Sunday, June 30, 2013

Defend Your Love for God II

June 30

Text: Jn. 15:1-15    More Lessons: Rom. 5:8

It is the love of God for us that made us more than conquerors, Nay, in all these things we are more than conquerors through him that loved us Rom. 8:37. Without His love we cannot conquer, therefore we must keep and jealously guard His love for us. No matter the arrows Satan throws at us, we must not do anything to hurt that love because if we lose God’s love, we lose His favour.

Job remains a living example any day! The more arrows Satan shot at him, the more he established his commitment and love for God. I noticed with great challenge that while the arrows of Satan were being shot at Job, he was not struggling to defend his possessions (human and material), rather his concern was how to keep his faith and love for God who loved him. No wonder his confession was, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job 13:15. At the end of the day, Job had double for all his loss.
This is a lesson for us all today; we must recognise that every affliction of the believer is targeted at his faith and love for God. Therefore you must learn not to make any earthly thing a priority over your faith and love for God! Your battle should not be for things that Satan is struggling to get from you, rather you must see and work against his ultimate desire to steal, to kill and to destroy your eternity. When he attacks your finance, it is not because he needs dollars, he is out to get you to deny Christ's love; when he strikes with barrenness, sickness, failure etc, it’s all about getting the believer to doubt God's love and fall out of grace.

Therefore, you must guard your love for God such that no matter what betides, your love for God is intact, My son, keep thy father's commandment, and forsake not the law of thy mother Prov. 6:20. That is Solomon's submission for defending the father's love. Jesus urges, If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love Jn. 15:10. Jesus kept the commandments and remained in God’s love. You too must keep Jesus' commandments to remain in His love; not this only you must also bear fruit, and the fruit must be sustained. Then ….that whatsoever ye shall ask of the Father in my name, he may give it you Jn. 15:16.

* Declare that “in all these things, you will be more than a conqueror” (Rom. 8:37)
* Pray that nothing will be able to separate you from the love of God in Christ Jesus!
* Pray that God will uphold you with His right hand of power and keep you from falling.

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Saturday, June 29, 2013

Defend Your Love for God I.

June 29

Text:  Jn. 13:1     More Lessons:  Rom. 8:35-39

The greatest gift of God to man is His love for man. Through this love He sent Jesus to us, pardoned us and gave us all things richly to enjoy. The strength of our Christian faith is also based on this love. Because He loves us, He gave us all things; understanding and acceptance of God’s love are therefore the root of our relationship with Him. The moment you lose focus and understanding of His love for you, everything between you and God comes crashing down.

In essence, you accept Christ into your life because you believe He loves you, the moment that love fades out of your heart, your relationship with Christ is broken; therefore to protect your redemption you must sustain your love for Christ! There are many things out there threatening your love for Christ; which must not be allowed because they have the capability to take your redemption from you. Today's reading mentions some of them - tribulation, distress, persecution, famine, nakedness, peril, sword, sickness, delay in marriage, barrenness, joblessness, imagination, crisis, failure, financial difficulty etc. It takes knowing that God loves you to be able to overcome these things. They are actually sent as  arrows against your love for Christ.

The point is, whatever you lose in life should not take your love for God away. Whatever can make you doubt God's love for you is a risk to your faith, so keep your love for God at all costs; whatever you lose in life, don't lose your love for God and every thing will be secure. You will recover whatever Satan takes from you as long as your love for God stands.

How do you defend that love? (1) Read, keep and believe God's Word ever. (2) Company with people who love God genuinely and in all situations (3) Get permanently busy for God. (4) Let prayer be the bus stop for all your pains. The moment a matter is handed over to God in prayer let it remain there, no pity party, no complaint and no giving up! Keep your love for God burning and your eternity will be sure, and every other thing will be added here on earth.

* Tell God, “I will always love You, with or without the challenges of life”.
* Say like Job, Though he slay me, yet will I trust in him: but I will maintain mine own ways before him Job 13:15

  I have decided to follow Jesus (3x) No turning back, no turning back. The world behind me, the cross before me (3x) No turning back, no turning back. 
  Sing it as a song, turn it to a prayer. 

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Friday, June 28, 2013

Rest for My Soul II

June 28

Text: Heb.4:9-16; More Lessons: Prov.3:5-10

The Bible in Heb. 4:1 says we should fear lest we are not able to enter the rest that has been promised us. Know that your problem of barrenness should not give you unnecessary labour or make you go to a herbalist. You need rest from your labour.

Friend, there is only one type of labour that is recognised in Heaven. It is not the labour  to have money, it is the labour to know God's secret method of where your money is kept. It is wrong to think that making money is by labour because, …the race is not to the swift, nor the battle to the strong, …nor yet favour to men of skill; but time and chance happeneth to them
all. Ecc. 9:11. This is a mystery.

Nobody says you shouldn't work, but when your work becomes fruitless then there is a problem. The difference between working and toiling is that when you work, you earn your legitimate reward but when you toil, there is no corresponding reward for your labour. Peter was found by the sea side after he had toiled all night without catching fish, but when the Master came,
He came with the right key. Peter did not know that there was a key that could open the sea. That was why he toiled the way he did before Jesus gave Peter the key that opened the door of  the sea. Embarrassed by the multitude of fish that he caught, Peter confessed to the Master Jesus that he was a sinner, He acknowledged that since he toiled all night and didn't get any result until Jesus came, there must be something in Jesus that was not in him. Life begins
when you put your labour in God's hand and receive His key.

* Ask God to deliver you from leaning on your own understanding and begin to trust absolutely in the God who makes a way where there is no way.
* Pray that before this year runs out God will open before you the two leaved gates and you will walk expressly into your divine breakthrough.
* Break the evil circle of endless waste and loss over your life and open a new chapter of increase.

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Thursday, June 27, 2013

Rest for My Soul I

June 27

Text: Psa.121:1-8; More Lessons: Heb.4:16, 10:21

Many Christians are still in places far from Heaven's direction. While they are looking for sticks and cutlasses to cut the serpents off their lives, God is saying to look up in the place of prayer. Bow your knees in prayer, go low before the Almighty. Jacob did and his name was changed.

It is not the title or profession that brings money and satisfaction to you but whether that is where God wants you to be. To make it in life, stay where God says to stay. If He says dig, then begin to dig the ground. What you get from God depends on your level of obedience. God has more than enough, no man can exhaust His resources. But people lack and enter into trouble just because they are yet to know the ways of God.

