Friday, July 31, 2015

The Fullness of God

Friday 31 July
READ: Eph 3: 16-21

The fullness of Christ has to do with expressing the complete Christ in your spirit, soul and body. When you are sanctified spirit, soul and body, you are revealing the fullness of Christ (1 Thess. 5: 23). However, the fullness of Christ is not limited to expressing righteousness and holiness. It also has to do with being the embodiment of all that God is through the Lord Jesus Christ. Man is a spirit, he has a soul and lives in a body. Your spiritual state is the most important and must be given foremost priority. However, God's fullness must be seen in all three realms of your life. Holy and righteous living is part of expressing the fullness of God in your life, so also is health as it is expresses the fullness of God in your body. Success and excellence is part of the fullness of Christ even as wealth expresses the fullness of God in your life as well.

Christianity has to do with living right. You must know however, that flourishing is also part of expressing the fullness of God (Psalms 92:10). Like a palm tree, ever green, always bearing fruits and looking great, God wants us to flourish and grow in the spirit man, soul and body, business, marriage, academics and chosen career among others.

Jesus our perfect example while on earth lived in fullness. He expressed the fullness of God in the three realms. His spirit man was ever connected to the Father. He also fulfilled His purpose in life and lived life to the fullest. He never went to the hospital because He never broke down in health. When He left the earth, He said, it is finished meaning that He was fulfilled and accomplished. He also was not poor as the soldiers cast lots to have His expensive dress. Jesus was prosperous, so intelligent and mentally excellent such when He spoke, even doctors of law were dazed. He left a legacy in the world as He touched and transformed many lives and eventually replicated Himself in His disciples. Socially, He was successful. He had friends he related with and visited. He had good relationship with friends and family. Jesus showed us what the fullness of God is and that it is not limited to the spiritual life as expressed in holiness, sanctity and even anointing. It is revealing all that God is; expressing soundness in spirit, soul and body.

You must decide and pursue to live in the fullness of all that Christ Jesus has for you. It is time to grow and equip ourselves so that we can live in fullness in Christ Jesus.

* Pray that the fullness of God will be manifested in your entire life, spirit, soul and body.
* Declare that you shall be like a tree planted by the rivers of water, you shall bring forth fruit continuously and your leave shall never dry.
* Prophesy that you shall live an accomplished life, with nothing missing.

In 2015 and for the rest of my life time, I choose the way of the Lord, in the mighty name of Jesus’.

Thursday, July 30, 2015

"Well done, Good and Faithful Servant”

Thursday 30 July
READ: Matt. 25: 19-23
MORE LESSON: Mk. 8: 36

I had a very brilliant colleague in primary school called Adams that I shared my lunch pack with him so he could teach me after classes. He got admission into a Federal school for his secondary education which I couldn't. I eventually got admission to another secondary school, so I looked for him to appreciate him for his efforts to give me extra lessons when we were in primary school - only for me to discover that he was dead. As a little unsaved primary school graduate, when I heard about the death of my friend, I felt God was not fair. I reasoned that the boy was too good and too brilliant to die. Adams got admission to one of the best schools ever but before he could complete form one, he was dead. And here was I whose father had to beg to find a secondary school to go and struggled to pass the exam, but still alive. I have grown up now to know that death is not a respecter of age, excellence, or wealth. Because I know it is a privilege to be alive, I must therefore give God my all. I must live a life that will earn me in heaven: Welcome good and faithful servant from the Father. He deserves my all. All I am working for is that when I see Him, He will say, Well done, good and faithful servant.

Several great men walked this earth; national heroes, international award winners, rich men, powerful political and world renowned leaders who eventually died and everyone celebrated them. Thereafter, the world moves on. Very influential people die in plane crashes and one would have expected that their influence and positions would have saved them but no. Life is passing and eternity is real. Don't risk it for anything. The world and everything in it will pass away; the only thing that is worth working for is: Well done, good and faithful servant.

I decided long ago that I would not live for cars, popularity or success. My pursuit is that when I see Him face to face, He will say, Welcome, well done, good and faithful servant. This should be your pursuit as well. What shall it profit a man if he gains the world and loses his soul? I heard of a man who had 50 children, and another who had over 50 wives, but it is amazing that no matter what you own in this life, without eternal life, it is all waste. I have seen a lot of great achievers die and their cases closed on this side of eternity.

Check your life; what is your pursuit? What are you living for? The end of all things is nearer than ever. It is high time you began to reconsider your priorities because time is running out. Friend, many things that you think are important now will soon prove to be unimportant and the only thing that will count will be whether or not when you meet God, He will say, Well done, good and faithful servant; thou hast been faithful over a few things, I will make thee ruler over many things: enter thou into the joy of thy Lord. Matt 25:23.

* Pray that after all is said and done on the earth, you will not be turned back at the gate of heaven.
* Pray that when the roll is called up yonder, you will be there.
* Pray against a successful life time devoid of eternal success.

Father, open to me the flood gate of help this year, and make me a helper too.

Wednesday, July 29, 2015

Valuing the Voice of God II

Wednesday 29 July
READ: Jn.10:1-5
MORE LESSON: Num. 12:6-8

Many people keep asking to know how to be sure that the Lord is speaking when you hear a voice either in your spirit or audibly. There are certain people in my life who's voices I cannot miss even in a crowd simply because I know them personally and intimately, So If you deepen your intimacy with the Lord, you will not miss His voice because you know Him. When Jesus said my sheep hear my voice, He was invariably saying that those who have relationship with Him know His voice. Sheep in this context are those who have accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour and wait daily for Him.

When the troubled waters roar, those who have a personal relationship with God will find an easy way out because they can identify the still small voice of the Holy Spirit even in the noisiest of tempests. However, those who have no personal relationship with Jesus Christ will grope in the dark even when God is speaking to them because they have not developed their spiritual senses to know the voice of the Lord. It is often said that only what you value can add value to you.

God will not trust His voice to those who will not value it. If God cannot trust you to obey Him in little things, He will not reveal strong things to you. His leading is a heritage only for those who are maturing into sonship. Leading is possible only when those who will be led are yielded and obedient enough to follow the voice of God. It is in vain that some people, in search for the Lord's leading, hop from one miracle centre to another when the Lord desires to speak His word directly into our hearts by His Spirit who is resident in us. God wants to talk with you.

The pathways of this life are too dangerous to ply without the voice of the Ancient of days. We cannot afford to handle the voice of God with levity. We cannot afford to use God; we must let God use us. We must yield to and obey His gentle promptings. Until the child Samuel learnt to say Speak Lord for your servant heareth he may have never matured into the prophet Samuel who could say 'thus saith the Lord'. Have you heard from God lately?

* Pray that the issues of life will not negatively affect your intimacy with God.
* Ask for God’s directives towards maturity in hearing His voice.
* Repent of ever handling the voice of God with levity.
* Ask the Spirit of God to come upon you afresh and keep you connected to the Father.
* Pray that you will never grief the Spirit of God or walk away from Him.

I shall not live an empty life, and my destiny will be successful with impacts in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Valuing the Voice of God I

Tuesday 28 July
READ: Jn. 10:24-30

The GPS navigator system in a car might be of very little value to its owner until he drives into a big city for the first time and all he knows about where he is going is the name of the destination. That's the moment when the advantage of having a navigation system fitted car will be appreciated. You will suddenly put all your trust in the directives of the electronic navigator that was once abandoned, and obey its directives aptly and without a second thought because of the pressing need to arrive at your destination.

We never know the value of a thing until we are in a situation where we cannot do without it. It is just the way our minds are conditioned to respond naturally. It is the same with the voice of God. We don't seem to realise how much we need God's voice until all of hell breaks loose and there is no where else to turn; then we come running to the feet of the Master in tears, asking for just one word from Him. Man desires an attention with God, but God desires a relationship with us; that's why He speaks to our hearts. One of the free benefits to the New Testament Christian is complete and unhindered access to the mind of God. In fact, one major proof that you are a child of God is that you can hear God, if He is your Father, My sheep hear my voice, and I know them, and they follow me: Jn. 10:27.

