Sunday, June 16, 2013

Friends Forever

June 16

Text: Acts 2:41-47; More Lessons: James 5:9-16

Relationship is defined as the state of being connected or an instance of being related, horizontally or vertically. To be connected with God Almighty is a spiritual relationship often referred to as vertical. Both vertical and horizontal relationships are essential for man. A man needs to have a good relationship with God by being born again so that after life  on earth he might have a place of rest and joy through eternity. This is the greatest and most vital relationship in life! However, a spiritual relationship without a corresponding horizontal man-to-man relationship could make a mess of the spiritual relationship. Thus it is expedient to ensure that relationships in both dimensions are alright.

It is important to also note that the Gospel of Jesus Christ, which is the basis of our spiritual relationship with God is committed to men and not angels. If we must enter our spiritual relationship which is vital to life both here and in Heaven, we need one another. Again, it is not possible to work for God and walk with God without relating with men because man is God's only project on earth.

We can, therefore, boldly say that relationships are not only vital to man, but also to God.  God created man to have relationships. No matter how spiritual we may be, we need one another always and we must therefore work to be in good and godly relationship always. Note also that you need to be careful the types of relationship you build. It must be such that has all potentials to increase and contribute to your destiny. Relate with all men but build intimacy with only those going in your direction; helpers and developers of destiny and not fire  extinguishers and purposeless people. Choose your friends, do it carefully and prayerfully.  Then be faithful to the relationship, service it, invest into it, and patiently develop it and you will be glad you did.

* Ask the Lord to help you recongise the relationship that is necessary, vital and good for your destiny.
* Ask God to help you make the right choice with divine precision and accuracy.
* Pray that you will be faithful to relationships, bless and be blessed by them.

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