Many people are suffering in the midst of plenty because they are yet to embrace the unlimited God. The God of Moses who took the Israelites through the wilderness and the Red Sea to the Promised Land cannot fail. Often, many resort to carnal reasoning and judge all things from human perspective, which leads to failure. However, trusting in the promises of God to help is the source of rest. Turn over your labour to the God of help and find rest for your soul. Replace your anxiety and economic calculation with the help of God through His Word.

The most reliable thing on earth is the Word of God for it is like gold tried in the furnace of fire, tested and proven. It is a light and you can turn to it because it is the way. God cannot fail, so His Word does not fail. It is the source of help from God and those that hold on to the Word will find rest for their souls.

* Ask God to grant you rest from your struggle and turn the days of fruitlessness to harvest.
* Ask God to guide and lead you to His prepared table for your destiny and save you from helplessness. 

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Wednesday, June 26, 2013

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me II

June 26

Text: Acts 10:34-43    More Lessons: Acts 10:38; Matt. 28:18-20

In the same way God anointed and filled Jesus with power, He is anointing and sending us. It means that everything that the Father has, He (Jesus) gave to us. Jesus did not go back to Heaven with the power of God because there are no sinners or sick people there.

Kenneth Hagin shared a testimony in one of His books of how in a clear revelation, a demon stood between him and Jesus like a big shadow. Contrary to Kenneth Hagin's expectation that Jesus would rebuke and cast out the demon, Jesus didn’t. After waiting in vain, Hagin got angry and rebuked the demon, in Jesus' name; then, like lightning, the demon disappeared.
Jesus later explained that He did not send the demon away because when He was leaving the earth, He handed all the power to believers. He left the power of atoning behind; He is not casting out demons anymore.

His intercession in Heaven is for us to be able to recognise what we are, who we are and be able to use the power that has been left behind for us. There are sick people and sinners on  the street, in the hotels, offices, restaurants, buses and our homes, waiting  to hear from us that there is a Saviour who can heal sickness and forgive sin.

Go tell someone today about the Saviour who died for them and as you go, heal the sick, raise  the dead, set the captives free because the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you and He has anointed you to go and do just that.

* Pray that you might operate in the fullness of the power of the Holy Ghost from today.
* Ask that you will begin to do exploits for the Kingdom of God than ever before.
* Pray that you will not be a waster of the deposit of the power of God upon your life.

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Tuesday, June 25, 2013

The Spirit of the Lord is upon Me I

June 25

Text: Isa. 61:1-6   More Lessons: Isa. 52:7

God is depending on you to fulfil His purpose on earth this end time. God is not looking up to angels, animals or stones to do the job but He is investing in us to enable us fulfil His purpose for our generation. 

The prophet Isaiah was the first to announce that Jesus would come and operate under the power of the Spirit of God. Isaiah tapped into the prophecy and began to enjoy the fulfilment even before Jesus came. There is no Word of God that can lack its mate. For every spoken Word of God, there is a corresponding fulfilment that matches what is spoken. Whatever God says will surely be fulfilled. It doesn't matter how long it takes.

When you hear God's Word that is intended to stir you to do His work but you fold your hands, you are likely to die with the gift of God in you. It is a privilege to put yourself where God is raising an army because whether you agree to go or not, God will always have enough hands to get the job done.

Before Jesus came into the picture, Isaiah said that the Spirit of the Lord God was on him and he began to manifest the power  of God,  even when  the  prophecy was meant for fulfilment in the future. This is so because when Jesus was going He said that as the Father sent Him so also He sent us, literally handing over the baton to us.

No one in this generation has any excuse for not doing the work of God, except we are ignorant of such promises as in Isa.60:1

* Pray that the Holy Spirit will come afresh upon you and re-anoint you for the coming mighty move of God upon the face of the earth.
* Ask God to use you as one of His mighty tools this end time.
* Invite the Holy Ghost to fulfil Isaiah 61:1 upon you today with great result following.

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Monday, June 24, 2013

Walking in Covenant

June 24

Text: Gen. 17:1-8; More Lessons: Psa. 89:34-35

When you stand in covenant relationship with the Almighty, it implies that your problems are His problems because whatever painful thing happens to you affects Him. If you establish a covenant of this nature with God, He has no option than to defend you because of the agreement that exists between you and Him.

The point is that every man who wants to conquer in life must have a personal relationship with the God Almighty, a relationship with Jesus Christ as the Lord and Saviour of his life. A deep relationship with God brings a manifestation of God in any crisis.

Every believer should know that whatever happens to him affects Jehovah. So, there will be a way out no matter how long it takes because you are walking in a covenant relationship with God. Everyone who desires an impact and revelation of God must walk with the perfect understanding of who God is. Men who find the names of God know who God is so that when  trouble comes, that knowledge of God gives them victory before a miracle happens; but ignorance of who God is can kill you before help reaches you. No crisis can swallow a believer who has a personal relationship with the Almighty.

Crisis will come, but He has promised to help. In serving God, a problem can be an opportunity to discover God afresh, and the more of Him you know the greater height you can go. Abraham  would not have been what he is today without a covenant walk with Jehovah. Because Abraham kept his own part of the covenant with God (walk with God) by circumcising all the males in his house, plus himself as God commanded, being the sign between Abraham and God, God could  not keep back His own side of the agreement, He gave Abraham children as He said (Gen 21:1) and blessed him in all things (Gen 24:1). The key to God’s blessing is living in obedience to His agreement with man. The first of that covenant is to keep His commandments and get His blessing. There could be other personal covenants you have with God which you will do well 
to keep, but our first covenant is the commandments which we must keep to be blessed.

* Ask God to write His laws upon the table of your heart that you may walk permanently in His way. 
* Ask Him to help you keep your covenants with Him and do His good will.
* Ask God to pour upon you His covenant blessings that cannot be reversed.

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Sunday, June 23, 2013

The Covenant of Name II

June 23

Text: Gen.22:1-14;          More Lessons: Exo.3:14-15

Names are covenants which bring an agreement between you and something. So be careful about who gives you a name and how the name affects your life. Some people use names which have
little or no meaning or just pick names from novels and movies. Such don't provide any covenant authority to use for result. You need to bear names that have meanings you can explore to attain great heights in ministry and business or victory in the battles of life.

