June 8
Text: Matt 24:44–51 More Lessons: Matt 24:36; Rev. 3:20
For the fourth day running, we are considering this same topic. Today, we need to conclude by still considering a few lessons one of which is to watch and pray. You must be careful and sensitive to events around you because the things happening these days point to the soon coming of the Lord. Do not take things as ordinary or for granted. Look for the spiritual implications of events. A watchful man keeps examining things and events and what the Bible says about them.
One area, for instance, that you must watch is computer technology. The great advancement made in this field reminds me that the coming of Christ is very close. The anti-Christ will use the computer as a major tool to rule the world in a universal government. This breakthrough should not be taken as just technological, there is the spiritual perspective to it all.
You also need to pray. Prayer keeps a man out of danger. A spiritually sensitive man is a prayerful man. At the close of His ministry on earth, Jesus knew His disciples would face a lot of upheavals. So He instructed them to watch and pray, but they did not understand and they were tired anyway, so they slept off. It is no wonder then that when the crowd came to arrest Jesus, the disciples scattered. The only one who wanted to resist the crowd cut off the
ear of one of the messengers, and he later denied Jesus. Christ's predictions to His disciples came to pass because they did not heed His warning to pray in order to stay out of danger.
You must be prayerful. In prayer God opens your eyes of understanding of events. Prayer then makes you sensitive and keeps you on guard. And because you are in constant communion with God, He opens up secrets to you so that you are not caught unawares when rapture eventually
* Pray that the Lord will keep you watching, praying and spiritually awake until the coming of the Lord.
* Pray that you will not be an end time casualty like Judas and Demas.
* Pray that no members of your immediate and extended family will be a candidate of hell. You will make Heaven together.
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