a man is in life, he still has one need someone else can meet. We, therefore, must all open up for help when necessary. Many destinies have been unnecessarily wasted because of arrogance. I am till believing God for greatness in my life; I have not shut doors for correction and rebuke. I value those who are able to love me enough to call my attention to what I do wrong. But beyond that, I have people that I have willingly submitted my life to for correction and rebuke when necessary. They are people that I know cannot rebuke me out of ignorance or jealousy; people who God has raised and are ahead, people of grace, not of age, strong enough to raise me under God. If I slip down the slope, I know the power of the Holy Ghost and I know the strength of God but I also know that, Two are better than one; because they have a good reward for their labour For if they fall, the one will lift up his fellow: but woe to him that is alone when he falleth...: Ecc. 4:9-10.
In addition, I know that the secret of the strong sheep (Psa. 23) is the shepherd. The sheep shall not want (v1) they shall find pasture and a still noiseless stream. When he misses his way, he finds restoration, and is guided in the path of righteousness because he has a shepherd over his life. In fact, with the shepherd nearby, there is no fear even in the valley of the shadow of death and the sheep eats to his satisfaction while his enemies look on. However, the sheep’s confidence is based on these things: the shepherd's presence, his rod (to protect and fight the sheep's enemies) and the staff (to guide, correct and rebuke the sheep). If your destiny is to be safe therefore, you need someone by your side who you can have access to and trust for direction and correction. That is the joy of having a shepherd and that is safety.
If you have a pastor, leader, or mentor who cannot tell you when you are wrong, your destiny is at a risk, run! A man of God said, ‘If your pastor preaches a message strong enough to make you cry, buy a gift and go give him for a good job’. As a congregation, we need such shepherd over our lives and even as a shepherd, you also need a shepherd over you. Any shepherd without a shepherd, mentor or father is not worthy of leading others. It is only in being led that we can lead. It does not help to worship in a place and have no contribution to the place; and worst of all, to live a life without a shepherd.

* Ask God to make you a faithful sheep to your shepherd.
* Pray that you will not stray from your shepherd.
* Pray that the rod and the staff of your shepherd will comfort you and that you will not rebel against instruction.

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Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Destiny Safety I

TEXT: Lk. 2:41-52, MORE LESSONS: Prov. 12:15.

The childhood of Jesus and His domestic life under His earthly parents provide a lot of lessons for us today. In our text, Jesus went with His parents to worship in Jerusalem at age twelve. After the programme, unknown to his parents, He was left behind in Jerusalem. By the time they went back to Jerusalem to search for Him, they were shocked to find Him, sitting in the midst of the doctors, both hearing them, and asking them questions: Lk. 2:46.They were happy He was found in the temple and glad they had to come back to look for Him. …Son, why hast thou thus dealt with us? behold, thy father and I have sought thee sorrowing. And he said unto them, How is it that ye sought me? wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business? v48-49. Though they did not understand Him, And he went with them, not only that, and was subject unto them. It 's good to know that Emmanuel, God with us, the Son of God Himself, once had earthly parents to whom He was subject even though they misunderstood one another. So the first lesson is obedience to parents and reverence at all times. Jesus could have insisted on staying back, after all, for this purpose He came.
Beyond parental obedience, I know that one of the ways to preserve a man's destiny and not to miss one's steps in life is to have a destiny guide, someone who can correct, guide, strengthen and rebuke you whenever the need arises. Call it any name, father, mother, helper, teacher, master, anything, just let the person have an overseer responsibility over your destiny. Just as Jesus had parents to say, “Rise up and follow us' and regardless of His conviction about what He was doing, He followed them without any bitterness, so ought anyone who desires better days and safety ensure that he deliberately submits himself to such authority. The mystery of life is too deep for anyone to walk alone without a support.
Prayerfully and thoughtfully submit yourself for constant checks and balances for safety. There is no alternative to it, Jesus as a child did it, you must also be a child to someone, either your pastor / shepherd, spiritual father/mentor, counsellor / guardian (Prov. 11:14). Do you belong to a local assembly? Do you do any work for God in that assembly? Can he rebuke or correct you? Is there anyone who can call you to order when you go wrong? Do you ever go for counsel?

* Ask God to help you live a life of submission to His appointed shepherd over you.
* Pray that you will not do anything to uproot you from where God has planted you.
* Ask for God’s help not to live a life like a sheep without a shepherd.
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Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Love Jesus More than These

TEXT: Jn. 21:1-15, MORE LESSONS: Matt. 10:37-39

We concluded yesterday by asking Jesus question to Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me more than these?: v15. As I examined the 3 times Jesus asked, “Lovest thou me?”, I concluded that Jesus was asking Peter to compare his love for Him (Jesus) with every other thing around him and tell Him which one he (Peter) loves most. This was Peter who had earlier on said, And he said unto him, Lord, I am ready to go with thee, both into prison, and to death: Lk. 22:33. In fact, he went as far as cutting off the ears of one of the people who came to arrest Jesus (Jn. 18:10) to prove his love and commitment. Yet Jesus had not been dead for any length of time and Peter had taken everybody away back to their old life of fishing. Now Jesus stood by the lake and wondered if this Peter loved Him indeed. Would continue to be the fisher of men that he had been called to?
The bandwagon effect of Peter's life must have also bothered Jesus. In verse 3, Peter said, …I go a fishing… and the whole team of apostles, the people Jesus spent all His life nourishing, mentoring and building, immediately went down with Peter. They said unto him, we also go with thee: v3. And friend, it was not a joke. Everybody went back to his old life courtesy of only one man and leader of the people. Jesus knew that He did not have to speak to everybody, He needed the commitment of just that one man and leader
– Peter, and everybody else will fall in line so He concentrated on Peter.
Today, I hear Jesus asking everybody, not the leaders alone, lovest thou me more than these? The fishing instrument, the money making ventures, the shops, children, building projects landed properties, profession, beauty, fashion, career, marriage, job, cars, family etc; do you love me more than them? Remember, Jesus said, He that loveth father or mother more than me is not worthy of me: and he that loveth son or daughter more than me is not worthy of me: Matt. 10:37. However, Jesus also said, Verily I say unto you, There is no man that hath left house, or brethren, or sisters, or father, or mother, or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the gospel's, But he shall receive an hundredfold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers, and children, and lands, with persecutions; and in the world to come eternal life: Mk. 10:29-30.
How many things are you willing to sacrifice for Jesus' sake? That is the only proof that you love Him more than these.