God is more than a GPS car navigator; He is our Father and Friend. The purpose of God's voice and leading is so that we would be more intimate with Him, For as many as are led by the Spirit of God, they are the sons of God: Rom.8:14. By the leading of the voice of God, we grow to maturity in God.

We receive wisdom of God to respond to the challenges of life with answers and solutions. But if you seek the Lord only when you have pressing needs, He may come to your rescue in His mercy. But for how long do you want to keep running in and out on God when you can stay in His presence and know the Master for yourself? How will you even recognise His leading and gentle promptings when you have not developed the culture of valuing His voice? The voice of God is the most valuable aid and guide in the Christian walk. God is speaking, listen to the voice of God today.

Among others, you can hear God’s voice from His Word, the Bible, you can hear it in the place of prayer, personal or by a prophetic Word from others, which ever you desire be sure to verify it by the Bible.

* Appreciate God for your unlimited access to His mind.
* Pray that the Holy Spirit will guide you to hear God’s voice clearly in all matters.
* Ask God to take away every sinful obstruction that can break your continuous contact with God.
* Ask God to keep you permanently in His presence.

All legislations and satanic ordinances of sudden death, I abrogate you from my destiny this year, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, July 27, 2015

Build the Kingdom IV

Monday 27 July
READ: I Cor.3:6-15
MORE LESSON: Phil.2:19-30

There are different builders in the Kingdom but not all builders are acceptable to the Lord. It is imperative to take a good look at the variety of builders in the Kingdom and make a choice to build well and acceptably. Wherefore we receiving a kingdom which cannot be moved, let us have grace, whereby we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear: for or God is a consuming fire: Heb.12:28-29. Obviously from this scripture it is not all service or work that is acceptable: Some people's work will be burnt and their labour wasted. May your work on earth earn you rewards here on earth and eternally, in Jesus’ name!

There are various builders in the Kingdom.
1. There are those with selfish ambition, working insincerely (Phil.1:15-16). They work with negative attitudes of envy and strife, and just because they see others doing it and getting accolades. They enviously and presumptuously start doing such without a target of building God's Kingdom but to prove they can also do it. Such people have no reward for such labour. Do not be like such builders.

2. Some will not work but delight to sow evil seeds in the work. These are called evil workers (Phil.3:1-3); they pull down what others are building. They are religious busybodies who will not build but occupy the ones building with irrelevant and controversial matters in the church. They go about spreading gossips and rumours about other builders in the church. Hate to be like such.

3. Others build in God's Kingdom to enrich themselves (Phil.3:17-19).They exaggerate prices to make gain for themselves when sent on church errands. They claim that church money is everyone's money; they are stealing and justifying it. Such builders have no eternal reward, that is if at all they even enter heaven at last.

4. Phil.2:19-20 talks about good builders who are true sons in their Father's house; they do not build like hirelings. Paul called Timothy such a son because Timothy worked hard in service. He was loyal to the work and to Paul. He had a proven character and a lifestyle of service. Labour like Timothy and you would have built well.

5. Phil.2:25 talks of those who build like Epaphroditus, a man who served the church. He bridged the gap between the people and supplied the service needed. No wonder when he became sick, Paul agonized to God to raise him up like He raised Dorcas in Acts 9:38-41. Such builders must not die in the Church. Labour to be a good builder and know that God rewards diligent builders here on earth and eternally (Mk.10:28-31).

* Lord, help me to be a good builder in Your Kingdom, one who builds with right motives and attitude.
* I renounce every attitude that will cause my work to be burnt by fire.
* I will not lose my rewards as a wise builder in God's Kingdom, in Jesus’ name.

I join forces with the hosts of heaven and declare that 2015 will not announce my obituary, and the arrows of death shall pass over me, in Jesus’ name.

Sunday, July 26, 2015

Build the Kingdom III

Sunday 26 July
READ: I Cor.12: 12-31
MORE LESSON: Matt.25:14-30

As we continue to meditate on how to build God's Kingdom, I appeal that you set your hearts on these things and do them. As you obey, you will find joy that you are contributing your portion to build God's Kingdom, and rewards await you in eternity for your service.

How else can you build the Kingdom of God? You can do so by using your God-given gifts. Our reading today clearly says that everyone (young and old) has gifts. Apostle Peter also buttressed this truth: As every man hath received the gift, even so minister the same one to another as good stewards of the manifold grace of God: I Pet. 4:10. God has given everyone unique gifts peculiar to him for the advance His Kingdom on earth and to give men relevance and self-fulfilment.

Pulpit ministry is a small percent of what it takes to build the Church. Majority of those that make the Church grow and expand are found in the pews (Eph.4:11-12). It is wrong of you to say that because you have not been asked to preach a sermon on the pulpit you are irrelevant in God's house. It is like the finger nail or nose saying it is irrelevant to the body because it is not the mouth that always speaks. This is why Paul took time to compare the Church to the human body and clearly explained that each member has a unique function and role that must be identified and carried out effectively for the body to be healthy and functional.

Note the following and arise to build the Kingdom of God. 
1. Every believer is not a pastor but every believer is called into ministry (Eph.2:10). You are called to minister to the world and the Church. In God's army there are no volunteers; all are drafted into service.

2. Every ministry is important; you are important in the body of Christ. There is no insignificant ministry in the body of Christ. Small ministries often make the greatest difference (I Cor. 12:18-22). Some ministries are visible while some are hidden behind the scenes, but all are equally vital.

3. We are dependent on one another; every ministry is intertwined with all the others. No single ministry can accomplish what Christ has told the Church to do so we must depend on and cooperate with all other members of the body of Christ. When one person misbehaves, the whole system suffers. Please, play your part well. Work together with others in humility and focus on glorifying God in all you do.

Put your gift to work and do not wait for men to call you to work in your Father's house. It is like a child who waits for an invitation to work in his father's house. Get involved in the work on ground in your local assembly and build the Kingdom!

* Ask for grace to identify your uniqueness and use it to build God's Kingdom.
* Renounce all spiritual apathy and laziness towards service in God's house. 
Make a list of what you will be involved in doing using your gifts and talents in God's house. Start now!

In the powerful name of Jesus, I call forth my glory out of the net and prison of witchcraft and failure, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, July 25, 2015

Build the Kingdom II

Saturday 25 July
READ: Matt.28:16-20
MORE LESSON: I Cor.5:9-12

It has been said that every one that is a part of the Church must do his duty and build the Church. As you build the Church you are building God's Kingdom. Another way you can be involved in building the Kingdom is to first catch the vision of the Church. A man without vision is not motivated, active or useful. The vision of soul winning must be caught constantly. Consider Jesus’ analogy of evangelism as “fishing”. He called disciples to follow Him and be fishers of men. To several people, fishing is a hobby, but when it concerns fishing for men, Jesus is not just calling for a hobby; it is a call to a lifestyle. Soul winning is the lifestyle of the body of Christ. It is actually the only duty the Church is to be doing now using different strategies (individually and collectively). His last instruction to the Church is, Go ye therefore and teach all nations, baptizing them in the name of the father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: Matt 28:19.

This is the vision of the church that everyone who claims to know God as Father must catch and be zealously, strenuously and tirelessly involved in. Several people who have been in the Church for years after their salvation experience have lost the vision of evangelism and they call that “spiritual maturity”. It is a mark of backsliding when you have grown to a point you can no longer bring people to the saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. Check your life today! How many people have come through you into the family of God? How many have been established through you in the Christian faith? Arise and build by telling others of what you tasted in Christ and how He turned your night into day.

How can you win souls and thus build the Kingdom? You must do it the way Jesus did it. This includes: (1) The show of love (Matt. 9:36).Jesus loves lost people; He is friendly and warm towards the lost. Great churches are built on love for God, one another and unbelievers. To win souls and build the Kingdom, we must intentionally express love to the lost in ways they can comprehend. (2) Give acceptance without approving sin. Jesus ate with Zacchaeus and accepted him without approving his dishonest life style. He publicly defended the dignity of the woman caught in adultery without trivialising her sin. Win people by treating them with dignity and respect. (3) Jesus meets the needs of the lost. He does not make them feel guilty about their needs-physical, emotional, spiritual, relational and financial.

