Friday, June 21, 2013

Almost There

June 21

Text: Mk. 12:28-34; More Lessons: Mk. 8:36-37

It is a very dangerous thing in life for a man to have so much knowledge and practise so little or nothing of the things he knows and teaches. Also, it is sad to be so close to  something and yet miss it. The scribe in our reading today by knowledge was so close to Heaven but he never made it. All people, especially spiritual leaders, need to be careful about this  syndrome. There is always the danger of being a law giver and not a law doer, the consequence of which is like a motor park tout that labours to load a vehicle for a journey but never goes in the vehicle.

According to the NIV translation of Mark 12:34, Jesus noticed that the man was wise. He was  close enough to the Kingdom to have knowledge of how to enter and could teach others but he could not enter himself. What a sad story!

The problem with the scribe was that of “too much” (the extra). He knew what somebody did not  know, he had an understanding that somebody else did not possess. He had more than other people possessed yet he was only close to the Kingdom, he was not inside. This explains why  some people do not enter into the Kingdom of God, though they are not far from it – so much  religion but nothing spiritual!

Be careful not to allow religion to stop you from entering the Kingdom. Do not be like the teacher of the law in our text who missed a divine arrangement for him to enter the Kingdom, so close but not there. Are you so close, through religion and religious activities, yet outside of the Kingdom?  Is your name in the Book of Life? Don't end today without confirming 
that! Jesus on your inside is the confirmation. The Apostle Paul says, The Spirit itself beareth witness with our spirit, that we are the children of God: Rom. 8:16. Confirm your eligibility for Heaven with the life you live, not the name people call you or your religious activities.

* Pray that you will not walk so close with Jesus and yet miss Heaven.
* Pray that your work and gift for Jesus will not blindfold your walk with Him.

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