Saturday, December 31, 2016

Shout of Praise

Saturday 31 December
READ: Isa.12:6
MORE LESSON: Psa.98:6-9

Some years ago, as a student in Kwara State School of Basic Studies, I was facing a particular situation that made me cry for sometime. Then I decided to go to an open field to shout praises to God for about 30 minutes. Friend, that problem did not last for two days before I got the victory. Next time there is no one around to share your problem with, shout praises to God. I once asked our father Daddy E.A. Adeboye this question, “Why shout hallelujah?” He replied that satan hates the shout of hallelujah. Give your enemy what he hates. When you shout praises because negative things are happening around you, satan is defeated.
One of my excitements in praise is the secret of it that I understand. There are a few things I know about praise and many things it has done in my life. If there is a multipurpose tablet in the Christian world, that tablet is praise. It reverses the enemy's activities. I have not seen anything that is needful for God that praise is not useful for. Praise is useful for all times. Praise is a singular multi-faceted tool that God has given us. The dimension of praise I want to share with you today is SHOUT.
The Bible admonished in the Old Testament that the priests be clothed with righteousness and the saints shout for joy. Praise can be done in form of shouting. Isa.12: 6: says, Cry out and shout, thou inhabitant of Zion: for great is the Holy One of Israel in the midst of thee. In this scripture, there is a command; Shout. Why? Because of joy. Shout is an expression that goes with joy. In this scripture, it is so clear that one of the ways we can express the presence of God in our midst is with a shout. God's appearances in most occasions in the Old Testament were heralded with shout. When God comes into a situation, there is a shout. This means you can do a shout of praise to invite God into a situation.
Why do we have a shout when God is involved in a matter? This is because the presence of God brings great intervention into a matter. David said, Shout for the presence of God in your midst is great. This is because something extraordinary has entered into your midst. You can either use shout to invite the presence of God into a matter or to celebrate God in a situation. These are the two things you can do with shout. As you shout praises to God, the Lord will arise and destroy your enemies, in Jesus' name.

* Lord, let the situation I am going through end in praise.
* Father, all through the year, the shout of praise shall not cease in my mouth.

My Father and my God, You are the reason for my seeing today, I praise You and dedicate my life afresh to Your praise! Thank You for 2016, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Friday, December 30, 2016

War against Worry II

Friday 30 December
READ: Hos.7:8-9
MORE LESSONS: Judg.16:1-30

I prophesy that you will be mighty in Jesus’ name. Where are the mighty men of our time? Just to take a fast or attend Bible study once a week is a problem for many. Every Bible study you miss in the year reduces the strength of your destiny. So, calculate how many you have missed this year and see what you are left with. Every time you refuse to do your quiet time, you become less; the beginning of that day is on the negative. Everyday you can't say this is what I read and learnt from the Bible, everyday you have no meditation nor revelation from God, you become less.
Mighty men are teachable and sacrificial. They don't only have an idea and vision, they work towards it. Don't always dream, don't always talk, work the talk. If you want to be a lawyer, make friends with lawyers, talk with people who read law, ask questions from those who are practising and sometimes go to the law court and see lawyers at work. Buy and read the books and one day it will happen. Do not ever plan to be a small person in life. There is nothing wrong in starting small but don't stay small and in order to avoid staying small, work at greatness. Be teachable, be disciplined, add knowledge, add value to your life every day. Let something in you cry out, “In the name of Jesus, I must be mighty. I receive grace to manifest”.
At 75 Abraham just started, so don't think you are too old to become mighty. Greatness should follow a man till he enters the grave. Don't think you are too small, Samuel started as soon as he was weaned, probably at age five. There are some things that will not allow a man to manifest the might of God. Tell them to catch fire. Some of such things are laziness, procrastination, early gratification of pleasure, evil company, sin, ignorance and disobedience.
Say now, “Father in the name of Jesus, I step into a mighty life; I shall not be small but I shall be mighty. In the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, I am a mighty man, anything contrary to might in my life, I command it to catch fire. I command the mighty man in me to arise and manifest. I prophesy that I shall not die small, I shall be a mighty man. The anointing to manifest mighty things fall upon me. Anything that prevents mighty things in my life, die, in Jesus’ name.”

* In the name of Jesus, I shall be great and I shall manifest greatness.
* In the name of Jesus, I shall recover lost time and become all that God has ordained me to be in destiny.

Father, by You I have run through a troop, and to Your glory I have leaped over the wall in 2016. I give You praise, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 29, 2016

War against Worry I

Thursday 29 December
READ: Matt.6:25-32
MORE LESSONS: Phil.4:6-7

What you spend your thoughts and minds upon determines what dominates your life. Your thinking determines your experience, your mind is the control panel of your life because according to Prov. 23:7, For as he thinketh in his heart, so is he.... So there is unquestionably incredible power in the kind of thoughts that you allow in your mind because it determines the direction of your will and ultimately the course of your actions.
Man is naturally programmed to worry about his needs and wants. The wants and needs of man are unending so that the more you have, the more you want to have. The things of this world cannot satisfy and this is why man is unsatiable. And as the needs, wants and desires continue to grow, the worry and anxiety for them also develop roots in man's heart leaving the soul drained and parched from the unsatisfied yearnings.
This force of unending worry becomes the god of man because he is motivated by his worries and not by God's Word. Behavioural scientist and psychologist Abraham Maslow who, after studying the motivations of human behaviour(actions) concluded that all human behaviour is driven by the same basic "hierarchy of needs" such as food, drink, clothes, housing, protection, security etc.
Jesus is speaking emphatically in our text about these worries of mankind and how to overcome them. The key word in the passage is …take no thought…. The original Aramaic rendering of that phrase means “to think with anxious distracting solicitude over a matter”. Therefore, it will be a total misunderstanding of the context of the instruction of Jesus to say that we are not to be prudent, careful or even thoughtful in the matters of life and well-being. The point is that you must never let your desire distract you from the focus of the Christian life which is the Kingdom of God and His righteousness.
God promised that if you re-arrange your priorities to align with God's Kingdom, all the things that people worry about will be yours on a platter of gold because God is able to provide for your needs. You can win the war against worry and anxiety if you will cast all your cares upon the Lord daily. Re-arrange your priorities today, put God first and watch Him bless you beyond boundaries.

* Release yourself from every thought that has kept your mind and life in bondage.
* Lord, I align my heart to Your Word, let all things needed for life and godliness be released to me.

God will arise and favour me, for my set time has finally come, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 28, 2016

Being Relevant

Wednesday 28 December
READ: Prov. 18:10-16
MORE LESSONS: Dan. 5: 1-17, 29

A man of God once said, Several people are looking for relevance and significance outside themselves whereas what makes a man important is what comes out from him.
Many people live and die without finding relevance, not because they are not created to be famous but because they seek relevance in the wrong places. What you are looking for outside is inside. What makes a man relevant and important is on his inside. The only way to find relevance and importance is for you to locate that valuable gift inside of you and start working at it. Stop striving or lobbying with people for relevance, concentrate on working out the gifting of God inside you and giving it out.
If you need to get more training to bring out the relevance on your inside, please do. First, locate where your relevance is and then relate with people from there. If what you need to bring out the potential on your inside is relationship, then break the wrong relationships that will not take you to where you are going and pay the price for the right type of relationship. It may take time but you have to put yourself there by service. You can get to a church or an organisation and in one month become more relevant than someone who has been there for 10 years. All it takes is putting what is inside you into use. When you first enter a place, don't start looking for what to get or take away, look for what you can add. This is because what you add determines your value and relevance.
The point is, to be relevant in any relationship or community, among other things, learn to serve. Service makes a man prominent and noticeable. When the Bible says that a man's gift makes room for him, and brings him before great men (v16), it is not only referring to what you have as a talent, it also means what you have to offer. The New Living Translation puts it this way, Given a gift can open doors; it gives access to important people! So what makes you relevant in life is not what you get but what you give, either in sacrifice or in service, or in offering to God and to man. People like Solomon in the Scripture and others in contemporary times have shot themselves into limelight by giving extra- ordinarily and the same opportunity still exists for you too today. Choose to be relevant, go for service.

