Friday, September 30, 2016

Men who would Not Bow II

Friday 30 September
READ: Dan. 6: 1-10
MORE LESSON: Dan. 1:3-8

There come times when it becomes difficult to profess faith in God, and it is at such times that men are differentiated from boys in the things of God. When the going gets tough, it is only the tough that gets going. There was a time in the kingdom of the Medes and the Persians when the rulers conspired against Daniel to make King Darius sign a decree that outlawed the worship of Jehovah God. They knew that they would never find any basis for charges against Daniel unless it had something to do with the law of his God (Dan 6:5 NIV). So they manipulated the king to make a law that nobody should worship any god except the king for one month.
Daniel didn't bow to the ungodly legislation, rather when Daniel knew that the writing was signed, he went home. And in his upper room, with his windows open toward Jerusalem, he knelt down three times that day, and prayed and gave thanks to his God, as was his custom (Dan 6:10). How many of us would not bow to the ungodly system in the same situation? If a law is made in your working place that prohibits identifying with Jesus, will you refuse to bow to that law? If you are threatened to be fired from work unless you compromise your faith, what would you do? We should not love our job more than the God who gave the job. God is looking for men that will stand for Him and defy ungodly laws. I want you to know that it is God who gave you that job and He can give you a better one. Moreover, if the Lord says that job is yours, nobody can move you an inch. Those who rise against you will rather fall for your sake (Deut 28: 7). This is what happened in Daniel's case; those that conspired against him finally fell for his sake.
Peter and John also preached and healed in Jesus’ name, and the Sanhedrin, the Jewish religious ruling class, summoned them and after beating them, prohibited them from preaching or speaking in that name anymore (Acts 4: 18). But Peter and John stood their ground and told the council members, Judge for yourselves whether it is right in God's sight to obey you rather than God. For we cannot help speaking about what we have seen and heard: Acts 4:19-20 (NIV). They refused to bow to the ungodly injunction that they were given. The result of their stand for God was that the gospel spread abroad and we benefit from it today. If they had bowed, generations would have been doomed to hell. Your refusal to bow to ungodliness is not just for yourself but also for the destinies of generations to come. Make up your mind and receive grace from God not to bow.

* Father, I receive grace to stand for Jesus come what may.
* Father, raise me and my household as part of the generation that will not compromise their faith for anything.

Thank You God of Heaven, there is none like You. You have already given me the nineth month out of twelve, I celebrate Your faithfulness, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 29, 2016

Men who would Not Bow I

Thursday 29 September
READ: Dan. 3: 14 - 18
MORE LESSON: Dan.11:32

These are days when it is challenging to stand in the faith, but there is no challenge we see now that has not been faced by men before. Our fathers faced those challenges but they never failed God. Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were Hebrews in the land of Babylon and Nebuchadnezzar, king of Babylon, made an idol and told all the people to bow to it. It was either they bowed to the idol or were thrown into the fiery furnace. If you were the one in such a situation, what would you do? Don't be too quick to beat your chest and say, “I would not bow, I would rather be burnt”.
Examine yourself in the light of similar situations you face before you make your claim: if you are told to do something wrong or be sacked at work, would you bow? If you are asked to give bribe or lose a contract, job or fail an examination, would you stand or devise some 'spiritual' rationalisation for your compromise? If religious terrorists hold you and say you should deny Jesus or be killed, what would you do? I know people that have changed their faith to secure or maintain a position. Those have bowed to the idol of Babylon.
Many of us have not faced great challenges as the Bible heroes faced and we have already run out of church. Men are quick to deny the faith in our time but Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego boldly declared, ...our God whom we serve is able to deliver us from the burning fiery furnace, and He will deliver us from your hand, O king. But if not, let it be known to you, O king, that we do not serve your gods, nor will we worship the gold image which you have set up: Dan 3:17-18 (NKJV).
It is only men who will not bow that will stand as testimonies and witnesses of God in this end-time. When Shadrach, Meshach and Abednego were thrown into the fiery furnace, the Lord God showed up for them and the king saw what he had never seen before: he saw the King of Heaven in the fire and king Nebuchadnezzar bowed to King Jesus. It is only the people that refuse to bow in this world that will cause the world to bow to Jesus. The reason our communities, workplaces, schools, institutions, states and nations are not bowing to Jesus is because believers easily bow to the same things unbelievers bow to. Today, God is asking you to decide to be one of those that will not bow.

* In the name of Jesus, by Your grace, I shall not bow to any challenge.
* Father, help me to stand as a testimony for Christ everywhere I am found, in Jesus' name.

Jesus, with You by my side, I shall not fail, victory is sure all-round, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 28, 2016

Glory Brings Good Things

Wednesday28 September
READ: Psa. 84:11
MORE LESSON: 2 Chron. 1: 6- 12

According to the Oxford Dictionary, the word ‘glory’ has several definitions and explanations. I am particularly impressed by the definition of glory as “a special cause or reason for pride”. This means that glory is something that happens to you or to someone around you and gives you a reason to be proud of the event. I think a man should always and only do and go for things that he can be proud of. Don't do things that you will be ashamed of when such are announced openly as what you did. Glory therefore is whatever brings you respect, honour and splendour. If glory makes a man to be respected, you should go for glory. I pray for you that in the name of Jesus, you will not see shame.
Glory is desirable. We can be proud of good things when they happen; success, wealth, children, marriages, jobs, academic excellence and increase are things that we can be proud of. When these things happen to us, we announce them and testify about them. Someone once likened glory to a spiritual visa that gives a man access to the best things of life. When you want the best things of life, what you need is for the glory of God to come upon you. When the glory comes, you immediately see good things draw to you of their own accord. Several people are pursuing money, appointments, promotions, houses and marriage partners, without caring to seek God's glory upon their lives. That is putting the horse before the cart. Those are not the first things to seek; get the glory and all those things will pursue you. David said, Surely goodness and mercy will follow me all the days of my life and I will dwell in the house of the Lord forever: Psa. 23:6.
When the Lord told Solomon to ask for whatever he wanted, Solomon didn't ask for material things; he asked for wisdom. The wisdom of God is part of His glory; so Solomon was actually seeking God's glory to be upon his life. The God of glory spoke to him, Wisdom and knowledge is granted unto thee; and I will give thee riches, and wealth, and honour, such as none of the kings have had that have been before thee, neither shall there any after thee have the like: 2 Chron. 1: 12.
He got the glory and the good things of life followed him. I pray for you that the glory of God will be your portion today, in Jesus’ name.

* Father, my life and works shall show forth Your glory.
* Father, don't let me dip my hand in anything that would bring shame and reproach.

I receive a total purification in the blood of Jesus from all the evil perfumes of bad luck and delay, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 27, 2016

Love, Don’t Hate

Tuesday 27 September
READ: Matt. 22:37-40

A good person will not think of killing any other person. Now the Bible says, Anyone who hates a brother or sister is a murderer, and… eternal life and murder don't go together: 1 John 3: 15 (MSG). The person who hates has no eternal life and so he is spiritually dead. God equates hatred to murder; hatred is darkness and is of death which is separation from the source of life. And the true source of life is God. Therefore, any man who hates his brother separates himself from God. Hatred is the nature of the devil. The man that is not born again does not have the capacity to love because he does not know God. We know that we have passed from death to life because we love the brethren. Love is the expression of the new life the believer receives at new birth. At regeneration, we receive the ability to love.
A brother shared a testimony of how God healed his mother of a disease. This woman had experienced long years of health crises. She had visited many doctors, spent a lot of money, and visited men of God for prayers but to no avail. Medical science could not diagnose what was wrong with her until the disease reached a terminal stage. People fervently interceded for her, and then she was finally diagnosed of cancer. The doctor said she needed to go through surgery. Then, during a fasting and prayer programme, the Lord revealed to this brother that the cancer was a product of hatred, which the devil used as a foothold to afflict her. It was also revealed that if she would repent and forgive the person who had offended her, she would be healed.
She reconciled with the person and asked God for mercy and then went for the surgery. After the operation, the doctors confirmed that there was no trace of cancer in what they brought out of her. She had been healed. Hatred is a foothold for satan to afflict a man. Hatred is the nature of the devil and it is a mark of spiritual death. A spiritually dead man cannot love because love comes out of life. As you determine to forgive those who have offended you and let go of your past hurts, I prophesy today that death will not have power over you.
In the scriptural passage that we read, the man came to Jesus to ask Him what good thing he would do to have eternal life, and the answer Jesus gave was to keep the commandments. The commandment of God is love. Love is the key to life. Love the Lord your God and love your neighbour, your distant and close brother, your hurting friend and all! Let a new season of love begin today, that we might be forgiven and healed.

