June 12
Text: Exo. 15:1-11; More Lessons: Joel 2:23; Phil.4:4.
For every purpose, there is a time and a season for every event. A man who refuses to celebrate the present joy because of bad past experience cheats himself. The Word of God says, …Is any merry? let him sing psalms: James 5:13. Forgetting the bad things of the past is a very good booster of endless joy. In fact, it is the secret of the life of advancement, abundance, progress and ceaseless strength in this world (Is.43;18-19). If God granted that what brought pain and heartache in the past should now bring you the desired result and excitement (God turning an instrument of pain to that of comfort), then there is every reason for celebration and jubilation before the Lord.
Such was the experience of the Israelites as they crossed the Red Sea. The great sea which had been a symbol of hindrance and death to the Israelites suddenly became a passage to the land of Canaan. They passed through it with all their children, slaves and material possessions. And Moses, being a grateful leader, sang an inspirational song to the Lord for great victory. Miriam the sister of Moses and Aaron led the women in celebration of their God-given victory.
One good afternoon, I was on my way to visit a friend and I saw some people in high spirit, laughing and dancing. It was obviously a festive occasion. When asked why they were dancing so much, they replied, “Because we are alive”. You need to rejoice and be grateful because you are alive. Many people longed to see this year, but it was not given to them. You are alive
today perhaps because it is a season of joyfor you. One good way you can express
your joy in the Lord is singing and dancing,
they are joy boasters.
Singing and dancing celebrate fellowship, demonstrate worship, and gives a sense of belonging and identity. So you have seen the need to do it, why not do it?
* Prophesy that this year you will not lack reasons for singing and rejoicing.
* Pray that every act of pain and sadness shall be turned to joy from this day on and you will sing and dance where you earlier cried.
* Declare that the God who gave the commandment to rejoice will cause things of joy to happen to you from today.
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