* Father, help me to discover what You have deposited in me for my relevance and greatness.
* I renounce anything that can rob a man of value and relevance, in Jesus' name.

No evil shall be repeated in my destiny, failure shall not come a second time, I'm destined to win, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 27, 2016

Jesus is King II

Tuesday 27 December
READ: Mark 5: 1 - 19
MORE LESSON: Matt. 9:18

Some years ago, my spiritual mentor was running an open air crusade in Makurdi, Nigeria. He asked me to pray and say a few words before he came up to preach. I began to read the text of today and spoke about the ferocious mad man who eventually sat down at the feet of Jesus, clothed and transformed such that nobody could recognise him anymore. Thereafter, my father came up and as he was ministering, the power of God fell. A popular mad man in the town began to walk towards the crusade ground. As he headed straight towards the altar, people began to step back and make way for him. They knew who he was and so no one dared to come near to hold him. No usher or protocol dared come near him. He went straight to the altar, stood before the preacher, and asked, “What am I doing here?'' He was ministered to and asked to sit there with the people on the altar. He replied that he couldn't sit there as he was not properly dressed. You have to understand that whenever a mad man discovers that he is wearing rag, he has become sane.
The mad man of Gadarenes met Jesus and his madness disappeared (Mark 5: 1 -19). Whenever Jesus shows up, whatever has been wrong in men becomes right. Whenever King Jesus shows up, what was ruling men on the inside and making them behave contrary is over-ruled by Jesus. So madness, sickness, death and every other thing that rule man negatively bow when Jesus rules. Mark 6:56 bears record. When they came out of the boat, immediately the people recognised Him, ran through that whole surrounding region, and began to carry about on beds those who were sick to wherever they heard He was. Wherever He entered, into villages, cities, or the country, they laid the sick in the marketplaces, and begged Him that they might just touch the hem of His garment. And as many as touched Him were made well. The wonders that Jesus performed were evidence of His Kingship. Jesus is King; even madness, sickness, poverty, negative situations and circumstances recognise His Kingship and submit to Him.
Today, everything that has been ruling you to your detriment bows to the Kingship of Jesus permanently. Jesus is King; tell your situation the King is born. Command your pain and adversity to bow to the new born King on your inside and it will surprise you what God can do. Since Jesus was born in me I have never looked up to anything anymore. I don't serve or worship any other king, since Jesus became my King. Thankfully therefore, nothing has dared to demand worship from me, be it sin, hell, satan or affliction. I simply tell them, I shall serve no other god other than the Saviour of my life, and guess what? They all bow and leave.

*Command every throne contrary to Jesus that has been set up in your life to be destroyed by fire.
* Enthrone Jesus over your home, children, health and your life.

Today, I see the face of grace and glory, to triumph over evil and to prevail where others tumble, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 26, 2016

Jesus is King I

Monday 26 December
READ: Matt. 2: 1 - 6
MORE LESSON: Num. 24: 17 - 19

When Jesus was born, some men in the Far East noticed something strange that had happened. They saw a star and the extent of the brightness of the star indicated that somebody had been born, who is beyond the ordinary. Star indicates rulership; a star is a ruler, God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also: Gen 1:16. Light rules and the light of the star they saw that night is the Light that shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot comprehend it (John 1: 5). The star that shone so brightly that it lighted the sky is symbolic of the fact that the King who was born will overcome darkness in every area of the world.
The wise men were wise in that they decided to follow up on the light and confirm whether what they had seen was real. They knew that the star represented a king but the extent of his jurisdiction was not known to them. They were sure that the child that was born was a king but they didn't know the king of where he would be. So they asked where the King of the Jews would be born. They knew he was king but their wisdom was limited because they didn't know that he wasn't merely the King of the Jews. Had they known that Jesus is the King of all Heaven and earth, they would have worshipped Him better.
These wise men were limited in their wisdom because of an inaccurate revelation of the person of Jesus Christ, so they brought gifts and bowed to Him in worship. Today, you know that Jesus is the King of the universe and that all things were created by Him (John 1: 3). He is the only Saviour and Lord who can save and deliver. This is the reason you should bring gifts to Him beyond what these men brought; the greatest gift you can give Him is to give your life to Him if you have not done that already. Make Jesus the Saviour, Lord and King of your life.
The shepherds have laid an example for us all to follow; athough they were ignorant of who Jesus was yet by the little they knew, they worshipped Him as King. We too must worship Him with all we have been endowed with, (physical, spiritual and all other ways). There must be nothing too big or expensive for us to lay down at the feet of Him who laid down His life for us. He should be the King of our lives and to Him alone we must ascribe glory and worship, and to none else. Serving Jesus is the proof that we recongise that a King was born.

* Praise Jesus and proclaim Him King over your life forever.
* Ask that Jesus will be revealed to all men in your family and neighbourhood, who have not accepted Him as King in their lives.

My glory and greatness shall not end with 2016, I shall remain ever strong and advancing, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 25, 2016

Jesus: The Manger Born Messiah

Sunday 25 December
READ: Luk. 2:1-7
MORE LESSON: Luk. 2:12.

Jesus' time and place of birth are of great significance and that is why our Scripture reading of today started with it. It was a time of decree and a time of fax, everyone going to his/her city to obey the decree. The prophecies about Jesus' place of birth must be fulfilled and so Ceaser Augustus ordered everyone to move, And when he had gathered all the chief priests and scribes of the people together, he demanded of them where Christ should be born. And they said unto him, in Bethlehem of Judea: for thus it is written by the prophet: Matt. 2:4-5. In fact, it is not only about the place of His birth; everything written concerning Him was fulfilled. Jesus' birth fulfilled the Scripture because He Himself came to fulfil the whole Scripture (Jn. 19:28). May your life fulfil the Scripture positively, in Jesus’ name.
The fact that He was born in a manger was a sign and highly significant (Lk. 2:7). The Messiah for the whole world was born in a manger; what a paradox and an irony! But as usual, it happened also that the Scripture might be fulfilled. Jesus was born where He was born because of what He came to do! Jesus came as a lamb to take away the sin of the whole world; as it is usual for a lamb to be born in a manger, Jesus was born there. He was also born in a manger because ... there was no room in the inn... which means that Jesus came to a people who were not expecting Him. There was no space in a comfortable and expected place, so, He was born in a manger. We must make room for Jesus in our heart and life so that He can do all that He was sent to do in us.
Moreover, His birth in a manger was prophetic; low place, a place no pregnant woman wants to deliver her child. Can you imagine delivering your first child in a place where sheep and goats are feeding? Jesus was born there to tell the whole world that He would fulfil His ministry with humility, He came and did things the world expected. His birth in a manger is a declaration that He did not come only for the highly placed, but for the lowly too. Jesus came to die for all categories of people and so all celebrated His birth; the wise men from the east, which signifies the learned and the shepherds which signifies the unlearned and the illiterates (Matt. 2:1-2, Lk. 2:8-16).
It also means that if Jesus could be born in a manger, He can inhabit any life no matter how bad it is. Only if the heart can be opened, ready to receive Him, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock, if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come into him and will sup with him, and he with me: Rev. 3:20. All you need to do to be a saved person is to open the door of your heart, when Jesus comes in, He will take care of your entire life from the earth to Heaven. Can Jesus be born in you today? Is there room for Jesus in your life? He wants to be there now!

* Thank You Father for delivering me from the bondage of sin.
* Father, thank You for the gift of salvation and permanent place for Jesus in my life.