* Father, I uproot every seed of hatred planted. in me, in Jesus' name.
* Father, I forgive everyone that has hurt me in the past and I receive Your forgiveness, in Jesus' name.
* Father, heal me of every wound that unforgiveness has caused in my life.

I withdraw performance from every negative pronouncement over my life, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 26, 2016

The Law of Divine Exemption

Monday 26 September
READ: Exo. 12:12-13
MORE LESSON: Isa. 54:15-17

God is irrevocably committed to His children’s protection. Since the day you gave your life to Christ, some things are not permitted to happen to you. The blood of Jesus is powerful enough to ward off evil from a man’s life, And the blood shall be to you for a token upon the house where you are: And when I see the blood, I will pass over you,... When I smite the land of Egypt: Exo. 12:13. The difference between the believer and the unbeliever is in the appropriation of the blood.
The night that God decided to pass through Egypt was a horrible night for those whose door posts were not marked with blood. There was wailing in every house except the houses of the Israelites who appropriated the blood. Supposing some Israelites refused to apply the blood as instructed, they would have been victims of the great slaughter that night. Also, if by any chance some of the Egyptians had applied the blood, they would have been exempted. This is so because God’s condition for exemption is, ...when I see the blood, I will pass over you.... Exo. 12:13.
Any man that chooses to apply the blood of Jesus in his life has chosen to be different in this evil generation. Evil can be happening all around you, it is not permitted to happen to you; only with your eyes you will see the reward of the wicked. From today, walk tall knowing that no weapon turned against you will succeed. The passover blood worked for the Israelites because they obeyed God’s Word or instructions through Moses. For the law of divine exemption to work for you, you must walk in righteousness and obedience to God’s Word and His servant. May you be exempted from every evil today and always.

* Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus.
* Declare that no evil shall be able to touch you and your household because you are covered by the blood of Jesus Christ.

Despite all odds, like Isaac, I shall wax great and move forward, in the name of Jesus.

The Enemy cannot Compete

Sunday 25 September
READ: Exo. 8:5-25
MORE LESSON: Psa. 2:1-5

The difference between gods and ordinary mortals is the capability to do such things that ordinary humans cannot do. When God allowed Moses to go to Pharaoh, it was with a promise, ...I have made thee a god to Pharaoh...: Exo. 7:1. For as long as the magicians of Egypt were able to copy and repeat whatever wonders Moses performed before Pharaoh, he was not a god to Pharaoh or a threat to his kingdom. In fact, Moses was disdained and earned no respect nor honour. But as soon as the magicians could no longer perform nor repeat the wonders of Moses, he became a god to them.
Moses suddenly became a man to be negotiated with, rather than a competitor. In fact, the magicians saw beyond Moses and they said, ... This is the finger of God. In verse 25, Pharaoh said, ...Go ye, sacrifice to your God in the land. That is the power that cannot be defeated. Again in verse 28, Pharaoh said, I will let you...: Intreat for me. Imagine Pharaoh begging for prayer, because he met a power stronger than him, such power that he could not compete with nor confront.
If only you will ask God today to grant you such power of performance that the enemy cannot confront nor compete with, just like a god, your enemies will soon go on their knees before you, pleading with you to intreat for them, rather than confront your destiny (Exo. 5:2). The good thing today is that every born again, spirit filled, righteous child of God has already been made a god, I have said, ye are gods; and all of you are the children of the most High: Psa. 82:6.
The challenge, however, is, how many of God’s children know this? The enemy has taken advantage of the ignorance of many for so long to cheat, harass, intimidate and afflict them. Today, break your enemy’s harassment with the knowledge and application of God’s power over your life. Tell the enemy, “No more competition, I am a god!”

* Father, make me a threat to my enemies and let my fear fall upon them that hate me.
* Father, help me to walk in reality of who I am in Christ Jesus.

Father, this month, prevent my sail from capsizing, my eyes from tears and my feet from failing, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 24, 2016

Empty Handed

Saturday 24 September
READ: I Cor.9:16-23
MORE LESSON: Ezek. 33:1-7

There is a song I grew up singing as a young believer in the Deeper Life Christian Ministries. Each time I sang it, it was always with passion and burden. That burden and passion has not left me even now. It has become a prayer and labour, something I pray about daily and work at. Sing it with me this morning and pray about it:
Must I go an empty handed, thus my dear redeemer meet, not one soul with which to greet Him, must I empty handed go.
You know why the song hits me so much each time? It is because of my knowledge of God's great investment upon my life, the price that Jesus paid to save a wretched one like me. It makes me cry to Heaven, Oh Lord, don't let me return back home to You like an ingrate, empty handed.
Only an ingrate or an ignorant person will go to Heaven without a soul in his hand to say thank you to Jesus. Think of His sacrifice of putting on humanity although He is God, the humility of subjecting Himself to earthly parents yet the Father of all, I see Him the creator of motion learning to crawl. Imagine Him before Pilate answering framed up charges as an accused. What about the soldiers slapping Him, spitting on Him and mocking Him!
Have you ever thought of Jesus in Gethsemane? He manifested humanity and made a request that could be answered by the Father. He tasted denial and although He prayed with sweat coming out like blood, He never got it and all these just to purchase my forgiveness. With that done, I will be wicked to refuse to tell sinners (friends, classmates, relations and neighbours) about life in Christ.
The only proof of appreciation that you and I can give Jesus is not to keep quiet while sinners go to hell. We must tell them, if by any means we shall be able to snatch some back to God and get to Heaven with a gift of souls.

* Oh Lord, don't let me return back home to you empty handed.
* Father, help me to shine the light of the gospel everywhere I am found.

This month, my heavens must open, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 23, 2016

Don't let your Love grow Cold

Friday 23 September
READ: Matt. 24:12
MORE LESSON: 2 Tim. 4: 1 - 3

One of the signs of the end-time declared by our Lord Jesus is that the love of many will wax cold because iniquity will abound. Of a truth, when we compare the way people were passionate about the things of God in the early days and how they take the things of God now, we see that the love of many has waxed cold. Many people were radical about evangelism, prayer, personal study and church fellowship when they first gave their lives to Christ but now, it has become difficult to see these same people in church. The few times they come to church, if the service extends just a bit, they start complaining. These days you see Christians hurry out of church only to go and attend village and clan meetings.
When I was young in the faith, our services were lengthy and we enjoyed it. We counted it as a crime to read anything except the Bible on Sunday; in fact we didn't even read school books on Sunday. Though sometimes we were unnecessarily religious, it shows the extent of our heart for God and our dedication to Him. But these days many abscond from church on Sundays to attend to their business. Even church workers and leaders absent themselves from week-day meetings. I know of people who almost swore that they would serve the Lord in the ministry in those days who have now forgotten about God's work and some are now married to unbelievers because they waited on God and, in their own timing, He did not come through for them on time.
The Bible prophesied that iniquity will abound and we can see it everywhere. I recently saw a fellow with dreadlocks and tattered clothes. I sincerely thought he was a mad man until I was told that it was just fashion. I was shocked. These days we can hardly tell the difference between madness and fashion. Only prisoners wore trousers that sagged those days but now, people deliberately 'sag' their trousers. The number of iniquitous things tagged “it doesn't matter” has increased; ranging from same sex marriage to divorce, immorality and corruption. These iniquities have found their ways into the Church and you have to decide that you will not be part of it. Matt 24: 12 says, And because iniquity shall abound, the love of many shall wax cold. This prophecy must not necessarily be fulfilled in your life. He didn't say that 'the love of all . . .' but 'the love of many will wax cold.'
You can choose not to be among the many whose love will wax cold. I want you to decide that whatever it will take , you will remain steadfast in heart to the Lord. Do not let anything take away your love for the Lord. Decide that the iniquity and lukewarmness of this present world will not affect you. Do not let your love for God wax cold.