Growing churches involved in building the Kingdom are meeting real needs of people. You want to win souls and build God's Kingdom, then you must meet needs. This also means you are a doer of the Word (James 2:15-16).

* Say, ‘Lord, from today, I cultivate a lifestyle of soul winning wherever I go’. 
* Ask the Father to let compassion for sinners stir you to reach out to the lost with love, warmth and friendliness.
Look around you and identify at least 2 people whose needs you can meet and bring them into the Kingdom.

Head or tail, I shall make heaven, in Jesus’ name.

Friday, July 24, 2015

Build the Kingdom I

Friday 24 July
READ: Matt 16:13-19
MORE LESSON: Rev:2:1-19

The Church is the visible, physical manifestation of God's Kingdom on earth. She is the most magnificent divine concept ever created despite her faults. The Church has been God's chosen instrument of blessing for more than 2000 years. As Jesus’ bride, the Church has survived insults, abuses and terrible persecution from haters of the Gospel and those who misunderstand her mission. Other organizations will come and go but the Church will last for eternity (Rev.21:2-3). She is worth giving our lives for and deserves our best efforts to build her.
If God's Kingdom will grow and expand and His will be done on earth as it is in heaven, then the Church must grow and expand. As the Church increases numerically and in impact, so will the Kingdom of God be increasing in number and impact. God is the builder of the Kingdom but He has chosen, in His sovereignty, to use man as a co-builder or co-labourer (I Cor.3:9). God works in and through men to fulfil His divine purpose in the Kingdom, therefore He is the farmer while we are the tools.

How can we be involved in building God's Kingdom? By service: the church has many worshippers but few servants. Several people just want to come to church and keep being ministered to in encouragements, exhortations and songs. These practices are not wrong in themselves as they are essential parts of the church but God wants His people to add the dimension of service to their worship lives. Service involves giving God your time, your energy and other personal resources. He blessed you with them to build His Kingdom. God's people must move from being just worshippers in church to being “service providers”. After salvation, the next thing God uses to assess His children is their service works. Works are vital in God's Kingdom. Are you saved? Then make progress and serve God earnestly as a true sign that you are now His.

The word ‘works’ was repeated by the Lord Jesus Christ with much emphasis in the book of Revelations in His discourse with the churches on how they can get back on track (Rev.2:2;9;13;19. 3:1;8;15). Do you desire a great testimony this year? To be an effective instrument in God's hand is the greatest testimony of all. Check yourself! Since you gave your life to Jesus Christ, have you been serving Him in your church assembly? Saved for years and not a worker in His Kingdom as an intercessor, usher, singer, Sunday school teacher, warden, protocol officer or sanctuary cleaner? You need to get enrolled today and serve the Lord fervently (Rom12:11). Do not be a destroyer of the Kingdom; arise and build the Kingdom.

* Lord, I repent, today of all attitudes of irresponsibility in Your Kingdom.
* I receive fresh strength and zeal to serve God and build His Kingdom.
* Identify at least 3 things you will do regularly and consistently henceforth to serve in your local church thereby building God's Kingdom here on earth.

Over me (put your name), the snare is broken, the siege is over and my blessings are here.

Thursday, July 23, 2015

Lord, Teach us to Pray III

Thursday 23 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4
MORE LESSON: 1Sam.1:11

There was a time Jesus' disciples asked Him to increase their faith (Luke 17:5). Rather than getting a pat at the back for wanting to demonstrate great faith and a corresponding release of what they asked for, Jesus said: If ye had faith as a grain of mustard seed, ye might say unto this sycamine tree, Be thou plucked up by the root, and be thou planted in the sea; and it should obey you: Luke 17:6. However, we see from the Bible reading today that when one of the disciples asked Jesus to teach him and others how to pray, Jesus did not just oblige the request, His response was immediate. He took the disciples through a prayer which has remained outstanding in all generations. It is a prayer which addresses the heavens, the earth, the Kingdom to come, human needs, forgiveness, temptations, deliverance from the evil one, and adoration to God Almighty.

Why was Jesus so swift in His response to the disciple’s request? The reason is that the request was on a subject that was so dear to the heart of Jesus. It was a request in tune with the heart cry of Jesus. Jesus knows that prayer is everything mortals need to succeed in spiritual assignments. He, being then in human form, had to give Himself solely to prayer to God who works all things through the man He uses. As a true leader who wants His disciples to be like him, His heart must have lifted for joy that His followers had finally gotten to understand the winning formula. Jesus must have been very proud of this disciple, and in response to his request, He taught the disciples what is now popularly referred to as the ‘Lord's Prayer’.

God is always fascinated and swift to respond when men align their request with what is the dear need of the heavens. Hannah, in 1Samuel 1:11, overcame barrenness because she made a request that aligned with God's urgent quest. God wanted to send a prophet to Israel and was looking out for a family that will not compromise the vision of the expected prophet. Hannah was also requesting for a child she would dedicate and release to God’s service all his days. If you make a request that aligns with the quest of God and His Kingdom today, you can be sure of a speedy response.

Sometimes, we experience delays because we are not Kingdom-minded in our motive. We make demands on God just to satisfy our selfish and lustful cravings. James 4:1-3 sums it up like this: From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not: ye kill, and desire to have, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war, yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts. I charge you this day to re-orientate your minds and align your request to conform with the needs of God's Kingdom, and answers to your prayer will be quick and satisfactory.

* Jesus, I renounce every selfishness in me; I will seek only those things that advance Your Kingdom.

Every name in my lifethat originates from every evil circumstance today, I terminate, in Jesus’ name.

Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Lord, Teach us to Pray II

Wednesday 22 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4
MORE LESSON: Luke 6:40

Yesterday, we learnt from the same Bible passage few lessons from the disciple of Jesus who did not hold back from asking his Master to teach him and others to pray. This disciple was simply saying to Jesus, “Make us like you are. We see you pray, but we cannot do as you do”. The disciple must have seen the effect of prayer in Jesus' life and ministry, and had come to a conclusion that what made the difference between them and their Master was His prayer life. 
There are three marks of a true disciple we should learn today. (1) Ability to see the grace and virtues your master possess. Some followers cannot see the grace that their leaders carry. So, they have nothing to aspire to in their leaders' lives. For this reason they look down on or rub shoulders with their leaders. (2) This disciple had just one ultimate aspiration; he simply wanted to be like his Master. Jesus also once told them: It is enough for the disciple that he be as his master, and the servant as his lord: Matt. 10:25a.

There is nothing as satisfying as walking in the shoes of your master. The peak of your training as a disciple is to be able to do what your master can do. Jesus once said to them: The disciple is not above his master: but every one that is perfect shall be as his master: Lk. 6:40. You are considered mature (perfect) when you can stand in the place of your master.

(3) This disciple knew the master-key to his boss's success, and would not hesitate to be trained in the same. There are some bad disciples who upon perceiving the secret of their master, work to undermine, steal, or hijack it. Rather than submitting themselves under him to learn, they quickly break away to pitch their own tent and replicate what their master is doing. Until you are taught, you cannot become a master; only masters can develop new techniques. Your refusal to be under teaching for a season will be the singular reason why you will never get to the top.

I challenge you this day to learn from this disciple. Ask your leader to make you like him. Ask the LORD to open your eyes to see what He has vested in your leader for your sake. Do not be rebellious against those who have gone ahead of you. Wait until your master releases you with a word of blessing and a befitting send-forth. Don't usurp, hijack or compete with your master. Know for sure that the seed you sow today will become fruits that you will harvest tomorrow. Do not hold back from asking your master to teach you to become like him.

* Jesus, make me like You in all ramifications.
* I receive grace to learn under my Master Jesus and be weaned at the appropriate time.

Whatever I lost from January-June, I restore back seven folds this week, in Jesus’ name.

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Lord, Teach us to Pray I

Tuesday 21 July
READ: Lk. 11:1-4

The topic today was a request made to Jesus by one of His disciples after He ended a prayer session. A close study of the Bible passage shows that this disciple's request was not a flippant one. It was also not a spontaneous request made out of confusion like Apostle Peter’s at the Mount of Transfiguration when he saw the glory of Jesus and exclaimed: ...Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias...: Matt. 17:4.The scripture says Peter spoke not knowing what he said. The request for a teaching on how to pray and not for the regular mundane things of life like bread and fish that some other followers of Jesus were pursuing. This disciple was not looking for how to sit at the left or right hand of Jesus when He eventually begins to reign as a king. Rather, his interest was about doing what he saw Jesus doing often and regularly.

