Monday, June 10, 2013

Divine Speed II

June 10

Text: 1 Kings 18:41-46   More Lessons: Ecc. 9:11–12; Acts 8:29-39

To continue from where we stopped yesterday, right relationship with people can add all that you lack to your life. Journeys can be shortened by right relationship. Martha, the sister of Mary and Lazarus said to Jesus when Lazarus died, …if thou hadst been here, my brother had
not died: Jn.11:21. She knew the power of good relationship and Jesus proved His love for them by raising Lazarus from the dead. They did not need to wait until resurrection morning before  seeing their brother; they had him raised back to life immediately. The power of resurrection
can work for you also and change every deadness in your life. Call upon Jesus because He is the resurrection and life and things will change for you.

Worshipping and praying aright are other ways of gaining speed. Worship is God's diet. When you praise and worship God while you pray, you can be sure you will get the unusual response. Worship and prayer move the hand of God more than anything else. When we order our conversation aright God is bound to act promptly.

The Gentile woman knew this and gave Jesus what He would not disregard; she gave Him worship and acted in faith even in hopelessness (Matt. 15:25). Jesus had no option but to heal her  daughter. What murmuring, fighting, accusation and rebellion cannot give you will be made
available through worship. God seeks those who will worship Him in spirit and truth. God is not looking for good church goers, the rich or influential or great orators, but for true worshippers. Are you a true  worshipper? Who do you worship? God is the only one to be worshipped. The only acceptable channel of His worship is Jesus  Christ. Worship God for a  divine speed response. By divine speed Elijah who was on foot out-ran King Ahab who was on chariot (v46). Never in history had that been heard of before or since then but God did it for Elijah. You will have divine speed this year.

* Today, ask God for speed like Elijah to out-run every antagonist and challenger of your destiny.
* Receive divine help to achieve more than your human labour can give.
* Declare that you will break forth on every side this year and not be limited or hindered in any way.

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