* Cast out the spirit of lukewarmness from your life and church.
* Lord, keep me on fire for You always.

Today, I rebuke every marriage hijacker and command my marriage to be released, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 22, 2016

Advancing by Prayer

Thursday 22 September
READ: Acts 12:1-9
MORE LESSONS: Matt. 26:40-41

The challenges of the Church didn't start today, they started from the beginning. Herod vexed and persecuted the Church because the people were pleased when he killed James the brother of John. He then decided to take Peter and kill him also, And when he had apprehended him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four quaternions of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people. Peter therefore was kept in prison: but prayer was made without ceasing of the church unto God for him: vs4-5.
We have heard so much about prayer. James was killed because the Church refused to pray; and because the Church refused to pray Herod moved to kill Peter, but the Church had learnt her lesson. I pray for God's Spirit to move the Church so that she determines what happens to the Church and the nation. The Church can enthrone and dethrone; the Church can decree as the Bible says whatever you decree in the name of the Lord shall be established. The Church earnestly prayed and Heaven intervened and sent an angel to help Peter. God heard the prayer of the Church and sent an angel to the inner dungeon where Peter was kept in chains.
The angel of the Lord came upon him, and a light shined in the prison, and he smote Peter on the side, and raised him up, ...Arise up quickly. And his chains fell off from his hands: v7 The angel didn't bring a file to cut the chains but the presence of the angel of God changed the spiritual environment of the prison, Heaven took charge of the prison and miracles began to happen. When the Church prays, the chains the enemy has used to bind her will begin to break. Let the chains the enemy has used to gag the Church, preventing the Church from praying begin to break off, in the name of Jesus. Let the padlock the enemy used to lock the mouth of the Church open, in the name of Jesus. The chains broke by themselves and the doors opened of their own accord. All this happened because the Church prayed.
However, when the Church refuses to pray, men perish. These are the days of revival of prayer in the Church of Jesus so that the things that have stopped us from achieving our mandate will begin to give way. We can break the chains and open the doors by prayer. Pray; it starts with you and your family.

* Ask God to pour out upon the Church the Spirit, grace and supplication again.
* Pray against the force of prayerlessness in the church and your personal life.

Anointing to run well and finish strong, come upon me now, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 21, 2016

Remember Lot’s Wife II

Wednesday 21 September
READ: II Pet. 2: 20 – 22
MORE LESSON: Lk. 17: 32

The story of Lots's wife is a very touching one. A woman that was saved by the cover of the covenant suffered the same consequence as the wicked people of Sodom and Gomorrah just because she allowed herself to be distracted by the things she had left behind. She lost her privilege of deliverance, backslided and lost the glory of God. It was a small distraction and flickering thought that must have gone through her mind as she remembered something in the world. She just looked back; she had not even taken the step to return and that was all for her. It is actually little distractions that make men lose what God has for them. Some have lost eternity to such things as they turn back into old lifestyle and worldly pleasure. Some have lost the call and destiny of God to things that should be in the past.
The focus that should remain fixed on your heart is to keep Jesus as your goal till the very end. If you have not accepted Jesus as Lord and Saviour, do it right away. The greatest honour that any man can have on earth is to be saved and sanctified in the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ. If you are saved then you have the job of continuing in the way till the very end. Keeping your relationship with the Almighty God is the most important thing in life. Lot's wife lost her relationship by simple disobedience of looking where she was not supposed to. The Bible urges us to remember her so that we can learn from her and avoid such a fate. You need to daily pay attention to keeping your faith in God until you see Jesus.
Do not return to the sins of the world that you left. Satan is trying to drag people back to the world like dogs to their vomit. It is determination and grace that will make a believer to live a life that is worthy of the Lord till the end. Lot's wife today is a negative example of someone who missed it. You have to determine that you will be a good example for others who are coming behind. You will keep on the race until you see Jesus. Today there is new strength for your commitment and service to the Lord to the very end, in Jesus’ name.
Remember also Damus, who started well but ended as nobody (2Tim. 4:10) and Esau, who started as nobody, he even sought to have it back with tears but never got it again-Beloved don’t turn back.

* Father, having been saved by grace, I shall not face the consequence of sin with the wicked, in Jesus’ name.
* I break every link that tempts me to my old ways of life, in Jesus’ name.

Today, I command every ministry of evil spirits targeted at me and my family to expire now, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 20, 2016

Remember Lot’s Wife I

Tuesday 20 September
READ: Gen. 19: 12 - 26
MORE LESSON: 2 Pet.2:20-21

Lot's wife was a woman that had the privilege of escaping destruction yet on her way out, she broke the rule and eventually suffered the same fate as the evil doers. Lot was Abraham's nephew and because of God's covenant with Abraham, God sent angels to go and deliver Lot and his family from the destruction that would come upon the city of Sodom where they dwelt. They were the only family that God gave a room of escape in the whole nation of Sodom and Gomorrah. God told them to run out of the land and not look back but Lot's wife, probably, felt that she left some things behind and sought opportunity to go and get them. She looked back and became a pillar of salt. She must have responded to feelings, emotions and sight as she walked away from her treasure and friends. God told her to leave all but she still craved some. Anything you cannot leave for God will destroy you.
You might have been serving the Lord for a long time but know that until you cross the finish line, the battle is not yet over. Lot's wife had left Sodom and Gomorrah but she looked back. You must keep firing on in prayer, fasting consecration and commitment to the Lord. No man is given a crown until the race is over. Don't look back. Child of God, don't yield to temptation. Do not look back and return to the things you left behind. You left fornication, cheating and drinking, still stay out of it. Don't let the sight of the things of Sodom distract you back because they are all marked for destruction. The devil's kingdom has nothing good to offer you. Even the apples of Sodom that look juicy on the outside are laden with worms on the inside.
Lot’s wife desired the things she left behind and looked back. She had not even gone back, she only looked and it was over for her. So why do you want to go back? Do not be tired of your consecration and do not allow situations to discourage you from keeping on your journey of faith. I encourage you today to remember Lot's wife and what happened to her when she looked back. No matter what you have to lose and forfeit to continue on the journey of faith, please do. Don't return to the things of the world that you left. You will not be destroyed with the world, in Jesus’ name, For ye have need of patience, that, after ye have done the will of God, ye might receive the promise. For yet a little while, and he that shall come will come, and will not tarry. Now the just shall live by faith: but if any man draw back, my soul shall have no pleasure in him. But we are not of them who draw back unto perdition; but of them that believe to the saving of the soul: Heb. 10:36-39.

* I forsake everything or cares of life that may have taken hold of me, in the name of Jesus.
* In the name of Jesus, I shall not draw back.

Father, today, open my eyes for insight, foresight and divine wisdom for supernatural operations, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 19, 2016

The God that Answers by Fire II

Monday19 September
READ: I Kgs. 18:25 - 39
MORE LESSON: Psa. 50:3

When the people of Israel forsook God and went after Baal, Elijah challenged them to come to Carmel. 450 prophets of Baal and 400 prophets of Asherah versus one prophet of the Living God. One with God is the majority. Do not be afraid of standing up for God, even if you are the only one. When God stands with you, no multitude can bring you down. So Elijah told them to call on their gods and he would call on the name of the Lord.
The God that answers by fire will be the true God. The prophets of Baal called unto him but Baal could not answer. Elijah even told them to shout louder may be their god was sleeping and they had to wake him up. The prophets cut themselves with knives and thought their god would see blood and answer but there was no answer. Any one that requests for the blood of anything to get an answer is not a prophet but a herbalist. The only blood that brings answer is the Blood of Jesus. The only God that answers by fire is the Jehovah.
When it was time for Elijah to call upon God, he did some things before the fire fell.
1. He repaired the Altar (Verse 30). This stands for repentance from sin. Make the altar of your heart right with God and you will see answers by fire this year.
2. He set up twelve stones. This was to remind God of His covenant with Israel (verse 31). The covenant of the blood of Jesus is in every prayer you make.
3. He built an altar (verse 32). Altars are places of sacrifice. Do not run away from making sacrifices to God this year. Sacrifice commands fire to come.
4. He added water to the sacrifice (verse 33): Water stands for the Word of God (Eph. 5:26). Don’t pray aimlessly, get filled with God’s Word.
5. He did everything as God commanded (verse 36): Obedience commands fire. Obey every instruction from God and His servants this year.
As you engage these principles all the enemies that gang up against you will be destroyed like these false prophets. The fire of the Lord will fall and your answer will come, in the name of Jesus. Like Elijah, you will get victory over the enemies of the cross that rise up against you as God will stand up in your defence, in Jesus’ name.