* Pray that nothing will ever rule your life above the Lord.
* Rededicate your life to God's sacrifice and promise Him you will live all your life for Him alone.
* Pray for all our spiritual leaders, that they will never take wrong decisions that will affect the Church of Jesus.
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Monday, September 23, 2013

Loving Jesus

TEXT: Jn. 21:16-17, MORE LESSONS: Rom. 8:35-37

Love that is not expressed is not love at all, both for God and man. This was why Jesus asked Peter, Simon, son of Jonas, lovest thou me? v17. Three times Jesus asked this same question either because He wanted to emphasise the point so that it sticks, or because He wasn't getting the right answer He wanted from Peter. Although Peter thought he had answered correctly, Jesus persisted until Peter became agitated and grieved (17). I notice that although Jesus kept giving one response, “Feed my sheep”, what he seemed to be saying is, “Peter”, if you love me, prove it by doing something, “feed my sheep”. Every pastor must hear this; if you love your congregation, do something for them, feed them with God's Word, solid Word, complete Scripture, undiluted. Feed them with everything; don't hide any part of God's Word from them. Whether holiness or giving, restitution or forgiveness, moral virtues or family love, kingdom service or sacrifice, teach all the counsel of the Lord.
That was how Jesus wanted Peter to reciprocate His love for Him; be responsible. If you are loved, you must reciprocate by a responsible act to prove and to express appreciation. When love is one-sided, it stands the risk of weakness and loss. Husbands and wives must reciprocate love be by doing something Friends must express their love one to another, not just by words; there must be evidence in acts. Every type of relationship must make love a part of its purpose and it must be expressed from one to the other.
Above all, our love for God must be expressed. Jesus wanted Peter to prove that he appreciated God's love for him by doing something for His Kingdom. Have you thought why the question was directed only at Peter? He was the appointed rock on which the Church would be built (Matt.16:18), best beneficiary of Jesus ministries among the disciples, especially if you note that thrice Satan attempted to dislodge him from grace (Lk. 22:31; Matt 16:23; Matt. 26:72-60). But in all, he was forgiven and restored. Today, look back a how much God has done for you and ask yourself what you have done in return How much have you done to support His work and people as a prove of your love for Him? How much sacrifice can you make or have you made for your church and pastor, for missionaries and missions for His love's sake? Don't stop at the words, “I love Jesus”, go for the work; reciprocate His love by an act. Lovest me more than these?

* Pray that the things of God will be a priority for you in your life.
* Pray that God's great investment in your life will not be a waste.
* Pray that you will be able to reciprocate God's love to you.
* In practical terms, Ask yourself-do you have any physical expression of your love for God in relation to his love for you?
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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Wisdom and Knowledge

TEXT: Hosea 4:6, MORE LESSONS: I Kgs. 3:16-28.

There are two things in life that everyone who desires to prosper and live a good life must not lack. They are knowledge to answer the question, ‘What?’, and wisdom to ask ‘how?’ When you know the what and the how of a matter, you stand a victor over it. This was why Hosea, speaking by the Spirit of God said that even God's people are destroyed for lack of knowledge. The implication is ignorance is not a respecter of social or spiritual status; if you are ignorant you cannot escape destruction. Though a very serious matter, not too many people have seen it like this.
Whoever taught Solomon to ask for wisdom instead of wealth is his hero, And God said to Solomon, Because this was in thine heart, and thou hast not asked riches, wealth, or honour, nor the life of thine enemies, neither yet hast asked long life; but hast asked wisdom and knowledge for thyself, that thou mayest judge my people, over whom I have made thee king: Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like: II Chro. 1:11-12.
Because God was impressed, He added what Solomon needed but didn't ask for (v12). This was one prayer God did more than requested because it was just the right thing and unexpected of any man. May your prayer make meaning in Heaven and impact on the earth.
God hears all prayers but does not answer all. However, a request for knowledge and wisdom will remain a delight of God. They not only come by prayer but also by humility and readiness to learn, formally and informally. Even as leaders, we must never cease both to read and to learn. When you stop learning, you will extinct and to stop reading is to stop leading. Friend, there is always something that you need that you don't have, and there is always something you have you don't need; give out, you are not created to be everything to yourself. That is why you need knowledge and wisdom to use what you have and add what you don't have but need. There are many people today, especially God's people walking towards destruction needlessly, when all they need is just one question away. Beloved, seek for knowledge; it is available with God, just for the asking. Go to school if you need to; it's never too late to be educated, and ask questions if you need to, you will not be despised longer than that moment.
A life void of knowledge and wisdom, is too frustrating to endure and will surely end in destruction. Even our Lord Jesus, had to receive ...the spirit of wisdom and understanding, the spirit of counsel and might, the spirit of knowledge… (Isa. 11:2) and waxed strong in spirit (Lk. 2:40). If any of you lack wisdom, let him ask of God... (Jm. 1:5).

* God gives wisdom; ask Him for yours.
* Pray that you will never work against wisdom.
* Pray that you will no more operate outside of wisdom.
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Friday, September 20, 2013