Just as angels celebrated Jesus with shouts of hosanna, so shall my destiny be celebrated with songs of high praise to Jehovah, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 24, 2016

Christian Leadership

Saturday 24 December
READ: 1 Cor. 11: 1
MORE LESSONS: Mark 10: 35-45

Being a leader is a huge responsibility which is given to us and for which we must give account. Christian leadership, contrary to the world system, is not about seeking title, position or power but commanding emulation through positive spiritual influence. Spiritual leadership is about your life being a worthy example to people spiritually and in other aspects of daily life. Each time you exert positive influence on people's lives, you are leading. This is the reason why when a person gets saved through you, it is said that you led him or her to Christ. A wise man once said, You are a leader if you have ever attempted to get someone to do something right. Another wise man said, If your actions inspire others to learn more, do more and become more, then you are a leader.
This understanding makes leadership accessible, available and possible for all and sundry; you mustn't be president, chairman or head before you lead. You can lead whatever your position in an organisation, group or family. All you have to do is to be a positive influence and add value to that place with or without recognition. Christian leadership is not about having all the privileges and having every one serving you. It is about serving others. It is pouring your life and resources to further God's cause and the welfare of the people. If there is somewhere or somebody whom you can serve with your God-given ability, you are already progressing in leadership.
Christian leadership is about caring, nurturing and raising people; it is both a privilege and a responsibility. You can exercise leadership as a father or mother in the family, as a person positively impacting your friends, a teacher or coach influencing young people for Christ; you can exercise leadership one-on-one. It is not only when you face a crowd or you are in a big position that you are in leadership. In fact, it is faithfulness to God in little and seemingly unimportant areas of leadership and tasks that you do either in church, at work or at home that determines how God commits bigger things to your hands, He that is faithful in that which is least is faithful also in much: and he that is unjust in the least is unjust also in much: Luke 16:10.
Christians should not lobby, seek or rush into leadership positions, most especially in the Body of Christ. They should allow God to place them according to the measure of grace He has given them, Don't be in any rush to become a teacher, my friends. Teaching is highly responsible work. Teachers are held to the strictest standards: James 3:1 (The Message). However, if God has made you a leader, His grace is sufficient for you even in your weakness. I pray you will not fail in your assignment, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God for grace to be a leader indeed.
* Pray that you will not fail in your responsibility as a leader and that you will not mis-use the privilege.
* Pray for the leaders of your local assembly.

As the pregnancy of Jesus could not be aborted despite all satanic anger, so shall my destiny survive all attacks, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 23, 2016

God’s Nature

Friday 23 December
READ: II Pe.t 1:4
MORE LESSONS: 1Jn. 2:12-20

We cannot get enough of the Word of God which brings God to us. The environment of Heaven finds expression in the Word of God. The more of the Kingdom of Heaven we want to experience, the more of the Word we must deliberately digest. Growing in the Word of God requires discipline and a lot of effort at first, but as we make a habit of reading and meditating on the Word, we soon begin to build our lives around it with ease. Every time we receive the Word, we receive God. All of this is simply to say that the reason God gave us His Word is to make us like Him.
Beyond the breakthroughs and miracles that we receive as we walk in God's Word, the ultimate invitation of God for us is to become like Him. This is the very heart -beat of the Father. God is building Himself into us by the instrumentality of His Word; He wants to totally transform us. This is the ultimate assignment of God's Word in us; to upgrade our present reality into God's realm of dominion. God is constantly changing our lives into His image. Through every victory, deliverance and healing, God is calling us to become channels of deliverance, healing and victory to the world around us. The life of God must be seen in and through our daily living, for this is the ultimate work of the Word in us. The Living Book is given to make us living books and epistles to our generation.
We are called Christians because our biggest responsibility is to be like Christ, walking in the divine nature of Christ; a life that absolutely portrays Heaven on earth. Jesus walked the earth many years and never fell sick, rather, He healed the sick. This is because no virus or disease can thrive in the divine nature of Christ, none, not one! The divine nature is an absolute supernatural life that natural people cannot resist. And this is one of the greatest tools for evangelism.
God is calling us out of this present noise into maturity of soul and spirit. It is God's desire that every word of ours and deed beam the Gospel to that person who might never get to read a Bible, And whatsoever ye do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus,...: Col. 3:17. Let us live in the consciousness that we are the living epistles of the Gospel of Christ today. For it is only through contact with the Word that we can impact our world.

* Father, help me to devote myself to Your Word.
* Father, let me manifest the seed of God in me in my character.
* Because I have the nature of God, sickness, diseases and sin shall not reign in my body.

As mountains surround Jerusalem, so shall the angels of the Lord surround me on every journey this month, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 22, 2016

Forgiveness by the Blood

Thursday 22 December
READ: I John 2: 1-2
MORE LESSONS: Prov 28: 13

An important dimension to forgiveness is the need to forgive yourself of the mistakes and errors of the past so that you can overcome guilt and inferiority complex. You might be disappointed about some things you have done in the past but you need to rise again from the fall and go ahead with God. Satan rejoices in seeing us fall into sin and remain fallen, but God rejoices in seeing us get up and overcome sin. The devil always tries to remind you of the sins and mistakes of yesterday. When satan reminds you of your yesterday, you should remind him of the cross. There may be imperfections and mistakes as we live day to day but we shouldn't because of this give up on ourselves. We must learn to accept that we occasionally stumble.
Forgiving oneself is part of the blessings of the cross. A lot of people today are in crisis because they cannot forgive themselves. We should deal with guilt by the Blood of Jesus so that the enemy will not use it against us. A guilty conscience is dangerous. Most suicide cases stem from a feeling of being disappointed about something and refusing to accept help. Not forgiving oneself can be as a result of pride, as some feel too big about a mistake they made that they find it difficult to forgive themselves.
This pride gives room to satan to penetrate deeper into their lives. When you refuse to forgive yourself, you simply believe that no future or opportunity exists for you anymore. But I am glad to announce to you today that through the Blood of Jesus, there is a better tomorrow for you, My little children, these things have I written unto you that ye sin not: I John 2:1. Sin can never be justified no matter who commits it; sin has no approval in scriptures, But if any man sin…, That is a conditional statement. God doesn't expect or want us to sin but He made a provision in case it happens. …we have an advocate with the Father.
An advocate is one who pleads on behalf of another. Jesus who died on the cross of Calvary is our advocate with the Father, who pleads our case. He knows our frame and because of His righteousness, He can stand before the Father from where He points to His Blood on the cross to obtain forgiveness for us. If God has forgiven us, we should forgive ourselves. Calvary, therefore, is the place for self forgiveness, And he is the propitiation for our sins and not for ours only, but also for the sins of the whole world: v2. No matter what you have done, today, it is time to say, 'Jesus, I accept Your gift of forgiveness.'

* Father, I am released from every guilt that unforgiveness has brought upon me and I accept the forgiveness by the blood of Jesus.
* I declare, no more will I walk under the condemnation of satan because I have been forgiven.