All the names of God came out of relationship with God and in crisis situations, e.g the  revelation names of God, Jehovah-Rapha, Nissi, Jireh, Sikeenu, Shamma, Sabboath. Men sought God in times of trouble, the answers or solutions that God gave were given names which we 
now use to call God.

For example, Jehovah-Jireh came out of provision in a time of desperate need and it is a  covenant name signifying an agreement between man and God. Anytime you call Jehovah-Jireh, the 
computer in Heaven begins to read; you are calling on history to repeat itself in provision of God and then solution comes in response to an agreement between God and man to provide again as He did before.

As God's children, we have an established relationship with the Almighty, an assurance that what God did in the days of old can be done again. However, such results don't happen without  a covenant agreement. People who enjoyed the privilege had a personal relationship with God, which they serviced, and thus each time there was a problem help came mysteriously. If you want to have an encounter like Abraham had in the provision of God, first establis a relationship with the God of Abraham.

  Invoke Heaven to repeat the following covenant names in your life:
* Jehovah-Jireh - Gen. 22:14
* Jehovah- Elshaddai - Ex. 6:3
* Jehovah-Sabaoth - Jam. 5:4
* Jehovah-Ebenezar - I Sam. 7:12
* Jehovah-Nissi - Ex. 17:15
* Jehovah-Shallom - Judges 6:24

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Saturday, June 22, 2013

The Covenant of Name I

June 22

Text: Matt.1:21-25; More Lessons: Isa.7:14

Talking about the covenant names of God, I must first establish that names are very important to God. The names we bear tell a lot about us; what we are born to do, our identity and destiny. It is, therefore, important that as a child of God you are careful about the names that you bear, otherwise you will soon find that you bear a name that has negative influence on your life.

If you don't know the meaning of your name, you are likely to be struggling over things, the source of which you don't know. One good thing to note is that if names are not important, God would not have names. Names are, in fact, very spiritual and there are three different ways by which names are got. Parents give children names from birth, which is your registration card  by which you exist on the surface of the earth.

Jabez in I Chro.4:9-10 was given birth to in pain and therefore his mother named him Sorrow. Sometimes in life people call you by names you hate to bear, names that came just by circumstances in your life - terrible circumstantial names.

God also gives names as in the example of the three patriarchs of the Old Testament, Abram,  Isaac and Jacob. Abram means the exalted father, Isaac means laughter and Jacob means supplanter. Abram was changed by God to Abraham-father of multitude; Jacob changed from supplanter to Israel - a prince with God; Isaac was not changed because it was God that named him. What name do you bear? Does it need any attention? If you have any worry about your name, you can do three things. One, pray; two, go for counseling, and three, by divine leading choose another name.

* Ask God to change every negative name that man calls you with or without your knowledge.
* Ask God to give you a clear revelation of the meaning and effect of your name on your destiny

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Friday, June 21, 2013

Almost There

June 21

Text: Mk. 12:28-34; More Lessons: Mk. 8:36-37

It is a very dangerous thing in life for a man to have so much knowledge and practise so little or nothing of the things he knows and teaches. Also, it is sad to be so close to  something and yet miss it. The scribe in our reading today by knowledge was so close to Heaven but he never made it. All people, especially spiritual leaders, need to be careful about this  syndrome. There is always the danger of being a law giver and not a law doer, the consequence of which is like a motor park tout that labours to load a vehicle for a journey but never goes in the vehicle.

According to the NIV translation of Mark 12:34, Jesus noticed that the man was wise. He was  close enough to the Kingdom to have knowledge of how to enter and could teach others but he could not enter himself. What a sad story!

The problem with the scribe was that of “too much” (the extra). He knew what somebody did not  know, he had an understanding that somebody else did not possess. He had more than other people possessed yet he was only close to the Kingdom, he was not inside. This explains why  some people do not enter into the Kingdom of God, though they are not far from it – so much  religion but nothing spiritual!

Be careful not to allow religion to stop you from entering the Kingdom. Do not be like the teacher of the law in our text who missed a divine arrangement for him to enter the Kingdom, so close but not there. Are you so close, through religion and religious activities, yet outside of the Kingdom?  Is your name in the Book of Life? Don't end today without confirming 
that! Jesus on your inside is the confirmation. The Apostle Paul says, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Rom. 8:16. Confirm your eligibility for Heaven with the life you live, not the name people call you or your religious activities.

* Pray that you will not walk so close with Jesus and yet miss Heaven.
* Pray that your work and gift for Jesus will not blindfold your walk with Him.

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Thursday, June 20, 2013

Blessed Indeed

June 20

Text: Lk. 19:1-9   More Lessons: I Sam. 12:3-4

Recently, I noticed a common misconception of what exactly a blessing is and who can be said  to be blessed. This argument, I observe, is both within and outside the Church of Jesus Christ.

Before you proclaim your marriage a blessing, ask yourself how you entered into this marriage? Who did you push out to come in? What lie did you tell to get your partner? The number of children you have is not the first test but ask yourself whether you have paid the dowry. Is there a hidden unconfessed matter about your marriage?

Before you declare your bank account or business a blessing, let us ask you, Who did you cheat to get the money? It is not how many cars are in your compound that define your blessing but how they came. How much of what you have can you truly account for? It does not matter how 
philanthropic and generous you are. Anything that has a lie attached to it cannot bring a lasting joy and it is also not a true blessing.

We are not doubting the possibility of true riches or enduring happiness (blessing) but the  source determines its worth. Happiness that does not originate from God will not last and  therefore cannot be said to be a true blessing.

Apostle Paul, writing to the Philippians says, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, …whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil.4:8.  Every acquisition without a root in God will end like Zacchaeus’ who thought he was a blessed 
man until he met Jesus and discovered that he had been living on stolen things. Thank God he was granted mercy.

* From a sincere heart ask God for forgiveness and mercy over any questionable “blessings” in your possession.
* Ask for the help of God to shun questionable gifts and offers no matter the attraction and need.
* Ask God for riches that is devoid of the enemy’s addition.
* Command the release of godly blessings that add no sorrow.

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Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Enemies of God

June 19

Text: Matt. 27:23-31; More Lessons: Job 8:9-13

I have never been surprised to hear people talk of enemies. After all, it was human beings  that crucified Jesus of Nazareth, even when they could not point at one thing that He did  wrong. All allegations against Him were proved wrong, yet they insisted He must be killed. 
Thank God Jesus resurrected on the third day, triumphant over all enemies. Jesus’ predicament was a clear case of enmity; on this basis, one then wonders why God too has enemies. He created man in His own image and loves him but man reciprocates with enmity. An enemy of God is anyone who breaks the law of God for whatever reason. You are an enemy of God when you 
break His commandments as I John 3:8-9 says, He that committeth sin is of the devil..., Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin…. If the Bible says someone is of the devil it  is the same as saying you are God's number one enemy.