Devotional for 16 to 21 September 2013

Monday, 16 September
TEXT: Lk 16:20-26, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 16:27-31
Eternity refers to not having an end, being endless or infinite. God is eternal, heaven and hell are eternal; I mean forever. Anybody who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has his name written in the book of life will live with God eternally. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (ESV) Jn. 3:16. Let us examine some things the believer will enjoy with God in eternity:
1. a new name – Rev. 2:17,
2. an immortal body – I Cor. 15:52-53,
3. eternal life – I Pet. 5:10, I Jn. 2:25,
4 . the tree of life – Rev. 2:7,
5. no second death – Rev. 2:11,
6. the morning star – Rev. 2:28,
7. his name shall not be blot out of the book of life – Rev 3:5,
8. Jesus' new name – Rev. 3:12.
On the other side of eternity is the lake of fire, where Satan, his host and those who served him on the earth shall be. This also shall be forever, eternal and unending. Let us consider the activities and characteristics of this side of eternity:
1. weeping and gnashing of teeth forever – Matt. 13:50,
2. darkness forever – Matt. 25:30,
3. unending wailing and gnashing of teeth,
4 torment of fire – Lk. 16:24, Rev. 20:10,
5. eternal separation from God – Lk.16:26,
6. regrets and guilt – Lk. 24:27-30,
7. worms that never die – Mk. 9:44.
These are the two places available to spend eternity, but each is by choice. You and I have the great honour of making our choice. The rich man and Lazarus both had a choice between eternity in hell or in Heaven (Lk. 16:25), the prodigal son had a choice between riotous and prudent living (Lk. 15:11-15); Israel under Joshua had a choice between Baal and Jehovah (Josh. 24:15). To spend eternity on the side of God you have to be reconciled to God, accept that you have been a sinner and that you now want Jesus to come into your life, forgive you, wash you with His blood and accept you as His child. It can not be delayed anymore, not even for a second. Remember, eternity is a long! long!! long!!! time. Where will you spend eternity?
* Pray that whatsoever takes men to hell will be removed from your life.
* Pray that your name shall not be blotted out of the book of life.
* Pray that the power that keep Jesus on the earth will keep you till you see Jesus face to face.
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Strength for Your Day
Tuesday, 17 September
Peace and Reconciliation
TEXT: Matt. 5:23-24, MORE LESSONS: Heb. 12:14-15
It is wonderful to note that the Bible recorded a lot of conflicts and quarrels among saints and even Jesus' disciples. The Bible does not hide from us the real true lives of the people recorded in it; the fight between Abraham's wife and her house maid (Gen. 16:5-8) between Abraham and Lot’s herdsmen (Gen. 13:7-8) between Jacob and his brother, Esau, a battle which started right from their mother's womb (Gen. 25:23) among Jesus' disciples (Lk. 22:24) and even in the First born Church of the New Testament (Acts 6:1).
However, the Bible also prescribes and commands how such issues must be handled, no matter who is involved. It is not in God's thinking that men will not have disagreement, but it must be settled, Be ye angry but sin not: Eph. 4:26. Grudges, bitterness, unforgiveness are all hindrances to making Heaven and enemies of answers to prayers. Today’s text teaches that each time you want to pray and remember someone has something against you, or vice versa, first go and settle it, then, pray and your prayers shall be answered with speed.
Whatever will waste your prayers should be removed today! Again, before you can offer an effective and acceptable service to the Lord, you must have a conscience void of offence towards God and men (Acts 24:16). The Apostle Paul admonishes us in Heb. 12:14, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Both working for God and walking with God require peace with all men. We must do everything possible to avoid offence as believers and followers of Christ Jesus, who, even while being nailed to the cross, prayed for His enemies, Father, forgive them; for they know not what…: Lk. 23:34. He had so much opposition but never took it against His persecutors. At the end of His ministry, He testified, …for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me: Jn. 14:30.
This should be our testimony no matter who did what against us. Today, clear all bitterness, hate and grudge from your heart and let God heal you through and through. Don't allow Satan to accuse you before God because of anybody's case. Like Jesus, it is healthy to live a peaceful life, free from all bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred.
* Ask God to grant you a life free from offences towards God and man.
* Rebuke the spirit of bitterness, hate and hurt out of your life.
* Ask God for grace, courage and the burden to settle with all people with whom you might be in dispute.
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Strength for Your Day
Wednesday, 18 September
Strengthened by the Lord
TEXT: Psa. 89:20-29, MORE LESSONS: Psa. 89:33-37
Today's Scripture reading was written about King David and gives us a set of amazing truths and promises which hardly no other person in Scripture received. They include the following:
1. The holy oil of God was upon David and he was God-appointed (v20).
2. The hand of the Lord shall establish him, therefore he could not be moved (v21).
3. The Lord’s arm also shall strengthen him, so he could not be weak no matter the weight he had to carry (v21b).
4. No enemy could afflict him, no matter how wicked the enemy may be (v22).
5. If an enemy attacked him, God Himself would attack that enemy, beat him down and send plagues against him (v23).
6. God's faithfulness and mercy shall be upon him (v24).
7. He would be exalted through the name of the Lord (v24b).
8. He shall have a global impact (v25).
9. God would be for him a Father, God and Rock of salvation (v26).
10. He shall be higher than the kings of the earth (v27b).
11. He would be a firstborn of God (v27a).
12. His seeds shall be kings forever (v29).
How many of these promises could David as a human have achieved by himself alone? And how many of them can God not do? That is what is called strength from the Lord. Only by the strength of the Lord can all these types of promises happen. As God decided to strengthen David, He can strengthen you also. He can build a throne for you and sustain you on it forever. He can exalt you above your equals. After all, He is the God that raises up the poor from the dust and makes them become princes among His people. He can do this irrespective of your status, background or past experiences. Just see to it that you do your part, which include:
1. Love the Lord with all your heart.
2. Fear the Lord and turn from evil.
3. Be hardworking, diligent, innovative and productive in all you do.
4. Be a Kingdom financier. Don't let there be anything you cannot give for God’s work and His servant.
May you become great, mighty and blessed, indeed. I connect you with all those blessings of David and more today, in Jesus’ name.
* Take those 12 covenant blessings of David and prophesy each on your destiny.
* Ask for the help of God in every area of your life.
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Strength for Your Day
The Blessing of Building God’s House
Thursday, 19 September
TEXT: I Chro. 28:1-6, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 7:1-6
Living in Northern Nigeria where Islam is widespread, I have often been challenged by the zeal and commitment Muslims display in building their place of worship. Often, they start with just a few stones to mark the location and gradually a gigantic structure is standing. The way the funds are raised often without any fund raising ceremony is amazing; everybody participates joyfully. I wish the Church could emulate this spirit as it was with King David. He wanted to build for God by all means, but could not because, God said unto me, Thou shalt not build an house for my name… v3. However, he ensured that he provided all the materials needed for the project before he died (I Chro. 29:3-5).
Beloved, when, therefore, you have an opportunity to build a sanctuary for God or you are called upon to be a part of those who will make it happen, you should not hesitate; rather, jump at it with great joy. One of the several ways by which you can do this is to contribute to the building materials, like, king David did, …The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver…: I Chro. 29:5. He in verse 4. also provided money, Even three thousand talents of gold…seven thousand talents of refined silver….
You also can contribute as much as you can financially, in local and foreign currencies; or provide service, skilled and unskilled. Whatever skill is available in Church, in form of professional capabilities related with building should ordinarily not be brought from outside. All the building engineers, architects, plumbers, masons, carpenters, painters, electricians etc in church can make their services available. And if you cannot do these, you can make yourself available for physical work or contribute in any of the several other ways. Whichever way, ensure that you don't let any opportunity to build the house of the Lord pass you by. It is a great honour and privilege to do so.
In our further reading above the Centurion was building the synagogue single handedly, little did he know that it was going to be a point of reference for the healing of his dear servant. Your contribution to the development of God's house will never be in vain. Go find something doing for God today!
* Ask God to help you do a thing of good memorial in His house.
* Ask God for a giving spirit.
* Ask God to put resources in your hands for His Kingdom's sake.
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Strength for Your Day
Friday, 20 September
Sin of Prayerlessness
TEXT: Luke 11:2-4, MORE LESSONS: Acts 6:4
Prayer is a mighty instrument; one of the greatest privileges a man can ever enjoy is to be able to commune with the Most High God. But the enemy of our souls does not want us to pray, so he keeps us busy and distracted. He knows that every victory comes only when we pray, so he weakens us in the place of prayer in order to keep us defeated. One of the least attended church services today is prayer meeting. In fact, some assemblies have cancelled it from regular schedules because of poor attendance. Yet we cannot run from the Christian race without praying. The apostles, prophets of old, judges of Israel, even our Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, were all praying people.

