Sunday, June 9, 2013

Remembering Lot's Generation I

June 5

Text: Lk. 17:28-36. More Lessons: Gen. 19: 1-38.

The fact that Jesus devoted much of His teaching time to the subject of rapture proves that  the issue is important. Therefore, we must constantly remind one another about the rapture in order to avoid regret when the trumpet sounds for the saints to go home.

A close study of the generation of Noah and Lot reveals the things that happened then. But Jesus said in Lk. 17:29 that the same day  that Lot went out of Sodom, it rained fire and brimstone from Heaven and destroyed them all. What made Lot escape while the other people perished? The same angelic visitation resulted  in Lot's escape and destruction of others. Something must have blindfolded them such that even when they saw Lot running away, they were not sensitive enough to follow. The Bible says in Gen.19:17 that the angels hastened Lot and told him to escape for his dear life. He packed his belongings overnight and left immediately. God wants this generation to escape the coming destruction.

Jesus said in v28, Likewise also as it was in the days of Lot. We need to know how it was then compared with our own generation so we can see how prepared we are for the rapture. The Bible says, they did eat, they drank. The people were preoccupied with eating and drinking. Even so  today, people do many things, good and evil, legal and illegal, just to eat. They do ungodly  things just to eat, all these to the detriment of their spirit. How wonderful it would be for man to refuse to eat food to the point of dying than eat and miss Heaven.
Learn lessons from Lot's generation and be ever rapture-ready.

* Pray that you will not repeat the mistake and carelessness of the people of the days of Lot.
* Pray that you and all yours will not be a part of the coming destruction upon the earth.
* Pray that no commerce, business, career or job will be strong enough to take your attention away from the Saviour and the readiness for the Kingdom.

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