This disciple must have been studying Jesus and had observed that when He was baptized, Jesus was praying and heaven opened (Lk. 3:21). He saw when Jesus withdrew into the wilderness, and prayed (Lk. 5:16). He was a witness to how Jesus went out into a mountain to pray, and continued all night in prayer (Lk. 6:12). Jesus was alone praying (Lk. 9:18); soon after, He went up into a mountain to pray, and as He prayed He was transfigured (Lk. 9:28-29); and Lk. 11:1 also records that Jesus was praying in a certain place.

There are at least seven strong lessons to learn from this disciple. (1) The gifts and graces of others should be to coveted earnestly. (2) The zeal of others should provoke you into a holy imitation and emulation.

(3) Never get jealous of others even when you are not excelling as much as they are doing; simply go closer and ask the person to teach you. (4) Don't be haughty in manner; humble yourself to request your superior, colleague or subordinate to teach you what you don't know how to do. (5) The disciple was not selfish about his request. Note that he did not say, “Teach me”, but “Teach us”. He knew how important it was for a disciple to be like his Master, and he wanted others to share in the same blessing.

(6) The secret of becoming is in teaching. You will never attain except you are taught; be teachable. (7) This disciple had seen how John taught his disciples to pray, and he wanted to learn. He did not break rank or defect to be taught by another. Rather, he went to his own Master and asked, with all sincerity, to be taught.

What is your relationship with your Master? Are you ready to learn like this disciple of Jesus? Do not hold back from asking Him to teach you.

* Lord, teach me to pray.
* Father, help me to desire only those things that matter more to the Kingdom. 
* I pray that my zeal will inspire and motivate others to serve the Lord.

Everywhere my name is written for evil and offence, I delete it now by the blood of Jesus’, in Jesus’ name

Monday, July 20, 2015

Unbelievable Love II

Monday 20 July
READ: John 20:1-15
MORE LESSON: Heb.11: 28-33

The love of Jesus for man is incomparable and has no equal in affection. However, there are men in the Bible who also did great things that are worthy of our emulation as Christians who want to get to heaven.

1. In our text today, a woman reciprocated the love of Jesus with great love when men who were stronger stayed in hiding. The woman’s love was so compelling that she went to the graveyard alone and without fear to look for Jesus. Even after the disciples checked and left, she still stood there insisting for the body of Jesus. Thus she became the first to see Jesus in His resurrected body (Jn.20:13-16). Mary was a practical example of passion for the Lord. She had great courage and wonderful commitment to the Lord. Is your commitment to God unshaken even when your pastor or leader is not there to supervise? Several people have gone into hiding, away from church because of persecutions and insurgencies. Will you also go away? Mary stayed devotedly and over 2000 years later we still read her testimony. Receive courage to serve God even in the face of persecution and threats, and you will have a testimony of victory.

2. In Lk.8:1-3, there is a record of women who sustained Jesus’ earthly ministry with their substance. They were so committed and regular at it that the the Bible recorded it and thereby etched their names on tablets of gold. God expects you to use your material wealth to serve Him. Your attendance in church is good and imperative but the fullness of your blessing will not come until you serve the Lord with your substance. It is part of reciprocating Jesus’ love.

3. There is an unbelievable and awesome chronicle in Heb. 11 of men who believed in God and did great exploits. Sarah and Abraham conceived in old age (Heb.11:11); Moses forsook the Egyptian crown to stick with Jehovah. (Heb.11:24-27) and many others. And what more shall I more say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon, and of Barak, and of Samson, and of Jephthae, of David also, and Samual, and of the Prophets: who through faith subdued kingdoms, wrought righteousness, obtained promises, stopped the mouths of lions, quenched the violence of fire, escaped the edge of the sword, out of weakness were made strong, waxed valiant in fight, turned to flight the armies of the aliens: Heb. 11:32-34.

They did all these because of their faith although they were Old Testament saints. We who are of the New Testament owe God more because the precious blood of Jesus has given us a better covenant than that of the Old Testament.

*Father, the chronicle of those who did great exploits for You will not end until my name is added, in Jesus’ name.
*I will do awesome things for my awesome God in awesome ways by His Spirit and power.
*Go ahead and do for God that which He is laying in your heart right now; do not procrastinate!

I command every devouring power to jump out of my life now, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Sunday, July 19, 2015

Unbelievable Love I

Sunday 19 July
READ: Isa. 53:1-10
MORE LESSON: Rom.5: 1-8

The foundation of the Christian faith is the truth about the death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus Christ. Anyone who does not believe that Jesus came, died and rose from the dead is not a Christian. The Christian faith does not exist without this truth. The reason why several people cannot accept this fact about the Lord is because it sounds unbelievable to a natural man. It's incomprehensible to the carnal, natural man how the following things about Jesus Christ, the One and Only Messiah could be true
1. The Son of God could go through intense pain as described by the prophet Isaiah. But he was wounded for our transgressions, he was bruised for our iniquities; the chastisement of our peace was upon him; and by his stripes we are healed: Isa.53:5. No one wants to be wounded, have bad cuts from which blood flows freely as Jesus experienced except for criminals, who go through such by force. Jesus unbelievably went through pain, so who is man not to. He was deeply wounded and scourged with the Roman whip used for hardened criminals of those days.

2. He died for ungodly and sinful men. But God commendeth his love towards us, in that while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us: Rom. 5:8. Hardly will men die for a good man, but Jesus went ahead to die for sinners, making a provision ahead for even unborn men, who have all sinned and come short of the glory of God ( Rom3:23).

3. Jesus became a substitute for us by taking our place, receiving God's punishment for our sin though He was righteous and without sin. What love! That is why having made such awesome provision for man to escape damnation in hell, if anyone rejects this redemption package, there will be no mercy or remedy again after death. I urge you to reciprocate this unbelievable but absolutely free offer of God by entering a love relationship with Him.

4. He went to hell (sheol) to rescue men's souls as part of the package of redemption. He collected the keys of hell and death from Satan.

5. He paid the price for us to have a change of status and position. We were no people but have become members of God's family by the price Jesus paid on the cross (Eph.2:11-12). Now we are raised up to sit at the same level with Christ in the spirit realm above all other spirits (Eph. 2:6).

By these acts of Christ, men can have access to all the goodness of God spiritually, physically, morally, psychologically and in all areas of life. What a love! Incomparable love!

* If you have not personally accepted the love of Jesus for you, do so today.
*Appreciate the great unbelievable sacrifice of Jesus for you by His death and resurrection and appropriate the benefits to your life.
*Declare that from henceforth Satan will no longer rob you of your inheritance as a child of God.

Father, rid me of strange spiritual gifts and inheritances from this day on, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Saturday, July 18, 2015

Speak Back!

Saturday 18 
READ: Josh 6: 26 - 27
MORE LESSON: Heb. 11: 3

There is nothing in the universe whose origin is not in the Word. Everything was created by the spoken word. The same way everything was created by speaking so also can things be destroyed by speaking. A believer must not just learn to speak positive situations into existence in his life, he must also learn to speak back to negative ones and destroy them. Don't allow anything to shut your mouth such that you cannot make declaration into your own life anymore. The Christian life is lived by speaking.

It is not correct for a believer to wake up from a bad dream and start crying and panicking. What do you have a mouth for? Don't cry or fret, just use your mouth to cancel that negative dream in the name of Jesus. Also if somebody curses you as a believer, there is no need to fear, just use your own mouth to reverse the curse and turn it to a blessing for yourself. If the person believes he has the mouth to curse you, you also have the mouth to return it. There is something called 'back to the sender'. If sickness wants to harass you, know that the sickness came from somewhere; use your mouth to send it back. In the same way send all afflictions, negativity, pain and misfortunes back. Use your mouth to speak to everything that you don't want in your life to leave. If it wants to know where to go, tell it to go where it came from.