God is the greatest force of the universe and we contact Him by prayer. Without prayers, nothing works and prayerlessness is a sin (I Sam. 12:23). It was prayer that delivered Peter from the sword of Herod, who had earlier killed James, the brother of John. When Herod took Peter, the church woke up from her prayerlessness and prayed all night until Peter was released (Acts 12:5). Each time we slumber in prayer, the enemy takes advantage to do us much damage. This was what prophet Samuel wanted to avoid when he prayed against sinning by ceasing to pray for the people. He avoided the mistakes which the first church later made and James had to die before the people gathered for prayer. Israel had wronged God in asking for a king and before they stepped into the next error, Samuel began to intercede for them. Parents should be an example to their children at home, just as pastors should also be an example of an active prayer life to their congregation.

If our congregations will be effective in praying at church, then it must begin with individuals and families home. Families can organize night vigils to compliment the short prayers at morning family altars and then graduate that to congregational prayer in church. Church can only train the individuals and families to pray by teaching and organizing prayer meetings, but the actual praying must happen at the individual levels. The disciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and Jesus did, both through the Lord’s Prayer and by praying in their presence. Unfortunately, in the day of battle, when Jesus was sweating blood, they were sleeping. The final consequence of this prayerlessness was very disastrous for them. Such regrets could have been avoided if only they prayed like Jesus prayed ahead of Calvary.

Ask God to forgive you the sin of prayerlessness
Put your hands on your head and command the release of the spirit of prayer upon your destiny
Ask God to help you take practical steps to revive your prayer altar

Strength for Your Day
Saturday, 21 September
Power of the Tongue
TEXT: Prov. 18:21, MORE LESSONS: Prov. 13:3
The human tongue is very powerful. In fact, in today’s text, the tongue is said to have the power of “death and life”. In South West Nigeria, it is said that a mad man who runs into the market will never be cured. When I asked why, I was told that it is because the moment human beings call anyone mad, it sticks. That is the power of the tongue. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof: Gen. 2:19. If Adam had called an ant a lion, that is what it would have still been today. Also, Jm. 3:8 describes the power of the tongue: Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. So the tongue has the power of death and life, blessing and curse. Moreover, The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little wort: Pro. 10:20). There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health: Pro. 12:18. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit: Pro. 15:4; …and a soft tongue breaketh the bone: Prov. 25:15.
However, the question I have always asked is, “How come the tongue is so powerful though it is one little member of the body? God gave me an explanation, For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned: Matt. 12:37. From here I understand that the tongue is very powerful because by it words are spoken and the strength of the tongue is the word and the word is the strength of God (Psa. 138:2). The secret behind the power of the tongue therefore is the word that the tongue speaks. Words are powerful; by words the heavens and the earth were created (Jn. 1:3-4). Since the tongue is the tool for the Word of God, the tongue is vital and delicate. By it a man can be justified and condemned! Everyone who has this understanding holds the key to justify or condemn, to bless or curse, to raise or to kill, to make great or small. What is your choice? What will you use your tongue to pronounce on yourself and people around you?
Come to think of it, that you have a tongue and you can speak is a key to greatness, especially for believers in Christ who, in addition to having a tongue have been empowered to decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28). Take advantage of your blessed tongue and bless yourself, turn your enemy to flight and reverse whatever curse or word has been spoken against your destiny.
Today, set a glorious destiny for yourself with your tongue!
* Thank God for giving you a tool with which you can bless yourself.
* Speak God’s blessings to your life and decree over one issue in your life.
* At the dot of 12.00 noon today, decree a blessing upon your destiny.
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Devotional for 16 to 21 September 2013