Sin, whether one or many, makes a man an enemy of God. Committing sin is beyond breaking the  law of God and it extends to doing anything against God's interest to a person, a people or the work of God. It includes knowing what to do and refusing to do it (Jm.4:17). All enemies of God will pay a great price in life and in death, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psa. 9:17. 

As God’s children we have a responsibility to tell all people the consequences of being God’s enemy-hell. We must express our concern about the eternal punishment of hating God and tell 
sinners with compassion that God will forgive them if only they change their ways, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon Ish 55:7. Your spiritual status with God is a choice, choose  Jesus  for a happy eternity!

* Pray  that you will never be deceived  into being an enemy of God.
* Pray  that  the  righteousness of God  in Christ  Jesus will envelop you all  through  life.
* Pray for every known family member, colleague at work and friends who have not yet accepted Christ  that  the  light of God will  shine on  them  today.
  Plan and pray for the evangelisation of these people beginning from now.

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Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Friends of God

June 18

Text: John 15:1-15; More Lessons: John 14:23, 

One of the greatest and most beneficial relationships on the earth is that of man becoming a  friend of God. This relationship is most beneficial because it has both earthly and eternal blessings. It is also the highest level of relationship a man can ever have, relating with the Most High God as a friend. Abraham was no doubt a friend of God and that was why God did not keep anything from him, And  the LORD said, Shall I hide from Abraham that thing which I do; Gen.18:17. Moses was even directly referred to in the Bible as a friend of God, And the LORD spake unto Moses face to face, as a man speaketh unto his friend…. Exo.33:11

This great privilege is, however, not received without a condition. John 15:14 says, Ye are my friends, if ye do whatsoever I command you. Obedience, therefore, is the condition for a good relationship with God. If you want to become a personal friend of God like Abraham and Moses, then brace up for a life of total obedience to God in all things. The starting point, however, is to accept Jesus as your Lord and Saviour, invite Him to be in  total control of your life and He will come in. He says in Rev.3:20, Behold, I stand at the door, and knock: if any man hear my voice, and open the door, I will come in to him, and will sup with him, and he with me. That is an open invitation by the Almighty for friendship. Be a friend of God, TODAY! Only friends of God will spend eternity with God in Heaven, but His enemies shall perish in hell. Even before going to Heaven, friends of God will enjoy the cover and greatness of Heaven on earth. God will be jealous for their sake, defend them, 
give them silver and gold and they shall not be feeble (Psa. 105:37). They will call upon God and He will answer them, He will be with them in trouble, He will deliver and honour them, He will satisfy them with long life and at the end show them His salvation (Psa. 91:15-16). All these benefits and more are yours as a friend of God, so go for them.

* Say, Father, don't stop at making me Your child, make me Your friend.
* Father, I want to be intimate enough with You to speak mouth-to-mouth with you like Moses and a confidant like Abraham.

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Monday, June 17, 2013

The Strength of Relationship

June 17

Text: John 11:1-12; More Lessons: I John 3:1-2

The value that God attaches to relationship is epitomised by Jesus' relationship with Lazarus  as recorded in our text. First, in verse 1 Lazarus is referred to as a “certain” sick man and  then we learn that Lazarus and the other ladies, Mary and Martha, are from the same town. In verse 2, we are told that these ladies have a relationship with Lazarus, he is their brother. I'm sure by this explanation God wants to emphasise the importance of relationship.

Another level of relationship is introduced is verse 5, Now Jesus loved Martha, and her sister, and Lazarus. This is Jesus' relationship with the whole family. 
But of particular  interest today is the information in verse 11, …Our friend Lazarus…, which is a personal relationship between Jesus, His disciples and Lazarus. The strength of this personal relationship is noticed when Jesus gets to the graveside of Lazarus, Jesus wept; John 11:35. Such is their closeness that in spite of knowing that Lazarus is going to rise, Jesus still feels so much for Lazarus’ temporary affliction by death. In fact, the Jews standing-by note, Behold how he loved him! v 36. 

All this is a wake-up call to every believer that Christianity is all about loving one another, caring and feeling for one another in the household of faith. Regardless of denomination, tribe or tongue, the Church must be one.

* Ask God to help you to be faithful and committed to your relationships.
* Pray that the Church will teach the world to love and be a practical example of God’s love to one another.
* Pray that the Church of Jesus will be delivered from the arrows of tribe, colour, hatred and hypocrisy.

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Sunday, June 16, 2013

Friends Forever

June 16

Text: Acts 2:41-47; More Lessons: James 5:9-16

Relationship is defined as the state of being connected or an instance of being related, horizontally or vertically. To be connected with God Almighty is a spiritual relationship often referred to as vertical. Both vertical and horizontal relationships are essential for man. A man needs to have a good relationship with God by being born again so that after life  on earth he might have a place of rest and joy through eternity. This is the greatest and most vital relationship in life! However, a spiritual relationship without a corresponding horizontal man-to-man relationship could make a mess of the spiritual relationship. Thus it is expedient to ensure that relationships in both dimensions are alright.

It is important to also note that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the basis of our spiritual relationship with God is committed to men and not angels. If we must enter our spiritual relationship which is vital to life both here and in Heaven, we need one another. Again, it is not possible to work for God and walk with God without relating with men because man is God's only project on earth.

We can, therefore, boldly say that relationships are not only vital to man, but also to God.  God created man to have relationships. No matter how spiritual we may be, we need one another always and we must therefore work to be in good and godly relationship always. Note also that you need to be careful the types of relationship you build. It must be such that has all potentials to increase and contribute to your destiny. Relate with all men but build intimacy with only those going in your direction; helpers and developers of destiny and not fire  extinguishers and purposeless people. Choose your friends, do it carefully and prayerfully.  Then be faithful to the relationship, service it, invest into it, and patiently develop it and you will be glad you did.

* Ask the Lord to help you recongise the relationship that is necessary, vital and good for your destiny.
* Ask God to help you make the right choice with divine precision and accuracy.
* Pray that you will be faithful to relationships, bless and be blessed by them.