Angels of blessing, visit me today as you visited Abraham and Sarah at the crucial time of their life, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 21, 2016

Stirring the Heart of God

Wednesday 21 December
READ: Gen. 22: 1-10
MORE LESSON: Gen. 22: 11 - 18

God will do great and mighty things for a man who will stir Him up. There are things you do that stir God to action on your behalf. When you touch the heart of God, you will see His hand move on your behalf. 2 Chron 16:9 says, for the eyes of the Lord run to and fro throughout the whole earth, to shew himself strong in the behalf of them whose heart is perfect toward Him . . . . God is willing to show Himself strong on your behalf, but there are things you need to do to stir Him up.
The following are things you can do to stir God to action on your behalf:
1. Praise Him: praise moves God. When you want to stir God to action concerning your matter, you need to give Him heartfelt praise. When your situation is adverse and you still give God quality praise, you will see His hand move for you. Always be grateful and thankful for whatever the Lord has done in time past before you make the next request. Don't complain about what you have not got, praise Him for what He has done for you in the past and then praise Him in advance for the things you don't have yet.
2. Pay your vows to Him: if you make a pledge out of faith to God, and you pay your vows and pledge even though it is not convenient, you have stirred the heart of God and committed Him to action. Psa. 50:14 says, Offer unto God thanksgiving; and pay thy vows unto the most High. And call upon me in the day of trouble: I will deliver thee and thou shalt glorify Me.
3. Make sacrifices: when you live a sacrificial life towards God and His Kingdom, you will move Him to action for you. When God saw that Abraham was willing to sacrifice his only son for Him, He was stirred to bless him with an irrevocable blessing (Gen 22: 15 – 18). When Solomon sacrificed one thousand sheep to God, God showed up that very night to impart uncommon glory on him. You can stir the heart of God by your sacrifices.
4. Live in righteousness: Enoch walked with God and he was no more for God took him because he pleased God. You can touch the heart of God by righteous living; righteousness stirs God up and sin turns Him off. In our world today, you may have to pay a price and do without some things in order to maintain your righteousness with God but when you decide to stand firm for righteousness despite the cost and price, you will stir God up to bless you.

* Sing songs of praise to God.
* Ask the Lord to remember your vows, sacrifices and to remember you for good.

This month, I shall not sleep the sleep of death, I shall not walk into my enemy's trap, I shall live to see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 20, 2016

Potholes of Stagnancy

Tuesday 20 December
READ: Job 8: 7
MORE LESSON: Exo. 14: 15

It is important to know what causes stagnation in life so that you can know how to step out of it. When you know the potholes of life that cause stagnancy, you will know how to come out it if you find yourself in that situation. Stagnation means to stay at one level for a long time without moving forward. A man can be stagnant in his spiritual experience. A person who got born-again, was praying for ten minutes a day and after many years he is at that level of 10 minutes prayer, is stagnant. A man who starts a small shop and after so many years the business is still at that level is stagnant. A child of God is permitted to start small but he is not allowed to stay small. This is why Job 8: 7 says, Though thy beginning was small, yet thy latter end should greatly increase.
The first pothole that people fall into and stagnates is ignorance. The greatest mountain in a man's life is the mountain of ignorance. The Bible says, My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge...: Hosea 4: 6. Even people that are unsaved are so on the basis of ignorance as the Bible says that the god of this world blinded the eyes of the people who refuse to be saved ( 2 Cor. 4: 4). The devil caused them to be ignorant of the gospel even when they hear it. Ignorance is deadly. This is why you must go for knowledge in your life, work, field and calling. If you are a tradesman or craftsman, there are new innovations and styles. If you are practising your trade or field the way it was done ten years ago, it will lead to poverty. You must go for training, exposure, courses, learn new things and develop new competencies if you want to move forward.
Another pothole that people fall into is the pothole of fear. Some people are so afraid of taking steps that they stay in one place for ever. Some are afraid of attempting anything new because of the fear of failure. If you want everything to be safe and certain before you move, you will never move. It is better to try and fail than to stay in one place without trying. Moreover, as a child of God, you will not fail. As you commit your ways to God, get wise counsel from the right people and rise again even in the face of a temporary setback, you will realise that victory is sure for you.
The last pothole that will be considered today is the pothole of idleness. There is no future for a lazy person. Moving forward only answers to working at it. True progress has to be worked for, not begged for. Today, in the name of Jesus, I decree your deliverance from these potholes and announce the beginning of your continual progress, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask God to move you forward by all means, in Jesus’ name.
* Today, receive deliverance from every force of stagnation, in Jesus’ name.
* Break the force of idleness, in Jesus’ name.

I am a covenant member of the common wealth of Israel, my portion will reach me this year, it shall not go to another, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 19, 2016

Path Way to Wealth

Monday 19 December
READ: Gen. 25: 5 -6
MORE LESSON: Psa. 37: 25

The Bible says that Abraham gave all he had to his son Isaac (Gen 25: 5). Everything a father has belongs to the son by right. The sons of the concubines only got gifts but Isaac got the inheritance. This shows that a son has the certificate of ownership by birth, as Isaac had the right of ownership of all that Abraham possessed, by birth.
If God is your father, then you are not a poor man. You have the right of ownership by inheritance. I have discovered that poverty is a choice and wealth is also a choice. Many people argue when we make this statement. The reason is that such a statement places the responsibility of their poverty or wealth squarely on their shoulder. The truth is that you can choose to be rich and you can choose to be poor. The day a man makes the choice to be rich, he sets out deliberately to discover principles of wealth and work with them. Your heavenly Father is rich and you have an inheritance of wealth but you must make a deliberate effort to possess your inheritance.
Money doesn't have favourites. Money is not a citizen of any nation. There are beggars in America just as there are beggars in Nigeria. It is disheartening to see believers, Abraham's children, go around begging. When you make God your father, silver and gold become yours. As long as you are a child of God, then what belongs to Him also belongs to you. The first step to becoming wealthy is to become a child of the Possessor of Heaven and earth.
Psa. 37: 25 says, I have been young and now am old, I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his children begging bread. Righteousness means compliance with the principles of God. The reason many beg bread is because they constantly violate the principles that God has put in place for wealth. After being born again, the next step in becoming wealthy is righteousness – being in right alignment with God's principles. You must deliberately search out the principles and commit yourself to fulfilling them even when it is difficult. This is where the choice comes in; you have the choice to search for the principles or remain ignorant and you also have the choice to obey or disobey. One of such principles is kindness to others.
I heard the true life story of a woman who has been kind to people and her son travelled to go and borrow money in a far place. As the son passed by a church, the Lord spoke expressly to someone in the church that there was a young man passing in front of the church who was going somewhere to beg for money. The Lord asked the man in church to go and give him some money and thus stopped the young man from continuing on his journey to borrow. His mother's righteousness spoke for him.

* Ask God to lead you by His Spirit to secret riches in dark places, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God to visit all your seeds to humanity and His kingdom and bring you abundant reward, in Jesus’ name.

I command every satanic seal and embargo over my destiny to be broken by the force of Heaven today, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 18, 2016

Steps to Divine Restoration

Sunday 18 December
READ: Isa. 61: 7
MORE LESSON: Psa. 126: 1 - 6

Divine restoration is possible. In fact from the text of today, we can see that divine restoration is God's will for you. God desires that in all the places where you have been disgraced you become celebrated and that for all that you have lost, there is a double restoration to you. However, you have to know how to activate divine restoration in your life. The following steps are to be
followed in receiving restoration.
1. Identify what you have lost: If you don't realise that you have lost something, there will be no need to look for it. You can only find what you seek (Matt. 7:7).
2. Believe that God is able to restore whatever you have lost; you must appreciate the fact that if God has done it before, He can do it again. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. If He did it for people of old and has not denied men in contemporary times, your case cannot be an exception for God is good to all that call upon Him.
3. Fight back: the only language the enemy understands is that of violence and resistance. Jam. 4: 7 says, resist the devil and he will flee from you. Jesus himself puts it this way, that the violent takes it by force. The enemy is only as powerful to the extent that he is allowed room for operation, the day you rise up and talk back to him on the strength of your position in Christ, he will give way and let go of whatever he has stolen. Don't keep quiet over what you have lost, fight back!
4. Never give up; keep hope alive. Sometimes discouragement may arise in your heart when you look at how much damage has been done. It might even be as a result of your own errors and as such you think you don't have the morality to fight back. But I have good news for you that this battle is not in your name; this battle is the Lord's and you know what, this is a valid stance that even the enemy cannot contend with. Know this, that you are more than a conqueror through Christ. Keep hope alive!
5. Do something: Having done all, stand. You can't afford not to act in line with your conviction; for faith without works is dead. Whatever you were not able to do because of what was lost, start doing it now.