Monday, 16 September
TEXT: Lk 16:20-26, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 16:27-31
Eternity refers to not having an end, being endless or infinite. God is eternal, heaven and hell are eternal; I mean forever. Anybody who accepts Christ as his Lord and Saviour and has his name written in the book of life will live with God eternally. For God so loved the world, that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life (ESV) Jn. 3:16. Let us examine some things the believer will enjoy with God in eternity:
1. a new name – Rev. 2:17,
2. an immortal body – I Cor. 15:52-53,
3. eternal life – I Pet. 5:10, I Jn. 2:25,
4 . the tree of life – Rev. 2:7,
5. no second death – Rev. 2:11,
6. the morning star – Rev. 2:28,
7. his name shall not be blot out of the book of life – Rev 3:5,
8. Jesus' new name – Rev. 3:12.
On the other side of eternity is the lake of fire, where Satan, his host and those who served him on the earth shall be. This also shall be forever, eternal and unending. Let us consider the activities and characteristics of this side of eternity:
1. weeping and gnashing of teeth forever – Matt. 13:50,
2. darkness forever – Matt. 25:30,
3. unending wailing and gnashing of teeth,
4 torment of fire – Lk. 16:24, Rev. 20:10,
5. eternal separation from God – Lk.16:26,
6. regrets and guilt – Lk. 24:27-30,
7. worms that never die – Mk. 9:44.
These are the two places available to spend eternity, but each is by choice. You and I have the great honour of making our choice. The rich man and Lazarus both had a choice between eternity in hell or in Heaven (Lk. 16:25), the prodigal son had a choice between riotous and prudent living (Lk. 15:11-15); Israel under Joshua had a choice between Baal and Jehovah (Josh. 24:15). To spend eternity on the side of God you have to be reconciled to God, accept that you have been a sinner and that you now want Jesus to come into your life, forgive you, wash you with His blood and accept you as His child. It can not be delayed anymore, not even for a second. Remember, eternity is a long! long!! long!!! time. Where will you spend eternity?
* Pray that whatsoever takes men to hell will be removed from your life.
* Pray that your name shall not be blotted out of the book of life.
* Pray that the power that keep Jesus on the earth will keep you till you see Jesus face to face.
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Strength for Your Day
Tuesday, 17 September
Peace and Reconciliation
TEXT: Matt. 5:23-24, MORE LESSONS: Heb. 12:14-15
It is wonderful to note that the Bible recorded a lot of conflicts and quarrels among saints and even Jesus' disciples. The Bible does not hide from us the real true lives of the people recorded in it; the fight between Abraham's wife and her house maid (Gen. 16:5-8) between Abraham and Lot’s herdsmen (Gen. 13:7-8) between Jacob and his brother, Esau, a battle which started right from their mother's womb (Gen. 25:23) among Jesus' disciples (Lk. 22:24) and even in the First born Church of the New Testament (Acts 6:1).
However, the Bible also prescribes and commands how such issues must be handled, no matter who is involved. It is not in God's thinking that men will not have disagreement, but it must be settled, Be ye angry but sin not: Eph. 4:26. Grudges, bitterness, unforgiveness are all hindrances to making Heaven and enemies of answers to prayers. Today’s text teaches that each time you want to pray and remember someone has something against you, or vice versa, first go and settle it, then, pray and your prayers shall be answered with speed.
Whatever will waste your prayers should be removed today! Again, before you can offer an effective and acceptable service to the Lord, you must have a conscience void of offence towards God and men (Acts 24:16). The Apostle Paul admonishes us in Heb. 12:14, Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord. Both working for God and walking with God require peace with all men. We must do everything possible to avoid offence as believers and followers of Christ Jesus, who, even while being nailed to the cross, prayed for His enemies, Father, forgive them; for they know not what…: Lk. 23:34. He had so much opposition but never took it against His persecutors. At the end of His ministry, He testified, …for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me: Jn. 14:30.
This should be our testimony no matter who did what against us. Today, clear all bitterness, hate and grudge from your heart and let God heal you through and through. Don't allow Satan to accuse you before God because of anybody's case. Like Jesus, it is healthy to live a peaceful life, free from all bitterness, unforgiveness and hatred.
* Ask God to grant you a life free from offences towards God and man.
* Rebuke the spirit of bitterness, hate and hurt out of your life.
* Ask God for grace, courage and the burden to settle with all people with whom you might be in dispute.
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Strength for Your Day
Wednesday, 18 September
Strengthened by the Lord
TEXT: Psa. 89:20-29, MORE LESSONS: Psa. 89:33-37
Today's Scripture reading was written about King David and gives us a set of amazing truths and promises which hardly no other person in Scripture received. They include the following:
1. The holy oil of God was upon David and he was God-appointed (v20).
2. The hand of the Lord shall establish him, therefore he could not be moved (v21).
3. The Lord’s arm also shall strengthen him, so he could not be weak no matter the weight he had to carry (v21b).
4. No enemy could afflict him, no matter how wicked the enemy may be (v22).
5. If an enemy attacked him, God Himself would attack that enemy, beat him down and send plagues against him (v23).
6. God's faithfulness and mercy shall be upon him (v24).
7. He would be exalted through the name of the Lord (v24b).
8. He shall have a global impact (v25).
9. God would be for him a Father, God and Rock of salvation (v26).
10. He shall be higher than the kings of the earth (v27b).
11. He would be a firstborn of God (v27a).
12. His seeds shall be kings forever (v29).
How many of these promises could David as a human have achieved by himself alone? And how many of them can God not do? That is what is called strength from the Lord. Only by the strength of the Lord can all these types of promises happen. As God decided to strengthen David, He can strengthen you also. He can build a throne for you and sustain you on it forever. He can exalt you above your equals. After all, He is the God that raises up the poor from the dust and makes them become princes among His people. He can do this irrespective of your status, background or past experiences. Just see to it that you do your part, which include:
1. Love the Lord with all your heart.
2. Fear the Lord and turn from evil.
3. Be hardworking, diligent, innovative and productive in all you do.
4. Be a Kingdom financier. Don't let there be anything you cannot give for God’s work and His servant.
May you become great, mighty and blessed, indeed. I connect you with all those blessings of David and more today, in Jesus’ name.
* Take those 12 covenant blessings of David and prophesy each on your destiny.
* Ask for the help of God in every area of your life.
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Strength for Your Day
The Blessing of Building God’s House
Thursday, 19 September
TEXT: I Chro. 28:1-6, MORE LESSONS: Lk. 7:1-6
Living in Northern Nigeria where Islam is widespread, I have often been challenged by the zeal and commitment Muslims display in building their place of worship. Often, they start with just a few stones to mark the location and gradually a gigantic structure is standing. The way the funds are raised often without any fund raising ceremony is amazing; everybody participates joyfully. I wish the Church could emulate this spirit as it was with King David. He wanted to build for God by all means, but could not because, God said unto me, Thou shalt not build an house for my name… v3. However, he ensured that he provided all the materials needed for the project before he died (I Chro. 29:3-5).
Beloved, when, therefore, you have an opportunity to build a sanctuary for God or you are called upon to be a part of those who will make it happen, you should not hesitate; rather, jump at it with great joy. One of the several ways by which you can do this is to contribute to the building materials, like, king David did, …The gold for things of gold, and the silver for things of silver…: I Chro. 29:5. He in verse 4. also provided money, Even three thousand talents of gold…seven thousand talents of refined silver….
You also can contribute as much as you can financially, in local and foreign currencies; or provide service, skilled and unskilled. Whatever skill is available in Church, in form of professional capabilities related with building should ordinarily not be brought from outside. All the building engineers, architects, plumbers, masons, carpenters, painters, electricians etc in church can make their services available. And if you cannot do these, you can make yourself available for physical work or contribute in any of the several other ways. Whichever way, ensure that you don't let any opportunity to build the house of the Lord pass you by. It is a great honour and privilege to do so.
In our further reading above the Centurion was building the synagogue single handedly, little did he know that it was going to be a point of reference for the healing of his dear servant. Your contribution to the development of God's house will never be in vain. Go find something doing for God today!
* Ask God to help you do a thing of good memorial in His house.
* Ask God for a giving spirit.
* Ask God to put resources in your hands for His Kingdom's sake.
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Strength for Your Day
Friday, 20 September
Sin of Prayerlessness
TEXT: Luke 11:2-4, MORE LESSONS: Acts 6:4
Prayer is a mighty instrument; one of the greatest privileges a man can ever enjoy is to be able to commune with the Most High God. But the enemy of our souls does not want us to pray, so he keeps us busy and distracted. He knows that every victory comes only when we pray, so he weakens us in the place of prayer in order to keep us defeated. One of the least attended church services today is prayer meeting. In fact, some assemblies have cancelled it from regular schedules because of poor attendance. Yet we cannot run from the Christian race without praying. The apostles, prophets of old, judges of Israel, even our Lord Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, were all praying people.

God is the greatest force of the universe and we contact Him by prayer. Without prayers, nothing works and prayerlessness is a sin (I Sam. 12:23). It was prayer that delivered Peter from the sword of Herod, who had earlier killed James, the brother of John. When Herod took Peter, the church woke up from her prayerlessness and prayed all night until Peter was released (Acts 12:5). Each time we slumber in prayer, the enemy takes advantage to do us much damage. This was what prophet Samuel wanted to avoid when he prayed against sinning by ceasing to pray for the people. He avoided the mistakes which the first church later made and James had to die before the people gathered for prayer. Israel had wronged God in asking for a king and before they stepped into the next error, Samuel began to intercede for them. Parents should be an example to their children at home, just as pastors should also be an example of an active prayer life to their congregation.

