Thursday, June 20, 2013

Blessed Indeed

June 20

Text: Lk. 19:1-9   More Lessons: I Sam. 12:3-4

Recently, I noticed a common misconception of what exactly a blessing is and who can be said  to be blessed. This argument, I observe, is both within and outside the Church of Jesus Christ.

Before you proclaim your marriage a blessing, ask yourself how you entered into this marriage? Who did you push out to come in? What lie did you tell to get your partner? The number of children you have is not the first test but ask yourself whether you have paid the dowry. Is there a hidden unconfessed matter about your marriage?

Before you declare your bank account or business a blessing, let us ask you, Who did you cheat to get the money? It is not how many cars are in your compound that define your blessing but how they came. How much of what you have can you truly account for? It does not matter how 
philanthropic and generous you are. Anything that has a lie attached to it cannot bring a lasting joy and it is also not a true blessing.

We are not doubting the possibility of true riches or enduring happiness (blessing) but the  source determines its worth. Happiness that does not originate from God will not last and  therefore cannot be said to be a true blessing.

Apostle Paul, writing to the Philippians says, Finally, brethren, whatsoever things are true, whatsoever things are honest, whatsoever things are just, …whatsoever things are of good report; if there be any virtue, and if there be any praise, think on these things. Phil.4:8.  Every acquisition without a root in God will end like Zacchaeus’ who thought he was a blessed 
man until he met Jesus and discovered that he had been living on stolen things. Thank God he was granted mercy.

* From a sincere heart ask God for forgiveness and mercy over any questionable “blessings” in your possession.
* Ask for the help of God to shun questionable gifts and offers no matter the attraction and need.
* Ask God for riches that is devoid of the enemy’s addition.
* Command the release of godly blessings that add no sorrow.

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