June 15
Text: Gen. 21:1-12; More Lessons: Gen. 21:14
After Sarah Abraham's wife had for long waited on God to give her a son, she told Abraham go into her maid, Hagar, and Hagar bore Ishmael while Sarah remained barren. Then God gave Sarah a son named Isaac, and when Isaac grew, Ishmael mocked that he was the first born of the house to rule over Isaac. Sarah then quickly moved to deal with the problem, which she had created. She then went to the higher authority, Abraham, who could deal effectively with the matter.
There are lessons to learn from Sarah's action. One is that we must respond to the mockery of the enemy. The second one is that, to deal with the mockery of the enemy, go to the authority that is higher than the enemy. Third, Sarah wanted maximum punishment for the enemy in order to settle the matter once and for all.
Sarah could have kicked Ishmael, but rather she demanded that Abraham send Ishmael and his mother away.
In His days on earth, Jesus did not kill demons, He cast them out. It is the will of God that you cast out of your life whatever constitutes a source of bondage.
Many believers live with problems which have become a reproach and they are patching on. Some have done something about the problem but the action taken was wrong. I see God take away your reproach this year. I see poverty kicked out and anything that opposes the praise of God in your life is broken to pieces, in Jesus' name.
* Tell the Lord that the enemy will not rejoice over you this year, that no reproach will remain unbroken.
* Prophesy against and declare ended by the force of Heaven everything that brings shame, mockery and sorrow to your life.
* Cast out every evidence of Satan’s presence out of your destiny.
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