Sunday, June 9, 2013

Remembering Lot's Generation III

June 7

Text: Matt 24:44–51   More Lessons: Isa. 51:6, Matt 24:8–15

We studied yesterday  that people of our generation have not only fallen into the mistakes of those ahead of us, they do worse than the generation of Lot. How then do we overcome and avoid the danger of missing rapture? We certainly could do some things.

The first thing is to be born again. Anyone who does not have God as Lord will worship  the gods of this world. But you can prevail over mammon, the god of money, if you have God who is greater than money. Let God Almighty rule your life; make Him Sovereign in your life. This is
one sure way out of danger that looms large. But some believers are still ruled by food, money and material things; these things engage their hearts. The problem of such people is  lust. Unfortunately, many people do not see lust beyond the issue of immorality. But one can lust after money and other things. Lust is an inordinate ambition, an unguided desire for
something which one feels one must get by all means.

The second thing is that people who have this problem should cry to God for deliverance. Worse still, some cover up the problem with religious activities. But you need to be set free from  lust and re-dedicate your life to Christ.

The third thing to be done is to constantly remember the mistakes about which Christ has warned us. Always remember what money, gluttony, business, recklessness have done to others before us. Remembering these things will help you to be cautious. And you remind yourself of
these things by reading the Bible constantly, mediating on the Word and sharing your understanding with other people. Make the Word your daily companion. Obey God's Word and escape the coming damnation. Learn from Lot's generation.

* Ask the Lord to grant you the power not to be overcome by the worldly activities around you.
* Ask God to grant you the grace to always make the things of God a priority over every other thing in life.

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