* Oh God, contend with those that contend with me, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh God of my fathers, arise for me today, in Jesus’ name.
* I declare today that in every area of my life, there shall be answer for me, in Jesus’ name.

I receive the seven fold Spirit of the Almighty God, to rule my world from now on, in the name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 18, 2016

The God that Answers by Fire I

Sunday18 September
READ: I Kgs. 18:25 - 39
MORE LESSON: Zec. 12:6

The Lord God Almighty is not a mate with any other god in heaven, earth or beneath the earth. According to Ex 15: 11, Who is like unto thee, O Lord, among the gods? who is like thee, glorious in holiness, fearful in praises, doing wonders? On Mount Carmel, Elijah told the prophets of Baal and Asherah to call on the name of their gods and he will call on the name of the LORD; the God that answers by fire is the real God. The striking thing in this story is that the servant of God threw up a challenge on behalf of his God. Elijah didn't have the ability to bring fire from Heaven; only God has that power. But Elijah threw up a challenge for God. Therefore, Elijah was not merely challenging baal, his prophets and the nation of Israel, he was also challenging the Almighty God. He was challenging God to rise up to His name.
You have a God that is far above all else, you can put a challenge to Him. When challenges confront you, throw them to your God. When men confront you, tell them to their face that your God will respond and give them a time that it will happen. Verily, I say unto you, that Jehovah will honour your words of faith and respond as you said. God, for centuries and ages, has proved Himself strong and He is still looking for men that will give Him the opportunity to prove Himself in their matter.
Elijah threw a contest that they should put sacrifice on the altar without touching it with fire but rather each party should call on the name of his god and the one that answers by fire is the real God. Elijah simply implicated God and left Him to defend His own name. God quickly rose up to the contest because He had to defend His name and reputation. So God had to shut up the mouth of the prophets of Baal and all the fake gods so that they could not pull any trick. The prophets called Baal, pleaded and cut themselves with knife begging Baal to see their blood and respond. Jehovah sent one of his angels to tie baal and his cohorts down and put a gag on their mouths. Baal and all the other gods were helpless as Eliijah laughed at them. After God ridiculed the fake gods, Elijah stood up and said, 'Now I am ready to call on the name of Jehovah'. At one call, Jehovah speedily answered and fire fell. Today, I see the Lord answering you and fire falling on the heads of your enemies and their gods, in Jesus’ name. All you need to do is to have faith in God, never doubt His ability to prove Himself and fight in your battles. He that answered Elijah is alive today still and what He did before He can do again in your life. Call God now on any reproach and He will answer you.

* Let the God that I serve answer every question of the enemy over my life and destiny, in Jesus’ name.
* I command every knee to bow over my matter, in the name of Jesus.
* Let every altar of satan in my home catch fire, in the name of Jesus.

Whatever opposes the gospel of Jesus and His rulership in my family and nation, today I declare them scattered, they shall no longer prevail, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 17, 2016

Taking God by His Word

Saturday 17 September
READ: Gen. 21:1-7

Looking at the promises of God, sometimes you wonder whether they are not too big to be real! Take a few examples, To an inheritance incorruptible, and undefiled, and that fadeth not away, reserved in heaven for you: I Pet. 1:4. In my Father's house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also: Jn. 14:2-3. The wicked shall be a ransom for the righteous, and the transgressor for the upright: Prov. 21:18. I, even I, am he that blotteth out thy transgressions for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins: Isa. 43:25. These are indeed no small promises and there are truly a thousand and one others like these. We can take God at His Word because, God is not a man, that he should lie; neither the son of man, that he should repent: hath he said, and shall he not do it? or hath he spoken, and shall he not make it good? Num. 23:19.
Friend, men are known for lying, not God. Again, we have enough precedents that assure us that God will not fail, no matter how incredible the promise. One of such is the prophecy of the virgin birth in Isa. 7:14, … Behold, a virgin shall conceive, and bear a son, and shall call his name Immanuel. In the days of Isaiah, many would have doubted it and yet today, it is a reality. Moreover, Heb, 6:18 says, That by two immutable things, in which it was impossible for God to lie. It is just impossible for God to lie. Now you can take God for whatever He says.
Finally, one of the reasons why men cannot be trusted with their promises is because they make promises that are bigger than them but not so with God. He can therefore not fail. What a faithful God He is. He visited Sarah as He had said and did to Sarah as He had spoken (Gen. 21:1). He promised to take Israel out of Egypt, although the promise lasted for 430 years, He did not forget to do it (Exo. 12:41).
In the same way, you will not be forgotten. God's faithfulness will extend to you today. Just keep holding on to whatever God has said concerning you. Don't lose focus, don't give up. The Lord will not fail you.

* Father, I believe Your Word, let it be to me according to Your Word.
* Father, let Your wonderful promises find fulfilment in my life.

By the power in the blood of Jesus, I terminate anything that stands in my way of making Heaven, in Jesus' name.

Friday, September 16, 2016

Heaven is Real II

Friday 16 September
READ: Lk. 16:19 - 31
MORE LESSON: Rev. 20: 13 - 14

The story of the rich man and Lazarus is one of the scriptures that show the reality of hell. The rich man lived without remembering God and when he died, he ended in hell. Lazarus on the other hand, accepted the Lord and at death, he went to Abraham's bosom. It is not poverty or wealth that is the subject matter in this story; it is Heaven and hell. It is how you spend your life here on earth that determines the reward you will get in eternity. Good work is not enough to determine whether a man will end up with God or in hell; it is your disposition to Jesus Christ. Those that accept Jesus and live for Him will go to Heaven and those that refuse Him and live for sin and self will go to hell. Hell is a place of torment where there is fire, regret and anguish.
Hell is the place where all men who do not accept Jesus go immediately after they leave the earth. In hell, they will be tormented greatly while they wait for the lake of fire. Hell is terrible and unquantifiable in pain; it is not a place for any man to go. However, hell is still mere rehearsal; the lake of fire is the real place of eternal anguish and immeasurable pain. Men have been languishing in hell for millions of years and many are still going there and the place is so terrible. After the Great Judgment which will be after the second coming of Jesus, hell and all the people in it in addition to satan, the fallen angels, demons and all people without God will be thrown into the lake of fire for eternal punishment.
So the points to note are:
1. Hell is a place of torment and torture.
2. Hell is a place of painful memorial. In hell, people will remember the things that they did or didn't do and live in eternal regret. The rich man remembered the number of brethren he had on earth, in hell there will be remembrance of things.
3. Hell is a place of no return. The rich man begged to go back and warn others but there is no going back once a man enters hell. A man cannot correct anything or recover any lost opportunity in hell. In hell, the soul is lost forever.
4. Hell is a place of thirst. There is no water in hell. The thirst is at three levels-spirit, soul and body. It shows a perpetual state of need that will never be met.
5. Hell is a place of un-answered prayer. There will be no answered prayer in hell. The rich man’s prayer was not answered in hell.
6. Hell and all in it will be eventually cast into the lake of fire. Heb. 2:1-3 records, Therefore we ought to give the more earnest heed to the things which we have heard, lest at any time we should let them slip. For if the word spoken by angels was stedfast, and every transgression and disobedience received a just recompence of reward; How shall we escape, if we neglect so great salvation; which at the first began to be spoken by the Lord, and was confirmed unto us by them that heard him.