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Saturday, June 15, 2013

Cast out the Bond-Woman and her Child

June 15

Text: Gen. 21:1-12; More Lessons: Gen. 21:14

After Sarah Abraham's wife had for long waited on God to give her a son, she told Abraham go into her maid, Hagar, and Hagar bore Ishmael while Sarah remained barren. Then God gave Sarah a son named Isaac, and when Isaac grew, Ishmael mocked that he was the first born of the house to rule over Isaac. Sarah then quickly moved to deal with the problem, which she had created. She then went to the higher authority, Abraham, who could deal effectively with the matter.

There are lessons to learn from Sarah's action. One is that we must respond to the mockery of the enemy. The second one is that, to deal with the mockery of the enemy, go to the authority  that is higher than the enemy. Third, Sarah wanted maximum punishment for the enemy in order to settle the matter once and for all.

Sarah could have kicked Ishmael, but rather she demanded that Abraham send Ishmael and his mother away.

In His days on earth, Jesus did not kill demons, He cast them out. It is the will of God that you cast out of your life whatever constitutes a source of bondage.

Many believers live with problems which have become a reproach and they are patching on. Some have done something about the problem but the action taken was wrong. I see God take away your reproach this year. I see poverty kicked out and anything that opposes the praise of God in your life is broken to pieces, in Jesus' name.

* Tell the Lord that the enemy will not rejoice over you this year, that no reproach will remain unbroken.
* Prophesy against and declare ended by the force of Heaven everything that brings shame, mockery and sorrow to your life.
* Cast out every evidence of Satan’s presence out of your destiny.

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Friday, June 14, 2013

Occupy II

June 14

Text: Matt. 25:1-13; More Lessons:  Jn 15:2.

In continuation of yesterday’s study, the second vital thing necessary to stay productive is the act of going an extra mile all the time. The undoing of the foolish virgins was their carelessness in not taking extra oil along when going to receive the bridegroom. Be a wise virgin; take extra oil for your journey. Learn to do a little more than everyone else is doing in the Christian faith. If the general rule is to fast once a week, go a step further, fast twice. It is a mark of seriousness and it will keep you on top.

Again, the Bible teaches us that to be productive and ready for the coming of the Lord, we must be sensitive, watchful and prayerful. Jesus is emphatic on this and He warns, Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come. Matt. 
24:42. And he cometh unto the disciples, and findeth them asleep, and saith unto Peter, What, could ye not watch with me one hour? Watch and pray, that ye enter not into temptation: the spirit indeed is willing, but the flesh is weak: Matt. 26:40-41. You must be alert always so that you are not carried away by the things and events of this world, especially such things like money, position, marriage, love of the world, etc.

Finally, you need to abstain from all appearance of evil. 1Thess. 5:22. To make Heaven, it is not enough to run away from things that are evil (sin) but also from things that look like sin (evil). The moment you notice the shadow of the devil in anything, no matter how wonderful it  is, just take to your heels and escape for your dear life. Note that to be able to do all the 
above and be productive, you need to belong to a full Bible believing church, study the Word of God, do according to the Word, and keep a closer walk with the Holy Spirit. I know God is faithful and He will keep and help you to make it to the end. Be occupied!

* Ask for the wisdom, grace and strength of God to go an extra mile for the Kingdom of God.
* Pray that you will be able to wait upon the Lord in righteousness and holiness all the days of your life.
* Pray that you will be productive like a tree planted by the river, physically, spiritually and in all areas of life.

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Thursday, June 13, 2013

Occupy I

June 13

Text: Lk. 19:11-22; More Lessons: 1Cor. 12:1-7; Rom. 12:6-8

The truth is that except we stay awake, there is danger ahead because a little slumber could  destroy all the previous good we have done. The Master expects that we do not doze at all, but stay awake until He comes.

The bridegroom  in our  text for  today teaches us how best to keep awake. Jesus, in the parable of the talent, reveals the secret of a lasting strength. The only thing to do in order not to be caught unawares on the last day, Jesus says, is to keep busy for God. Start by discovering your talent or your God-given gift that can be used to glorify Him. Locate it and make it useful somewhere. 

Don't be bothered about how little or small the gift is, like the servant with only one talent. Don't bury the talent by non usage. Put it to use somewhere for God and keep at it until you see Jesus. This is how to occupy until He returns.

Some people are idle in church under the guise of not knowing their calling, ministry or gift. That also is a risk, don't spend the whole of your life waiting to know; find something profitable to do for God somewhere while you wait and search. Idleness in any area of life is a strategy of the devil to waste your life, don't accept it for whatever reason. Find something doing and do it well.

Idleness  is  the surest way  to poverty, spiritual or physical. If you are idle spiritually, you will be spiritually poor and on the last day, you will not have anything to show God for your stay on earth. God will never spare an unfruitful tree. Get occupied!

* Pray that you will not be a disappointment to the Master when He returns.
* Pray that your God-given talents will bring glory and harvest to God’s Kingdom.
* Pray that you will not be an unprofitable servant to God, your family, the church and society at large.

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Wednesday, June 12, 2013

Boosters of Joy

June 12

Text: Exo. 15:1-11; More Lessons: Joel 2:23; Phil.4:4.

For every purpose, there is a time and a season for every event. A man who refuses to celebrate the present joy because of bad past experience cheats himself. The Word of God says, …Is any merry? let him sing psalms: James 5:13. Forgetting the bad things of the past is a very good booster of endless joy. In fact, it is the secret of the life of advancement, abundance, progress and ceaseless strength in this world (Is.43;18-19). If God granted that what brought pain and heartache in the past should now bring you the desired result and excitement (God turning an instrument of pain to that of comfort), then there is every reason  for celebration and jubilation before the Lord.

Such was the experience of the Israelites as they crossed the Red Sea. The great sea which had been a symbol of hindrance and death to the Israelites suddenly became a passage to the land of Canaan. They passed through it with all their children, slaves and material possessions. And Moses, being a grateful leader, sang an inspirational song to the Lord for great victory. Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron led the women in celebration of their God-given victory.

One good afternoon, I was on my way to visit a friend and I saw some people in high spirit,  laughing and dancing. It was obviously a festive occasion. When asked why they were dancing so much, they replied, “Because we are alive”. You need to rejoice and be grateful because you are alive. Many people longed to see this year, but it was not given to them. You are alive
today perhaps because it is a season of joyfor  you.  One  good  way  you  can  express
your joy in the Lord is singing and dancing,
they are joy boasters.

