Sunday, June 9, 2013

Remembering Lot's Generation II

June 6

Text: Luke 17:28–36 More Lessons: Heb 9:27;  1Thes. 4:16-18

Today, we shall continue on the lessons from Lot's generation that we started studying yesterday. The people bought and sold, which implies commerce, business, the desire to get money to meet one's needs. Business has a way of ensnaring men so much that they have no time  for other things. Some open shops to sell on Sundays so that there is not a day set aside for God. Eating and drinking, buying and selling, all have a way of blocking people's consciousness and desire for the things of the Spirit. People kill to get money, medical  doctors perform abortion just to get money saying, “All is business”.

Moreover, in Lot’s time, they planted, they builded; v 28, implying lust for material things. This is another major thing that occupies the hearts of men today. People worry because they  do not have certain things, like a car or house. They, therefore, run around to have one or add to what they have.

It is good to have money, do business and be able to buy good things that make living comfortable. In fact, the Church needs money to spread the Gospel. But these things should  not occupy you so much that you have no thought, or preparation for your eternal Home. The moment men have no time for God, it becomes a disaster, which is the undoing of our generation. The people of Lot's time forgot about God and that spelt their doom. They were still busy with their businesses the day Lot escaped.

If the people of Sodom did not have too many warnings, then we are a favoured generation. We have enough warnings. The time is too close to eternity for reckless living. Prepare for eternity now.

* Pray that you will never grow lukewarm but that your commitment to the things of God shall increase by the day.
* Destroy by fire every form of influence and corruption of the world system, including pressing needs upon your Christian faith.
* Renew your commitment to the things of God.

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