* Revoke every activity of the flesh and satan that can hinder your getting to Heaven.
* Ask God not to allow any of your loved ones to miss Heaven.
* Pray for the salvation of all your family members.

Every force of evil, darkness, and sin, I prophesy your end over my life today, in the name of Jesus.

Thursday, September 15, 2016

Heaven is Real I

Thursday 15 September
READ: Lk. 16: 19-26
MORE LESSON: : Lk. 12: 1-5

Jesus said there was a certain rich man and a poor man named Lazarus. This story as told by Jesus was the story of two real men who lived at a particular time. Whenever Jesus told a parable in the Scripture, it was clearly stated that it was a parable. When He told a real life story, it was portrayed as such. Jesus knew that cooking up a story that didn't exist is lying even if the story is for the purpose of teaching a good lesson. He also knew that exaggerating equates with lying, so He only told stories as truthfully as they were. So if Jesus said that a certain rich man and poor man existed and He even mentioned the name of the poor man, and the Bible doesn't say that it was a parable that Jesus told as it states categorically in every place where a parable is told, then we have to know that the story really happened and everything portrayed in the story was real.
Hell is not merely a figurative language for punishment as some people claim. It is a real place where fire and brimstone torment souls day and night. The Bible says, and in hell he lift up his eyes, being in torments, and seeth Abraham afar off, and Lazarus in his bosom: Lk. 16:23. That doesn't sound like a figure of speech. It sounds like a man who was in a definite place called hell and from there, he looked up and saw Abraham and Lazarus in another definite place different from where he was. Hell is real and it is a place of reward of wicked living. The rich man in this story died and while men on earth were conducting funeral service and celebrating his achievement, he opened his eyes and saw himself in literal fire burning in a literal place called hell.
I have preached to people and warned them about the reality of hell and some responded by laughing and saying that they will commit so much sin that when they get to God, He will be so mad at them that He will fling them with too much force and fury and mistakenly fling them over the fire of hell, making them land at the other side where there is no fire. That statement is born out of the peak of satanic deception and mockery of God. Hell is not a joking matter, it is a serious issue. The Bible shows that the rich man died, opened his eyes and found himself in hell. Nobody flung him; he just died, opened his eyes and found himself there.
I pray that you and all the people God has given you will not go to hell. If there is one place you must not go; it is hell. You have to make right your way with the Lord today. Peace unto you.

* Declare that by the righteousness of the Lord Jesus, you will not miss Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask that the Holy Spirit will watch over your destiny to ensure that you make Heaven.

I subdue and overthrow permanently all the anti-progress forces around me, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 14, 2016

Heaven or Hell

Wednesday 14 September
READ: Lk. 16:23-24
MORE LESSON: Ecc. 12: 1-8

There is certainly life after death and this life will be in either of two places. It is either with God in Heaven or with the devil in hell. Heaven and hell are actually rewards and not bestowal. There is a life that a man lives and he is rewarded with Heaven and another life that a man lives and he is rewarded with hell. Luke 16: 25 reads, Abraham said to him, 'Son, remember that during your lifetime you had everything you wanted, and Lazarus had nothing. So now he is here being comforted, and you are in anguish (NLT). When the rich man was on earth, he gave himself all that he wanted. Even things that were sinful, as long as his body wanted, he got them. After all he had enough money to get anything he wanted for himself. This scripture shows that the rich man didn't remember God when he was on earth but was carried away by money, pleasure and gratification of the flesh. When the rich man got to hell, he was so tormented and in agony that he wanted even a finger-drip of water to cool his tongue but he couldn't get.
Hell is a place where the people who are lovers of pleasures rather than lovers of God (2 Tim 3: 4) will be rewarded with anguish. It is noteworthy that hell is not a place for the rich and the rich man was not in hell merely because he was rich; he was in hell because he didn't seek God but used his money to seek pleasures of life. He lived for food, clothes, jewelry, fame, fun and carnal enjoyment. His reward in eternity was hell fire. Heaven is a reward for living a life surrendered to Jesus Christ and dedicated to God. This is why it is important to measure where God is on your scheme, schedule and scale of priority. I urge you to live for God so that you will be rewarded with Heaven. The reward for forgetting God and living a sinful life is the lake of fire.
On a final note, Psalm 9:17 says; the wicked shall be turned into hell and all the nations that forget God. The reward for living a life as if God does not exist to judge is the lake of fire. This will not be your portion, in Jesus’ name.

*Re-dedicate your life to God today.
*Receive the grace of God to be conscious of God’s presence around your life everytime, in Jesus’ name.
*Renounce the lust for worldly pleasures and invoke the love for God upon your life today, in Jesus’ name.

I command every weight and spiritual stone weighing me down in life to roll away now, in the precious name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 13, 2016

After Death II

Tuesday 13 September
READ: Lk. 16:19 - 24
MORE LESSON: Psa. 9: 17

The Bible tells the story of a rich man, who was clothed in purple and fed sumptuously. He was very rich and had everything he needed. There was a poor man around his house who had no food to eat and desired to be fed from the crumbs that fell from the rich man's table but he had to contend with dogs to get them. As he struggled with the dogs for food under the table, the dogs helped themselves to the sores on his body. It was a terrible life for this poor man. Poverty is bad and should not be the portion of a child of God.
The rich man had everything in this world but he didn't have the most important thing - God. He wasn't born again, he had no respect for God and no personal relationship with Jesus Christ. He had enough money to donate to charity and probably buy all manner of things for church but he had no relationship with God. Without a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, all acts of charity and good works in themselves cannot save a man. So one day the rich man died and opened his eyes on the other side of life.
The poor man in his wretchedness remembered God and gave his life to the Lord Jesus Christ. The Bible says that the poor man also died as the rich man died. One thing is common to the poor and the rich; they will both die. Luke 16: 22 -23 shows how the poor man died and was taken to the bosom of Abraham, while the rich man was taken to hell after his death. There is life after death and there is a place called hell. Jesus talked about actual place called hell where there is punishment for those that refuse His lordship. Hell is not a figure of speech; it is an actual place.
There is somewhere men are going after death. Don't let anyone deceive you that when a man dies that is the end of life. Some people say, 'let's eat, drink and be merry before we die' forgetting they will go somewhere after death to give account of what they did on the face of the earth. The rich man died and the poor man also died, but they went to different places after death. It wasn't their riches or poverty that determined where they went after death; it was their relationship with God. A man can be rich and still make Heaven and another can be poor and still go to hell. The choice is made by accepting or refusing Jesus Christ and a life of obedience to His Word. There is life after death-some to eternal justification in Heaven and some to eternal condemnation in hell. You will not lose eternally, in Jesus’ name, And the sea gave up the dead which were in it; and death and hell delivered up the dead which were in them: and they were judged every man according to their works: Rev. 20:13.

* Tell the Lord that you will never regret your sojourn here on earth when you see Jesus.
* Ask the Lord to purge you of anything that can cost you Heaven, in Jesus’ name.
*Decree long life and prosperity for yourself and all your loved ones, in Jesus’ name.