Singing and dancing celebrate fellowship, demonstrate worship, and gives a sense of belonging and identity. So you have seen the need to do it, why not do it?

* Prophesy that this year you will not lack reasons for singing and rejoicing.
* Pray that every act of pain and sadness shall be turned to joy from this day on and you will sing and dance where you earlier cried.
* Declare that the God who gave the commandment to rejoice will cause things of joy to happen to you from today.

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Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Divine Speed III

June 11

Text: Acts 8:26-40; More Lessons: Gen. 2:2.

To conclude our studies on divine speed; godly living, holiness and righteousness are other  attitudes to be cultivated to have divine speed. The Word of God says, Righteousness exalteth  a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people: Prov.14:34. When you live a godly life, honour, exaltation and glory are the dividends. The chastity of Mary and Esther paid off as they were adequately rewarded. There is no regret in godliness. When you live a godly life, things work out fine for you, and obstacles give way. Advancement to glory becomes a work–over when a man's way pleases the Lord.

Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit by always being in the spirit is another secret of gaining  speed. The Holy Spirit is a good time keeper; anyone who listens to Him will always be on  time. Going late to places, missing appointments, not knowing what to do most of the time etc may be forms of evidence that the Holy Spirit is not in control in one's life. When the Holy
Spirit power dwells in a man, an unusual strength comes upon him. The man of God, Philip, was  taken away after finishing his assignment with the Ethiopian Eunuch under the influence of  the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:39) and found himself in another city where his next assignment was.

Jesus' intervention is another way of gaining speed. Peter and other disciples tried all night without catching any fish. But immediately Jesus came on the scene, their toiling ended. All principles of fishing had refused to work for them, but by Christ's direction, provision came and joy and happiness returned. They caught plenty of fish and hunger was over (Jn. 21:1-6).
All adverse and unfavourable conditions changed. Divine speed is about getting things done as  at and when due or even earlier/faster than envisaged. God is the exclusive giver of divine speed; He made heavens and the earth in a record six days time. He will give you speed and rest from your labour.

* Tell God you connect today with His power of divine speed to complete all your projects and assignments in record time.
* Ask Jehovah to grant you deliverance from every type of delay in life.
* Pray for divine wisdom to attain, advance and win this year.

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Monday, June 10, 2013

Divine Speed II

June 10

Text: 1 Kings 18:41-46   More Lessons: Ecc. 9:11–12; Acts 8:29-39

To continue from where we stopped yesterday, right relationship with people can add all that you lack to your life. Journeys can be shortened by right relationship. Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus said to Jesus when Lazarus died, …if thou hadst been here, my brother had
not died: Jn.11:21. She knew the power of good relationship and Jesus proved His love for them by raising Lazarus from the dead. They did not need to wait until resurrection morning before  seeing their brother; they had him raised back to life immediately. The power of resurrection
can work for you also and change every deadness in your life. Call upon Jesus because He is the resurrection and life and things will change for you.

Worshipping and praying aright are other ways of gaining speed. Worship is God's diet. When you praise and worship God while you pray, you can be sure you will get the unusual response. Worship and prayer move the hand of God more than anything else. When we order our conversation aright God is bound to act promptly.

The Gentile woman knew this and gave Jesus what He would not disregard; she gave Him worship and acted in faith even in hopelessness (Matt. 15:25). Jesus had no option but to heal her  daughter. What murmuring, fighting, accusation and rebellion cannot give you will be made
available through worship. God seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. God is not looking for good church goers, the rich or influential or great orators, but for true worshippers. Are you a true  worshipper? Who do you worship? God is the only one to be worshipped. The only acceptable channel of His worship is Jesus  Christ. Worship God for a  divine speed response. By divine speed Elijah who was on foot out-ran King Ahab who was on chariot (v46). Never in history had that been heard of before or since then but God did it for Elijah. You will have divine speed this year.

* Today, ask God for speed like Elijah to out-run every antagonist and challenger of your destiny.
* Receive divine help to achieve more than your human labour can give.
* Declare that you will break forth on every side this year and not be limited or hindered in any way.

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Sunday, June 9, 2013

Divine Speed I

June 9

Text: Exo 14:15–25; More Lessons: Ezek. 3:14, John 11:21

Speed is related to time. Unless a man gains time he has not gained speed. Men who make their  journey without wasting time and in good speed are those who understand the importance of God's timing. A man who does not know his time is likely to miss his chance. May you not miss your chance, in Jesus' name. And if you have missed it, our God is a God of second chance; you can trust Him to help you recover lost chances.

Men of understanding like Daniel, Josedeek (the mother of Moses), men of Isaachar and Jesus, fulfilled their destinies, received deliverance, wrought miracles and preserved men for the purpose of God for their lives. Daniel, by God's inspiration and constant study of the Word, understood that the time of Israel's captivity was over (Dan. 9: 2). Jesus did all that He came to do on earth according to God's plan.

Jesus is the fulfilment of time; when Jesus turns to you, you are favoured. But how will Jesus turn to you if you don't call on Him? Blind Bartimeus' called on Jesus and He restored sight to him. Calling on God brings deliverance, breakthrough and intervention.  Call  upon  Him  today and receive your miracles, For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be  saved. Rom 10: 13.

Time and seasons were created by God and when it comes to handling time, God is perfect. God made old Elizabeth the wife of Zacharias to wait for virgin Mary before she conceived. Jehovah had planned that John the Baptist and Jesus should be born about the same time. He can turn the hand of the clock and change seasons for you. He can command an unusual help for you. He can give favour where you least expect and grant you speed even in the face of opposition and obstacles of the devil. Israel gained speed over the Egyptians in the Red Sea by divine help. God took off their chariot wheels (v25). Aslo, v24 says God troubled the host of the Egyptians
and because of these the Israelites gained speed and were able to cross the Red Sea on time so that the Egyptians could not catch up with them. God will grant you divine speed such that no enemy will be able to catch up with you, in Jesus’ name.

* Command the enemy’s wheel of progress in your life to be removed.
* Ask that the Lord will trouble the root of opposition to your destiny and make them unable to advance against you in any form.
* Pray that you will not gain speed in the wrong direction.

