June 1
Text: Exo. 15:23-27 More Lessons: Ruth 1:20; Matt. 1:1, 5-6, 16
As soon as the Israelites left Egypt they had a problem as Egypt was pursuing them and the Red Sea was in front of them.The Egyptians must have been happy that the Israelites had no way of escape and they were joyous in anticipation of victory. But the Israelites cried onto the Lord and He divided the Sea so that His people passed on dry land. God, by His great power, parted the water, raised the sea bed and made the path dry, and His people walked to the other side. However, the Sea through which God's people passed became the enemy’s grave. So shall God do to your enemies.
The Israelites continued on their journey after the unique victory. They trekked for three days without water to drink. Therefore, the people began to grumble and lament, forgetting the great miracle they just had. Again, Moses cried to the Lord and He provided water for them. But much to their sorrow, the water was bitter.
That might be your experience. You have been looking for a job and what you got is not satisfactory, something below your qualification, that is, ‘marah’. Don't murmur and complain. What God did at Marah, He can do it again.
From Marah they moved to Elim where they found twelve wells, seventy palm trees and they camped there. That's the doing of the Lord. After the trouble and the tension at Marah, He moved the people to where they found rest. May you enter into God's rest. God who moved Naomi and Ruth from being Mara to becoming the descendants of Jesus will do same for your ‘marah’.
* Declare that this year, you will not move from battle to battle, there shall be rest.
* Pray that you will not live a life of complaining but will always work for solution.
* Command every ‘marah’ in your life to turn to sweetness today.
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