If our congregations will be effective in praying at church, then it must begin with individuals and families home. Families can organize night vigils to compliment the short prayers at morning family altars and then graduate that to congregational prayer in church. Church can only train the individuals and families to pray by teaching and organizing prayer meetings, but the actual praying must happen at the individual levels. The disciples once asked Jesus to teach them to pray and Jesus did, both through the Lord’s Prayer and by praying in their presence. Unfortunately, in the day of battle, when Jesus was sweating blood, they were sleeping. The final consequence of this prayerlessness was very disastrous for them. Such regrets could have been avoided if only they prayed like Jesus prayed ahead of Calvary.

Ask God to forgive you the sin of prayerlessness
Put your hands on your head and command the release of the spirit of prayer upon your destiny
Ask God to help you take practical steps to revive your prayer altar

Strength for Your Day
Saturday, 21 September
Power of the Tongue
TEXT: Prov. 18:21, MORE LESSONS: Prov. 13:3
The human tongue is very powerful. In fact, in today’s text, the tongue is said to have the power of “death and life”. In South West Nigeria, it is said that a mad man who runs into the market will never be cured. When I asked why, I was told that it is because the moment human beings call anyone mad, it sticks. That is the power of the tongue. And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof: Gen. 2:19. If Adam had called an ant a lion, that is what it would have still been today. Also, Jm. 3:8 describes the power of the tongue: Therewith bless we God, even the Father; and therewith curse we men, which are made after the similitude of God. So the tongue has the power of death and life, blessing and curse. Moreover, The tongue of the just is as choice silver: the heart of the wicked is little wort: Pro. 10:20). There is that speaketh like the piercings of a sword: but the tongue of the wise is health: Pro. 12:18. A wholesome tongue is a tree of life: but perverseness therein is a breach in the spirit: Pro. 15:4; …and a soft tongue breaketh the bone: Prov. 25:15.
However, the question I have always asked is, “How come the tongue is so powerful though it is one little member of the body? God gave me an explanation, For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned: Matt. 12:37. From here I understand that the tongue is very powerful because by it words are spoken and the strength of the tongue is the word and the word is the strength of God (Psa. 138:2). The secret behind the power of the tongue therefore is the word that the tongue speaks. Words are powerful; by words the heavens and the earth were created (Jn. 1:3-4). Since the tongue is the tool for the Word of God, the tongue is vital and delicate. By it a man can be justified and condemned! Everyone who has this understanding holds the key to justify or condemn, to bless or curse, to raise or to kill, to make great or small. What is your choice? What will you use your tongue to pronounce on yourself and people around you?
Come to think of it, that you have a tongue and you can speak is a key to greatness, especially for believers in Christ who, in addition to having a tongue have been empowered to decree a thing and it shall be established (Job 22:28). Take advantage of your blessed tongue and bless yourself, turn your enemy to flight and reverse whatever curse or word has been spoken against your destiny.
Today, set a glorious destiny for yourself with your tongue!
* Thank God for giving you a tool with which you can bless yourself.
* Speak God’s blessings to your life and decree over one issue in your life.
* At the dot of 12.00 noon today, decree a blessing upon your destiny.
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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Heaven is Real

TEXT: Rev. 21:1-2,
 MORE LESSONS: Jn.14:1-3

Heaven is real, as real as this present earth. Jesus spoke about it several times in scriptures; the apostles referred to it, and even the prophets of old had clear messages about it. There is hardly any religion that denies the existence of heaven. The only usual dispute is on the subject of how to get there. Both in the times of old and even in contemporary times, several people have also had a rare privilege of being taken to heaven. A few of such men like me are still alive today, testifying of their experience.
Heaven is the abode of God, from where He answers prayers (I Kg. 8:31-32). It is the Headquarters of the Godhead, where God's throne is positioned, and from there He oversees the affairs of the universe. (Is. 66:1, Matt. 23.22, Acts 7:49). It is the place where the will of God is being joyfully done and where there is no sin, or rebellion to His will (Matt. 6:9-10. Lk. 11:2). It is the place Jesus Christ ascended to after His death and glorious resurrection (Acts 1:9-11). It was from there God sent the Holy Spirit upon His Church after the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ (Acts 2:1-4). and where He will return to rule the earth. It was from heaven that Lucifer fell and was cast out to the earth (Isa. 14:12, Lk.10:18, Rev. 12:7-12). It is the abode of innumerable companies of angels (Rev. 4:11) and of the redeemed after death (II Cor. 5:1-4). It is the place where Jesus is preparing for all who believe in Him (Jn. 14:1-3); the land of joy unspeakable, a land of light, (no darkness at all) and of indescribable beauty and glory. It is a land of absolute purity, where no sin of any shape or form can enter; the home of the saints of God, (Rev. 21). That is where Abraham, Moses, Joseph, Isaiah, David, Paul, Peter, Mary, etc are right now.
The qualification for entering is believing in Christ who died and shed His blood for you (Jn. 3:1-7). However, to qualify for a special position, thrones, mansions and treasures there, you have to serve the Lord faithfully here on earth and give sacrificially for His work, ...But lay up for yourself treasures in heaven, Matt. 6:20. Nobody makes Heaven by accident, you have to prepare for it and meet the qualification of accepting Jesus as your Lord and Saviour. You must not procrastinate; start the preparation now!

* Pray that you will never have a reason to doubt the reality of heaven.
* Pray that the earth and its sinful pleasures will not take heaven from you.
*Pray that Heaven will ever remain guaranteed for you.
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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Home Sweet Home

TEXT: Jn. 14:1-2, 

I am looking forward to the day I will get home, home sweet home, where there will be no more darkness, And there shall be no night there; and they need no candle, neither light of the sun; for the Lord God giveth them light: Rev 22:5. Yes, home in heaven where there will be no more fear. It seems as though society is becoming increasingly dangerous and more violent. But in heaven we won't need burglar proofs for our windows and doors or even have to lock our doors; all will be free of violence and fear of being terrorized.
Yes, home sweet Heaven, where all my questions will be answered. For example, I don't understand why some people are using contraceptive to stop making babies and still get pregnant, while some are labouring to be seen to be pregnant even if for one day. I don't understand why prostitutes are getting pregnant and aborting, while sound heaven-bound believers, even pastors have fasted in vain for years. I don't know why all requirements fulfilled, spiritual and physical, the beautiful sisters are left waiting very long for marriage partners. I don't understand why healthy children die and the children of the mad woman on the street survive. There are many things I don't understand and can’t explain.
I have come to understand that God is sovereign. He knows what He's doing; He is in control. I'm confident that when I see Him face to face, my questions will be answered. What a joy and a reason to look forward to going home! What a home, where all tears shall be wiped away (Rev. 21:4), there shall be no more curse (Rev. 22:3) and where we shall spend all of eternity in peace, and joy.
After all the troubles of this world, the persecutions, denials, pains, hurts etc, heaven will be a place of rest. Paul says, If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable (I Cor. 15:19). Our lives here on the earth, therefore, should be lived like father Abraham (Heb. 11:10). We must look forward to our heavenly home, and not see this earth as all in all. Always remember the following about this earth:
1. The earth is a temporary place.
2. We brought nothing here, and we shall not take anything away.
3. The earth is a transit place, only heaven is home. Therefore, if you have a hope of heaven, then do all things with heaven in view! Whatever will take heaven from you, avoid like a plague.
Remember, Jesus said, “I go to prepare a place for you”.