* Ask the Lord to restore to you all that you have lost, in Jesus’ name.
* Receive grace to stand firm until your change comes, in Jesus’ name.

God of second chance, cause all my delays to become a testimony before this year runs out, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Saturday, December 17, 2016

There is More

Saturday 17 December
READ: Josh. 13: 1 - 2
MORE LESSON: Phil. 3: 12

Joshua was a man that did great things and was mightily used of God. He was called by God to step into the shoes of Moses the man of God and he succeeded in leading Israel from the wilderness into the Promised Land. He built on what Moses achieved and took it further for another generation. We need men that will take the work of the fathers in one generation and build on it in their own generation. We do not want men that will destroy the work of previous generations by spoiling all that has been handed over to them. The ceiling of the last generation should be the ground floor for the next generation as they build on the work of God. Like Joshua was, I pray that God will make you a son in His Kingdom that builds on the work the fathers have done before in Jesus.
It was Joshua that led Israel across Jordan and the river dried up in full wet season as the ark of the Lord led the way across (Josh 3:14-17). Joshua led Israel to battle against Jericho and won without ammunition, it was obedience to the instructions of God that made the walls of Jericho come crumbling down. Joshua was in battle against the enemies of the people of God one day and it was becoming so dark such that the enemy would escape under the cover of the night. He commanded the sun to stand still and Heaven honoured his voice. He won many victories for the people of God and conquered lands for Israel.
However, in the text of today, we see God challenging Joshua at old age that he could have done more. Very few men have achieved what Joshua did for God's Kingdom but the Lord says there was room for him to do more if he had explored that possibility. This leaves us thinking that no man is qualified to say that he has arrived and he cannot move forward in his furthering God's Kingdom. There is the reason to move forward in your career, ministry, family, finance and destiny.
This is not time to rest your oar and start talking about how you used to do exploits in the 80s and 90s. This is the time to do more than you have ever done before. The Spirit of God will come upon you today to do greater things and move forward, in Jesus’ name. What is more, Jesus commanded us, when He was leaving the earth, to do more than He did. Jn 14:12 says, Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father. Friend, Jesus said if you believe you can do more, therefore believe and do more.

* Ask God to anoint you to carry the torch of His light to the end of the world, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask God that you shall not die until you fulfil all your God-given assignments on earth, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I connect to the power of God to renew strength, gain speed and be unbeatable, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 16, 2016

The Set Time

Friday 16 December
READ: Psa. 102: 13

The text for today reads, You will arise, and have mercy upon Zion: for the time to favour her, yes, the set time, has come: Psa. 102:13.
Each time people read this scripture, they take it as a declaration about a future time. Just because the Bible says, You will arise..., some people are so analytical and say that since Bible says that God will arise, it means it is not now; it is later.
The truth is that this scripture actually emphasises that the time set for your divine visitation has come, so He will arise now. This verse of Scripture is a challenge from the living God to you to quit pushing your miracle to the future and start to believe the-God-of-the-now. The set time for your favour and mercy is now; dare to believe that your story can change right now. It doesn't take forever for God to turn a life around; it only takes an encounter. A sinner can become a saint in a moment. A disease of many years can disappear right now. The child you have been waiting for can be conceived right now. The time for your visitation has come; believe God for it now. It is for this same reason that the Bible communicates in Heb 11:1, Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Note that it reads Now, faith is . . . not, 'Tomorrow, faith will be . . .'
When a difficulty confronts a man for so long, it starts to look as if it will take eternity for it to change. A man that has faced an affliction for a very long time begins to find it easier to believe that God will someday somewhere in the future change his life than to believe that God will stretch out his hand right away and turn his situation right now. This kind of faith that pushes the set time till a future date denies God's children of experiencing the miracles of God. Full faith believes in the God that will arise right now.
Today, whatever you are believing God for and however long you have waited for it, I want you to begin to declare that the set time for your miracle is now. There is a time set for your divine visitation and that time is not next year; it is not even tomorrow. The Bible says that it is now. In the name of Jesus, receive your desired change right now.

* Ask God to arise for you today and cause His favour, love and power to manifest in your life.
* Declare that you will not miss your time of visitation, in Jesus’ name.

Father, let today bring me word of Your unfailing love and breakthrough, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 15, 2016

The Seed that Breaks the Siege

Thursday 15 December
READ: II Kings 3: 26- 27
MORE LESSON: 2 Sam. 24:15-25

There is a story in the Bible of the king of Moab who was against Israel. He was being terribly defeated and he saw that there was no hope for him anymore. So when he realised that he had been besieged on every side and the battle was too hot for him, he took his eldest son and sacrificed him. The army of Israel was so appalled by the sight of this sacrifice that they turned from the battle and returned to their land. So the battle stopped even though it would have ended in favour of Israel and the destruction of Moab.
This king actually applied a spiritual principle in a diabolical way. The Bible says that the children of darkness are wiser in their generation than the children of light (Luke 16: 8). God is against human sacrifice and He is against those that sacrifice their children to idols. However, the act of making a sacrifice when the going gets tough is a principle that will never fail in its potency to turn situations around. This principle should be used by the children of God and not left to the children of darkness to use against us. Whenever there is a siege in your life, take a seed and make a sacrifice to the living God and see how miraculously the situation will turn in your favour.
The seed could be money, possession, time or effort. However, it must be something that costs you. Like David said in II Sam. 24: 24, you should not offer to God a sacrifice that costs you nothing. So whatever poses a siege in your life, be it childlessness, exam failure, lack, sickness or misfortune, you can break that siege with your seed. Sacrificial giving to God is powerful when you name it after a particular thing that you want God to do for you. Perhaps you have tried all you know to do and things are not working out well, then what you need at that point is to take some substantial seed in your hand , walk to the altar and sow it to God as a sacrifice. Then tell God that the challenge has become too strong for you and you have come to the end of your ability on that issue.
Hand over that battle to Him and you will see how easy it is for the Lord that thing which seems so difficult for you. You don't need any man of God to prompt you before you sow siege breaking seeds. Determine it by yourself, take it to God and sow it and you will see your captivity expire speedily, in Jesus’ name. No battle, no matter how strange, is too big for God, He sent from above, he took me, he drew me out of many waters. He delivered me from my strong enemy, and from them which hated me: for they were too strong for me: Psa. 18:16-17

* Lord, give me seed to plant that I may have bread to eat, in Jesus’ name.
* Let the dew of Heaven fall upon my seeds for abundant production, in Jesus’ name.
* I shall never withhold more than is needed, in Jesus’ name.

This month, a thousand shall fall at my left, ten thousand at my right hand, only with my eyes I shall see it, it shall not come near me, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 14, 2016

The Lion Slayer

Wednesday 14 December
READ: I Sam. 17:33-37
MORE LESSON: Judg. 14: 5 - 6

When David was to be launched into his glorious destiny in Israel, he had to face a giant called Goliath. Nobody gave him a chance to bring down the giant but that is because they didn't know the dealings of God in the secret place that had worked strength into this teenager. When Saul told David that he could not fight the Philistine giant because he was only a boy, he gave King Saul a response that I find particularly faith lifting. David said to Saul, Thy servant kept his father's sheep, and there came a lion, and a bear, and took a lamb out of the flock: and I went out after him, and smote him, and delivered it out of his mouth: and when he arose against me, I caught him by his beard, and smote him, and slew him. Thy servant slew both the lion and the bear: and this uncircumcised Philistine shall be as one of them, seeing he hath defied the armies of the living God.v34-36.
David had an unprecedented testimony, he was there in the secret place as a young boy and a lion and a bear came to attack the flock that he kept. The way the Scripture recorded it made it sound as if the lion and the bear came at the same time and this boy, without any ammunition, killed them both. In any case, even if the lion and the bear actually came at different times and he killed them without a single gun, that would have still been an outstanding feat. However if they came at the same time and he killed them both, that would be a wonder. I believe that it is possible for the lion and the bear to come at the same time and David killed them both, for with God nothing is impossible (Luke 1: 37).
It is the lions you slay when nobody watches that is the measure of your spiritual ability in God and determines the Goliaths you will be able to slay when a whole nation is watching. The Bible describes the devil as walking about as a roaring lion (I Pet. 5: 8). However, you are the slayer of the lion and the bear joined together. It is not you that should be running around that demons are pursuing you in your dream; use the power of the name of Jesus to slay them. Enough of running around to pastors for deliverance; it is time for you to be coming to tell your pastors the lions you have slain.
When David faced Goliath, he remembered that God had helped him to slay the lion and the bear before. Is there any victory that God has ever given you before? The last miracle is the key to imposing the one you need now.

