June 26
Text: Acts 10:34-43 More Lessons: Acts 10:38; Matt. 28:18-20
In the same way God anointed and filled Jesus with power, He is anointing and sending us. It means that everything that the Father has, He (Jesus) gave to us. Jesus did not go back to Heaven with the power of God because there are no sinners or sick people there.
Kenneth Hagin shared a testimony in one of His books of how in a clear revelation, a demon stood between him and Jesus like a big shadow. Contrary to Kenneth Hagin's expectation that Jesus would rebuke and cast out the demon, Jesus didn’t. After waiting in vain, Hagin got angry and rebuked the demon, in Jesus' name; then, like lightning, the demon disappeared.
Jesus later explained that He did not send the demon away because when He was leaving the earth, He handed all the power to believers. He left the power of atoning behind; He is not casting out demons anymore.
His intercession in Heaven is for us to be able to recognise what we are, who we are and be able to use the power that has been left behind for us. There are sick people and sinners on the street, in the hotels, offices, restaurants, buses and our homes, waiting to hear from us that there is a Saviour who can heal sickness and forgive sin.
Go tell someone today about the Saviour who died for them and as you go, heal the sick, raise the dead, set the captives free because the Spirit of the Lord God is upon you and He has anointed you to go and do just that.
* Pray that you might operate in the fullness of the power of the Holy Ghost from today.
* Ask that you will begin to do exploits for the Kingdom of God than ever before.
* Pray that you will not be a waster of the deposit of the power of God upon your life.
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