Jericho was like the gate-city that Israel needed to pass through to get into the Promised Land. However Jericho closed the door against Joshua and the children of Israel and even tried to kill the Israelites sent to spy the land. (Josh 2: 3 – 6). They fought against Joshua in battle to stop Israel from making progress but after victory over Jericho, Joshua did something. He declared that any man that would rebuild the city of Jericho, he will lay the foundation at the cost of his first child and build the gate at the cost of his last child. (Josh 6: 26). By so doing, Joshua was declaring that the challenge that gave him trouble shall never rise again. Jericho wanted to stop Joshua but he used his mouth to finish Jericho.

This morning you are to speak back to everything that wants to destroy your destiny and you are going to terminate them. Never let the enemy have the last word in your matter, declare the final verdict with your mouth. Use your mouth to speak back to situations and circumstance and close the book on any negative thing in your life.

* Speak every word ever spoken against you back to sender.
* Command that the shout of the king will swallow every enemy’s noise in your life ( Num. 23:21).
* Lay your hands on your chest and prophesy greatness into your life and destiny.

As Caleb expelled the existing giants dwelling on his heritage, so I expel every territorial spirit occupying my inheritance today, in Jesus’ name.

Friday, July 17, 2015

Removing Reproaches II

Friday 17 July
READ: Gen. 15:13-14
MORE LESSON: Josh. 5:9

When God made a covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15: 12, He told him, . . . Abram, Know of a surety that thy seed shall be a stranger in a land that is not theirs and they shall afflict them four hundred years. That was a reproach that was going to come upon the nation of Israel who were the children of Abraham. We can see that the reproach of slavery that the Israelites went through in Egypt was known by God even before it happened. It is comforting to know that the pain you are going through is known to the Lord. God knew in advance that Israel was going to be in slavery in a strange land and He even knew the duration of the slavery.

The greatest consolation is that the Lord also knew the deliverance that He would give them. So 400 years before their slavery, Jehovah had made a covenant with Abraham, And also that nation, whom they shall serve, will I judge: and afterward shall they come out with great substance: Gen 15: 14. God had sworn that He would put an end to their reproach, judge their oppressors and bring them out with great substance. The covenant of God with Abraham that He would bring them out of slavery, judge the nation that held them captive and give them great wealth were all seen to be fulfilled in scriptures. So in the Bible, we see how God struck all the first born of Egypt, parted the Red Sea and did many other wonders in order to fulfil the covenant that He made to Abraham that the reproach of Israel will be removed. This shows us that God knew about the reproach, knew the deliverance He would wrought and has all the power to do whatever was needed to bring that deliverance to be.

I want you to know that God sees your reproach and He has made a provision in His covenant that the reproach would not be forever. He has sworn to put an end to your reproach and He has the power and might to do whatever it takes to see that your reproach is removed. If you have given your life to Jesus Christ, you are a partaker of the covenant of God with Abraham (Gal 3: 14) and so God will do everything it takes to see that your reproach is removed. If you are not part of God's covenant, today is the day you should accept the covenant through the blood of Jesus. For a born again child of God that is still experiencing a reproach in any area of your life, you must stand, claim and engage the covenant of God against every form of reproach against your life. Today remind God of His covenant to put an end to all reproach in you. I declare according to the word of the Lord that this day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you in Jesus’ name (Josh 5: 9).

* Ask God to terminate every negative name that describes or defines your name today.
* Ask the blood of Jesus to end now, every old negative order in your family line that connects you with any reproach,
* Ask that the power that terminated the reproach of Israel in Egypt will visit you today and repeat that miracle.

Oh Lord, use my present circumstance as a ladder to my greatness by your power, in Jesus’ name.

Thursday, July 16, 2015

Removing Reproaches I

Thursday 16 July
READ: Josh. 5:9
MORE LESSON: Psa. 137: 1-9

The Israelites were in bondage for over 400 years in Egypt. They were the children of the covenant of Abraham but adversities kept them below what God intended for them. They were living in reproach. Reproaches are things in your life that make you feel ashamed, doubt what God has promised you and make you less than what God has planned for you.

Until the reproaches of a people are taken away, they remain ashamed, enslaved and afflicted. That was what happened to the nation of Israel in the land of Egypt where they were slaves. Until they were delivered from slavery and the reproaches that came with it, they could not enter into their glorious inheritance. This is the reason God stretched out His hands to deliver them from slavery under Pharaoh. When they were about to enter Canaan God told Joshua to circumcise the children of Israel saying, This day have I rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you: Josh 5:9.

In the same way Israelites were slaves, there are many living in the reproach of slavery today. Slavery is a condition of bondage that even if you know it exists, you can't help yourself out of it. It could be physical slavery where your body has a situation which you do not like but cannot rectify, or financial slavery when you are unable to foot your bills and sort to begging for food, clothes and shelter. Spiritual slavery is a life of sin, addiction, habits and demonic oppression which you can't help yourself out of. These are the reproaches that must be removed for your glory to manifest. To remove reproaches you must speak against the forces that sponsor the shame. Prophesy against everything in your life that God has not said concerning you.

You can also engage the forces of prayers to destroy every force of reproach over your life. I prophesy over you according to the Word of the Lord, this day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt from off you in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to roll away every reproach from you, your family and work today.
* Ask God to take away every mark of the Egyptian from your destiny.
* Ask God to beautify your destiny with evidence as you go out today.

By the blood of Jesus today, I declare, I shall not continue in the sin and bondage of my ancestors, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, July 15, 2015

Blessed Beyond Curses II

Wednesday 15 July
READ: Num 23: 18 - 25
MORE LESSON: Num 24: 1 - 10

Balak made the mistake of trying to curse Israel whom God had blessed. Any man that curses you is making a costly mistake because he will carry the curse by his own head. Balaam, the prophet that was hired to curse Israel, took off on an ass motivated by greed. When he got to a place, an angel of the Lord stood with a sword in his hand to slaughter him. If not for his ass he would have died for nothing. The animal saw the angel and averted the death but a whole seer did not see anything. Any man who lives in disobedience to God is less than an animal before God; so the animal began to teach and rebuke the prophet. This ridicule happened to him because he wanted to curse Israel (Num 22: 22 -33). Any man that is out to curse you will experience the greatest ridicule of his life.

I want you to know that as a child of God you are too blessed to be cursed. Any man that curses you is deceiving himself; who can curse the one whom the Lord has blessed? God filled Balaam's mouth with blessing instead of curse and he released blessings upon Israel. He said, Rise up, Balak, and hear; hearken unto me, thou son of Zippor: God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Behold, I have received commandment to bless: and he hath blessed; and I cannot reverse it.

He hath not beheld iniquity in Jacob, neither hath he seen perverseness in Israel: the LORD his God is with him, and the shout of a king is among them. God brought them out of Egypt; he hath as it were the strength of an unicorn. Surely there is no enchantment against Jacob, neither is there any divination against Israel: according to this time it shall be said of Jacob and of Israel, What hath God wrought! Behold, the people shall rise up as a great lion, and lift up himself as a young lion: he shall not lie down until he eat of the prey, and drink the blood of the slain: vs18-24. He gave a very prophetic blessing to Israel! Even Balak had to resign by saying that Balaam should just leave and stop blessing them instead of cursing them (Num 23: 25).

But by this time Balaam couldn't stop anymore as he went ahead to bless Israel the third time (Num 24: 1 – 9). All your enemies will give up over you today because you are the blessed one of God. No man can curse you, you are blessed beyond all curses.

* Declare your destiny is immuned against any curse in life and destiny.
* Ask God to cleanse you of any sin that could give a curse room in your life. 
* Release the blessings of Abraham upon your entire life and family.