* Father, by the revelation of Your Word, let every confrontation against my life bow, in Jesus’ name.
* I receive the grace not to fear any evil lion but slay them, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I decree every satanic baggage that has made my journey in 2016 tough, catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 13, 2016

Agent of Transformation

Tuesday 13 December
READ: Eph. 5: 23 – 6: 4
MORE LESSON: Josh. 24: 15

The first institution that God made was the family. In the beginning when God created man and He found that Adam needed a help meet for him, He created the woman and that was the beginning of the institution called the family (Gen 2: 20-25). The family is very dear to the heart of God. When Jesus came to the earth, the very first miracle that was recorded that He did was at a marriage feast (John 2:1-11). It has a great implication to note that the Lord attended a wedding; it shows that the Lord has great regard and value for the home.
In the text of today, God is giving instructions as relating to the home and He compares the home with His precious Church. The institution of marriage is so esteemed by the Lord that He compares it with the Church that He shed His blood for. When we look at the situation of the home in our nations, we will realise that there is a great need to return to God's intent for us. Divorce is becoming fashionable in the society, homosexuality, same sex marriage and perversion are being advocated and men abandon their wives and go after young girls. These are onslaughts of the enemy against the home because the devil knows that if he can break the foundation of the home, the nation and the world will come crumbling down.
Incest is so rampant but families are covering it. The families involved say, ''don't let the world hear''. The wickedness in the nations is on the increase because the family and society have rejected God. God is the foundation of the home and the home is the foundation of the nation. When a home is not founded on God, His principles of godliness and righteousness, it is like building a house without a foundation. Psa. 11: 3 says, If the foundations be destroyed, what can the righteous do? We have to return to the foundation, parents need to teach their children the way of the Lord.
The healing and deliverance that any nation needs must begin from the home. If every family is what it ought to be, the nation will be what it ought to be. Do you know that even the problem of poverty and unemployment in the nation can only be dealt with at the home front? A poor nation is nothing but a nation of poor homes and so a wealthy nation will be made by wealth in the homes. When parents apply God's principles of prosperity and pass those principles of the Kingdom to their children, poverty will be eradicated from the home and subsequently from the whole nation.

* Ask God to heal all Christian homes that are going through challenges, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord that your home will fulfil His purpose and plan, in Jesus’ name.
*Ask God to build homes for all eligible spinsters and bachelors in the church, in Jesus’ name.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus

Monday, December 12, 2016

Handing over to the Almighty

Monday 12 December
READ: 1Sam.2:3-9
MORE LESSONS: Dan.4:28-37

There is a God who could make a king like Nebuchadnezzar in all his glory to become an animal. Nebuchadnezzar walked out of his bedroom as an animal. From the throne where he was bragging, he just noticed that he was going down on four and walked into the bush, he grew claws like an animal. The counsel of God was negatively fulfilled over him instantly. Yet God put disability in the subjects so that they saw but could not harm the “animal” or rebel against him when he came back to the throne. The Almighty God is greater than the greatest. I am talking about handing over the enemy from within and outside to the One who is capable of dealing with them.
The Bible says that the day Nebuchadnezzar was restored, he came and nobody challenged him to say, “This animal, why do you want to rule us?”For seven years God kept the throne and he ruled over his kingdom again. Today, you are going to say, “Father, do to every enemy within and without what you did to your enemies in the days of old”. He took Nebuchadnezzar and made him an animal, He sank Pharaoh in the Red Sea after killing all the first born of Egypt, disgraced and humiliated Goliath before his death. That is what God does to His enemies.
You are going to pray, “Father, every enemy that has insisted that my glory will not arrive, every enemy that dreams to remove my coat of many colours, do to them what you are known for doing to your enemies. When you finish, Oh God, let the glory fall upon me contrary to their desire.” Because Joseph eventually realised his destny, you too will get there. One day his brothers went to buy food in Egypt and they had to bow down to Joseph.
I want to guarantee you that by the time you finish this prayer the angels will have been dispatched. I bless you in Jesus’ name. Whatever the enemy took from you I restore back to you; I deny the enemy access to any information they are using to destroy you, in the name of Jesus Christ. The information they have about you, I delete it, I destroy it! And I give you the right of way, go and achieve your goals. Receive flying colours today. I command that your glory cannot be covered, in the name of Jesus. You will not walk small in glory; you will walk in glory that cannot be covered. Before the end of this month you shall see your colours fly, you shall not be denied, in the name of Jesus. Today you will be located for the next level.

* Ask the Lord to undertake for you in all battles you are going through as the Lord of host.
* Ask the Lord to take glory in your situation and over your enemies.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus

Sunday, December 11, 2016

Holy Access

Sunday 11 December
READ: Matt.4:1-10
MORE LESSONS: Psa.24:7-10

Of all the sense organs of the human system, the loss of sight for me is the most traumatic, especially for the blind that once saw. You lose the beauty of colours, scenery and God's blue sky and deep blue sea. The blind man has no access to anywhere except by aid. In our Christian journey, we are empowered to have access to God every moment of the day for as long as we are correctly connected to Him.
Any time we are disconnected from God, satan takes advantage to lure us into ungodly acts. In our passage for today, satan wanted to give Jesus an unholy access. In Matt.4:9, satan told Jesus- ...all these things will I give you, if you will fall down and worship me…. Did Jesus say He didn't have them? When Jesus wanted to answer, did He say satan lied and that he was not the owner of all the glory on the face of the earth? No, He left it for another day to pay back. After He died on the Cross of Calvary, the Bible says the veil of the holy of holies tore open, providing a holy access. Jesus then followed up to hell to take back from satan the very key he ceased from Adam in order to release the saints that were held captive from the days of old (Psa.24:7). No wonder the Bible says when Jesus resurrected, in the city of Jerusalem they saw the saints that died walking on the streets (Matt.27:51-52). People identified them. The glory that satan said was his own and he needed Jesus to worship him for a lease, Jesus went down to hell and got it from satan by the instrumentality of His shed blood. The moment He died on the cross of Calvary and paid the price, He walked up to satan and said, I have paid the price.
When a man pays for a product, the product goes home with him. Jesus got to the gate of hell and said “I have properties inside” and He began to quote the Scripture. In verse 7 of our second passage. Ye everlasting doors, symbolise all benefits that are shut against your destiny in their large numbers. I command the everlasting doors to be lifted that the King of glory may come in. If you want your destiny to open, open the door. Your success is at the door. Your breakthrough is at the door. Your glory is at the door. The manifestation of God is at the door, your children are at the door, your financial manifestation is at the door, just waiting for you to say, be ye lifted, ye everlasting doors.

* Give thanks to God for all that Jesus has accomplished for you.
* Claim all your benefits of health, success, victory, access and breakthrough that Jesus has gotten for you.
* Declare that satan will not get access to your life, home and destiny, in Jesus’ name.