*Pray that nothing on this earth will distract your dream of heaven.
*Ask God to take from you anything that will rob you of Heaven.
*Tell God to do anything but never take your name out of the Book of Life.
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Friday, September 13, 2013

Building a Happy Home

TEXT: Gen. 2:15-25, 
MORE LESSONS: Col. 3:18-21

God has a plan for each of His children's home, present or future. As the initiator of the institution of marriage, His desire is that no home fails. It is important for us as God's children, who want to be part of His heavenly desire in the place of marriage, to know God's original purpose for this institution and there are three major ones.
One, marriage was ordained for the mutual societal help and comfort which husband and wife ought to provide for each other, both in prosperity and adversity. Two, it was ordained in order that the natural instinct and affection implanted by God should be allowed and directed aright, that is pure sexual life without fornication. Finally, it was ordained for procreation, that godly seeds may be raised on the earth.
Of all these, God's topmost priority from the beginning is not procreation, which unfortunately today is our number one purpose for marriage. His priority actually is for help, in prosperity and in adversity, And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him: v18. And God repeated this same thing in verse 20 …but for Adam there was not found an help meet for him. Every other reason for marriage is God's plan but being an help is His priority. The question now is, how helpful are you to your spouse or do you intend to be when you get married? Until you are a helper to your spouse in all things: spiritual, physical, material, economic, health, etc, you are not yet building a happy home.
There are a few things and principles that God has set aside as standards and roles which if we apply can make a happy home.
1. Husbands must love their wives unconditionally (Eph. 5:25).
2. Wives must submit to their own husbands without reservation (Eph. 5:22).
3. In honour they must prefer one another.
4. They must endeavour to keep the unity of the spirit.
5. They both must leave to cleave. (Eph 5:31).
6. Finally, God hates divorce and husbands and wives must recognize and agree that according to God's
Word, divorce is never an option (Mal. 2:16).

* Pray for homes that are under satanic attacks and marriage crisis.
* Ask God to defend and restore peace to the marriage institution.
* Pray that all unmarried brethren will find God's favour in marriage choice.
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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Happy Home

TEXT: Eph. 5:21-23, 
MORE LESSONS: I Pet. 3:8-12

A good and happy home is a product of a happy marriage. A problematic marriage cannot produce a sweet home because, like a tree and its fruit, marriage is the tree that produces the home – the fruit. It is only when you make a tree good that the fruit will be good. If you desire a happy peaceful home, build a happy marriage. Marriage is the union of two people of the opposite sex, and the home is the dwelling place/habitation of a family.
A home must be built to be what is desired. A happy home begins first with the individuals’ dreams and desires. You need to have a desire about what you want your home to be like under God and begin to work at it. It does not just happen by desiring and wishing it. Ask yourself, what can I do to achieve my dream home? The first thing you must do to a vision/dream/desire is to rescue it from being forgotten by writing it down. Make your desires very clear and clearly state the how that you know today. Don't be afraid or too rigid to improve or change any of the things you have written down at any stage because visions grow and change. Changes should not, however, become a daily affair or else nobody will take you serious and you may become more confused in the process. Be sure of what you want before you begin writing. Writing your vision over any area of life is good, helpful for planning and execution, and it is scriptural (Hab. 2:2). It is never too early to start working at it too.
To work for a successful future, especially in such a crucial area as marriage, begin first with you as an individual, whether the partner is already there or not; work on your mind, spirit and body. Marriage is about sharing your whole lifetime with someone, so it should be prepared for and worked on. The lack of knowledge and understanding of what marriage is beyond making babies is one major cause of divorce and marriage crisis today. Whatever you can do, formal and informal, to prepare for a home cannot be too much.
One final thing for you to achieve a good home is purposefulness. Nothing comes well without a purpose, that is the why and the what of whatever you are doing. Have you ever asked yourself why are you married or want to be married? When you do not have an aim or intention for a thing, there is no way you can do that thing right. What is your aim for being married or for wanting to be married?

* Ask God for a good home and understanding of why He wants you to be married.
* Pray that God will restore peace and goodness to every Christian home.
* Rebuke every satanic work on Christian homes.
* What do you intend to do or are doing with being married beyond giving birth or being called Mr/Mrs?
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Wednesday, September 11, 2013

All things work for Good

TEXT: Rom. 8:28, 
MORE LESSONS: Job 42:1-13

Job lost all that he had in one day - his children, business and his friends - but he never called God wicked. Whatever happens to you, keep giving God thanks, praise and glory. Never question Him, complain or refuse to serve Him anymore. Job was one of the greatest men that ever lived because of the way he handled his difficult time. The strength of a man is known in the time of crisis not when everything is sweet. How do you handle challenging times?
An ungodly king had a servant who always told the king, ‘God is perfect, He doesn't make mistakes. So whatever happens is for a purpose and it's working for good’. One day the king and his servant went hunting and were attacked by an animal; the king lost one finger and became angry. He said, ‘How could God allow me to go through the hurt of losing a finger’. The servant replied, ‘I believe God is good and knows why this happened. Everything He does is for a purpose’. The king got angry the more and ordered the servant to be locked up in jail for insisting that God is good even after what happened to him.
After sometime, the king went out hunting alone and in the forest some savages kidnapped him for rituals. As they were about to sacrifice him, the priest noticed that he had lost a finger and said, ‘Our god only takes a complete and unblemished human for a sacrifice. This man is not fit for the sacrifice’. They released him because his missing finger disqualified him from being sacrificed. As soon as he got home, he ordered the release of the servant. He agree that God is good and everything He does is for a good purpose. He realized that if the animal had not removed one of his fingers he would have been used for sacrifice by the savages. He then asked the servant what good was in punishing him (the servant) for saying the truth. The servant replied, ‘Oh king, thank you for locking me up so that I missed your last hunting trip. It was for a very good purpose’.
All things work together for good (Rom. 8:28) so be positive about all that happens to you. Look forward to the joy that will come out of all situations. Never blame God for anything and when good happens, give thanks to God. So whatever betides, also give Him glory and praise. Give God thanks, not because of negative situations but because of the good that will come out of them.