Father, put me at the centre of a major breakthrough this year, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Blessed Beyond Curses I

Tuesday 14 July
READ: Num 23: 7 - 12
MORE LESSON: Gen 12: 3

As a seed of Abraham through Jesus Christ, there is a covenant of blessing over your life. This covenant also makes provision for judgment against those who get angry with you because of God's blessing over your life, And I will make of thee a great nation, and I will bless thee, and make thy name great; and thou shalt be a blessing: And I will bless them that bless thee, and curse him that curseth thee: and in thee shall all families of the earth be blessed: Gen 12:2-3. You are blessed and no one can curse you.
This is portrayed in the story of Israel and Balak, the king of Moab. Israel came out of slavery in Egypt and was on the way to the Promised Land. Balak heard the news of their conquests and he decided to terminate them. Sometimes people hear of your blessing and promotion and they start working against you out of envy. But whoever goes against a man that God has promoted is taking a great risk because he is actually fighting against the God who promoted the man. Whoever rises against you will fall for your sake, in Jesus’ name.
Balak went to hire Balaam, a prophet, to curse the children of Israel. Balaam had a reputation that whatever he declared happened, so Balak employed him to curse Israel powerfully so that they would not be able to make progress anymore. God warned Balaam that he should not go with them to curse His children whom He had blessed beyond any curse (Num 22:12). Balaam went back and told the king of Moab that Israel was blessed by God and could not be cursed by man but he was pumped with money and enticed to go with them and curse Israel. Eventually greed took the upper hand over Prophet Balaam and he saddled his ass and followed them to go curse Israel. It was because of money that he went against God's instruction and he later paid for it with his life (Josh. 13: 22, Jude 11). It is better to stay a poor man than to allow the spirit of greed and love of money to make you go against God and do evil.
When Balaam got to where he wanted to curse Israel, he opened his mouth but God turned the curses to blessings. He found himself saying, How shall I curse, whom God hath not cursed? or how shall I defy, whom the Lord hath not defied? Num 23:8.
You are blessed by the Lord, nobody can curse you and whoever opens his mouth to curse you, God will hijack that curse and turn it to blessing for you. From today, any curse that has been placed on you is turned to blessing. You are the blessed seed of Abraham, you are blessed beyond all curses.

* Reverse every unknown curse over your life.
* Reject every evil prophet and prophecy seat against your destiny in the name of Jesus.
* Prophesy against evil word ever spoken against you even if it was a joke.

Father, today, grant me the wisdom to know the battles to fight, postpone and the ones to ignore this year, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, July 13, 2015

Except the Lord Builds the House

Monday 13 July
READ: Psa. 127: 1

It is important that we learn to trust in the Lord than in our own might. No matter how strong or able a man is, he can't get anything done except by the help of the Lord. In fact, God takes it upon Himself to frustrate a man who wants to show that he can live without Him.
Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm: Psa. 20:7-8 (NIV). Those that trust in their own ability fall but as many as trust in the Lord will stand firm. Our text says, Except the Lord build the house, they labour in vain that build it: except the Lord keep the city, the watchman waketh but in vain: Psa 127:1. This tells us that only God, and not the labour of his hands, can give a man success. There are many people that are labouring, so it is not labour that can distinguish you; it is favour from God.
There are people who didn't go to school who are living well and there are educated men begging. Many people can be in the same business and one has his bank account fat from the proceeds of the business while others are bankrupt. There are people who ordinarily are qualified and are overlooked and some that are not but are making progress. I know people who have 3rd class and got good jobs while 1st class graduates walk around jobless. People work and it is like they are fetching water inside a basket; they have nothing to show for it. These prove the truth of the Scripture that except the Lord builds a house, the builders build in vain.
There is a building whose foundation has been laid for well over 20 years near Zion House where I live. Before I started building Zion House the said foundation had been laid, with stones, sand, laterite and many other building materials at site, one would think they would soon build the house but it stayed there for years. I started building, finished and moved into my house and the building remains undeveloped. I concluded that, of a truth, except the Lord builds a house, it can't be built because here is the foundation of a house that looked as if it had everything for it to be built but has remained unbuilt for more than 20 years.
I want you to invite God to build your life, home, business, career or ministry. Do not leave your life to chance and do not attempt to do it by your own power and might. God is the Master Builder who builds all things (Heb 3: 4). You will build successfully when He builds with you.

* Ask God to help you trust in Him than your labour and strength.
* Ask God for divine favour to succeed in life.
* Pray for divine approval for unprecedental breakthrough before this year ends.

In 2015, I shall be decorated with medals of testimonies to the shame of my enemies, in Jesus’ mighty name.

Sunday, July 12, 2015

Helped by Mercy

Sunday 12 July
READ: Psa. 89: 28 - 34
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam 9: 6 - 13

The mercy of God is no respecter of persons. If the help of God locates a beggar, it sets him on the throne (1 Sam 2: 8). No matter your past struggles or present mistakes, God's help can take you into your desired future. Mephibosheth was a lame man who had been struggling all his life, but when the help of God located him, he had wealth restored to him and became one of the few people that sat daily at the king's table (2 Sam 9: 7). There were people with two functional legs that had no food, table or home but a lame man sat at table with the king, eating the king's delicacy and had wealth bestowed upon him that he didn't even need to touch as his needs were met by the king. The gap between poverty and wealth is bridged only by the help of God, and today the help of God will transit you from your present level to wealth, in Jesus’ name.

It was the mercy of God, which David found, that helped him to the throne. He was just a son of a farmer from a little village called Bethlehem but the help of God located him and took him to the throne. It was still the help of God that sustained David on the throne; there was a time he killed a man and usurped his wife, God reprimanded him but God didn't take the throne from him. In fact, God made a promise to him, If his children forsake my law, and walk not in my judgments; If they break my statutes, and keep not my commandments; Then will I visit their transgression with the rod, and their iniquity with stripes. Nevertheless my lovingkindness will I not utterly take from him, nor suffer my faithfulness to fail. My covenant will I not break, nor alter the thing that is gone out of my lips: Psa. 89:28-34. Imagine this dimension of mercy, God gave David’s lineage advance forgiveness and help. It was like God was saying, I know your children and lineage will sin against Me but I have had mercy on them in advance. No matter what they do, I will forgive them and not take the throne from them.

Remember Saul was the original holder of that same throne, but he made a mistake and that was it; he was gone: no second chance. God took the kingdom and gave it to David and said that he was His beloved and no matter what, the throne will stay with his generation forever. That is not something David qualified for; it is God's help as an act of His mercy. 
Today, God's mercy will locate you and you will be helped beyond your qualifications, in Jesus’ name.

* Pray that God’s mercy and help will locate you in destiny and life.
* Read Isa.55:3 and ask God for the “sure mercies” of David as a covenant for your life time.
* Say, “Lord, help me by Your mercy”.

I prophesy against every accuser of my destiny; you shall not prevail, in Jesus’ name.

Saturday, July 11, 2015

The Grace to say 'No'

Saturday 11 July
READ: Titus 2: 11 -12 NIV
MORE LESSON: Prov. 1:10-15

One important thing a person on route to destiny must learn is how to say 'no' to some things. As a Christian, you should be nice but that doesn't mean you should not be able to take a firm stand and say 'no' to things that you cannot accept. Some believers accept everything from everybody because they do not want to displease anybody: you don't have to try to please everyone and so displease yourself and God. Learn it today that it is not everything that you must do and it is not everything you must accept or agree to. If a precious friend or relative makes a demand on you to do something that doesn't enhance your destiny, say a ‘no’ to it. If you are in a courtship and the partner demands to commit sin with you, say a firm 'no', even if that is what will end that courtship. There is a grace to say 'no' and you should develop that grace. This is explicitly expressed in the Bible; for the grace of God that brings salvation has appeared to all men. It teaches us to say "no" to ungodliness and worldly passions, and to live self-controlled, upright and godly lives in this present age, Titus 2:11-12 NIV.

Apart from ungodliness, there are also other things that are not out rightly sinful that you must also learn to say 'no' to. Sometimes you have to know how to say 'no' when people make requests from you, if you sincerely won't be able to meet the request. I like to just help everybody out of a compassionate heart, but after having several consequences, I have gradually learnt that there are some times and situations when people make requests from me that I just have to look them in the face and say, 'I'm sorry, I can't do that'. Not that I don't want to help the person, just that I can't and so I have to let the person know. I have seen people who don't have the financial capacity to help another person's situation take up a responsibility that crashed them as they become poor in the process of trying to help the poor. That is not correct.