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Remembering Lot's Generation IV

June 8

Text: Matt 24:44–51 More Lessons: Matt 24:36; Rev. 3:20

For the fourth day running, we are considering this same topic. Today, we need to conclude by still considering a few lessons one of which is to watch and pray. You must be careful and sensitive to events around you because the things happening these days point to the soon coming of the Lord. Do not take things as ordinary or for granted. Look for the spiritual  implications of events. A watchful man keeps examining things and events and what the Bible  says about them.

One area, for instance, that you must watch is computer technology. The great advancement made in this field reminds me that the coming of Christ is very close. The anti-Christ will use the computer as a major tool to rule the world in a universal government. This breakthrough should not be taken as just technological, there is the spiritual perspective  to  it all.

You also need to pray. Prayer keeps a man out of danger. A spiritually sensitive man is a prayerful man. At the close of His ministry on earth, Jesus knew His disciples would face a  lot of upheavals. So He instructed them to watch and pray, but they did not understand and they were tired anyway, so they slept off. It is no wonder then that when the crowd came to  arrest Jesus, the disciples scattered. The only one who wanted to resist the crowd cut off the
ear of one of the messengers, and he later denied Jesus. Christ's predictions to His disciples came to pass because they did not heed His warning to pray in order to stay out of danger.
You must be prayerful. In prayer God opens your eyes of understanding of events. Prayer then makes you sensitive and keeps you on guard. And because you are in constant communion with God, He opens up secrets to you so that you are not caught unawares when rapture eventually

* Pray that the Lord will keep you watching, praying and spiritually awake until the coming of the Lord.
* Pray that you will not be an end time casualty like Judas and Demas.
* Pray that no members of your immediate and extended family will be a candidate of hell. You will make Heaven together.

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Remembering Lot's Generation III

June 7

Text: Matt 24:44–51   More Lessons: Isa. 51:6, Matt 24:8–15

We studied yesterday  that people of our generation have not only fallen into the mistakes of those ahead of us, they do worse than the generation of Lot. How then do we overcome and avoid the danger of missing rapture? We certainly could do some things.

The first thing is to be born again. Anyone who does not have God as Lord will worship  the gods of this world. But you can prevail over mammon, the god of money, if you have God who is greater than money. Let God Almighty rule your life; make Him Sovereign in your life. This is
one sure way out of danger that looms large. But some believers are still ruled by food, money and material things; these things engage their hearts. The problem of such people is  lust. Unfortunately, many people do not see lust beyond the issue of immorality. But one can lust after money and other things. Lust is an inordinate ambition, an unguided desire for
something which one feels one must get by all means.

The second thing is that people who have this problem should cry to God for deliverance. Worse still, some cover up the problem with religious activities. But you need to be set free from  lust and re-dedicate your life to Christ.

The third thing to be done is to constantly remember the mistakes about which Christ has warned us. Always remember what money, gluttony, business, recklessness have done to others before us. Remembering these things will help you to be cautious. And you remind yourself of
these things by reading the Bible constantly, mediating on the Word and sharing your understanding with other people. Make the Word your daily companion. Obey God's Word and escape the coming damnation. Learn from Lot's generation.

* Ask the Lord to grant you the power not to be overcome by the worldly activities around you.
* Ask God to grant you the grace to always make the things of God a priority over every other thing in life.

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Remembering Lot's Generation II

June 6

Text: Luke 17:28–36 More Lessons: Heb 9:27;  1Thes. 4:16-18

Today, we shall continue on the lessons from Lot's generation that we started studying yesterday. The people bought and sold, which implies commerce, business, the desire to get money to meet one's needs. Business has a way of ensnaring men so much that they have no time  for other things. Some open shops to sell on Sundays so that there is not a day set aside for God. Eating and drinking, buying and selling, all have a way of blocking people's consciousness and desire for the things of the Spirit. People kill to get money, medical  doctors perform abortion just to get money saying, “All is business”.

Moreover, in Lot’s time, they planted, they builded; v 28, implying lust for material things. This is another major thing that occupies the hearts of men today. People worry because they  do not have certain things, like a car or house. They, therefore, run around to have one or add to what they have.

It is good to have money, do business and be able to buy good things that make living comfortable. In fact, the Church needs money to spread the Gospel. But these things should  not occupy you so much that you have no thought, or preparation for your eternal Home. The moment men have no time for God, it becomes a disaster, which is the undoing of our generation. The people of Lot's time forgot about God and that spelt their doom. They were still busy with their businesses the day Lot escaped.

If the people of Sodom did not have too many warnings, then we are a favoured generation. We have enough warnings. The time is too close to eternity for reckless living. Prepare for eternity now.

* Pray that you will never grow lukewarm but that your commitment to the things of God shall increase by the day.
* Destroy by fire every form of influence and corruption of the world system, including pressing needs upon your Christian faith.
* Renew your commitment to the things of God.

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Remembering Lot's Generation I

June 5

Text: Lk. 17:28-36. More Lessons: Gen. 19: 1-38.

The fact that Jesus devoted much of His teaching time to the subject of rapture proves that  the issue is important. Therefore, we must constantly remind one another about the rapture in order to avoid regret when the trumpet sounds for the saints to go home.

A close study of the generation of Noah and Lot reveals the things that happened then. But Jesus said in Lk. 17:29 that the same day  that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all. What made Lot escape while the other people perished? The same angelic visitation resulted  in Lot's escape and destruction of others. Something must have blindfolded them such that even when they saw Lot running away, they were not sensitive enough to follow. The Bible says in Gen.19:17 that the angels hastened Lot and told him to escape for his dear life. He packed his belongings overnight and left immediately. God wants this generation to escape the coming destruction.

Jesus said in v28, Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. We need to know how it was then compared with our own generation so we can see how prepared we are for the rapture. The Bible says, they did eat, they drank. The people were preoccupied with eating and drinking. Even so  today, people do many things, good and evil, legal and illegal, just to eat. They do ungodly  things just to eat, all these to the detriment of their spirit. How wonderful it would be for man to refuse to eat food to the point of dying than eat and miss Heaven.
Learn lessons from Lot's generation and be ever rapture-ready.

* Pray that you will not repeat the mistake and carelessness of the people of the days of Lot.
* Pray that you and all yours will not be a part of the coming destruction upon the earth.
* Pray that no commerce, business, career or job will be strong enough to take your attention away from the Saviour and the readiness for the Kingdom.

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Weapons of our Warfare II

June 4

Text: Heb.12:22-26 More Lessons: Exo. 12:12-13

Another weapon of warfare is the blood of Jesus. Blood is very vital to man because the life  of a man is in his blood. It is the same also in the spiritual. The blood of Jesus was God's final straw to break the devil's back and rescue mankind from the power of hell and eternal destruction.