I am of the seed of Abraham, root of David and offshoot of Jesus, no man born of woman shall be able to uproot me from the land of the living in 2016 in the mighty name of Jesus

Saturday, December 10, 2016

Power over Satan

Saturday 10 December
READ: Luke 10: 18 - 19
MORE LESSON: Job 1: 6 - 7

When a third of the angels in Heaven rebelled against God under the rebel-leader called Lucifer, they were cast down to the earth. These fallen angels became very bad and are responsible for all the evil in the world today. The earth is divided under two forces; the good God and evil satan. Since the rebellion of the devil and his defeat in Heaven, he came to the earth looking for men to be in his rebellious camp. Every man is either in the camp of the Lord or the camp of the devil for there is no sitting on the fence. Some people say they are neither for God nor for the devil; they are free men. There are no free men and there is no neutrality, any man that is not for Jesus is for satan (Luke 9: 50).
Every man that is in the camp of the Lord is far above the devil (Eph. 1: 20-23). Satan is defeated and all his cohorts – fallen angels, demons, familiar spirits, wicked spirits and human agents-have been trampled underfoot of the Lord. It is gladdening to know that your enemy is a defeated foe. It should give you relief to know that satan is not that powerful - he has no power over you. Luke 10: 19 says, Behold, I give unto you power to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy: and nothing shall by any means hurt you.
Never you magnify satan, either by fearing him or talking about him. Rather, talk about Jesus and what He is doing in your life. Some people are always talking about the devil and what he is doing to them. Even what satan didn't do, they will say that he did it. They will say that satan hid their shoe and they couldn't find it on time, that is why they came late to church even when satan didn't come to their house at all. If you didn't know that satan is not omnipresent, then know it now. He cannot be in more than a place at a time. That is why in the book of Job, when asked where he has been, he said that he has been trekking to and fro on the earth. Only the Almighty God is in every place and all places at the same time. Satan is limited, and over a believer that knows his position in Christ, he is powerless and clueless.
The Bible proves our victory over satan, Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; ...he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it: Col. 2:14 -15. This shows us that through the cross, Jesus defeated satan and his cohorts and made a public spectacle of them. He triumphed over them and He placed you above them. If you are a genuine child of God, you have authority over satan and all his demons through the name of Jesus. Use your authority over him today.

* By the name and the blood of Jesus, I receive power over every force of darkness.
* By the victory of Jesus on the cross, my destiny is far above the control of satan.
* In the name of Jesus, I command every knee over my destiny to bow.

I proclaim my latter days in 2016 shall be greater than the former, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, December 9, 2016

The Grace Within

Friday 9 December
READ: I Pet. 4: 4-11
MORE LESSON: Eph. 4: 7

Every man has a unique grace inside him which can open doors for him and bring him to the fulfilment of his glorious destiny. The Bible says, whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him: John 7:38 (NIV). As long as you are a believer in Jesus Christ and you are filled with the Spirit of God, there is a river of grace that can flow from your inside and be a blessing to everyone that you encounter. This is the reason why no child of God should envy another man; he should rather locate the grace of God within him and no matter how small it looks, he should thank God for it and use it.
A young pastor was privileged to minister in songs in a service where one of the fathers in the faith that God has so highly honoured and lifted in this nation was present. The grace of God was so evident and the presence of God filled the atmosphere as people worshipped God with all their hearts. The spiritual father who was present in the meeting broke down in tears as he humbly worshipped the Almighty Father. After the worship session, the young pastor went to take his seat. It was later that the spiritual father discovered that the young man was a pastor under him in the church network that he oversees. The church network is so large with thousands of branches all over the world. The worship leader was just a parish pastor who was unknown to the general overseer and would never have been privileged to be at the level of a meeting with the General Overseer. In fact, the pastor would have been intimidated to preach where the General Overseer was seated as the gap between them was so wide. However, the grace to worship made the difference and at the first encounter with the General Overseer, the young man had something to offer that stood him out.
There is grace that the Lord has put inside you, you have to make it count. It might be the ability to serve in a little way that will make a difference. Yours might not be music or worship but the grace to bring order and excellent administration to a place. Whatever the Lord has given you, use it for His glory and to bless people around you. Don't hoard your gift, don't despise your grace and don't compare it with another person's that God has given what you think is bigger. What you have is God's best, use the grace within, A man's gift maketh room for him, and bringeth him before great men: Prov. 18:16.

* Lord, help me to locate and discover my calling, in Jesus’ name.
* Lord, I pray today that I will not do another man’s work.
* Father, cause that I will excel in my ministerial call by grace, in Jesus’ name.

I shut the door of December against every type of sympathy and condolence visit, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, December 8, 2016

The Dragon and the Lamb

Thursday 8 December
READ: Rev. 12: 1-17
MORE LESSON: Rev. 20: 1-2

Today's text shows a vision of a woman that was to give birth and a dragon stood waiting to devour the Child. The devil is depicted as a dragon in the Bible, ...The dragon, that old serpent, which is the Devil and Satan...: Rev 20:2. The Child was born and taken to sit on the throne of God far beyond the reach of the dragon. Not only that, the dragon was defeated and hurled to the earth. When the dragon couldn't get the Child, he pursued after the woman that gave birth to the Child, he spewed water against the woman but the earth helped the woman. The nation of Israel has been the subject of anger as the enemies of God try to destroy her. However, God will not allow the flood of the enemy to prevail against this chosen nation.
It is of interest to note that the devil was defeated in Heaven. The Bible says, they overcame him by the blood of the Lamb, and by the word of their testimony; and they loved not their lives unto the death: Rev 12:11. It is the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God, that conquers the devil. Jesus the Lamb is the victory you seek over the devil, the dragon. When you accept redemption through the blood of the Lamb of God, the power of the devil cannot touch you. Through Jesus, you can conquer satan. The blood of the Lamb gives you continual victory over the enemy after you are born again. Each time the dragon raises its ugly head in any area of your life, engage the blood of the Lamb and the devil will quickly hide its wounded head. James 4:7 puts it this way, Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
After the dragon was defeated and frustrated in not getting the woman (Rev. 12), he went to make war with the remnant of the seed which keep the commandments of God and the testimony of Jesus. The devil is now working diligently on the surface of the earth against men because he knows that his time is short. He is using deceit by luring people into eternal damnation. For those who are already born again, he tries to divert their focus and make them miss Heaven. He is unleashing sickness, war, poverty and all manner of evil against men.
Nevertheless, whatever satan does, I want you to know that the victory and antidote to all his works is found in the mystery of the blood of Jesus. Through the blood, you have salvation, eternal life, health, protection, provision, power and wisdom. Regularly activate the blood of Jesus by declaring its power over your destiny in the place of prayer. Also, eat the communion, plead the blood of Jesus on your ways and plan, and confess your trust in the blood constantly. There is victory in the blood.

* Satan, I overcome you today and forever by the blood and name of Jesus.
* Satan, you are a loser and you remain a loser, in Jesus’ name.
* I plead the blood of Jesus on (mention what you want) for defence and cover, in Jesus’ name.