You don't need to become poor trying to help the poor, if you do, you will only succeed in increasing the number of the poor that need help. It is part of Christian maturity to know what you don't yet have the capacity to do even though it's good and say 'no' when demanded upon to do it. This, of course, is not an excuse for those that can help but don't want to. But the point is that there are certain times that it is saying 'no' that keeps you alive. You should learn to say it so that you can live.

* Ask God for the wisdom to discern between good and evil at all times.
* Pray for courage to do only the good things.
* Ask God for grace to reject ungodly requests and to live righteously.

I scatter in advance every evil meeting that has been planned against me throughout the nights of July - December 2015, in Jesus’ name.

Friday, July 10, 2015

It must be God's Way II

Friday 10 July
READ: Exo. 2: 11-15
MORE LESSON: Luke 4:1-13

The devil is never happy to see a man receive a vision from God and successfully implement it. He will attempt to stop you and most times, he won't do it by preventing you from receiving the assignment from God. He will not even stop you from going on the errand for God, but he will attempt to make sure that you do not succeed in that assignment by corrupting the way you do it. This was what he attempted to do to Jesus as we examined yesterday (Lk 4: 1- 13), and it was also what he planned to do to Moses.
Moses had a vision and purpose from childhood that he would lead Israel out of slavery in Egypt. The devil didn't try to convince Moses not to deliver his people but he suggested to him that he could use a method that God did not approve of. He told him to kill the Egyptian (Ex 2: 12). When Moses attempted to fulfill his God given vision using a way that was not ordained by God, he got himself into trouble. This cost him a wilderness experience of forty years. When Moses died, the devil tried to claim his body (Jude 1: 8). He may have argued that Moses was a murderer and angry person so he (the devil) had a claim in him.
This makes us know that if the devil suggests an alternative method to us and we accept that option, he will eventually accuse us and discredit our work on the basis of that same method that we accepted from him. This is the reason making sure you achieve your vision strictly God's way is non-negotiable in destiny. Has God promised you academic excellence, prosperity, marriage, children or success in ministry? Well, how you get them matters, it must be God's way. Don't say because God has promised you success and then you cheat to achieve the success and then proceed to come give testimony that you have achieved the success God promised you. God may have promised you a child but it is important that the child comes God's way.
Men will come and tell you to use your own initiatives in fulfilling God's promise and assignment. What they call 'initiatives' most times are contrary to the way of God. That is the devil trying to corrupt the vision so that it is not done God's way. Today the word of God to you is that you must insist on following God's way in achieving that promise and vision that He has given you.

* Pray that you will not fall into the snare of the devil as you pursue God’s purpose.
* Ask that you will walk closer with God as you work for him.
* Ask God for divine guidance and help for all your destiny assignments.

I declare that in 2015, my blood is out of the reach of all blood sucking spirits; suck your own blood, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, July 9, 2015

It must be God's Way I

Thursday 9 July
READ: Luke 4: 5 - 8
MORE LESSON: Luke 12: 50

Jesus had a vision to go and die on the cross and resurrect. He needed to die and resurrect so that He might win the whole world back to God and strip the devil of the authority he stole from man. The Cross was the way to redemption. It was the divine method and strategy for bringing man back to the life that he lost. Jesus' death on the Cross of Calvary is God's way of redeeming man.
But the devil came to Jesus and tried to convince Him, 'I know your vision and goal. You want to take the key of life from me and restore the dominion that man lost. Well, that is fine. You don't have to go through the horror of death of the Cross to achieve that. Let me propose another way of fulfilling your vision. Just worship me and I will give you the whole world and its dominion.' When the devil told Jesus to worship Him and have the dominion of the whole world, that temptation was not just about materialism. The devil was actually tempting Jesus with an easier alternative of fulfilling His vision. He was proposing to Him to choose bowing rather than dying as the means of achieving His destiny of becoming Lord of all.
It is a very difficult temptation when you are presented with an option that will take you to where God has promised you but the option is not God's predetermined way of taking you there. This is because it is not enough to insist on fulfilling God's vision for your life, you must also insist on fulfilling it only in God's way. There is always a cheaper way of achieving a vision. But a person who is determined to please God will insist that it is only the way that God endorses that he will take even when all the other ways look like they will lead him to where he wants to go.
So Jesus knew how God wanted Him to achieve His purpose and nothing would deter Him from doing it that way. He made up His mind that He was going to follow God's methodology – the Cross. It was because of this determination that He defeated the devil. Know today that the devil may not even wrestle with a man about his vision but he will be ready to do all to get you adopt the wrong way or method of achieving it. God gave you a method and a way, you had better follow it. If other people are succeeding by their methods, thank God for them. But stay on the one God gave you. It is not mere succeeding that is the most important thing, it is succeeding by God's way. Be careful to follow God's way in fulfilling your God given vision and don't give the devil any chance to mar your testimony.

* Ask God for grace to insist on God’s will and grace in all things.
* Ask God to help you face challenges with courage and trust in God’s promises.
* Ask God for wisdom to do His Will.

God of Boaz, Abraham and Jabez overturn every arrow of impossibility in my life and make me an amazing testimony, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, July 8, 2015

Grace for Impact

Wednesday 8 July
READ: I Cor. 15:10, Titus 2:11-13
MORE LESSON: Jn. 1:17, Rom. 5:1-2

Grace is defined as the free and unmerited favour of God as manifested in the salvation of sinners and the blessings of God bestowed on man. Grace is the ability of God which is made resident in man and makes him to do things beyond human capability. Impact, on the other hand, is a marked effect or a strong influence on someone or something. A man can make impact when the force of power that rules the universe, that is the power of God freely given to man by grace, is behind him.
To make impact therefore, you must do the following:
1. Value your prayer life, (Jer. 33:3, Mk. 1:35) and sharpen your prayer life. Your life cannot progress more than your prayer life. Show me a man of prayers and I will show you a man of exploits. If Jesus Himself had to pray so much while on earth, you can't do less.
- The disciples asked Jesus to teach them how to pray.
- Jacob prayed to prevail against Esau's army.
- Hannah prayed to remove the stigma of barreness.
- Daniel prayed and became reknown; he succeeded and ruled in a land of captivity.
2. Value God's Word. You can’t be better than the information you have. The Bible says to let the Word of God dwell in you richly. Your success and prosperity are attached to the Word of God (Josh. 1:8). It is only the Word of God that can order your life so that iniquity will not prevail (Psa. 119:133). The Word of God must be regarded more than your physical food (Lk. 4:4). It is the level of God's Word in you that helps your prayer life.
3. Live a life of unconditional obedience. Abraham became the friend of God because of his unconditional obedience to God.
4. Live a sacrificial life, giving up everything for God and the Kingdom of God.
5. Live a selfless life. Always look beyond yourself and your circumstance and you will live beyond your generation.
6. Your intimacy with God determines your ability to attract His grace, mercy and composition which will make you to experience His benevolence. This is what characterized the life of David; and no wonder his impact remains till date.

* Lord, please intervene in my life; make me a man/woman of impact.
* Lord, remove from my life every form of selfishness so that I can flow to others.

Father, before the end of this month, send additional help to my destiny, in Jesus’ name

Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Overcoming Satanic Intimidation II

Tuesday 7 July
READ: 1 Kings 20: 10 - 21
MORE LESSON: 2 Tim 1: 7

One common weapon that the enemy uses against the children of God is fear. The devil knows that the moment you are defeated by fear, you have lost the battle so he intimidates you to create fear. When a man is afraid, he will discover that he can no more do the things he could do before. The Bible says that ...fear hath torment. He that feareth is not made perfect in love: 1 John 4:18.
The reason the enemy opposes you is to intimidate and make you afriad. The moment you decide that, come what may, you will not give in to fear, you have the victory. Fear is never of God; resist it with all your heart. The Bible makes it clear that, God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound mind: 2 Tim 1:7.
God is inhibited from acting on your behalf when you succumb to fear. Until you resist fear and let faith arise, you cannot see the hand of God. Did you notice how God in today’s text couldn't say anything as long as Ahab panicked before Ben-Hadad? But immediately he stood up to Ben-Hadad and refused to be intimidated any further, God spoke. Hast thou seen all this great multitude? Behold, I will deliver it in to thine hand this day; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord:1 Kgs. 20:13.
There are some languages of intimidation that the enemy uses to create fear in people. They include the following:
1. Threats: the enemy may threaten you with what he will do. This is just to create fear in you. When God is for you, who can be against you? (Rom 8: 31). Refuse to succumb to the threats of a challenge.
2. Blasphemy: the enemy can start speaking blasphemous words against your God. An enemy once said concerning Israel that even God would not be able to deliver them from his hands. That is blasphemy; it was meant to create fear. Do not panic, God will answer them Himself.
3. Pity: do not give in to self pity and pity-party from men; it is targeted at making you feel hopeless. Whatever happens, stand on your feet and walk tall in the face of the enemy.
4. Past experience of failure: do not let the failures of the past prevent you from trying. Do not be intimidated because of past failures; go for your good again.
5. Language of the alternative: when the enemy wants to intimidate you, he tells you that you cannot do something and then suggests a sinful alternative to you. Do not give in to alternative routes born out of fear.
I rebuke every intimidation of the enemy over your life, in Jesus' name.