* Receive grace to thank God for whatever you are going through now.
* Ask for grace to see His purpose in whatsoever you are going through.
* Rebuke the enemy and refuse him from taking advantage of your situation.
* Take a step of faith; go give a testimony over your situation.
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Tuesday, September 10, 2013

From Shame to Glory

TEXT: Matt. 5:1-5, 
MORE LESSONS: I Tim 1:12-15

Sometimes we wonder if God could ever use people like us. With all our flaws, shortcomings, and sins, it seems unlikely, if not impossible. But one look at the genealogy of Jesus Christ shows that indeed, there is hope. Jesus' genealogy features many unsavoury characters; all whom demonstrated God's grace and were not flawless men and women. For example, David, though a great king, was guilty of adultery and murder; Abraham, rightly called the father of faith, suffered a number of lapses such as the habit of deception. Yet God included both David and Abraham in the messianic line.
Matthew’s record of the genealogy also calls for attention, especially the list of women. With the exception of Mary, the other four were of questionable reputations; they were sinful women, not known for their virtue or godliness. They weren't even Jewish, yet God included them in the messianic lineage. First, we read of Tamar (Matt. 1:3) whose story is that of deception and sordid account of prostitution (Gen. 38) – certainly she was not a godly woman. By the grace of God, she was included in the Messiah’s genealogy. Rahab (Matt. 1:5) was a prostitute in Jericho when she met two Jewish spies sent ahead to check out the city prior to the conquest of Jericho. Rahab’s took role in saving these men from death secured for her a place among the Israelites when the city fell. God in His grace did not only spare her, but brought her into the messianic lineage as the wife of Salmon, the mother of the godly Boaz, who was David's great grandfather. Ruth (Matt. 1:5) was a Moabitess and her people are the product of the incestuous act between Lot and his daughters. One of the children born of that ungodly union was a man named Moab. Moabites were all idols worshippers! Ruth left her people, returned with her mother-in-law Naomi to Israel where she met and married Boaz. Ruth became the grandmother of Israel's greatest king, David and thus was included in the messianic lineage. The list also includes Bathsheba (Matt. 1:6), the woman with whom David had an adulterous relationship, yet she was included in the messianic lineage.
All these prove that when we sometimes ask: Is there any hope for me? Can God forgive me? Can He use me? The answer is yes! If God could use all these people for such a critical role of bringing the Saviour, Jesus to the world, He will forgive and use, for His glory, all who come to Him.

* Ask God to help you put your past behind you and receive grace to do exploits.
* Ask the Lord to shine His light upon your destiny.
* Receive forgiveness for your past and new strength to move forward in destiny.
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Monday, September 9, 2013

The Church

TEXT: Matt. 16:18-19, 
MORE LESSONS: Acts 5:12-20

There is more reference to church building today as the Church than to the people of the God. When Jesus said He will build His church, He was not referring to a building, cathedral or a hut; rather, He was referring to a people. For where two or three are gathered together in my name, there am I in the midst of them: Matt 18:20. That is the definition of church, the gathering together of God's people and in His name. Church buildings are important; they make positive statements. They tell our location; they describe our architecture, denomination and set up, but the Church is beyond all these. It is the most powerful institution on the earth with the capability to affect even the heavens from the earth: ...Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven: Matt. 18:18. It is so powerful that Jesus said it cannot be defeated (Matt. 16:18).
Many church buildings have been burnt, demolished, stopped and relocated, yet the Church remains standing. The Church of Jesus, being a gathering of God's people can never die! From the early Church in the book of Acts of the Apostles, to this present day, the Church remains the most persecuted institution on the earth, yet the fastest growing and strongest. There are few things that believers must know and take advantage of.
1. Jesus is the founder and builder of the church universal. No man has the certificate of occupancy of the Church on the earth and no man should lay claim to her ownership. There is, therefore, nothing like “my church”.
2. Whatever anybody does for or against the Church is done to Jesus.
3. The foundation of the Church is laid on the “Rock”, therefore the Church cannot collapse.
4. There is a prophecy ahead of the Church on why the Church cannot fail no matter what happens to it (Matt. 16:18c).
5. The Church holds the key of the Kingdom of Heaven and therefore takes the final decision over all things pertaining to the Kingdom.
The people of the Church may be weak through their ignorance of what the Church, which they are, ought to be. But the Church is an empowered institution of God on the earth, it cannot fail, and by implication you cannot fail. Are you persecuted, denied or tormented on the account of being a child of God? Cheer up and take up your God-ordained authority.

* Pray that the people of God will begin to discover the enormous power at our disposal and use it.
* Pray that the prophecy of prevailing, which has gone ahead of the Church will continue to be active.
* Pray that wherever the Church is being persecuted today, God will avail for them.
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Sunday, September 8, 2013

Divine Recipe for Long Life

TEXT: Ex. 20:12-14, 
MORE LESSONS: Psa. 91:14-16

Going through a write-up recently, it struck me more than ever before that I have a role to play in living my life to the full. It was as if a veil was removed from my face so I took some vital decisions to share some tips here for the benefit of readers of this devotional. God has already given us a promise, …with long life will I satisfy him…: (Psa. 91:6) and He has fulfilled this in the lives of many of our spiritual forefathers. Abraham is an example, …And Abraham was old and well stricken in age: and the Lord had blessed Abraham in all things: Gen. 24:1.
This is the type of testimony we all should aim at if Jesus tarries. However, it is clear that this has not been the case with many Christians. While many of us attribute untimely death to witches and wizards, sicknesses and diseases, and several satanic vices, recent studies have it that more of God's people are being killed by ignorance, disobedience and carelessness. One of such disobedience is the flagrant violation of the law of Sabbath. The law of Sabbath is the law of one day rest out of seven. God gave the law of the Sabbath for our benefit; not only for us to worship Him but to abstain from work and rest our body, mind, soul and in order to avoid untimely death occasioned by overwork and unbridled desire for success.
To live an healthy long life therefore, the following things have been found to be very vital. 1. You must eat healthy, wholesome food, not junk food;
2. live in clean, decent environment;
3. exercise regularly;
4. live a stress-free life and do not worry about anything;
5. take regular time to rest – good sleep daily and one day of rest out of seven as well as a regular break from your work to have a prolonged season of relaxation.
When men violate God's physical laws, refuse to rest, they do not live long and often die suddenly regardless of the promises of God. In the name of Jesus, you will live long; you will not die untimely. You brought nothing to this world and you will take nothing out of it. If you drop dead today, life will go on without you. Pause and take some time off. It is time to follow God's provision for long life.

* Ask God to forgive all your acts of disobedience to the law of God, especially the law of Sabbath.
* Ask God to remove every sickness that has resulted from your disobedience.
* Ask God to fulfil His promise of long life over your life.
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