Father, today in Your greatness, set my feet upon the rock that is higher than I and keep me going in destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Monday, September 12, 2016

After Death I

Monday 12 September
READ: Heb. 9: 27
MORE LESSON: 2 Cor. 5:10

The Bible says that it is appointed unto men once to die, but AFTER this the judgment (Heb 9:27). The striking point that should be noted from this scripture is that the Bible says that there is something after death. Some people believe that death is the end and try to use several scriptures to support their belief. They claim there is no hell, no Heaven, and that after death, a man sleeps forever and ever. A look at this scripture shows that there is something after death. The Bible, in the text of today, tells of judgment as one thing that surely comes up after death. By extension, if there is the possibility of one thing being after death. then there is also the possibility of many things.
Death is not the end at all but actually the beginning of another process. Death is the door that opens a man into eternity full of endless events. It is not just one long time when nothing is happening. The wise thing for a man to do is to spend his life before death preparing for eternity. Be it known to you that everything in this life is but nothing compared to what all men will have to confront in the life hereafter. Life in this body is temporal but after death, the real life begins. The human body is not designed to live forever but the human spirit is. So at one point, the body needs to give way so that the spirit can now face the full repercussion of life without the limits of being enclosed in the body. Death is merely the spirit leaving the body so as to face life the way it really is.
If a man lives for 70 years on earth, men would say that he lived long. In the Bible, we see that men lived as long as above 900 hundred years. As long as they lived, no man has ever hit the 1000 years mark in terms of length of life. 1000 years is nothing but a twinkle of an eye in eternity. Because eternity is no child's play at all every man must really pay attention to the issue of where he will spend eternity.
After death, there is judgement. There is a whole lot more, as some will go into eternal damnation and some into eternal celebration. Regardless of calibre and status, death is inevitable to all men. The only way to have the upper hand over death is to prepare for it. The right preparation is to give your life to Jesus so that you will be able to reign with Him in eternity after death comes. I pray you will not die an untimely death, in Jesus’ name. When death comes, you will be in Christ and will not be lost in eternity, And I saw the dead, small and great, stand before God; and the books were opened: and another book was opened, which is the book of life: and the dead were judged out of those things which were written in the books, according to their works: Rev. 20:12.

* Ask the Lord to preserve you with long life not to die before your time, in Jesus’ name.
* Ask the Lord to purify you of any filth that will not allow you to see Jesus when the time comes.
Cover yourself with the blood of Jesus today and always.

This month, every story will change to glory and from glory to glory, in the glorious name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 11, 2016

Numbering your Days II

Sunday 11 September
READ: Eph. 5: 15 - 16
MORE LESSON: Psa. 90: 12

Psa. 90:12 talks about the need to number our days in order to apply our hearts to wisdom. We have pointed out that numbering our days involves making sure we spend each day maximally to the glory of God and the fulfilment of our purpose in destiny. The Bible also links being wise to redeeming the time in our days. Eph 5: 15 -16 says, See that thou walk circumspectly, not as fools but as wise, Redeeming the time, because the days are evil. There are many forces that contend with your day.
There are evil forces out there that have planned negative things for the day and there are also forces from within that draw you to do things that would not profit your day. There are things in the day that are beyond the visible eyes wanting men to do things that at the end of life he will regret all. This is the reason you need to apply the force of God in prayer and meditation to help you to carefully organise and plan each day of your life. You also need to receive strength in the secret place to also go forth each day and achieve all that is set for the day. It is the consciousness in a man that there are forces to contend with each day that makes him prayerful.
A vital key to be able to have a day full of life and profit is to be mindful from the beginning of each day how we spend it. You should labour in prayer, not just for the day but for days ahead. You need to receive grace for wisdom in making decisions each day and knowing the activities to get into and those to avoid. Redeem your day and maximise it. Never rush out on a day to go and beat the wind. Receive wisdom and power from God to make the day productive, fruitful, and result-filled and then step out to prevail over the day. When you live in the wisdom of redeeming the day, at the end of life when you put days together, you will be happy. The only way to prevail over the forces of a day is by the power of God. The Word of God, the name of Jesus, the blood of Jesus and the power of the Holy Spirit are all fortifications that make you go forth in victory each day. Do not go into the day without these.

* Today I receive wisdom to live a fulfilled life, in Jesus’ name.
* Oh God the giver of strength, give me strength for my days.
* Today, I anoint myself to destroy every yoke weighing me down in destiny, in Jesus’ name.

Father, let every uncompleted and difficult project in my life receive the touch of God this month, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 10, 2016

Numbering your Days I

Saturday 10 September
READ: Psa. 90:10-12
MORE LESSON: John 9: 4

The Bible says, So teach us to number our days, that we may apply our hearts unto wisdom: Psa. 90:12. This scripture is a very important one in mastering the principles of impactful living. Many people use this scripture to mark birthdays and other events, which is a good thing to do. But the scripture talks about numbering our days and not just numbering our years. It is therefore important to understand the holistic meaning of this scripture so that we may get the wisdom hidden in it. The Bible directly links numbering our days with being wise. So how do we number our days?
One of the troubles of today is that many people are not good managers of their days and before they know it the days of their lives slip through their hands such that they can't account for what they have done with them. If a man allows each day to waste without accounting for how he spent it in a worthwhile way, he will realise that by the end of his life he has more wasted days than achievements. This is the issue that bothered the psalmist to the point of prayer in the text of today. This psalm was written by Moses but must have been prayed also by David who was a king and noticed so many activities and people contending for his day that if he was not wise, he would become so busy while little or nothing was achieved for God and for his purpose in life. This is the reason you also have to evaluate each day and look at all you did. Do you maximize each day? What achievements do you have with the resources of each day? If you are asked to pen down the activities of the day, how much of it will please the heart of God? This is the reason why you have to write down a plan and schedule for your day and achieve what matters for each day. It is in using your days well that result to using your years productively.
One of the treasures in life is time. Whatsoever wastes your time wastes your life. If you are wasting your own time, you are wasting your own life because God has a fixed time for everybody. There is a day that it will be said 'time up' for you in life. Your life at that point will be a summary of all you have used your days to do. It is important to know that in the issue of living, it is not how long that is important as how well. Did you spend the days of your life glorifying God, impacting lives and fulfilling your divine purpose? It is all in the way you live each day. Ask God to give you wisdom not to waste your day but to spend each day doing God's will and benefiting humanity.

* Lord, help me to number my days and to apply wisdom, in Jesus’ name.
* I reject every wasteful and unprofitable way of living, in Jesus’ name.
* I disengage myself from the spirit of busybody and distraction in life, in Jesus’ name.

Evil memorial is out of my calendar this month, I shall remember each day for good things, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 9, 2016

Freedom to the Captive

Friday 9 September
READ: Isa. 49: 24-25
MORE LESSON: : Eph. 4:8-10

When you look around the world, you see several people who are under different forms of captivity. Captivity takes various shapes in the world today; like financial captivity, health captivity, physical and spiritual captivity. Do not be deceived by the nice appearances of people you meet daily, you might see people well-dressed yet they are under different forms of captivity and bondage. The reality of captivity and bondage has led men to run around seeking solution in wrong and terrible places that end up worsening their situations. Addictions are also forms of captivity that take over the minds and bodies of today either by music, drug, alcohol, inanimate things such as dress and electronic devices. These kinds of bondage cause men to face perpetual and consistent failure.
It might look like the one that has been captured by the enemy can never be set free but when you look at the promises of God from our text today, there is a great revelation and great hope. Isa. 49: 25 says, But thus saith the Lord, Even the captives of the mighty shall be taken away, and the prey of the terrible shall be delivered: for I will contend with him that contendeth with thee, and I will save thy children. The implication of this is that there is hope for every form of affliction you might be going through. No matter how mighty that thing is that is keeping you in captivity and bondage, the Greater One has made a promise for your release. Psa. 68: 18, talks about Jesus and declares, Thou hast ascended on high, thou hast led captivity captive: thou hast received gifts for men; yea, for the rebellious also, that the Lord God might dwell among them. Jesus led captivity captive by the power of resurrection and having chained those that chained you, He has set you free by making sure that your captor is first bound. He did the job complete, leaving no stone unturned. Your captivity is already in captivity, make a decision today by accepting the freedom Jesus offers and you will be free indeed. You are free, in Jesus’ name.

* Today, I brake loose every habit that made me captive, in Jesus’ name.
* I set myself free from every strong desire within me that will lead me to bondage.
* Anything I love that is becoming an idol, I set it on fire, in Jesus’ name.

In the name of Jesus, this month shall not lack harvest of good things in my life and destiny.