* Prophesy against everything and everyone Satan is using to intimidate your life and declare them dead in the name of Jesus.
* Pray that the spirit of fear will not have a hold over your life.
* Declare Satan a liar over every area of your life now, in the name of Jesus.

Today, I scatter every evil arrow meant to make me run helter-sketter, in Jesus’ name.

Monday, July 6, 2015

Overcoming Satanic Intimidation I

Monday 6 July
READ: 1 Kings 20:1-13
MORE LESSON: Isa. 8: 12 - 13

Ben-Hadad, the king of Aram, joined forces with thirty two other kings and besieged Israel. He sent a very intimidating message to King Ahab of Israel. He told him he was coming to take the best things in his land; his choice gold, the wives and children. Ahab was frightened and replied that Ben-Haded could take as much as he wanted, but should not kill the people. When Ben-hadad received the reply, he sent another message that he was not going to take anything he (BenHaded) liked but anything King Ahab liked. Yet I will send my servants unto thee tomorrow about this time, and they shall search thine house, and the houses of thy servants; and it shall be, THAT WHATSOEVER IS PLEASANT IN THINE EYES, they shall put it in their hand, and take it away: 1 Kgs 20:6. That is sheer intimidation! He just wanted to terrorize Israel. He would take all the things they liked even if he didn't need them and leave only all that Israel didn't like.
Ahab started screaming and fretting, and must have exclaimed: “This man wants to kill me; he is just looking for opportunity to come and fight me!'' Ahab then called for a council meeting with the elders of the land and told them what Ben-haded wanted and how he was afraid he would have to consent to avoid trouble. Thank God for good counsel from the wonderful elders, who told him to stop being afraid and not to consent to the intimidation of the enemy. They encouraged him that the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob would defend them against Ben-hadad and the 32 nations that teamed up against them.
When the messengers got back to Ben-hadad and told him that the king of Israel refused to succumb to his threat, he was furious.
He sent another message to Ahab threatening to turn the whole the nation of Israel to dust. But God sent a message to the king of Israel saying, Thus saith the Lord, Hast thou seen all this great multitude? behold, I will deliver it in to thine hand this day; and thou shalt know that I am the Lord: 1 Kings 20:13.
Today, I have brought you a word from the Lord: do not succumb to the intimidation of the devil and evil men. Do not consent to their demands for you to submit to them in fear. The Lord will rise for you to the dismay of the enemy.
So reply them that you will not bow nor agree to those terms of surrender that they gave to disgrace you and your God. Never submit to their intimidation! When they pronounce that you will never be married except you perform certain ancentral sacrifices, say, ‘No’. When a man insists that except he goes to bed with you he will not promote you or that you will fail an exam, do not succumb. When you are told to choose between your work and an evil act, refuse evil. It is a satanic intimidation. Remember, righteousness alone exalts.

* Ask God for grace to say, ‘NO’ to every form of evil enticement.
* Pray that by the grace of God, when it matters most, you will not disappoint God.
* Pray that in the days of battle, your strength will not be small.
* Ask Jehovah to take over your battles, from today.

Forces of delay, depression, disappointment and hopelessness, I command youtoloose your hold on my destiny. Joy, peace, and victory come and take over, in Jesus’ name.

He has what you Lack

Sunday 5 July
READ: Eph. 3: 8 – 21
MORE LESSON: Prov 8: 18-21

This grace given, that I should preach among the Gentiles the unsearchable riches of Christ: v8. The Gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ is not of doom; it is not that of poverty and wretchedness as some people think. Apostle Paul in our text called it “unsearchable riches” and that is one of the things that make the Gospel good news .Those who receive Christ into their lives are free to enjoy His spiritual riches, but many are not informed, or convinced about using all that He has given the believer.
Author Bob George said that it's possible for a Christian to live as a “practical atheist”. That person is someone who, despite having the right doctrines and salvation, approaches life as if he is the only resource available to himself. Such an approach is like buying a powerful car and then pushing it when nothing is wrong with it.
That is why in our text today Apostle Paul's passion for the Ephesian believers was that they might realize that all their needs could be met by Christ's resources. And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God: v19. This was Paul's prayer for the believer. He prayed because he believed our God is able to do ...exceeding abundantly above all that we ask or think,...:v20.
Similarly, my prayer for you too today is that you might begin to enjoy Christ's treasure to the fullness and no longer push on in your own strength. God wants to be everything to every believer at every moment. So, why not lift your empty hands to the Lord, who has promised you His store of goodness that transcends earthly riches, and receive His fullness now.

* Today, I fully enter into my inheritance in Christ Jesus.
* I will no longer live by my strength and income; I will live by the resources of heaven.
* I declare an end to lack and want in my life today; I am rich in all things, in Jesus’ mighty name.

The munitions of the Rock of Ages shall be my defence in this new month;my help will come to me and my bread shall be sure, in Jesus’ name.

Power for Living

Saturday 4 July
READ: Acts 1:8
MORE LESSON: Act 2: 1 - 4

The forces of hell that are released against men in these end times are so strong that it is not possible to live a successful Christian life without the power of the Spirit. Weakness, sin and struggle become the order of the day when the power of God is lacking in a life. There was a young lady that literally couldn't live a single day without fornication. She was so much afflicted by the spirit of immorality that she wouldn't survive a day without having a man sleep with her. This spiritual torment made her go around each day begging her male class mates to come sleep with her: she just couldn't withstand the forces of hell that was contending with her. Finally she came to a crusade where I was preaching, she gave her life to Jesus and the power of the Holy Ghost came upon her. After seven days she came to me and testified, “I can't believe it but I have lived the past seven days without any man sleeping with me.” That was the beginning of her deliverance and she thereafter continued to live in holiness. It was the power of God that enabled her to live in holiness even though she had been a slave of sin. I want you also to know that it is absolutely possible to live a life that pleases God, all it takes is the enabling power of the Holy Spirit.
When a man gives his life to Jesus, the Holy Spirit comes to live inside him. Everyone who has accepted Jesus has a measure of the Holy Spirit inside them. However, you need to go beyond that measure and access an overflowing measure of the Spirit. The Spirit of God overflows your life when you receive the baptism of the Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues. The Holy Spirit is the power for living. He empowers you to live in holiness, power and miracles. In John 7:37-38, Jesus said, If any man thirst, let him come unto me, and drink. He that believeth on me, as the scripture hath said, out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water. He was talking about the baptism of the Holy Spirit which is available to everyone who thirsts and desires it. When you ask, God will give you the Holy Spirit (Luk 11: 13).
It is easy to receive the Holy Spirit. A sister gave her life to Christ and then I began to make her understand that she needed the power of God with the evidence of speaking in tongues. She asked me, 'do you mean like this . . . ?' And then she began to speak in tongues. I didn't even lay hands or pray for her, she just received. She later told me that as I was speaking, she began to sense a language within her, and so she decided to speak it out and that was it. Today, receive yours.

* Ask for the overflowing power of the Holy Spirit to come afresh upon you and uphold you in grace.
* Ask God to rekindle the fire of the holy Spirit upon you and re-energise your faith.
* Lift your hands and pray in the Holy ghost.

In 2015, I will sour higher, not by my power or might but by the Spirit of the Lord, in Jesus’ name.