Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Divine Speed III

June 11

Text: Acts 8:26-40; More Lessons: Gen. 2:2.

To conclude our studies on divine speed; godly living, holiness and righteousness are other  attitudes to be cultivated to have divine speed. The Word of God says, Righteousness exalteth  a nation: but sin is a reproach to any people: Prov.14:34. When you live a godly life, honour, exaltation and glory are the dividends. The chastity of Mary and Esther paid off as they were adequately rewarded. There is no regret in godliness. When you live a godly life, things work out fine for you, and obstacles give way. Advancement to glory becomes a work–over when a man's way pleases the Lord.

Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit by always being in the spirit is another secret of gaining  speed. The Holy Spirit is a good time keeper; anyone who listens to Him will always be on  time. Going late to places, missing appointments, not knowing what to do most of the time etc may be forms of evidence that the Holy Spirit is not in control in one's life. When the Holy
Spirit power dwells in a man, an unusual strength comes upon him. The man of God, Philip, was  taken away after finishing his assignment with the Ethiopian Eunuch under the influence of  the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:39) and found himself in another city where his next assignment was.

Jesus' intervention is another way of gaining speed. Peter and other disciples tried all night without catching any fish. But immediately Jesus came on the scene, their toiling ended. All principles of fishing had refused to work for them, but by Christ's direction, provision came and joy and happiness returned. They caught plenty of fish and hunger was over (Jn. 21:1-6).
All adverse and unfavourable conditions changed. Divine speed is about getting things done as  at and when due or even earlier/faster than envisaged. God is the exclusive giver of divine speed; He made heavens and the earth in a record six days time. He will give you speed and rest from your labour.

* Tell God you connect today with His power of divine speed to complete all your projects and assignments in record time.
* Ask Jehovah to grant you deliverance from every type of delay in life.
* Pray for divine wisdom to attain, advance and win this year.

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