A closer look at the use of blood by God reveals that it has always been a strong weapon in His hand from the beginning of man's travails in the devil's hand. At the fall of man in Gen. 3:21 we saw how for the first time the Lord God used blood as a tool and as a weapon, Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coat of skins, and clothed them. The skin was used to cover man's nakedness but the blood that was shed prophetically pointed to the final work of grace, which was to come through the shedding of the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God.
Also, in Gen. 4:3-10, the Bible records the first murder on earth, that of Abel by Cain. Verse 10 shows the strength of blood, And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. Abel was dead but his blood was still alive, active and working. It was functioning so well that it got the attention of the Almighty God who had to do something about it. That shows how strong the power of the blood of man is, it has mouth and it can speak until it gets attention.

The blood of Jesus is God's strongest weapon that defeated the devil to his permanent grave. It is available for all of God’s children who recognise the provision and appropriate it rightly. Plead this blood upon your day, home and destiny daily. Apply it to all yours as a guard against any satanic confrontation. Receive God’s mercy and cleansing by it and by it
gain access to the throne of the Father. The blood of Jesus will not fail in anything, hold tightly to it fo all-round success.

* Command that the blood of Jesus will speak better things into your destiny today.
* Plead that the blood of pass over will stand against every device of the devil over your life and family this year.
* Tell Satan, “The blood of Jesus is against you over my life, in Jesus’ name.

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Weapons of our Warfare I

June 3

Text: II Cor.10:1-6 More Lessons: Eph.6:12

Our text today is about the weapons of our warfare. It says that they are not carnal, meaning they are not physical things that the physical eyes can see. However, they are mighty through God to pull down any stronghold - a fortified place or a fortress, safe for the owner and difficult to attack. It is a place where a man feels secure in the time of the enemy's attack. During warfare, once soldiers are able to get to their stronghold, either on the mountain or  thick bush, it becomes very difficult to dislodge them.

Our text says the enemy has a stronghold where he hides to launch his attacks and not until an enemy's stronghold is destroyed he cannot be defeated. However, it is exciting to know that our weapons can destroy any enemy's stronghold. This is the location of strength of Christians. This is why we can boldly speak of victory over any trouble of life. Yet this victory is only for the children of God who know it and use it.

The most important thing to note about these weapons is that they are spiritual; they are not physical or material, they are not loud or noisy, but the impacts are great, greater than any ballistic missile or atomic bomb.  They are fast and irresistible. Nothing can counter them  and they are forever impossible for the enemy.

Another important thing about these weapons is the fact that they only work through God. Jehovah God is the only gun through which these bullets can be fired. They will not work for  a carnal man or sinner, only spiritual people can enjoy them. So, if you are in the flesh, fornicating, lying, stealing, fighting, gossiping, you can't benefit from these weapons. Receive Christ as your Saviour and  these weapons will be yours.

* Declare that there shall be no hiding place for the enemies of your life.
* Decree that every stronghold giving cover and strength to your enemy should be destroyed by fire today.
* Ask that as you use the weapons of God you will not miss the enemy’s stronghold, in the mighty name of Jesus.

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Picking up the Pieces

June 2

Text: Psa. 126:1-6    More Lessons: Job 42:12

Sometimes our dreams are shattered by lack of fulfilment; sometimes hope is lost to frustration. Many times we work so hard and get nothing and we ask, ‘why’? Sometimes the days ahead look so bright with an early sunrise, only for darkness to take over the horizon again. Often, great and solid promises suddenly disappear into the thin air. Life becomes so confusing at such times that everything seems to be in pieces. Nothing seems real anymore; even God becomes so abstract, as if He does not exist.  All we see is fear, helplessness, crisis, pain, darkness, and life becomes unbearable.

Many people commit suicide at such times; some go mad and never recover again. Others give in to depression and sit in self-pity, never attempting anything good again. A few others take it up against God and declare Him unfair and unjust. Consequently, they abandon seeking God and  worship the creature of God or completely stay away from everything.

However, there are some who take advantage of such situations to rise. They simply decide to pick up the pieces of their life by fighting the enemy of goodness, the devil, using the last spiritual strength left in them. They just can't give up. They know that Jehovah God exists no matter what lies the situation of life attempt to tell.

Don't give up because it's not over yet. The God who turns captivity around is still in control. Seek God, invite Jesus into your life as your Lord and Saviour. Don't join the multitude to do evil. Make your ways right with God, and if you are already in Christ, stay hopeful. Renew your strength constantly in God's promises and like Job your change will come  (Job 14:14).

Read the following scriptures and pray with them:
* Job 8:7: Ask God to turn your little beginning to a greater tomorrow.
* Job 14:14: Declare that your change shall surely come.
* Job 14:7: Prophesy that your destiny shall rise again.

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Water of Marah

June 1

Text: Exo. 15:23-27   More Lessons: Ruth 1:20; Matt. 1:1, 5-6, 16

As soon as the Israelites left Egypt they had a problem as Egypt was pursuing them and the Red Sea was in front of them.The Egyptians must have been happy that the Israelites had no way of  escape and they were joyous in anticipation of victory. But the Israelites cried onto the Lord and He divided the Sea so that His people passed on dry land. God, by His great power, parted the water, raised the sea bed and made the path dry, and His people walked to the other side. However, the Sea through which God's people passed became the enemy’s grave. So shall God do to your enemies.

The Israelites continued on their journey after the unique victory. They trekked for three  days without water to drink. Therefore, the people began to grumble and lament, forgetting  the great miracle they just had. Again, Moses cried to the Lord and He provided water for them. But much to their sorrow, the water was bitter.
That might be your experience. You have been looking for a job and what you got is not  satisfactory, something below your qualification, that is, ‘marah’. Don't murmur and complain. What God did at Marah, He can do it again.

From Marah they moved to Elim where they found twelve wells, seventy palm trees and they  camped there. That's the doing of the Lord. After the trouble and the tension at Marah, He moved the people to where they found rest. May you enter into God's rest. God who moved Naomi  and Ruth from being Mara to becoming the descendants of Jesus will do same for your ‘marah’.

* Declare that this year, you will not move from battle to battle, there shall be rest.
* Pray that you will not live a life of complaining but will always work for solution.
* Command every ‘marah’ in your life to turn to sweetness today.

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