June 4
Text: Heb.12:22-26 More Lessons: Exo. 12:12-13
Another weapon of warfare is the blood of Jesus. Blood is very vital to man because the life of a man is in his blood. It is the same also in the spiritual. The blood of Jesus was God's final straw to break the devil's back and rescue mankind from the power of hell and eternal destruction.
A closer look at the use of blood by God reveals that it has always been a strong weapon in His hand from the beginning of man's travails in the devil's hand. At the fall of man in Gen. 3:21 we saw how for the first time the Lord God used blood as a tool and as a weapon, Unto Adam also and to his wife did the Lord God make coat of skins, and clothed them. The skin was used to cover man's nakedness but the blood that was shed prophetically pointed to the final work of grace, which was to come through the shedding of the blood of Jesus, the Lamb of God.
Also, in Gen. 4:3-10, the Bible records the first murder on earth, that of Abel by Cain. Verse 10 shows the strength of blood, And he said, What hast thou done? the voice of thy brother's blood crieth unto me from the ground. Abel was dead but his blood was still alive, active and working. It was functioning so well that it got the attention of the Almighty God who had to do something about it. That shows how strong the power of the blood of man is, it has mouth and it can speak until it gets attention.
The blood of Jesus is God's strongest weapon that defeated the devil to his permanent grave. It is available for all of God’s children who recognise the provision and appropriate it rightly. Plead this blood upon your day, home and destiny daily. Apply it to all yours as a guard against any satanic confrontation. Receive God’s mercy and cleansing by it and by it
gain access to the throne of the Father. The blood of Jesus will not fail in anything, hold tightly to it fo all-round success.
* Command that the blood of Jesus will speak better things into your destiny today.
* Plead that the blood of pass over will stand against every device of the devil over your life and family this year.
* Tell Satan, “The blood of Jesus is against you over my life, in Jesus’ name.
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