Thursday, September 8, 2016

Freedom from Deception

Thursday 8 September
READ: John 8: 42-45
MORE LESSON: Rev. 12: 9

One major tool that satan uses in getting people into the lake of fire is deception. The devil is a born liar thus we are warned in 2 Cor. 2:11, Lest Satan should get an advantage of us: for we are not ignorant of his devices. When he is lying, he is just being himself (John 8: 44). He has deceived so many people and he is still deceiving many. The first mention of the devil in the Bible is in Genesis 3 and he appeared as a deceiver. He deceived Eve and led her to sin against God and Adam followed suit. It is still the deception of the devil that makes men sin against God today and the result is destruction and damnation. One of the highest deceptions that the devil can sell to any man is to make him believe that he (satan) doesn't exist, or that there is no Heaven and there is no hell. What a deception! Imagine a man spends all his life believing that there is no hell but finds himself there, too late to come back and make amends. It is a man who is a victim of deception that blows himself up with a bomb, expecting to open his eyes in a paradise with seventy virgins but he opens his eyes and sees eternal gulf of fire. May you never fall victim of deceit, in Jesus’ name.
The deception of the devil has made men refuse the free offer of salvation through the blood of Jesus. Deception has made even believers to live in disobedience to the principles of God. A deceived child of God doesn't pay tithes because he thinks he will have more money that way. Deception makes a Christian to commit secret sins and do other things that the world thinks smart but are actually detrimental. Satan is in the business of deceiving men, colouring and beautifying things that are poisonous and dangerous. The deception is so pitiful that some people proudly say they are satanists and publicly declare that they serve satan, thinking he is their friend and benefactor. Satan is nobody's friend because even those that serve him, he punishes, destroys and afflicts eternally in hell. Accept Jesus today and be free from deception, Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me: Jn. 14:6.
As a believer that is privileged to be rescued from the deception of satan, you should make getting other people out of the hand of the deceiver your priority. Preach the truth, make people who have been deceived to know that Jesus is the Son of God and that he is the only One that can save. Every child of God has a responsibility to free others from deception, by exposing lies and declaring the truth where ever we are found. The believer must not join agents of satan to spread lie, and deceive others. We must teach and live a truthful life always. Be an agent of the truth today.

* Holy Spirit of God, help me to discern every satanic deception that has become a doctrine.
* Today, false and deceptive ministers of satan will be exposed and disgraced.
* Every agent of deception in my life shall be exposed, in Jesus’ name.

I prophesy, the way of the Lord shall prosper and advance me, I shall not turn away from it, in the name of Jesus.

Wednesday, September 7, 2016

Don’t be Negative

Wednesday 7 September
READ: Prov. 4: 20-24
MORE LESSON: Rom. 4: 17

You must watch your thoughts with all diligence because a man's thought will definitely become his reality in life, As a man thinketh in his heart so is he: Prov. 23: 7. If a man thinks negative, no good thing can ever come out of such a man. Negative people are difficult to live with as they are a menace to everyone around and to themselves. If somebody does wrong, they amplify and broadcast it. If the person does well, they wash down and castigate it. They complain if somebody dresses well, and complain if he doesn't dress well. A negative man affects others negatively but he himself suffers the worst effect of his negativity. A negative man always sees the negative in people and situations, not knowing that it is he that is negative. It is like wearing dark glasses, everything including the sun looks dark to you, but these things are actually not dark, it is your eyesight that is dark. A positive man sees the positive in everyone and situation, Unto the pure all things are pure....: Titus 1:15.
The switch from negativity to positivity is simple. All it takes is to switch the direction of your thought. Positive is nothing but going the opposite direction of negative. So instead of going this way, you go the other way and the change is remarkable. So when you feel like saying something wrong about someone, you just decide to say something nice about him. Instead of believing something is wrong, you just trust and believe that it will be right. For you to be positive, make sure you say only positive things about people and situations. At the onset, you might still feel negative, but never talk negative; make sure you only think positive. As the Lord begins to fill you with His thoughts and words more and more, positivity becomes more and more natural to you. It is difficult to change from negativity to positivity by human willpower but when you submit your mindset to the Lord and allow His Word to dominate your thoughts, positivity becomes easy and natural.
It is negativity that makes a student believe that a particular course is difficult. As a school boy, I heard so many negative people tell me that mathematics was so difficult that it could not be passed. I believed that negative thought and it sure did affect me. It was after I had left school that I discovered that if I had believed that mathematics was simple and that I could pass it, I would have performed gallantly in it. As a student, don't ever join people to believe that any course is difficult. May be you are not a student, but there is an area of negativity that someone wants to introduce into your life, you should simply refuse to be negative. A positive mind produces a positive life. In the final analysis, man is negatively disposed to the extent of how much God’s Word dwells in him, Thy word have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee: Psa. 119:11.

* Today, I silence every negative voice in my spirit.
* I renounce and reject every form of intimidation to cause fear in me.
* I receive the spirit of boldness and of sound mind, in Jesus’ name.

Today I detonate every time bomb of sorrow fixed for the month of September, and I declare them wasted, in the name of Jesus.

Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Captivity held Captive

Tuesday 6 September
READ: Isa. 49: 24-25
MORE LESSON: Eph. 4: 8-10

When a warrior goes to war and brings back prisoners of war, the people are called the captives. They are the spoils that the warrior has taken from the war and he will not allow anyone to cheaply take his gain from him. Captors love to display their captives. They take pride in humiliating their captives because the more humiliated the captives are, the more powerful the captor feels. This is why satan parades his captives, by afflicting people with sickness, sinful habits, emotional problems, immorality and poverty because he delights in showing his power by oppressing men and holding them captive.
For a captive to be delivered, it takes a force that is stronger than the captor to free the captive, ...else how can one enter into a strong man's house, and spoil his goods, except he first bind the strong man? and then he will spoil his house: Matt 12:29.The only way to free a captive is to first make captive his captor. When the captor is captured, the captive can be freed. When Jesus died, He went down to the lower parts of the earth and He made captive all the evil forces of satan and his cohorts that took men captive. Therefore, ...When He ascended on high, He led captivity captive, And gave gifts to men: Eph 4:8.
I want you to know that satan does not have any power over you. He is a captive himself. Jesus defeated him and made him a captive so that you can be free. The implication of this is that satan cannot rule you except you allow him through ignorance of your inheritance in Christ or you give him legal access through sin. Refusal to search the word of God to know your rights will allow the devil to keep you captive even though he is already captured and you are free. If you give the devil a legal access, he will manipulate and put you in bondage and his bondage is always weighty.
However, the greatest news today is that even if you have committed sin and the devil has lawful and legal right to bind and afflict you, the blood of Jesus still speaks mercy for you. This is why the Bible says; shall the prey be taken from the mighty, or the lawful captives of the just be delivered? Isa 49:24. These captives are lawfully held by mighty forces because of the wrong they did. The Word of the Lord says that ...even the lawful captives will be freed and the prey of the terrible be delivered (verse 25). Even if you had done wrong and that is why the enemy is afflicting you today, as you come to ask for mercy through the blood of Jesus, you are freed, in the name of Jesus. Settle your sin problem today by confessing and asking Jesus for pardon, and thereafter the legal right of satan over you is broken and all captivity is over. Say yes to Jesus.

* Today by the death and resurrection of Jesus, I am free from captivity.
* I plead the blood of Jesus over every handwriting of the enemy against me.
* In the name of Jesus, I break every padlock and ancient doors that ever held me captive.

I reverse any sign of shame and hopelessness and receive glory and celebration today, in the name of Jesus.

Monday, September 5, 2016

What you do Counts

Monday 5 September
READ: Gen. 6: 8 – 14
MORE LESSON: Matt. 4: 22

Today, I want you to know that what you do makes a difference. Even when men do not notice you, you count so much in the sight of God. The little you do matters a lot to Him and your contribution makes a difference. In the generation of Noah, he was not influential among the crowd because all the people had gone corrupt and he was able to preserve his family alone in the ways of the Lord. What is a family of eight among all the people of the then world? However, for just pastoring his home well, Noah made an eternal difference. It was through him that the seed of mankind was preserved. You might be a parent and you diligently labour to bring up your children in the way of the Lord. Nobody may recognise your efforts or sacrifice and you may never get an award or a plaque for this work you are doing but be it known to you that what you are doing counts so much with God.
You may be following up just two young converts with all your heart to see that they grow in the Lord. The church may never be aware of your diligence and you may never get any recognition for it. You are important and Heaven will commend your work when all things are brought to light. Everyone may be doing wrong and cutting corners and you insist on standing for righteousness and it looks like no one notices what you are doing. In fact you might be facing persecution for doing right. But I want you to know that what you are doing makes a difference. Keep standing for God because you count so much, don't count yourself out.
There was a great servant of God called Pa Akindayomi who when he was alive and pastoring, some people didn't even know him so well. He kept doing the work of the Lord diligently and raising young ministers for the Lord. The people that the Lord produced through him have become mighty workers in God’s vineyard today. Through them he has attained great renown even in death. He remains an icon today and he is celebrated because of the people he raised. I don't know how important he considered what he was doing was, as he spent time with the young men of those days, but today it is obvious that what he did counts.
You are somebody important to God and to man. Do not feel like you are nobody because what you are doing is not being seen and spoken of in the open. Please know that you are somebody and what you are doing counts.