This December, the Lord shall preserve my going out and my coming in, I shall be preserved in every way, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, December 7, 2016

The Testimony

Wednesday 7 December
READ: I Sam. 17:33-36
MORE LESSON: Rev. 12: 11

Testimonies are needed in these days more than ever, as clouds of doubt about God's ability loom over people's hearts. People confess God's ability but seek for alternatives in life. This is because their hearts are shaking when it comes to real trust in the power of God. This was the same for the nation of Israel in the face of Goliath and the host of Philistine. The Israelites confessed with their mouths that God was powerful but none was ready to stake his life to face the giant until a young boy showed up with his testimony.
When David wanted to fight Goliath, the people didn't believe in him because he had no evidence and track record. All that David had was his sling and a bag of sling stones and these were not enough. However, David had something extraordinary in addition to this; he had a testimony. Testimonies equip you and others to face battles and overcome. Testimonies make your faith in God to be so strong that it strengthens the faith of others. David said that a lion and a bear had come to attack his sheep and by the power of God, he slew them both. The lion and the bear either came one after the other and he killed them or better still, they came at the same time and he slew them both. When people heard this supernatural testimony, they believed in the God of David.
It was the testimony of David that equipped him to defeat Goliath. It was the testimony of David that strengthened Israel. Every testimony is the key to the next one. The testimony of your success last year should be the ladder to your greater success this year. And your failure last year is also the stepping stone to the success of this year; just turn it to a testimony. Paul the Apostle had challenges of shipwreck, hunger, persecutions, scourging and accidents but he turned them to testimonies that equipped him to achieve more for God (2 Cor. 11:25). You will succeed where you have failed before and where you have succeeded before, you will have greater success. All you have to do is to engage the power of the testimonies of God from your life and the lives of others, The light of the eyes rejoiceth the heart: and a good report maketh the bones fat: Prov. 15:30.

* I declare today that where I failed before I shall rise again, in Jesus’ name.
* I know that my Redeemer lives, therefore I can face tomorrow.
* I receive a greater and better ending over my small beginning, in Jesus’ name.

Father, even to the last second of this month, Your promise of progress over my life will continue to be at work, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, December 6, 2016

The Lake of Fire

Tuesday 6 December
READ: Rev. 20: 10 - 15
MORE LESSON: Rev. 21: 8

In the text for today, the Bible shows the end of satan and all that are joined with him. It is important to know that anyone who is not with the Lord Jesus is with the devil. Just as Jesus said that He was going to the Father to prepare a place for those that are His so that they may be where He is (John 14: 2 - 3), the devil also is going somewhere and those that follow him will be where he is. The devil, the antichrist, the false prophet and all those whose names are not found in the book of life are cast into the lake of fire which burns forever and ever, And the devil that deceived them was cast into the lake of fire and brimstone, where the beast and the false prophet are, and shall be tormented day and night for ever and ever: Rev. 20: 10.
The lake of fire is a place of eternal torment created for the fallen angels who rebelled against God and left their abode in Heaven. Satan and all the fallen angels know that they have been irrevocably sentenced to eternal anguish in the lake of fire. They want to carry as many other people as they can along, this is why they work so hard at deceiving the world , making people reject God and neglect the salvation in the blood of Jesus. The judgment of the lake of fire is on the head of satan and not on yours, so why will you allow yourself to be dragged into satan's sentence? Satan's sentence cannot be reversed but every man alive still has the opportunity to repent and cross over to the side of the Lord.
Don't go and suffer satan's punishment with him. Any man's sin can be forgiven if he will come to the Lord in repentance through Jesus Christ. The sin of the devil can never be forgiven because his fate has been decided. This is the reason you should accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour now that you still have breath. Once a man dies, it is too late to repent. As it is written, is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: Heb 9:27.
There is no sin and iniquity that a man has committed that the blood of Jesus cannot wash away. All you have to do is invite Jesus in and say no to sin. Today is the day of salvation, tomorrow may be too late, And the times of this ignorance God winked at; but now commandeth all men every where to repent: Acts 17:30.

* Lord Jesus, today I invite You into my life afresh, have mercy on my shortcomings.
* Satan, I renounce you in my life, pack your things and leave, in Jesus’ name.
*Today, little foxes of sinful nature in my life are renounced, in Jesus’ name.

I declare my year shall not end in sorrow or disaster, but in testimony and songs, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, December 5, 2016

His Return

Monday 5 December
READ: : Matt 24:36-44
MORE LESSON: Rev. 22: 12

In history, there have been times when someone would stand up and predict a date that Jesus was coming back. There have been prophetic 'date-fixing' of when the world will end and many were swayed by these 'fixtures'. At a particular occasion, a date was fixed by someone who claimed that God told him that Jesus would arrive on that day. Several people sold their possessions so that they could quickly enjoy the money before the end of time. Unfortunately, the day came and went and nothing happened. The Bible states categorically, ...of that day and hour knoweth no man, no, not the angels of heaven, but my Father only: Matt 24:36. Jesus said only the Father knows the time and the hour of His Coming.
Though the day and the hour is not known, it is still a surety that the Lord Jesus will soon return. A lot of people do not believe that Jesus will come back again. However, what benefit is there if Jesus came as He did the first time, He suffered, shed His blood and died and went to Heaven and never return. If the first coming of Jesus is all there is to Him, then Jesus was merely a martyr. The truth is that Jesus is not just a martyr, He is the Saviour, Lord and returning King. He promised that He was going to Heaven to prepare a place for His own and He added that He will come back and take them to where He is. In John 14: 3 Jesus said, And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again and receive you to Myself; that where I am, there you may be also. He has gone to prepare a place and He is coming to take us there, that should be enough a reason for all to prepare, so that we will not miss the place He has prepared.
Since He is coming back and we do not know the time but we know that it could be any moment from now, what should we do? We should be ready for every hour so that whatever hour He returns, you will be ready to receive Him. Talking about His return, Jesus reinstated, heaven and earth shall pass away, but my word shall never pass away: Matt 24:35. Jesus meant every word He said and wants you to be sure that His return is certain. It is as certain as death for every natural man, it will certainly come but no man knows the time. The Lord will return, live your life in active preparation, not in fear, being aware that as you live for Him, His return is to your joy and advantage.

* I declare today and forever my eyes are fixed and ready for His return.
* I refuse to be distracted by either delay or false doctrine concerning His return.
* I declare that nothing in life is worth making me to miss the first flight.

Today, God will honour my destiny, strengthen my future and uphold my blessing, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Like a Thief in the Night

Sunday 4 December
READ: I Thess 5: 1-4
MORE LESSON: Amos 4:12

The second text says, Therefore thus will I do unto thee, O Israel: and because I will do this unto thee, prepare to meet thy God, O Israel: Amos 4:12. The Lord says that there is something that He has decided to do and it will surely be done. You cannot prevent it from being done. The only wise thing to do is to prepare for it. What you cannot avoid, you prepare for and what you must live with, you learn to accommodate. The coming of the Lord is inevitable, the only wise thing is to prepare for it.
The Bible says that the day of the Lord comes as a thief in the night. All things being equal, a thief will not tell the time he is coming to rob a house. He would want to arrive at an unexpected time so that the owner of the house will be caught unawares. The coming of the Lord will meet many unawares. But the Lord has no interest in coming when His own children are unawares and unprepared. The coming of the Lord will catch the world unawares - like a thief in the night. But the children of light will be prepared. According to 1 Thess. 5: 4 -5, But ye, brethren, are not in darkness, that that day should overtake you as a thief. Ye are all the children of light, and the children of the day: we are not of the night, nor of darkness. The Lord doesn't want to catch His children unprepared. He doesn't want His coming to be like a thief in the night to His own. This is the reason He told us the times and seasons and gave several signs.
The Lord is calling in Amos 4:12, prepare to meet thy Lord. If a man is prepared, he will not be caught unawares. It is not the Lord's joy that He comes and everyone is not ready. He is not looking for the most unguarded moment when He will show and everyone will be unprepared. In fact, His desire is that you are ready for Him. This is the reason He is beseeching today that you should prepare for His coming because even if it meets the world as a thief in the night, it should not meet you as a thief in the night. The question is, How prepared are you? What will you say to the Lord if He comes and you can't go with Him because you are unprepared? You can't tell Him He didn't give you enough notice and signs. Jesus will come and if He tarries, death will come. As it is written, It is appointed unto a men once to die and after that judgment: Heb 9: 27. I pray you will not be caught unawares, in Jesus’ name.

* Ask the Lord to keep you in constant remembrance of His return, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord that rapture will not catch you unprepared, in Jesus’ name.

As the waters cover the sea, so shall my December be covered with recovery, victory and success, in the name of Jesus.