Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Enemies of God

June 19

Text: Matt. 27:23-31; More Lessons: Job 8:9-13

I have never been surprised to hear people talk of enemies. After all, it was human beings  that crucified Jesus of Nazareth, even when they could not point at one thing that He did  wrong. All allegations against Him were proved wrong, yet they insisted He must be killed. 
Thank God Jesus resurrected on the third day, triumphant over all enemies. Jesus’ predicament was a clear case of enmity; on this basis, one then wonders why God too has enemies. He created man in His own image and loves him but man reciprocates with enmity. An enemy of God is anyone who breaks the law of God for whatever reason. You are an enemy of God when you 
break His commandments as I John 3:8-9 says, He that committeth sin is of the devil..., Whosoever is born of God doth not commit sin…. If the Bible says someone is of the devil it  is the same as saying you are God's number one enemy.

Sin, whether one or many, makes a man an enemy of God. Committing sin is beyond breaking the  law of God and it extends to doing anything against God's interest to a person, a people or the work of God. It includes knowing what to do and refusing to do it (Jm.4:17). All enemies of God will pay a great price in life and in death, The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God. Psa. 9:17. 

As God’s children we have a responsibility to tell all people the consequences of being God’s enemy-hell. We must express our concern about the eternal punishment of hating God and tell 
sinners with compassion that God will forgive them if only they change their ways, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the LORD, and he will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for he will abundantly pardon Ish 55:7. Your spiritual status with God is a choice, choose  Jesus  for a happy eternity!

* Pray  that you will never be deceived  into being an enemy of God.
* Pray  that  the  righteousness of God  in Christ  Jesus will envelop you all  through  life.
* Pray for every known family member, colleague at work and friends who have not yet accepted Christ  that  the  light of God will  shine on  them  today.
  Plan and pray for the evangelisation of these people beginning from now.

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