* Father, reward my service, in Jesus’ name.
* When I shall submit my talent, let me receive a well-done-good-and-faithful-servant commendation, in Jesus’ name.
* I remove far from me a sluggish and slothful spirit in service, in Jesus’ name.

This month, things will work for my good to the shame of the devil, in the mighty name of Jesus.

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Living with Eternity in View II

Sunday 4 September
READ: Lk. 16:19 -31
MORE LESSON: Acts 17:30-31

Luke 16:22; shows us how the rich man and the poor both died in the story that Jesus told. After death, the Bible says the rich man found himself in hell and he was screaming and crying. This man was used to all manner of drinks and liquor on the face of the earth but in hell, he was tormented by thirst. Hell is a place of thirst. It is unimaginable enough to stay without water on the face of the earth, where one is not being burnt in fire, for one or two days, talk more of hell where there is fire forever and there shall be no water. This was where the rich man found himself and his money couldn't help him at that time.
He had money when he was on earth but he didn't live with eternity in view as he didn't remember God. The only safety in life is a consciousness of eternity which makes a man secure himself in Jesus Christ while he lives. When the rich man realised that his fate was eternally sealed for destruction, he began to beg for his loved ones who were also not saved. This man was in pain but he was concerned for the people he left behind on earth and he didn't want them to come to where he was. So he begged to come back to earth to warn them to give their life to God so that after they believed, he could return to hell. Even this request was not granted. This man was concerned for other people's eternity even though he had lost it. You should also be concerned about the eternal fate of your loved ones, friends and people around.
The Bible says in Lk.16: 31, And he said unto him, If they hear not Moses and the prophets, neither will they be persuaded, though one rose from the dead. Every man alive has his chance now while he is on earth and the Lord's provision for salvation is for you to heed the Word of God as preached by His servants who are on earth with you. Any man that is waiting for something spectacular before he gives his life to Jesus may never get it. If you refuse to hear the simple messages as preached daily, the repercussions will be great indeed. There is a time you can make request to God and get an answer, it is while you are alive. After death, no prayer is answered again. This is the time of salvation, tomorrow may be too late. You own today, use it well, because tomorrow may never be yours. Live everyday like the last! Maximise each hour of your life; make the most of minutes and seconds. Eternity can be today.

* Father, help me to live with eternity in view.
* In the name of Jesus, my eternity and that of my household shall be secured in Christ.

On this fourth day, Jehovah the fourth man shall stand with me, no fire will burn me and I shall not be drowned in the water of September, in the name of Jesus.

Saturday, September 3, 2016

Living with Eternity in View I

Saturday 3 September
READ: Lk. 16:22
MORE LESSON: Eccl. 8: 8

Looking at Luke 16:19 it tells a story about two men; one rich and the other poor. There was a certain rich man, which was clothed in purple and fine linen, and fared sumptuously every day: And there was a certain beggar named Lazarus, which was laid at his gate, full of sores …. The point of emphasis today is verse 22 which says, And it came to pass, that the beggar died, and was carried by the angels into Abraham's bosom: the rich man also died, and was buried: Luke 16:22. The rich man died and the poor man died. This shows that all men will die one day. The employees will die and the employer will die, the preacher and the congregation will die, the one who loves God and the one who does not love God will die. There is nothing any man can do about this fact. You better stop complaining about the things you don't have in life and start preparing for what is inevitable.
Do you know that there is no difference in death; death is death. People die in different ways but death is death. Whether through sickness, accident, old age or any other means; once a man is dead, he is dead. There is no rich dead man, there is no intelligent corpse; once a man is dead, he is dead. Preachers have made declarations over people for years that, 'you shall not die!' and the people replied 'amen'. Eventually, both the person that made the declaration and the people that replied 'amen’ died. The right prayer is that you shall not die untimely death. There is no point being scared or stiff when death is talked about because it will surely come to all, if Jesus tarries. The rich man died and the poor man also died. All are entitled to die one day. However, three points are important about the issue of death.
The first point is that a child of God should not be a victim of untimely death. The covenant of longevity covers every child of God. This means that you can rebuke the forces of untimely death over yourself and your loved ones.
The second point is that, you have to live your life to make impact and maximise destiny so that you would have fulfilled destiny before death comes. Don't waste your time and life and allow death, when it comes, to cheat you with unfulfilled destiny. Do all you can do for God and for humanity so that you will die empty; having delivered all that you brought to the world to deliver.
Finally, live with eternity in view so that after your death, which will eventually happen if Jesus tarries, you will spend eternity with the Lord. To live with eternity in view is to be conscious of Heaven in everything we do.Heaven should be the determining factor in all our actions and decisions, nothing more, nothing less.

* Receive grace to be conscious of Heaven in everything you do, in Jesus’ name.
* Believe God for the salvation of every one that matters to you.
Promise God that you will tell someone about His coming back.

I call my name (call it) and destiny and I announce to you, September shall not be hard for you, in the name of Jesus.

Friday, September 2, 2016

A New Name

Friday 2 September
READ: Isa. 62: 1-4
MORE LESSON: Gen. 32: 9-13

There are three ways by which people bare names; parents give names to children when they are born, situations and circumstances put names on people even though the names may not be what those people love to bear, and also, God bestows names on people. A woman once gave birth to a child and gave him one of the worst names in contemporary and ancient times in 1 Chron. 4: 9, . . . his mother called his name Jabez, saying, because I bare him with sorrow. The meaning of Jabez is sorrow; the mother named this boy 'sorrow' because of the experience she had when the baby was born.
The three Patriarchs of Israel, each had a different way by which they got their names. Abraham was initially given the name 'Abram' by his parents. 'Abram' meant 'the exalted father'. Isaac was given his name by God, the meaning of the name is laughter. The Lord Himself told Abraham to call his son 'Isaac' (Gen 17: 19). Jacob was given his name by his circumstance, he was born holding his brother's heels and so he was named Jacob, meaning 'supplanter'; it is not a good name, it is like being called a parasite or a cheat. However, when we look at the lives of these Patriarchs, the Lord changed the names except the one He gave by Himself. He changed Abram's name to 'Abraham'; the father of many nations' (Gen 17: 5). He changed Jacob's name to 'Israel'; 'a prince with God' (Gen 32: 28). God allowed Isaac's name because He was the one who gave it. It is time for every name that God has not given you to be changed.
Jabez, like Jacob also had a circumstantial name. While some circumstantial names are good, others are bad. Jabez was called sorrow because of his circumstances. The good news is that God visited all these men and changed their names. God removed sorrow from Jabez's destiny and made him more honourable than his brethren. His identity changed from sorrow to honour. The Lord will give you a new name today. Everywhere you have been called a name of reproach, the Lord will visit your circumstance and the same people will sing a new song about you. Your new name will tell of permanent greatness, glory, fruitfulness and splendor, in Jesus’ name, Never again will you be called "The Forsaken City" or "The Desolate Land." Your new name will be "The City of God's Delight" and "The Bride of God," for the LORD delights in you and will claim you as his bride: Isa. 62:4 (NLT).

* Ask God for His grace to give you a new name today, in Jesus’ name.
* Decree that every evil name that connotes misfortune and pain in your life be abolished today, in Jesus’ name.
* Tell the Lord that from today your name shall denote glory, favour and greatness, in Jesus’ name.

In this ninth month, I shall rule my world and shall not be a slave of destiny, in the mighty name of Jesus.